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Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Helix Juice
A bottle of Helix Juice.
Item Type Drink
Kind of Item Drink
First Appearance ARMS Twitter
Latest Appearance ARMS Twitter

Helix Juice is a drink found within the ARMS series, particularly it's expanded universe. It resembles the ARMS fighter Helix's head and can be drunken through straws, which resemble the strands on top of his head.


Helix Juice is a green drink that appears to be some kind of carbonated soda judging by the carbonated bubbles inside the container. It looks like a more rounded two-liter bottle that soda typically comes in, with a label wrapped around it resembling Helix's face. Two straws can be placed inside to resemble the strands on top of Helix's head.

Additionally, Helix Juice appears to be sold in a smaller one liter bottle, which appears identical otherwise.


Helix Juice seems to be entirely for recreational drinking purposes, although one can never be too sure.

Other Flavors[]

Helix Juice also comes in a orange, pink, and blue flavor. These are based off Helix's alternate colors. Additionally, there is a separate off-shoot brand called Cell Cola that resembles The Cell. It's... not nearly as fun.


The Stories of New Tendo City[]

Helix Juice appears as a common drink in the Stories of New Tendo City. It is often sold at many different places such as Rosato Bros. Italian Cafe, and Tropical Grocery. Spring Man is often seen drinking it, as well as Ninjara. Other characters have been known to drink it as well.


ARMS series
Fighters Spring Man | Ribbon Girl | Ninjara | Master Mummy | Min Min | Mechanica | Twintelle | Byte and Barq | Kid Cobra | Helix | Max Brass | Lola Pop | Misango | Springtron | Dr. Coyle
Other Biff | Hedlok | The Cell
Items Helix Juice
Fanon Content
Games ARMS Downloadable Content | ARMS 2 | ARMS II | ARMS Extended Edition
Fighters Astro Kid | Shade
Other Bart | Ram Ram | Dr. Lambda