Gimmick V is a robot possibly invented by Eggman Nega. He was developed by Crumhorn Characters.
Gimmick V was invented by an unknown inventor called E.N., whom King Dedede presumably employed at some point. At first intended as a weapon, it quickly became obvious that Gimmick V was too dangerous to be allowed to roam free. So, he was imprisonned in the Grandmaze. Since then, he has adapted to his surroundings over a period of 50 years. When prisonners are periodically dropped into the Grandmaze, Gimmick V will hunt them down. While imprisonned, Gimmick V discovered the existence of the controller KAOS-com, and developped an intense hatred for him.
Gimmick V has only one weapon; a yo-yo. You may think that a yo-yo is not dangerous. How many ways can you think of to kill with a yo-yo? About 2. Gimmick V knows 20 different methods of death by yo-yo.
When Gimmick V is played in the final section of the game, you see things from his perspective. His one eye perceives the Grandmaze as a mere maze, not being confused by the environment affected. However, you can switch perspectives just for fun.
New Appearances[]
So far, Gimmick V has not appeared in any other games.