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Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
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Fissure BoxArt 2022
Developer(s) Coral Games
Publisher(s) Fantendo
Platform(s) Switch
Genre(s) RPG, Platformer, Adventure
Release Date(s) April 30th, 2022
Age Rating(s) TeenRatingAnimated Blood, Fantasy Violence

Fissure (2022) is a platforming role-playing video game developed and published by Fantendo. The game follows a young Beorn, Unten, as he travels through the alien world of Zeon, his home planet. Unten, as the chosen Augury must save his planet from Doomulus Grime, a dictator siphoning the life of Zeon soil.

It was announced as the start of a new canon storyline for Unten's story.

The game is set to release on Switch on April 14th, 2024.


Fiss Gameplay

Fissure's gameplay is described as having attributes of a side-scroller with role-playing elements such as equipment to increase stats over time. Therefore traversing the lands of Zeon will include a variety of platforming elements and puzzles.

Despite being a 2D side-scroller, the lands may have two planes (the second one is in the background), Unten can travel between those planes by following paths that connect them or using quick tunnels.

  • A Button - JUMP
  • B Button - DASH
  • X Button - USE ITEM A
  • Y Button - INTERACT
  • ZR Button or ZL Button - SWITCH COMPANION
  • R Button - (Pressing) CONTROL FANTI
  • L Button - USE ITEM B
  • Down Button (while dashing) - BODY ROLL


The game features traditional turn-based combat. Combat in Fissure has simple mechanics, but it gets busy in a hurry. Mastering every aspect of combat is the key to survival and efficiency. Once you defeat an enemy, they will permanently disappear from the game with only a few exceptions.


Fiss Confrontation

When physical contact occurs between a character and an enemy, the screen dissolves into battle mode. Because battles are not random, tactical advantages can be gained. If the player approaches an enemy from behind, the battle becomes an "Initiative", giving the player the first-strike priority no matter the opponent's speed. If the enemy approaches the player from behind, it becomes an "Ambush", giving the enemy this advantage.

With the right equipment, if the player gets an "Initiative" on weak enemies (who have less Heart than Unten's attack), they will be defeated without entering a battle.

The player can control up to two characters during battle and up to three enemies can appear during battle.

Battle Mode

Fiss Confrontation

When the battle begins, characters appear in an arena-like "Battle Mode." The stage changes based on the location—rocky terrain, underwater, etc.—each with unique hazards. In a cave, falling stalagmites can strike everyone, while in a house, furniture offers cover but must be destroyed.

Certain enemies gain advantages on specific stages, like aquatic foes moving faster in water or robots powering up in electric zones. Players must lure enemies away from these favorable grounds. Conversely, battling under a rainbow grants fighters a full Hyper Meter at the start.

A special stage, the Arena, features a cheering crowd that can help or hinder by throwing items. A warning flashes for harmful objects, which players can dodge. Rare items may also be thrown by the mysterious Mrs. December, who occasionally appears in the audience.


Fiss hearts

In combat, characters and enemies have Hearts representing their Health. Attacks reduce the Hearts, and when they’re all gone, the enemy is defeated. As characters take damage, their Hearts darken gradually, giving players a chance to heal or finish the fight before they’re knocked out.

If all characters are knocked out, the game moves to an endgame screen with an option to continue. If all enemies are defeated, the characters return to the side-scrolling level, and the enemies are permanently removed from the map.

Action & Timeline

Fiss Timeline

On the top of the battle mode screen, there is a Timeline. Icons illustrating your party members and enemies are on this Timeline. The icons move from the beginning to the end, left to right. Once an icon gets to the end of the Timeline, that entity can act. For the player, a menu pops up and the battle pauses until the player chooses their action.

The speeds of the icons' movements can be affected by several factors, like items or abilities.


Fiss MiniGame

Each action has its own Charge, a "mini-game" that the player must succeed in to act correctly. For example, when you charge an attack you can stop anytime but you need to charge it enough for the attack to hit. Each action can be missed if it's not done correctly but can also have a Perfect, which is the best outcome for any action but a little more complicated to reach.

The mini-game doesn't pause other entities' Timelines.

For the enemies, a progress bar will appear above them to show the player how long it takes them to execute their action.

Once the action is executed, the icon comes back to the start of the Timeline.

The player has the option to enable the Automatic Charge during the combat, meaning that the character will automatically succeed the Charge (but never with a Perfect). Despite being automatic, there is still a charging time where the enemy can interrupt the character.


Fiss Interruption
The most important strategy in combat is Interruption. If a party member or an enemy is hit while they are performing a mini-game or charging, the entity will be Interrupted. An Interruption is a one-shot effect that cancels their action and pulls their icon back at the beginning of their Timeline. When used properly and with good timing, you can essentially stun-lock an enemy, constantly interrupting him so he won't be able to attack you! But it works in both ways...


Fiss Defense

You can still manage to avoid being interrupted by choosing the Defense action.

Using the Defense action needs no mini-game. It will bring the icon back to the beginning of the Timeline but the Defense will last the whole turn avoiding any Interruption for your next Action.

Hyper Meter

Fiss HyperMeter

During a battle, every time Unten or one of his allies hit the opponents they fill their Hyper Meter. Fulfilling the Hyper Meter gives the fighters bonuses in terms of damage, icon speed on the timelines, and their unique abilities. Every hit they receive will decrease the meter.

At the beginning of the game, Unten can fulfill his meter once but as he progresses he can fulfill it two to three times, giving him even stronger bonuses.

Zerita, Boare, and Mynis also have a Hyper Meter but they first need to unlock it by consuming a specific Dessert. The partners' Hyper Meter is only two gauges instead of three like Unten.

Hyper Forms

Fiss HyperForm

By fulfilling three times the meter, Unten automatically turns into his Hyper Form, changing his appearance. In Hyper Form, Unten can unleash a special attack, the HyperDrive. For the partners, they need to only fulfill two times to transform.

It's important to note, that the Hyper Meter decreases for every hit taken by the characters, canceling their bonuses or Hyper Form.

Few enemies, notably Netnu and Doomulus Grime, have a Hyper Meter and, in some cases, a Hyper Form.


Items will be a big part of your strategy. Between the weapons to equip with, the Fruits to bake, and the consumables to recover your health or give you a temporary boost, a wide choice is given to the players.

Materials & Equipment

Fiss Equipment

Weapons can be equipped to increase character strength. There is an expansive arsenal to upgrade skills and attacks for Unten and his companions. There are five weapons that you usually unlock through your adventure. You can evolve each type of weapon to make them more powerful, to do so, collect Materials and bring them to Reten so he can forge you an upgraded weapon.

Metals are obtained by defeating enemies or opening craft but the rarest metals, like Rohdium, can only be obtained when a stage is completed at 100% (all enemies are eliminated).

Fruits & Baking

Fiss Fruits

During the game, the player will find multiple Fruits on their way. Unten can bake them into yummy desserts, which enables the creation of items that upgrade your Health, and Speed, or can even give you new abilities.

Fruits are in limited numbers in the game; some are rarer than others. The player has to choose his recipes carefully depending on whether they want to focus on health, speed, or abilities.

Desserts are baked by mixing two Fruits at a cooking spot, like a fire camp or a kitchen. The player can also ask Eliza to cook him special recipes that need up to three Fruits (instead of two).


Fiss Merchant
List of Merchants: here
There is no currency in Fissure but there are Merchants. Since nothing is free, most of the merchants are asking for specific items or favor in exchange for their services.



Fiss Fanti

The character Fanti is used as an in-game mechanic outside of and during battle. The player can freely move Fanti to open chests that Unten cannot reach, the player can also teach Fanti new powers, like Shining in a dark place or slowing down enemies.

Fanti learns new abilities through the game every time you come across Queen Pixella:

Luminescence In dark places, Fanti automatically glows so you can find your way.
Flash By pushing A Button while controlling Fanti, Fanti will create a flash around her, stunning sensible enemies.
Static Electricity By jumping twice (A ButtonA Button) while controlling Unten, Fanti stretches herself like a parachute this allows Unten to slow his descent and hover in mid-air.
Velocity By pushing B Button while controlling Fanti, Fanti dashes indicated direction. While dashing she becomes a thunder able to go through sinuous space. Fanti turns back to normal if she hits an obstacle or if the player pushes B Button again.
Fuse By pushing Y Button Fanti can enter inside a machine or a robot and take control of it.
Lidar By pushing X Button Fanti summons little firefly which slowly floats towards the closest hidden item/secret
Rainbow An upgrade of the Velocity ability. By pushing B Button Fanti dashes into an indicated direction. While dashing she becomes a rainbow able to go through sinuous space. By dashing through an enemy or Unten, Fanti turns them into Rainbow and makes them dash with her, making them also able to go through sinuous spaces.

Party Members

Fiss partyMembers

During the game, Unten will associate himself with one party member for each Story Chapter. The party members will follow him, and the player can even talk to them to receive advice on their quest.

The party member appears alongside Unten during a Confrontation. Party Members have their own Hearts and their own Icon on the Timeline. They can get hit by enemies and attack them. Party Members can be upgraded with specific Desserts, which offer them their own Hyper Meter and Hyper Form.


Sell the full list of characters here


EOT Unten

He's the helpless hero! Unten doesn't talk much, nor does he seem to have much experience fighting - but he's a fast learner, and he's very tough due to his Beorn heritage.

EOT Fanti

Fanti is part of the rarest species in Zeon, the Narobis. The Narobis are known to follow anyone with a key destiny. Since Fanti follows Unten, our hero can use her to reach what seems unreachable.

EOT Zerita

Zerita is a native of Dongorio tribe where she is their stronger fighter. She's dangerous and aggressive but takes care of Unten since she believes he is the chosen Augury.

EOT Boare

The intimidating and strong-headed Boare proudly and firmly believes he is the chosen Augury, which makes him a rival to Unten who also bears this title.

Mynis 2024

Mynis is a huge celebrity in Elasmo (and also a part-time gardener). He tries really hard to be the hero he is meant to be but keeps failing.

Your Allies

FISS Mondo

Mondo is a native of Dongrio tribe. As the Dongorio Chief's first son, he is Unten's adoptive brother. Despite his cocky side, Mondo recognizes Unten's potential and likes him as part of the family.

Queen Pixella 2022

Queen Pixella
Queen Pixella is the legendary queen of the Narobi species. Ancient and elusive, she is the one who chooses the Augury when she feels her planet is in danger. Queen Pixella will appear from time to time to give new powers to Fanti.

FISS Mioda

Later in Unten's adventure, Mondo returns under a new identity, Mioda. Unten learns that she was always there trying to help him in the shadows.

Your Enemies

EOT Grime

Doomulus Grime
Doomulus Grime is intent on draining the planet of all its resources. Nobody knows why, but Grime - whatever he is - seems unstoppable.

EOT netnu

The mute Netnu is part of a feared anti-Augury group that states the Augury is a dangerous fake hope. After his introduction, Netnu will stalk Unten throughout the game, attacking him. His appearance can be scripted or random.


The narrative of the game is divided into Chapters. Each chapter has its own story, participating in the game arch-story. The player starts every chapter with Unten and will find companions during their progress before the beginning of the next chapter the companions will remove themselves.


Peaceful Plains

A new Doomulus Grime factory is built near Unten's tribe.
Unten, Zerita, and Mondo decide to put a stop to the construction but things won't turn good for the three friends.
  • Companion: Zerita
  • Enemies: Gnarled, Flyan, GrimBot, Icebear
  • Gameplay focus: Tutorial, Platforming
  • Fanti's new ability: Flash, Static Electricity
  • Boss: Doomulus Grime



Unten decides to become the hero, the Augury, he was meant to be, fiercely he decides to save the Underground, a Beorn shelter, from a dangerous gas emitted by a factory.
In his mission, he meets Boare who has the same goal and he is also the Augury?
  • Companion: Boare
  • Enemies: Thugs, GrimeBot, GrimeBot II, Netnu
  • Gameplay focus: Stealth
  • Fanti's new ability: Velocity
  • Boss: Ramiranda



Elasmo Bay

Unten is now wanted all over Zeon and had to hide in the underwater city down Elasmo Bay, where the Sjarc lives safe from Grime. Tracked down by the bounty hunter Netnu, he found help in the clumsy Mynis, oh wait... Mynis is also an Augury?!

  • Companion: Mynis
  • Enemies: Blorb, GrimeBot II, UN10, Netnu
  • Gameplay focus: Consequence and manipulation
  • Fanti's new ability: Fuse
  • Boss: The Ice-Krakens



GigaDrill Desert

The final confrontation versus the maleficent Doomulus Grime. Unten has to stop him from stealing the very essence of Zeon. Hopefully, old friends, Zerita and Mioda, come to help him.

  • Companion: Zerita
  • Enemies: GrimBot III, Unt3n
  • Gameplay focus: Survival
  • Fanti's new ability: n/a
  • Boss: Doomulus Grime


Darkness Fissure

As Zeon is on the verge, Unten must assume his destiny and stop his more powerful and tragic enemy.

  • Companion: Player's choice
  • Gameplay focus: Enigmas
  • Fanti's new ability: n/a
  • Boss: The Darkness

Secret Chapters

In the game, each of Unten's companions—Zerita, Mynis, and Boare—has a secret short chapter that players can unlock. These chapters allow the player to control only the chosen companion. Completing the chapter rewards the player with a rare fruit that unlocks the companion's Hyper Form. These side quests are optional.

Zerita: Slash and Crush[]

After rescuing numerous innocents from Doomulus Grime’s factories, Zerita continues her search for her former martial arts trainer, Master Mortua. She learns that Mortua is trapped deep in The Underground. To navigate this treacherous area, Zerita enlists the help of Abbaye, a Catoneoan native familiar with The Underground.

Boare: Freedom[]

Boare, determined to find a safer planet for the refugees, leads a daring mission to steal ships from Doomulus Grime’s hangars. Together, after a collective effort, they seize the largest vessel, but as they take off, Doomulus Thai, the ship's former owner, strikes.

Mynis: The Rarest Fruit[]

Mynis, nostalgic for his celebrity status but no longer interested in modeling, decides to pursue a new path: becoming famous for his true passion—gardening. He embarks on a quest to find the rarest fruit on planet Zeon, the Black Melon. However, the coveted fruit’s location is now under the control of Doomulus Grime’s ally and Zeon traitor, Forrester.

Alternative Plays

Ronnie's Garden

Blumps are a limited resource in the wild, but it is still possible to grow them. Using Ronnie and Mynis' little garden, the player can plant a Blump (instead of consuming it), after completing more than 30 minutes of the game, the garden will give two Blumps for one Blump planted! It is also the best way to obtain Glistening Blumps, you have a 25% chance that one of the two Blumps is a Glistening one.

Ronnie's Garden is also the only way to obtain the Black Melon, if the player becomes friends with Ronnie she will invite you (as Mynis) to go on an adventure to get the secret Black Melon seed, and from there, you will have to closely take care of the fruit's growth.

You can't plant anything other than the Blumps or the Black Melon seed.

Underground Arena

After the story makes Unten go through the Underground Arena in Chapter 2, Unten becomes a member of the Arena. As a member, there are four Pits the player can choose from:

  • Champion Pit: The same as the story where Unten has to fight champions like R8-DSH. Champions will always have the same state as Unten making them as strong as him.
  • Horde Pit: A 50-match trial, where Unten has to fight 49 groups of regular enemies in a row up to the boss in the 50th match, Master Mortua.
  • Onyx Pit: It's a Boss Rush. Only available in post-game and if you defeat all the regular bosses. You can fight once again and in a row every Boss.
  • Black Diamond Pit: Same as the Onyx Pit but with all the bosses (secret ones included) in their mirrored version. Only available in the Mirror Zeon version of the Arena (it will replace the Onyx Pit there) and if you defeat all the bosses (regular, mirrored, and secret ones). This is considered the ultimate challenge of the whole game.

Blue Soup

Blue Soup will appear at the beginning of some tricky platform phase that Unten has already cleared alone. Blue Soup will defy you to redo the same platform phase but faster than him. Blue Soup also has its own "Fanti" called Princess Cool Soup IX.

Mirror Zeon

Once Unten defeats The Darkness and after the end credit, the game will ask you if you want to access the Post Game. By doing that, you will start the game on the last Save before reaching the GigaDrill and unlock Post Game modes.

In the Post Game, when you come back to your last save after having seen the end credit at least one time, Unten can go into Mrs. December's house. In there, he can go through her Magic Mirror to access Mirror Zeon. Mirror Zeon contains a mirrored version of every level, with faster obstacles, making the progression more difficult. The enemies (including the boss, and the ones found in the Underground Arena) have a new color palette and are generally faster and stronger also they won't disappear once you defeat them like in the main game.

There are three Blue Soup's courses in Mirror Zeon but here Blue Soup transformed himself into BLU3 SOU9, a powerful form that will instantly kill Unten if they touch.

This version of the game has no story, the player won't go through the cutscenes or any event from the story's main game again. The player also has a free choice on which party member between Zerita, Boare, or Mynis, will accompany Unten at the entrance of each level.
