Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Developer(s) SMS Games
Publisher(s) SMS Games
Platform(s) Nintendo Switch

PlayStation 4

Xbox One


Genre(s) Fighting, Action, Umbrella
Release Date(s) NA
Age Rating(s) T (USA)

16 (Europe) C (Japan)

Quantum is an umbrella fighting game developed and published by SMS Games, as well as many other companies helping to develop it. The game received a reboot in March, 2019. This reboot largely affected characters, stages, assets, and certain gameplay elements.


Quantum is a fighting game based on games such as Super Smash Bros. and PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, and it's gameplay reflects that. Much like those games, players have a Quantum Attack that is charged up by damaging and killing opponents.

Game Modes[]

Standard Battle[]

In the Standard Battle, up to four players battle it out to see who can knock their opponents off first. Each play has a standard of three stocks (this can be changed in the settings) and the last player standing wins.

Competitive Battle[]

Although the rules are the exact same as Standard Battle, stage hazards and items will be automatically turned off. This mode was created as an easy way for competitive Smash players to have a competitive battle.

Health Battle[]

This form of battle is based on classic fighting games, in which each player has a health bar. Players are defeated by running out of health. Other changes include players only having one stock, and invisible walls being placed around the stage to prevent players from getting knocked off.

Horde Battle[]

This mode is a battle consisting of 1-2 human players, all fighting against a wave of endless CPUs. As CPUs are defeating, the score is increased, as well as the difficulty of opponents. There are four difficulty levels as well; Easy, Medium, Hard, and Insane.

Enemy Battle[]

Similar to Horde Battle, although this one has you fighting waves of endless enemies. These enemies can range from small enemies like Bokoblins and Goombas to large enemies like Moblins and Snorlaxes. Different size enemies will award different amounts of points. Like Horde Battle, there are four difficulties consisting of Easy, Medium, Hard, and Insane.

Adventure Mode[]

Similar to "Classic Mode" from Super Smash Bros, this mode consists of 8 fights designed specifically for each character. These characters often go along with a theme or represent another character. At the end of the 8 fights, the player will fight a boss.

Boss Rush[]

Boss Rush is a single player mode, in which the player must defeat all bosses in the game with a single stock. To make it easier, in between each battle the player is in the hub. In the hub there are three healing items that will heal the player. These heal more depending on the difficulty selected.


The shop is a place where you can buy collectables, such as costumes, database descriptions, and songs using gold. Gold is earned by battle and playing the special modes.

The shop is run by a shopkeeper, which is randomly chosen every day. The shopkeepers can be "haggled" with, giving a chance of prices lowering. This can only be done once per item. Different shopkeepers have different stats, such as how easily they can be haggled with, how much they lower prices from a successful haggle, and how much the base prices are.

Card Collection[]

Your Card Collection shows you a gallery of all of the Cards you have collected so far. Cards can be unlocked in a variety of ways, including playing single players modes, completing special tasks, and buying them in the shop. Viewing a card allows you to see the card's origin, year of origin, and a short description. To view a list of cards in Quantum, click here: List of Cards

Playable Characters[]

Quantum consists of multiple characters from a multitude of different series. Characters have several types of moves:

  • Standard Attacks: Normal attacks like punches and kicks.
  • Special Attacks: More powerful and diverse attacks, and often have different and unique effects.
  • Power Attacks: Strong attacks that work much like Smash attacks from the Super Smash Bros. series.
  • Quantum Attacks: The most powerful attack a character can use, these must be charged up before they can be used.

Alternate Costumes[]

Every character has several alternate costumes (also called palettes). 4 to go with the four team colors, and certain characters have extra costumes that can be unlocked.

Starting Characters[]

These characters are available to play as when you start the game.

Image Universe Description
Mario is the Italian hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, often battling against Bowser, king of the koopas. He's traversed deserts, tundras, jungles, and even space! He's no ordinary plumber, that's for sure. In battle, Mario uses various techniques and power-ups from his games.
Luigi is Mario's younger brother, and although he tends to be a coward, has braved through just as much as his big bro. His most famous adventure is from Luigi's Mansion, in which he took on tons of ghosts, including King Boo. Although some of his moves are similar to Mario's, he has more than enough of his own to make him unique.
Bowser is the king of the koopas, and has a bad kidnapping habbit. He isn't a complete jerk though, as he often helps Mario out in adventures, partakes in friendly competitions, and even has eight kids that he takes care of! He uses fire breath, his shell, and brute strength to take down his enemies.
Rosalina is the caretaker of the lumas and protector of the cosmos. She first appeared in Super Mario Galaxy, where she needs Mario's help getting the Grand Stars and Power Stars back from Bowser. She's become a recurring character since then. Rosalina comes equiped with a Luma partner, and many element from the Galaxy games.
Captain Toad is the leader of the Toad Brigade, a group that seems to specialize in treasure hunting, although they have dabbled in working for Crazy Cap. Captain Toad appears as a fighter, using his pick axe and even editing the terrain around him and summoning platforms. Although he can't jump in his home game, he does have the ability in this game (except it's next to nothing).
Sonic is the hero of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Known as the Blue Blur, the Fastest Thing Alive, and "that pesky hedgehog", Sonic's most defining trait is his speed. Sonic uses this to advantage in battle, as well as his signature ability the spind dash. Sonic turns super for his Quantum Attack, flying back and forth on the stage.

Tails the Fox is a two-tailed fox and Sonic's best friend. His abnormality caused him to be bullied when he was young, but after seeing Sonic "run like the wind", Tails has aspired to be as cool as him. Tails is very smart for his age, and has made many inventions, including an airplane. Tails uses his inventions for his attacks, and flies with his tails as a recovery. He turns into Super Tails and sends an army of Flickies at his opponents for hs Quantum Attack.

Knuckles is the guardian of the Master Emerald, the giant emerald responsible for keeping angel island afloat. Not only this, but he's both the last remaining descendant of the Knuckles Clan and the sole echidna left on earth. He is very strong, and even possesses the ability to glide. He uses these abilities in battle. For his Quantum Attack, Knuckles uses the Master Emerald to become Hyper Knuckles and release a barrage of punches onto his foes.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik, better known as Dr. Eggman, is an evil scientist who's main goal is to take over the world of Mobius (of course). He's best known for his robotic inventions, creating multitudes of metalic killing machines. He's gone as far as to "roboticize" residents of Mobius, converting them into murderous henchmen. In Quantum, Dr. Eggman's fighting style revolves around creating badniks.
Amy Rose is a hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, and is a big admirer of Sonic. Despite her appearance, she is more of tomboy and can be slightly aggressive at times. In Quantum, she uses her Piko Piko Hammer for a majority of her attacks, and can even curse opponents with tarot cards.
Tracer is one of Overwatch's most powerful and best members. After being handpicked to test out the Slipstream, a teleporting aircraft, Tracer disappeared. After months, she finally reappeared, but now unable to maintain a physical form and dissapearing for hours or even days at a time. After Winston created a "Chrono Accelerator" for her, not only is she able to keep a physical form but also change her own time, rewinding and fast forwarding. She uses these abilities to quickly get around the stage, allowing her to be quick character that's easily killed.
Mei is a Chinese scientist who's main goal is helping the environment. She has created lots of climate-manipulation technology that helped protect at-risk areas in Asia. Mei was assigned to an ecopoint in Antarctica, but an anomaly struck overhead. Her entire team had to be cryogenically frozen in order to survive, but she was the only one who made it. She uses her endothermic blaster to freeze and shoot icicles, and can create a wall of ice as a recovery.
Reaper is a lead member of the evil group known as Talon. Once a member of Overwatch, he became jealous of the leader, Jack Morrison, and created Blackwatch, in which he lead several covert ops missions. He uses his genetic mutations to get around the stage, and then uses his dual shotguns to deal damage. He also uses smoke grenades, and will unleash the Death Blossom for his Quantum Attack.
Widowmaker is a member of Talon, and one of the best snipers in the world. After being brainwashed and genetically enhanced to have a slower heart beat, she quickly became a world class sniper. She uses her sniper rifle, Widow's Kiss, in battle. It can be used as both a submachine gun and a sniper. She also uses her grappling hook and venom mine.
Sans is a lazybones skeleton that resides in Snowdin Town. Sans is goofy, comedic, and a lover of incidental music. He also has a younger brother, Papyrus, who he cares for deeply. Don't let Sans' cheerful and lazy appearance fool you, he is more than capable of combat. Seriously, don't mess with him. Luckily, he's just fighting for fun in Quantum and won't do anything too drastic.

Sans art by Smudgeandfrank

Undyne is captain of the Royal Guard, the defenders of the underground. She's more of a "kill the human first, ask questions never" kind of girl, and using this passion in battle she's incredibly dangerous. She also has a softer, geeky side with a love of anime and her friends. She gives Papyrus cooking lessons, and loves hanging out with Alphys. She uses her spears in battle, and is a fast, strong fighter.

Undyne art by unkown


Kris, Ralsei, and Susie are the protagonists of the game Deltarune. These three are the Heroes of Light, and are prophesied to bring balance to the world. Kris is the antisocial, quiet leader, Ralsei is the loving, pacifistic healer, and Susie is the headstrong, rude damage dealer. These characters play uniquely, as they work as a tag team. If Ralsei or Susie gets K.O.'d, moves involving them will be unusable. If Kris gets K.O.'d, it will count as a stock.

Heroes of Light art by TangsprellArt

Pikachu is the mascot of Pokémon, and for good reasons too. There are many famous Pikachus, from Ash's Pikachu, Pikachu Libre, Detective Pikachu, to many more. He may be cute, but he can pack an electrifying punch. By storing and releasing the electrity in it's cheeks, it can use a multitude of electrical attacks. Some of these include thunder, lightning bolt, and quick attack.
Incineroar is the Heel pokémon, and is a Fire/Dark type. Much like a heel wrestler, it uses wrestling moves and puts on a show as a bad guy. Despite the act, Incineroar is a fun guy who loves the attention. He uses many wrestling-inspired moves in Quantum.
Mismagius is known as the magical pokémon, due to it's incantation-like cries. These cries have been known to cause pain and dispair, but can also bring joy. It is a ghost type pokémon, making very light and float. Her strength comes from her specials, which are primarily ghost moves.
Lucario is called the aura pokémon, due to it's aura reading abilities. These abilities allow him to read both the minds and actions of his opponents, and can read the emotions of creatures up to a mile away. Lucario uses various moves from the Pokémon series, and can use his aura reading abilities to counter an incoming attack.
Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man , was an average college student until he was bitten by a radioactive spider. This gave him superpowers, such as web slinging and wall climbing. After his Uncle Ben's death, Peter decided to use his powers for good. He uses his powers in Quantum, being a quick rushdown character.

After Miles Morales started going to a boarding school, he has been struggling to live up to people's expectations, especially his dad. After sneaking out with his uncle and getting bit by a spider, he gained powers a lot like Spider-Man's. After meeting several spider-people from other universes, Miles learned how to be a hero. He shares some attacks with Spider-Man, but has unique electric attacks and an invisibily mode.


Peter Quill was taken away by the Ravagers after his mother died, and he began to call himself Star-Lord. He is not just a skilled human, as he is also part celestial. Star-Lord now leads the Guardians of the Galaxy, a rag-tag team of heroes who act like a family. He uses his dual blasters for specials, as well as his rocket boot attachments.

Thor is the son of Odin, and former king of Asgard and New Asgard. He is the god of thunder, and fights using his hammer, Mjolnir. Thor is one of the founding members of the Avengers. This group worked together to defeat Loki, Thor's brother. Thor has a weird relationship with his siblings, as he's also fought his sister Hela. Thor uses various lightning attacks as well Mjolnir, and will occassionally bring out Stormbreaker.
Tony Stark is the Iron Man, using his powerful suit for battle. Tony Stark is not only rich, but a genius. He's created an element, vibranium, and is one of the founding members of the Avengers. His fought several dangerous foes, such as Thanos, Ultron, and even his friend Captain America, so it's safe to say that he is prepared for a fight.
Rocket Raccoon and Groot are two ex-bounty hunters. Rocket is a genetically enhanced raccoon who is a great engineer and Groot is a Flora Collossus, essentially a living tree. They fight together as a team, with Rocket performing most of the specials and Groot handling the standard attacks.
The Hero of Time, as well as the Triforce of Courage, Link joins Quantum in his Breath of the Wild form. After being asleep for 100 years, he returns to save Hyrule from the Calamity Ganon. Although he can't remember anything, Link is quick to get ready for his future battle. Armed with his many weapons, such as swords, bows, spears, and hammers, Link is prepared for almost any situation.
Zelda is the princess of Hyrule, as well as the representative of the Triforce of Wisdom. She is wise and intelligient, but has a fun and sweet side as well. She uses her appearance from A Link Between Worlds, but her moveset is more of a conglomerate of her many games. She uses various spells, and uses a sealing move called Triforce of Wisdom for her super.
Tingle is a... strange man, that's for sure. He's a 35 year old map seller who believes he is a reincarnation of a fairy, and is completely obsessed with them. He even mistakes Link for a fairy, and is awestruck. He uses his balloons and rupees to fight in Quantum, as well as using various items from his own games.

Linkle may seem like she's just a female Link, but that's not quite the case! She's actually a simple Cuccoo farmer that simply believes she is the reincarnation of the Hero. When she heard Hyrule Castle was being attacked by a demon, she wasted no time preparing to save it (although she got lost quite a bit along the way). Her moves primarily consist of crossbow shots and kicks.

This version of Link takes on a rather cartoonish look, but the differences go beyond just that. In a time where Hyrule is completely flooded, Link must join a group of pirates in order to save his sister. This eventually spirals into saving all of Hyrule, as it turns out Link is the reincarnation of the legendary Hero! Link uses a typical bow, as well as a boomerang and the Wind Waker.

Midna is an impish Twili descendant who inhabits the Twilight Realm. After Link is turned into a wolf, Midna breaks him out of prison in return for doing exactly as she says. Although she was rude and stand-offish at first, she did warm up to Link as they became friends. In Quantum, Midna uses the shackle to ride a Twili wolf and uses magic attacks, and will turn into her true form for her Quantum attack.


Skull Kid was a mischevious prankster, but after his friends, the Giants, left, he was left angry and alone. After stealing Majora's Mask from the Happy Mask Salesman, Skull Kid became a powerful sorcerer by putting on the mask. Under Majora's influence, Skull Kid decided to lower the Moon into Termina in order to destroy it. Skull Kid uses magic for his attacks, and will summon the moon for his Quantum attack.

Mickey Mouse is the current mascot of Disney, and one of the most reconizable fictional characters ever, only rivaled by Mario. Mickey is a mischevious mouse, although he has a heart of gold. Mickey has had dozens of appearances over the years, and pulls from most of them. He has various cartoony attacks, including a plane for recovery, as well as a paintbrush and his dog, Pluto, for attacks.
Donald Duck is a short-tempered duck and part of Disney's Sensation Six. Donald is not only one of the most popular cartoon characters, but is legendary in the realm of comics too. Despite his short-tempered nature, Donald is a good-hearted person. Donald uses a cartoony hammer for his standard attacks, and pulls from various animations for his specials. 
Pete, also known as Peg-Leg Pete and various other names, is a common antagonist among Mickey and his friends. His original appearance was in the Alice Comedies in 1925, making him the oldest animated Disney character. Pete is big, mean, and fighting machine, using a cartoon pistol and other attacks in his moveset.
Peter Pan is the boy who will never grow up, and the leader of the Lost Boys. He lives in Neverland, where he and his friends often get into fights with Captain Hook and his crew. Peter Pan once took the Darling children to Neverland, and they helped him become friends with the Indians and defeat Captain Hook once and for all. Peter can fly, as well as use a dagger in battle.
Hercules is the son of Zeus and Hera, but was stripped away from his home by Hades when he was a baby. He lived most his life believing he was a strong mortal, but it was revealed to him that he was actually a god. With the help of Philoctetes and Megara, he was able to defeat Hades and earned his god status back, but chose to live as mortal with Meg instead.
Maui is a South Pacific demigod best known for his gifts to humans. He was originally a human, but the Gods made him a demigod after seeing him abandoned by his parents. When he tried to steal the Heart of Tefiti, he brought a great darkness upon the world. Moana found him, and together they restored the heart and reverted Te K�� back into Te Fiti. He uses his magical fishing hook both as a weapon and to transform into animals.
Elsa is the current queen of Arendelle, and had magical ice powers since she was young. After accidentally striking her sister, Anna, her parents forced her to hide her powers. After accidentally revealing them on the day of her coronation, she ran away. She did eventually return to run her kingdom though. She uses various ice attacks in battle.
Raven is the daughter of Trigon, an evil inter-dimensional demon, and thus has quite a wide range of demonic powers. Despite her father, Raven is a superhero, working with the Teen Titans. She uses her magic for attacks, which are quite powerful. Her recovery has her enter a short flight state, allowing her to freely fly about. If she runs out of flight time midair, she will enter a free fall state.
Beast Boy was once a normal kid, before being bitten by a rare green monkey. His parents, who were explorers, became desperate and gave him a new serum. This serum gave him his shapeshifting powers, and turned his hairs, eyes, and skin green. Beast Boy would later join the super hero group Teen Titans. Beast Boy turns into various animals for his specials.
The Green Loontern is the result of Duck Dodger's and Hal Jordan's laundry got switched at the cleaners. After putting on the power ring, Duck was summoned to help the Green Lantern Corps defeat robots sent by Sinestro. Green Loontern uses his power ring for most of his attacks, but will pull out the occasional Duck Dodger attack. 
Donkey Kong lives on Donkey Kong Island, where him and the rest of the Kongs tend to live in peace. They're not always left alone though, as King K. Rool and his kremlings often terrorize the Kongs. Donkey Kong uses his Coconut Gun, a launch barrel, and a chargable DK punch in battle. 
King K. Rool is the self-proclaimed king of the Kremlings, a group of reptiles that love to give the Kong family trouble. K. Rool isn't just a king though, as he has also taken the role of pirate captain, mad scientist, and even a boxer. King K. Rool pulls many of his personas into his moveset. His belly armor also gives him a lot of armor and knockback resistance. 
Lucina is a descendent of the great hero Marth. She traveled back in time to help her father, Chrom, create a better future. Lucina is a skilled sword fighter, and will also use a lance for her power attacks. For her Quantum Attack, she will unleash a deadly critical hit.
Corrin is was originally born to the Hoshido family, but was kidnapped and raised by the Nohr family. Now, they must choose between the two families during the war, or try to get the kingdoms to work together to fight an even bigger threat. Corrin is able to use various dragon abilities, and uses a chainsaw-like sword, the Yato.
Twilight Sparkle is the Princess of Friendship, a skilled magic user, and previous owner of the now destroyed Golden Oak Libray. Once a regular unicorn with no friends, she was tasked with the objective of making friends by Princess Celestia when Twilight visited Ponyville. In Quantum, she uses her magic as her main source of attacks.
Pinkie Pie is the energetic and party-loving baker at Sugarcube Corner.  She loves having friends, and will doing anything she can to get a party involved. Armed with her trust party cannon, questionable sanity, and various pastries, she is ready for combat!
Fluttershy is Ponyville's resident animal lover, living in her Cottage in between Ponyville and the Everfree Forest, taking care of various animals. She is quite shy, but can be tough in certain circumstances and even has an infamous death stair. Fluttershy has the assistance of her vaious animal friends, such as Angel the bunny and a bear named Harry.
Ness is the young protagonist of Earthbound, and was put into a great adventure when a meteorite struck near his house. At this meteorite, Ness met Buzz-Buzz, who informed Ness of Giygas' plans. Ness later met Paula, Jess, and Poo who joined him in his quest. Ness uses various PSI attacks, as well as his baseball bat.
Lucas is a young boy, who had to deal with his mother's death, had to fight his own brother, and even had to take down a dictatorship. Luckily, he had the help of his friends Duster and Kumatora, who he cares for greatly. Lucas uses some PSI attacks, and will use PK Love for his Quantum Attack.
Rayman is the hero of the Glade of Dreams, created over 100 years ago by Betilla and the other fairies. Rayman has saved the world on numerous occassions, defeating foes like Mr. Dark and the Magician. Rayman is limbless due to the lack of Lums when he was created. This lack of limbs gives him great range on his attacks.

Globox is Rayman's best friend and a close ally, often joining him on his adventures. Globox, his mate Uglette, and his 650 children were created by Polokus as one of the non-magic people. Globox is much stronger than Rayman is, and his heavier too. For his Quantum attack, his children will swarm his enemies.

Samus Aran is an intergalactic bounty hunter who, after losing her parents in a space pirate raid, was trained by the Chozo, and fused with their DNA. Samus is most notable for taking down the space pirates, exterminating the Metroids, and helping end the galactic phazon crisis. Samus uses various energy shots, missiles, and bombs in her attacks.
Dark Samus is the reincarnation of Metroid Prime. It is phazon clone of Samus, and quickly became one of Samus' main enemies. Its only goal is to spread phazon at all costs. Dark Samus uses various phazon attacks for its specials, which can be very powerful.
Cuphead is one of the protagonists of the game Cuphead: Don't Deal with the Devil, in which he and his brother, Mugman, lose a bet with the devil. In order to save their souls, they must defeat all of the Devil's debtors. In Quantum, Cuphead uses his finger gun, dashing, and parries to take down the competition.
Slugcat is a strange creature who is trying to find his family. Armed with whatever it can find, Slugcat must brave the broken world. It faces many dangerous environments and creatures. In Quantum, it is a light character that uses spears and rocks to fight, and although it doesn't have the best jump, it is very agile and good at dodging.
Sackboy is the small, adorable protagonist of the LittleBigPlanet series. He is one of the most creative beings in the universe, and has many tools at his disposal. Not only that, but he has saved the world and universe on several occasions. He uses many tools for attacks, such as the Grabbinators, Cakinators, and a jetpack.
Gandalf is one of the main protagonist in the Lord of the Rings series. He is an Istar sent by the West to combat the threat of Sauron. Not only this, but he helped Thorin reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug and served as guide for both Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. He uses his magic in battle, and can be powerful if used right.
Dovahkiin is the last dragonborn, and main protagonist of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Being the last dragonborn, he is able to use the language of the dragons. Although the game allows the player to take many different routes as different types of fighters, the Dovahkiin in Quantum is more of a beefy warrior, using swords, hammers, and axes for standard attacks. He also uses various dragon shouts for specials.
The Inklings are the main playable characters in the Splatoon series. They have the unique ability of being able to turn into a squid. As a squid, they can swim through ink at the cost of being unable to attack. A lot of the Inkling's attack cause ink to be on the opponent, causing them to take more damage.
Calvin and Hobbes are the main characters of the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. Calvin is a rowdy, imaginative six year old boy, and Hobbes is his more mature (only barely) friend, and happens to be a tiger. In Quantum, they work as team, using various items from their adventures for attacks.
Rango was once a family pet, before he got lost in the middle of the desert. After stumbling across a strange western town, and slowly lying about himself more and more, Rango quickly got caught up in an adventure he didn't expect. He uses his revolver, as well as various other western-themed attacks.

Dr. Edward Richtofen is a German scientist who's main job was to get information out of prisoners. He one of the main antagonists both World at War and Black Ops, and a playable character in Black Ops III. As a fighter, he uses various guns and weapons found in the Zombies mode of the Call of Duty series, and uses the Wundersphere as a recovery.

Connor is the android sent by Cyberlife to assist Lt. Hank Anderson in cases related to deviants. As Connor helps Hank, he runs into both Kara and Markus, the other main characters of Detroit: Become Human. As Connor struggles more and more within, he must decided who he really is. Connor uses a regular gun, a cyberlife drone, and can use his android brain to counter attacks.
When Fone Bone and his cousins, Smiley and Phoney, got run out of Boneville, he didn't realize what he would be getting into. When he stumbled into the Valley, he met Thorn, a seemingly normal farm girl. It was revealed that she is the princess of Atheia and it was up to her, with Bone's help, to save the world. Bone has an unconvential fighting style, using cows, the rat creature Bartleby, and various other objects.

Unlockable Characters[]

To play as these characters, you must complete a task and then defeat them in battle.

Image Series Description

Princess Peach is the current ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, as well as an ally to the Mario Brothers. Although she is frequently kidnapped, she has proven herself on multiple occasions, defeating villains such as Smithy, Kammy Koopa, and even Bowser himself. Peach uses various abilities, such as floating and Vibe Techniques, as well as turnips and Perry the parasol.

Unlock Quota: Complete Adventure Mode as Mario


Daisy is the princess of Sarasaland, a land near the Mushroom Kingdom. Daisy is one of Peach's closest friends, and is friends with both Mario and Luigi. After the alien Tatanga attacked her kindom, Mario stepped in to help out. Daisy is much more tomboyish than Peach, and her moveset reflects this, as she pulls moves from the various Mario sports titles.

Unlock Quota: Play 15 versus matches OR Complete Adventure Mode as Peach and Luigi

Daisy art by Pavlovs-Walrus


Geno is one of the playable characters in Super Mario RPG. He is a warrior from Star Road that was sent by a higher power to help Mario defeat Smithy. He is a brave and confident, and has strong moral compass, stressing that he would return the doll to the home he borrowed it from. Geno's special moves are very powerful, but Geno lacks defense and weight, making him a glass cannon.

Unlock Quota: Complete Adventure Mode as Mario and Bowser.


Piranha Plant is a species of plants, hailing from the Mushroom Kingdom. They have appeared as enemies since the very first Mario game, but made their first playable appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. In Quantum, the Piranha Plant plays very similar as it does in Smash.

Unlock Quota: Beat 25 enemies in either Horde Battle or Enemy Battle.


Rabbid Peach is the odd combination of Princess Peach and a rabbid. The result of Spawny's powers, this sassy rabbid is one of the first to join Mario and Luigi's quest to return the Mushroom Kingdom to its normal state. Armed with a blaster and her trusty cellphone, Rabbid Peach is ready to battle and look stylish while doing it.

Unlock Quota: Win a team battle as Rayman and Princess Peach


Chaos is the guardian god of the Chao, as well as their protector. He is made of pure energy, and has a liquid-like body. It can shapeshift and transform his body for his attacks, and transform into a puddle for his dodges. For his quantum attack, Chaos transforms into his Perfect Chaos form.

Unlock Quota: Beat Adventure Mode as Dr. Eggman and Metal Sonic OR Play 50 matches


Metal Sonic is a Badnik clone of Sonic, created by Eggman for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic. While mostly being an obedient and silent henchman, Metal Sonic was created with high intelligience. He is a cold and ruthless killer, and this is shown in his moveset. With deadly slashes and lasers, all with a cold, unmoving stare, Metal Sonic is quite the fighter.

Unlock Quota: Beat Adventure as 2 other Sonic characters OR Beat a Level 9 Sonic CPU as Dr. Eggman


Mewtwo is the result of failed clone of the legendary pokémon Mew. Even if he was failed, he is still increadibly powerful. After breaking out of the Team Rocket labs, he roams the Pokémon world. To many trainers, he's the final goal in their journey. In Quantum, he is a glass canon, with powerful specials and spacing, but easily K.O.'d.

Unlock Quota: Beat Adventure Mode as all other Pokémon characters.


Golurk is a ground/ghost type pokémon. It is a rocky automaton that resembles a suit of iron, and it is able to fly by using it's arms and legs as rockets. Golurk is a heavy character that has good air mobility, and uses moves such as Dynamic Punch and Heavy Slam.

Unlock Quota: Fight 30 versus matches OR survive up to 200% in a versus match


Alakazam is an insanely smart psychic pokémon, with an IQ exceeding 5,000. It also has an incredible memory, remembering everything since its birth. Its body is incredible weak though, and it must use its psychic abilities to move it around. This is reflected in Quantum, with its standard attacks being very weak but its specials being incredible strong.

Unlock Quota: Fight 45 versus matches


Fi is the spirit created by Hylia that inhabits the Goddess Sword, and guides Link in his adventure to defeat Demise. Although she seems to be emotionless, she did reveal that Link provided her true happiness during their adventure. She has proven to be capable in a fight, as shown in Hyrule Warriors. Her fighting style resembles ballet, and is quite graceful.

Unlock Quota: Fight on Skyloft 15 times


Agitha is the self-proclaimed princess of bugs, first appearing in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. She sent invitations to the golden bugs, but believes they got lost. She will greatly award Link if he can find them and bring them to her. Her moveset is based off of Hyrule Warriors, using her parasol and swarms of bugs for attacks.

Unlock Quota: Defeat 24 enemies in Horde or Enemy Battle OR Fight 40 versus matches


Lord Ghirahim is a figure of authority in the land below Skyloft, who's primary goal is to capture Zelda and use her to resurrect his master, Demise. A quite narcissistic individual, when realizes Link could be an actual obstacle, he does not take it lightly. Ghirahim uses both throwing knives and his sword in battle, and will summon Demise as his Quantum attack.

Unlock Quote: Complete Adventure Mode as Fi 


Ganondorf is a recurring villain from the Zelda series, and is one of the many incarnations of Ganon. He holds the Triforce of Power, and aims to acquire the other two Triforce pieces. Ganondorf's fighting style is mix between a large claymore and power magic, being just as deadly as he is from his home series.

Unlock Quota: Beat Adventure Mode as both Link and Zelda OR Defeat at least 50 enemies in Horde or Enemy Battle


Tetra is a pirate captain who got kidnapped by the Helmaroc King, and was eventually saved by Link. In return, Tetra helped take Link to save his sister. During Link's battle with Ganondorf, it is revealed that Tetra is actually Princess Zelda, which not even Tetra knew. In Quantum, Tetra fights using her cutlass and a flintlock pistol, and will call upon her pirate crew for her Quantum Attack.

Unlock Quota: Beat Adventure Mode as Toon Link


Spider-Gwen is an alternate universe version of Gwen Stacy, in which she was bitten by a radioactive spider instead of Peter. After Peter's death, she turned to a life of crime-fighting and heroism. Sounds kind of familiar, huh? Gwen fights a lot like Spider-Man, but is much quicker than him.

Unlock Quota: Beat Adventure Mode as Miles Morales


Peni Parker comes from an alternate reality in which her father used the SP//dr mech to fight crime in New York City. After his death, Peni's aunt and uncle approached her to become the new pilot. She was bitten by a spider so she could pilot the mech, and eventually fought alongside legendary heroes like Daredevil and took down powerful villains like Mysterio.

Unlock Quota: Fight 25 versus matches


Thanos is often called the most powerful person in the universe, and for good reason too. In his quest to bring balance to the universe by wiping out half of all life, he defeated the Avenges and the Guardians of the Galaxy, barely breaking a sweat. He uses the powerful Infinity Gauntlet in battle, giving him a wide variety of attacks.

Unlock Quota: Complete Adventure Mode as six other Marvel characters.


Captain Hook is the captain of the Jolly Roger, and leader of a vicious pirate crew. After Peter Pan cut off his hand and fed it to a Crocodile, Captain Hook has done nothing but hunt Peter down and attempt to kill him (with the Crocodile doing the same for Captain Hook!). Although he often gets bested by Peter, Hook is still a force to be reckoned with. He uses his pirate cutlass in battle, and can use cannons and his hook as well. 

Unlock Quota: Complete Adventure Mode as Peter Pan and Tetra.


Ridley is the murderous and vicious leader of the Space Pirates. Although he may look like a mindless beast, he's actually quite intelligient. Ridley is the one responsible for the K-2L massacre, and the death of Samus' parents. Ridley has a vicious fighting style, with a powerful tail stab and various claw swipes.

Unlock Quota: Fight 70 versus matches.


Frankenstein is an undead member of the top-secret organization S.H.A.D.E. He was presumed dead in Europe after falling through some ice, but he survived and swam all the way to America. In 1870, Frankenstein he fought and defeated Melmoth. Frankenstein comes equiped with both a sword and a pistol, and some of his attacks of electric properties.

Unlock Quota: Fight 45 versus matches OR defeat 100 enemies in Horde Battle.


Funky Kong is the totally rad, chill ally of Donkey Kong, and speculated grandson of Cranky Kong. He does not enjoy adventuring as much as the rest of the Kong family, and prefers to run the shop and aid them with flight services. Despite this, Funky appears as a fighter in Quantum! He uses his surfboard for a recovery, and borrows some moves from Donkey Kong.

Unlock Quota: Play as both Donkey Kong and King K. Rool 5 times OR Beat Adventure Mode as Donkey Kong


Minerva is one of the children of King Osmond, and the commander of Macedon's Whitewing squadron. Minerva was skeptical of her brother, Michalis, but was forced to serve him as she and her sister were taken hostage. She was later saved by Marth, and she became one of his allies. Minerva uses an axe as her main weapon and can use a Wyvern as her recovery.

Unlock Quota: Fight 55 veruse matches


Kumatora is an extremely powerful PSI user who is called the princess of Osohe Castle, although she was adopted. She is brash and tough, refusing to cry until the very end of the game. Her moveset uses a lot of PSI attacks, such as PK Freeze and PK Thunder. 

Unlock Quota: Complete Adventure Mode as Lucas. 


Mettaton EX is the second form of Alphy's TV star robot Mettaton, a robot with a soul. Mettaton EX is only revealed when the switch is flipped on his regular body's back. This form is even more glamorous and even better at getting high ratings though. If Mettaton EX is able to pull of impressive and fancy attacks or combos, his approval rating will go up, increasing his strenghth.

Unlock Quota: Fight 35 versus matches OR taunt 250 times


"Weird Al" Yankovic is a famous musician, known for his polka and parodies. Not only this, but Weird Al has done voice acting, rap battles, movie writing, and let's plays. In battle, he comes equipped with an acordion and some groovy moves.

Unlock Quota: Unlock 20 songs OR fight 75 versus matches


This Garfield is from an alternate reality in which he is an eldritch abomination, bent on destroying the world and getting lasagna from Jon. Garfield is a versatile attacker, being both strong and durable, lacking only speed. He uses various body parts for attacks, such as legs and his tongue, and can detach his head and fly for a recovery.

Unlock Quota: Unlock all other characters


These stages work as the arenas for the battles in Quantum. Many have a gimmick to them to make them unique. These gimmicks, called stage hazards, can be turned on and off. Each stage has a main theme, which is the primary song played on the stage, although a stage can play any music from their series.

Starter Stages[]

These stages are available at the beginning of the game.

Image Series Description

Final Destination is a staple stage in the Super Smash Bros. series, it consists of a simple platform. No extra platforms, no hazards, nothing. In Quantum, it has the same purpose. Not only this, but it has the unique feature of having different versions being able to be chose, all from their respective Smash games.

Main Theme: Final Destination (Brawl)


World 1-1 refers to the first level of the first world, with this particular iteration originating from Super Mario Bros. Taking place in an unknown part of the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario must make it to the castle and take it back from Bowser. Fighters must follow the camera along, avoiding enemies and botomless pits. Hitting item blocks will spawn an item, and if the camera reaches the end, it will loop to the beginning.

Main Theme: Ground Theme - Super Mario Bros. (64)


Bob-Omb Battlefield is the location of the battle between the Bob-ombs and the Bob-omb Buddies. It's a large mountain, split between the two warring groups. Battles take place on top of the mountain, where King Bob-omb will occasionally appear as a stage boss. If you pay attention, you may see Koopa the Quick running on the path below.

Main Theme: Bob-omb Battlefield


Luigi's Mansion is a mysterious, obviously-haunted mansion that was awarded to Luigi from a contest he never entered. When he enters, Luigi finds that Mario has been kidnapped and, with the help of Professor E. Gadd, Luigi must save him. Similar to the Super Smash Bros. Brawl stage, players fight both in and outside the mansion. Occassionally, a Greenie might try to grab a player and drag them off stage.

Main Theme: Luigi's Mansion Theme


Green Hill Zone is the most icon zone in all of the Sonic series, easily earning it's spot as a stage. It is a frequent target for Dr. Eggman's schemes, as it is full of defenseless animals that he can use for his machines. As a stage, it is extremely similar to it's appearance in Smash.

Main Theme: Green Hill Zone


City Escape is the first level of Sonic Adventure 2, and features Sonic running from a GUN Military Truck. This truck is where the stage takes place, as opponents fight on the top, dangerously driving around Central City.

Main Theme: City Escape


The Temple, also called Hyrule Temple, is a stage ripped straight from Super Smash Bros. The layout of the stage is based on The Adventure of Link, and although it has no hazards, is one of the largest stages in the game.

Main Theme: Hyrule Temple


Skyloft is a series of sky islands floating above the clouds, in a time before Hyrule and all other Zelda games. Link and Zelda live here as friends, and serves as the main hub for Link as he journeys below the clouds. Although similar to Smash, there are key differences, including a day/night cycle and a Remlit that will attack players at night.

Main Theme: Skyloft (Hyrule Warriors)


Dragon Roost Island is and island in the Great Sea, and is home to both the Rito and the Spirit of the Sky, Valoo. Link must travel here to obtain Din's Pearl. Battles take place on wooden platforms located on the side of the mountain, with Medli and Komali watching in the background.

Main Theme: Dragon Roost Island


New York City is one of largest and most famous cities in the United States, and this particular iteration comes from the Marvel universe. Because of it's original universe, you may see some familiar faces in the background, including Falcon flying by and a giant Ant-Man walking around. The Rhino also makes an appearance, as he charges across the stage, knocking anybody out of his way.

Main Theme: Theme from 'Spider-Man'


Jungle Japes is the first world in Donkey Kong 64, and is where Cranky Kong lives, and can be found either giving DK advice or chemicals that grant him special powers. When fighting on this stage, watch out for the water below! Although you may be able to hop out in time, if Klaptrap gets you there's no chance.

Main Theme: Jungle Japes - Melee


Gangplank Galleon is the name of Kaptain K. Rool's pirate ship, as well as the final level in Donkey Kong Country. It is a decently big stage, with plenty of room on the ship, as well as two mastheads that work as high platforms.

Main Theme: Gang-Plank Galleon - Ultimate


The Titans Tower is the main headquarters of the Teen Titans, a superhero group primarily consisting of Robin, Beast Boy, Raven, Cyborg, and Starfire. The battle takes place atop of the tower. Watch out, as occasionally a battle might break out between Robin and Slade, in which case their attacks might hit unsuspecting players.

Main Theme: Menu Theme


Detroit is known as the "android capital of the world", as it is the main producer of the androids, robots produced for assisting humans in their day to day lives. Androids run errands, take care of pets and children, clean buildings, and even work for the police force. Battles take place in Detroit at night, and you can see Markus and his allies liberating androids and changing signs.

Main Theme: Connor and Hank


New World is a the generic name for the Minecraft world. This world filled with many creatures, from Pigs to Mooshrooms to Endermen. This stage takes place at the top of a ravine, putting a deadly hole in the middle. Trees act as platforms, and the edges can be walked off.

Main Theme: Minecraft


Sand Island is the original island from Pocket God. Sand Island has been in the game since the beginning. A generic beachy island, its home to the pygmies, as well as Dodo birds and sharks. Don't fall into the water, or the aforementioned sharks will bite you and you'll get KO'd.

Main Theme: Sand Island


The Sky Islands are an area found in the world of Rain World. It is home to a wide array of dangerous wildlife. As a stage, players fighting one several of the floating islands. Occasionally, a Vulture will fly down and attemp to carry a player away.

Main Theme: Threat - Sky Islands


Hijacked is one of the maps found in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, it takes place on a hijacked cruise ship. The stage takes place on the balcony on the outside of the ship. There will be a war going on in the backgroud, so watch out for stray grenades.

Main Theme: Hijacked Theme


Moray Towers is a stage appearing in both Splatoon and Splatoon 2, as well as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It's appearance in Quantum is near identicle to it's appearance in Ultimate, with zig-zagging platforms and both Judd and Lil' Judd as judges, displaying the current player in the lead.

Main Theme: Splattack! (Ultimate)


The DreamScape is the name given to the world of LittleBigPlanet, particularly the moon in which Sackboy creates as he pleases. Showing the creative part of LittleBigPlanet, this stage builds as the fight continues (much like in PlayStation All-Stars). 

Main Theme: The Gardens


Fiesta de los Muertos is one of the worlds in Rayman Legends. It is themed after the Day of the Dead and Spanish fiestas. As a stage, players will fight on a field of flowers. At the right side of the stage is a skull, where occasionally a long spiked tongue-like object will stretch out in an attempt to hit players. When this tongue is absent, players can enter the skull. In the background Mariachis can be seen playing guitars and cheering on the fighters.

Main Theme: Fiesta de los Muertos


Calvin's House is the home of Calvin, and is where most of Calvin and Hobbes' escapades happen. It starts as a simple stage, taking place in the house's front lawn, but it has four transformations. The first one is an alien planet, in which gravity is reduced. The second, a prehistoric jungle in which the occasional Allosaurus will run by. The third, city streets in which you will occasionally see Stupendous Man fighting an alien (watch out for flying debris). The last is a dark, musty alley, with Tracer Bullet watching the battle, smoking a cigar.

Main Theme: April Showers; changes into different songs for different stage transformations, these being: Cosmos: Battle (Alien), Dinosaur Kingdom (Prehistoric), America Theme - Atomic (City), and Menu Theme (Alley)

Unlockable Stages[]

These stages must be unlocked by completing a special task.

Image Series Description
The Death Egg is a giant orbital fortress, created by Dr. Eggman. The Death Egg is mostly used as storage for some of Eggman's deadlier creations, and many battles between Sonic and Eggman have happened here. The stage starts out taking place on a part of the Death Egg's moustache, were gravity is reduce. It will then tranfer to the interior, in a storage compartment holding various machinary. Mecha Sonic will appear and join the battle for a short time.

Unlock Quota: Unlock Chaos and Metal Sonic

Main Theme: Final Boss

Hotland is home to the hottest climate in the underground. Not only that, but this is where the CORE, the underground's source of power, is. As a stage, you fight on a strip of land in front of the CORE. It is a very simple stage, with walk off edges and no hazards, although various NPCs appear in the background to watch the fight.

Unlock Quota: Unlock Mettaton

Main Theme: Another Medium


Peach Beach is the area for one of the race tracks in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, as Peach's personal race track. It appears to be a beach area, much like Gelato Beach. As a Quantum stage, fights take place on the three sections of sand show in the picture. Stepping on the ramp will boost you all the way to the farthermost sand patch. Watch out for Cattaquacks, they'll charge at you and send you flying!

Unlock Quota: Unlock Princess Peach

Main Theme: Peach Beach/Daisy Cruiser

Bowser's Castle is a common location for the final world in many Mario games. Most tend to be the same dark castle with lava, but Super Mario Odyssey switched it up a bit. This time, it takes on the style of classic Japanese architecture. The battle takes place on a platform in front of the Showdown Arena.

Unlock Quota: Beat Adventure Mode as Bowser

Main Theme: Bowser's Castle 1


The Ancient Gardens are the first world in Mario + Rabbids, featuring a mix between grasslands and jungle scenery and a towering blocky structure. This structure is the location players find themselves in Quantum. With multiple small platforms, and the occasional appearance of Rabbid Kong, this stage is definitely a weird one.

Unlock Quota: Unlock Rabbid Peach

Main Theme: Ancient Gardens


Clock Town is the largest town in Termina, and the center of the region's government and commerce. It is currently run by Mayor Dotour, and is home to the Astral Observatory and Post Office. Players will fight on two platforms right in front of the clock.

Unlock Quota: Beat Adventure Mode as Skull Kid

Main Theme: Clock Town, First Day

Der Eisendrache is one of the many zombie maps in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. The stage takes place in the starting area, which hangs over a large cliff. When fighting, watch out for Zombies, as they may attempt to swarm and damage you.

Unlock Quota: Complete Adventure Mode as Richtofen

Main Theme: Launch Protocol


Arkham Asylum is a highly guarded institution for the criminally insane, and is reserved for the worst of the worst. It containts mostly foes of Batman, as it resides in Gotham. The battle takes place in a hallway with several jail cells. There is a crowd of criminals watching the fight, and if you look closely you can see several of Batman's adversaries, including the Riddler, the Joker, Bane, Clayface, and Catwoman.

Unlock Quota: Complete Adventure Mode as 5 different villains.

Main Theme: Rooftop Finale


Salmon Run is a mysterious activity run by Grizzco Industries, in which both Inklings and Octolings are recruited to collect Golden Eggs. When battling, watch out for Salmonids, who will attack fighters.

Unlock Quota: Complete Adventure Mode as Inkling OR Fight 15 versus matches as Inkling

Main Theme: Deluge Dirge (ω-3)


Assists are characters that can be summoned by a special item called an Assist Switch. This has the appearance of a small electronic with a button on it. When it used, the character will appear and they'll help in someway. Any assists can be turned off, preventing them from being summoned in game.

Image Series Description
Mercy is a hero and top member of Overwatch. She has always been an expert in the medical field, and with Overwatch's funding and technology she's even better. As an assist, she uses her damage increasing technology to increase her summoner's damage output. She will follow them around the stage to do this.
Orisa is an incredible guardian built by a little girl in Numbani. Built from the destroyed pieces of OR15 robots, her mission is to defend the city of Numbani and the people in it. As an assist, she places her shield down and begins firing at the summoner's opponents. The summoner can also stand behind her shield to protect themself from attacks. He bullets do no knockback but can rack up damage.
Silver the Hedgehog is a character who originated in Sonic 06 who has the power of psychokinesis. Much like many of Sonic's friends, Silver originally came from a broken future to kill Sonic, as he believed he was the cause of the destruction and ruin. He uses his powers when summoned, freezing all of the summoner's opponents in their place for a couple seconds.
Espio is a chameleon and one of the members of The Chaotix, a group of detectives-for-higher. He works with Vector the Crocodile and Charmy the Bee. As an assist Espio will dash around, using spin dashes and kunai for attacks. He will also occasionally turn invisible.
Sticks the Badger is one of Sonic's friends in the Sonic Boom series. She is the sole descendent of Jebediah Badger, and has lived alone in the wilderness ever since she was a child. When she is summoned, Sticks will throw her boomerang at the summoner's enemies.
Waluigi is evil doppelganger of Luigi, and the possible brother of Wario. Waluigi is just as bad as Wario, with his reputation of lying, cheating, and just kind of being a jerk. As an assist, Waluigi will toss random bob-ombs around the stage. After doing this, he will send one last bob-omb directly at whoever is in first (even the summoner), with his tennis racket.
Conkdor is an enemy in Super Mario 3D World, where they stand still, trying to slam their massive beaks into Mario and his friends. They serve a similar function as an assist, standing in the background of the stage. If anyone comes close, Conkdor will face them and attempt to crush them with it's beak.
The Angry Sun is an enemy appearing in desert levels in Super Mario Bros. 3. As an assist, the Angry Sun fuctions very similarly as he does in the Mario series. The Angry Sun will sit in the corner of the screen, occassionally swooping down in an attemp to hit opponents.
Spider-Ham is the superhero identity of Peter Porker, a teen pig that got bit by a radioactive spider. He must now try to balance being a hero and working for the Daily Beagle. As an assist, Spider-Ham will swing around the stage and attack players with his hammer.
Muffet is a tricky spider-girl-monster, who owns a bakery that sells spider goods. She often uses intimidation to get people to buy her overpriced pastries, and will even attack people. As an assist, Muffet will summon webs around the stage. If an opponent of the summoner walks into these, they will be slowed and there jumps will be significantly lower. If they stay there too long, they will get stuck in webs and be unable to move.
Gotta Sweep is the result of school starting in seven hours, and not having enough time to hire a janitor. Being a literal broom, it's only purpose and goal in life is sweeping. In Quantum, it does just that, sweeping across the stage after yelling it's signature "GOTTA SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP" and pushing off opponents.
Bulbasaur is a grass-type starter from Kanto, and is known as the Seed Pokémon. It is a very loyal creature, bred specifically for new trainers. As an assist, Bulbasaur will grab a nearby opponent with it's vines. It will then squeeze them repeatedly, racking up damage. 
Guardians are ancient Sheikah technology created to fight Calamity Ganon, but were possessed by malice and corrupted. Now, they're scatter across Hyrule, attacking innocent people. When summoned, the Guardian will walk around the stage and shoot powerful lasers at opponents.
Ganon is the main antagonist of the entire Legend of Zelda series. Ganon's beast form appears as an assist, in which he will attack opponents. His attacks are slow, heavy-hitting swipes, throwing opponents off the stage, and a charge attack.
In Majora's Mask, the Moon was destined to crash into Termina by Majora's Mask. Quantum has the moon do the exact same thing, appearing in the background and crashing into the stage, causing a large explosion.
Michael Jackson is often called the King of Pop, and for good reason too. His music is legendary, and for a while he had a gig with Sega. This lead to the creation of Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, which is basis for Michael's appearance in Quantum. When he is summoned, he will use various moves from the game mentioned above.
The Prince is the main character of the Katamari series, and the son of the King of All Cosmos. The Prince will use one of his signature katamaris to roll up items and opponents. After a little bit, he'll roll of the stage, bring anything stuck to the katamari with him.
Moe is the epitome of big, dumb bullies. He's constantly tormenting Calvin, taking his toys, making fun of him, stealing money, to straight up punches. He is a simple assist, only letting out one punch on the nearest opponents. This is one powerful punch though, sending opponents at low percents flying.
Buzz is the narsicistic and somewhat cruel host of the Buzz! game show. He appeared in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and has a similar function as an assist. When he appears, he will ask 2 questions based on the characters currently being used. Four different parts of the stage will be surrounded with a colored glow, as well as be labelled with an answer. If a player stands on the wrong answer, or no answer at all, they will be splatted with a pie. 
A Creeper is a standard monster from the world of Minecraft. They're a simple but dangerous enemy, walking up to players and blowing themselves up. They display this exact behavior as an assist, walking to the nearest player and blowing up when they get close enough. The Creeper is unable to jump though, and can be easily avoided.
Harley Quinn was once a normal psychiatrist, working at Arkham Asylum. After being assigned to the Joker, she slowly fell in love with him and grew crazy herself. She has assisted the Joker in escaping on multiple occassionas, and can be just as dangerous as Mr. J himself. As an Assist, she will run around and attack players with her hammer. She will also occasionally pull out a pistol for a long-ranged attack.
Marth is the prince of Altea, son of King Cornelius and Queen Liza. He is the wielder of the divine blade the Falchion, and is tasked to take down Medeus, the shadow dragon. Marth will fight alongside his summoner, using various sword attacks. Before leaving, Marth will unleash a deadly critical strike.
SCP-173 is a mysterious being made of concrete. Not much is known about it, or its origins. What is known, is that it's extremely dangerous. In Quantum, it mimics its behavior from the SCP universe. If all players look away from SCP-173, it will begin unleashing powerful attacks on nearby players.
Jack is a samurai in a past who was thrown into the future by his arch nemesis, Aku. Jack must find and defeat Aku in order to free the world from his shackles. When summoned, Jack will quickly dash around the stage, unleashing powerful attacks with his sword. Occassionally, Jack will don his appearance from the fifth season when summoned.
Rarity is the Element of Generosity and successful owner of the Carousel Boutique. She loves fasion, often using anything as an excuse to make a new dress for someone. As an assist, Rarity will use a large piece of clothe to wrap up an opponent. If she is able to do it, she will fling them into a dresser that appears behind her. After recieving some damage, the dresser will spit the player out, leaving them with a different costume than they had when they went in.


Quantum's soundtrack is mostly made up of songs from the series within it. They are organized as such, but a series with only a few songs, or songs from an artist rather than a piece of media, go to the "Other" category. For a list of the songs featured in the soundtrack, go here.


Universes refer to the various franchises that content featured in Quantum are from. For a list of all universes and how they are represented, see Universes.
