Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Kind of Item Handheld (x2)
First Appearance Quiful Barrett: Quest for Cronomipo
Latest Appearance Quiful Barrett: Quest for Cronomipo

The Doortable is an FBG in Quiful Barrett: Quest for Cronomipo. It is found in Ground Town.


The Doortable is a brown portable door with a golden doorknob.


The Doortable, when placed on a surface, can act as a portal to any door.


Name Description Effect Damage Gift Points
Laser Door The user places the door on a surface. The next turn, they open it and a laser comes out. 25 20
Open Door Attack The user places the door on something behind the enemy. The next turn, they open it and hit the enemy. 30 15
Enter The user places the door on a surface. The next turn, they go into it and go somewhere else. The user cannot be targeted while somewhere else. They cannot target anyone else. 0 5
Exit The user comes out from "Enter" and rejoins the battle. 0 25