Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

Bomberman PuniPuni (beta/early title) will be a spinoff stacking-puzzle game by Konami and Bandai. It will be released in Japanese and English for IOS devices, Nintendo Switch and future platforms, XBox One, Playstation 5.


Featuring all kinds of Bomberman characters (good and bad, major and minor, all in PuniPuni form) you have to make a line of three or more identical PuniPuni's to play. You gradually defeat villains (represented by mini-screens with them inside) by finishing these puzzles, similar to Youkai Watch PuniPuni. You can play Story Mode, CPU Mode, or Multiplayer.

You get to earn digital "Stickers/Shiiru" by defeating Story Mode and Grand Prix Multiplayer puzzles.
