The Courtship of Stewie's Father
Stewie and Peter bond.
Season: 4 Episode: 16
Total Episode Count: 66
Prod. no.: 4ACX19
First Aired: November 20, 2005
Featuring: Peter Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Lois Griffin, Chris Griffin, Herbert
Also Appearing: Meg, Brian, Glenn Quagmire, Cleveland Brown, Joe Swanson, Opie, Jesse, Ollie Williams, Tom Tucker, Diane Simmons, Angela, Ms. Hobson, Jesus, God, God's Girlfriend Janet, Achmed, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Soundwave, Dr. Emmett Brown, Marty McFly, Jennifer Parker, Joseph, Halle Berry, Kim Cattrall, Lucille Ball, Michael Eisner, Michael Jackson, Penélope Cruz
Musical Numbers: Peanut Butter Jelly Time, Somewhere That's Green, It's a Tiny World
Director: Kurt Dumas
Writers: Kirker Butler
Storyboarders: Young Lee, Dominic Bianchi

Peter gets annoyed because he never gets Employee of the Month at the Pawtucket Brewery. It always goes to his mentally challenged co-worker, Opie, and he thinks it is because his supervisor, Angela, hates him. Joe suggests that he kisses up to her. After hearing that she likes animals Peter organizes a surprise cockfight in her house when she’s away. When Angela comes home, all that remains of the chickens is a mess of blood and feathers. Weeks later, Opie does not get Employee of the Month. Instead, he gets promoted, but Peter once again comes short because of the new member Soundwave.

Meanwhile, Chris breaks neighbor Herbert’s window with a baseball and is ordered to do chores for him to repay his debt.
After a talk with the preschool teacher, Lois is concerned about Stewie’s behavior, and because of Peter being so occupied with work, suggests Peter to spend some time bonding with him. Peter quickly realizes that Stewie enjoys seeing him hurt Lois, and begins bonding with Stewie by playing pranks on and assaulting Lois. Lois puts up with it until Peter and Stewie drop a car with her inside into a lake. When Lois comes back and orders Stewie sent to his room, Peter backs Lois up, making Stewie feel betrayed.

To make amends, Peter takes Stewie to Disney World in Florida. Stewie wanders off and then is captured by the security guards and put into "It's a tiny, tiny world" an attraction where they make him sing. Peter ends up going in the attraction where he finds Stewie and the other children and saves them. Michael Eisner appears and attempts to pull out Peter's heart. Peter punches him and Michael falls into a lake of crocodiles. Father and son embrace, and Stewie’s faith in Peter is restored. Peter and Stewie return home.
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<< Season 3 | Family Guy Season 4 | Season 5 >> | ||||||
#01 | North by North Quahog | #11 | Peter's Got Woods | #21 | I Take Thee Quagmire | |||
#02 | Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High | #12 | The Perfect Castaway | #22 | Sibling Rivalry | |||
#03 | Blind Ambition | #13 | Jungle Love | #23 | Deep Throats | |||
#04 | Don't Make Me Over | #14 | PTV | #24 | Peterotica | |||
#05 | The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire | #15 | Brian Goes Back to College | #25 | You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives | |||
#06 | Petarded | #16 | The Courtship of Stewie's Father | #26 | Petergeist | |||
#07 | Brian the Bachelor | #17 | The Fat Guy Strangler | #27 | Untitled Griffin Family History | |||
#08 | 8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter | #18 | The Father, the Son, and the Holy Fonz | #28 | Stewie B. Goode | |||
#09 | Breaking Out is Hard to Do | #19 | Brian Sings and Swings | #29 | Bango Was His Name Oh | |||
#10 | Model Misbehavior | #20 | Patriot Games | #30 | Stu & Stewie's Excellent Adventure |