Showgirls is a 1995 American drama film directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring former teen actress Elizabeth Berkley, Kyle MacLachlan, and Gina Gershon. The film centers around a street-smart drifter who ventures to Las Vegas and climbs the hierarchy from stripper to showgirl.
Peter Griffin is disappointed when he finds an airing of Showgirls on TBS in "Hell Comes to Quahog" because it is a basic cable channel.
In "The Blind Side", Stewie Griffin convinces Brian that he can help him fool Kate's parents during dinner when he is afraid that they'll see that he is really a dog. Stewie reminds Brian that he came up with the choreography to Showgirls. Stewie demonstrates a pole dance for Elizabeth Berkley, telling her that if she can be even twenty percent as good then they have a movie.