Family Guy Wiki

Gift of the White Guy
Peter must recover Lois’ Christmas brooch after gifting it away in a White Elephant exchange.

Season: 23 Episode: 02
Total Episode Count: 426
Prod. no.: NACX20
First Aired: November 25, 2024

Guest Starring: Matt Friend
Featuring: Peter, Lois
Also Appearing: Brian, Meg, Chris, Stewie, Preston Lloyd, Santa Claus, Quagmire, Joe, Cleveland, Rupert, Timothée Chalamet, Opie, Stella, Jeff Goldblum, Keith, Fouad, Jesus Christ, Brad Garrett, Widow Lloyd, Kevin Smith
Director: Jerry Langford

Assistant Director: Orlando Gumatay
Writers: Joanna Quraishi
Storyboarders: Rob Bou-Saab, Jonathan Gebhart, Michael Rundle


When Peter is mandated to attend his workplace's White Elephant gift exchange, he forgets to ready a gift for it and scrambles to fix his mistake. He ends up giving away a Christmas tree-shaped brooch that Lois received from her mother. At the workplace Christmas party, Peter discovers that the brooch has been given to Preston's mother and has to formulate a plan to get it back. With help from his friends, he infiltrates Rikers Acres Maximum Security Nursing Home and steals the brooch back.

Meanwhile, following some hard truths from Brian regarding his behavior, Stewie is convinced that he is on Santa's naughty list. He vows to completely ditch his supervillain ways, hoping it'll be enough to sway his odds of getting presents. He starts out by throwing away all his weapons and performing numerous good deeds, but accidentally vaporizes Meg when she almost reveals one of his ray guns from the trash. Although mostly focused on making the nice list, Stewie ultimately feels remorse for killing Meg and begs for her back in exchange for all of the other presents he wanted.

On Christmas Day, Meg is found hogtied under the tree, alive and well save for her legs being put on backwards. Peter gifts Lois her brooch and comes clean about his actions, ultimately being forgiven due to the runtime coming to an end. Nevertheless, she decides to give her brooch back to Widow, only to accidentally and unknowingly kill her in her sleep while putting it on.

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