
WORLDMAP.TXTигровой файл Fallout 2, содержащий информацию относительно случайных встреч на мировой карте.

; Worldmap datafile
; Fallout 2

; Note: Max line length is _MAX_PATH, which is 144 under watcom 10.6/Dos

; Note: For speedup, it could save out *all* of this info into a file
;   and if the timestamp on the source is later than this saved file,
;   just rebuild the file.  This would be a good idea for speed
;   purposes, especially if this takes a while to parse, but would
;   require extra coding for saving/loading this information.

; Note: This could also affect patches with regards to savegames,
;   because some of this information is saved and not dynamically
;   re-read from the original file.  This means that some things
;   wouldn't change unless we had a way of forcing them.  However,
;   it also means that things that aren't saved *WILL* be changed
;   if they are patched.  So we could change frequencies of
;   encounters, or what the encounters *are*, even though a save
;   in a random encounter map might not be in the same state (have
;   to keep track of this to prevent possible problems.)

; Note: Scripts need accessor functions to turn on/off locations,
;   as well as (possibly) mark world tiles as known/unknown (?).

; This sets up the default values for data that is used by the worldmap
; Encounter frequency percentages:
Forced=100%        ; This shouldn't change
Frequent=38%       ; Was 9/3d6
Common=22%         ; Was 8/3d6
Uncommon=12%       ; Was 6/3d6
Rare=4%            ; Was 5/3d6
None=0%            ; This shouldn't change

; Terrain types:
   ; WIP! # is the number of pixels drawn before skipping?
;terrain_types=Desert:2, Mountain:4, City:1, Ocean:1
terrain_types=Desert:1, Mountain:2, City:1, Ocean:1
; These short names are used for debugging only
terrain_short_names=DES, MNT, CTY, OCN ; WIP!WIP!WIP!

;   These determine which maps are randomly chosen from for normal
; random encounters
[Random Maps: Desert]
map_00=Desert Encounter 1
map_01=Desert Encounter 2
map_02=Desert Encounter 3
map_03=Desert Encounter 4
map_04=Desert Encounter 5
map_05=Desert Encounter 6
map_06=Desert Encounter 7
map_07=Desert Encounter 8
map_08=Desert Encounter 9
map_09=Desert Encounter 10
map_10=Desert Encounter 11
map_11=Desert Encounter 12

[Random Maps: Mountain]
map_00=Cavern Encounter 0
map_01=Mountain Encounter 1
map_02=Mountain Encounter 2
map_03=Mountain Encounter 3
map_04=Mountain Encounter 4
map_05=Mountain Encounter 5
map_06=Mountain Encounter 6
map_07=Cavern Encounter 1
map_08=Cavern Encounter 2
map_09=Cavern Encounter 3
map_10=Cavern Encounter 4
map_11=Cavern Encounter 5

[Random Maps: City]
map_00=City Encounter 1
map_01=City Encounter 2
map_02=City Encounter 3
map_03=City Encounter 4
map_04=City Encounter 5
map_05=City Encounter 6
map_06=City Encounter 7
map_07=City Encounter 8

[Random Maps: Ocean]
map_00=Coast Encounter 1
map_01=Coast Encounter 2
map_02=Coast Encounter 3
map_03=Coast Encounter 4
map_04=Coast Encounter 5
map_05=Coast Encounter 6
map_06=Coast Encounter 7
map_07=Coast Encounter 8
map_08=Coast Encounter 9
map_09=Coast Encounter 10
map_10=Coast Encounter 11
map_11=Coast Encounter 12

; WIP! Ability to specify scenery art for scenery?  Build scenery lists?

; Random encounter tables

;[Pid Lists]
;pid0000=16777219,Male      ;Good Raider
;pid0001=16777220,Female    ;Average Raider
;pid0002=16777221,Scorp     ;Raider Leader
;pid0003=16777222,Big Scorp ;Peasant
;pid0003=16777224,Big Claw
;pid0004=71,Mutated Fruit

;[Item Lists]
;list000=Name:Dead Loser Items, Item:(5-25)Caps, Item:Knife

; Scripts: 255-Raider attacks Player
; Scripts: 256-Peasant flees Player
; Scripts: 257-Merchant
; Scripts: 258-Guard Protects Merchant

; Scripts: 269-Gecko
; Scripts: 270-Golden Gecko

; Type Subinfo:
; Ratio:#% determines frequency of occurrence
; pid:<#> determines what this critter's pid is
; pid:<string> looks up the pid # from the string
; Script:<#> overrides the default script with a new one
; Dead means that the critter starts out in a dead state
; Item:<#> gives an item of a given pid #
; Item:<string> dictates an item (from a lookup table) that this critter has
; Item:(#)<string> the # dictates quantity of the item, possibly a range
; Item:(<string>) -- give a whole *list* of items
; If:<something> -- conditionals, allows <,>,<=,>=,==,& as well as tests
;    on Player(<stat/attribute/skill/etc.>), Enctr(Num_Critters),
;    Time, Global(<variable index>), Rand(Chance%)
; Distance:# -- Forces the distance for a particular critter (if possible)
; <type_#>(TileNum) -- Forces this object to appear at the same tile # as
;    the object listed at <type_#> (this means the last one if there were
;    multiples of that type).
; TileNum:# -- Forces this object to appear at a given tile #
; Spatial:<string> -- attaches a spatial script to the map

[Encounter: Raiders]  ; WIP! May need to make these <#>'s!
   ;    Good raider, average raider, raider leader (forced) if more than 3
   ; critters in encounter, dead peasant critter, and you were in the
   ; process of going to pick up an object on the desert ground.
;;type_00=Ratio:40%, pid:Good Raider, Item:Colt 10mm Pistol
type_00=Ratio:35%, pid:16777252, Item:8{Wielded}, Item:40, Script:255
;;type_01=Ratio:60%, pid:Average Raider, Item:Colt 10mm Pistol
type_01=Ratio:45%, pid:16777249, Item:7, Script:255
;type_02=Ratio:20%, Dead, pid:16777220, Item:40, Script:256
type_02=Dead, pid:16777220, Item:40, Script:256
type_03=Dead, pid:16777268, Script:256 ; Kid
type_04=Dead, pid:16777225, Script:256 ; Dog
type_05=pid:71, Distance:10

;;type_03=Dead, pid:Peasant, Item:{Dead Loser Items}, Script:RDeadlsr
;;type_04=Spatial:tripwire, TileNum:type_03{TileNum}   ; Body is trapped
;;type_05=pid:Mutated Fruit, TileNum:Player{TileNum}   ; Also, you found a mutated fruit (at your feet)
; Grouped|Surrounding, Spacing:# = hexes between them (spread/density)
position=Surrounding, Spacing:5, Distance:Player(Perception)  ; This is the default Distance
   ; Note: Engine can make a perception check (awareness counts as automatic
   ;   success) to determine distance.

   ; WIP! team:#  -- Note, this is partially inherited?

[Encounter: Rad_Scorpions]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777221

[Encounter: Giant_Rats]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777227

[Encounter: Merchant_Party]
; WIP!
;map=Desert Merchant Map ; WIP!
type_00=pid:16777274, Script:258
type_01=Ratio:35%, pid:16777262, Item:8{Wielded}, Script:259
type_02=Ratio:15%, pid:16777263, Item:8{Wielded}, Script:259
type_03=Ratio:35%, pid:16777258, Item:4{Wielded}, Script:259
type_04=Ratio:15%, pid:16777259, Item:7{Wielded}, Script:259

[Encounter: Manti]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777228, Script:20

[Encounter: Easy_Deathclaw]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777223, Script:21

[Encounter: Easy_Gecko]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777296, Script:269

[Encounter: Easy_MoleRat]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777326, Script:18

[Encounter: Easy_Pigrat]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777328, Script:18

[Encounter: Dog]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777225

[Encounter: Brahmin]
type_00=Ratio:100%, pid:16777226, Script:202

;;;;;;;;  Newly added Random Encounter Types for Fallout2   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   RWH2    June 19, 1998    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;[Pid List]
;pid = 16777296         Small Silver Gecko
;pid = 16777297         Tough Silver Gecko
;pid = 16777299         Golden Gecko
;pid = 16777302         Tough Golden Gecko
;pid = 16777221         Small Radscorpion
;pid = 16777222         Large Radscorpion
;pid = 16777227         Regular Rat
;pid = 16777232         Spore Plant
;pid = 16777328         Regular Pig Rat
;pid = 16777329         Tough Pig Rat
;pid = 16777326         Molerat
;pid = 16777327         Greater Molerat
;pid = 16777277         Master Merchant Female
;pid = 16777272         Bad Merchant Male
;pid = 16777219         Primitive Male
;pid = 16777220         Primitive Female

;[Pid List]
;pid = 271              Broc Flower
;pid = 272              Xander Root
;pid = 365              Plant Spike

;[Item Lists]


[Encounter: ARRO_Rats]
type_00=ratio:95%, pid:16777227, Script:617      ; Rats
type_01=ratio:5%, pid:16777328, Script:617       ; Pig Rats
type_02=pid:271, Distance:10, If (Rand(5%))      ; Xander Root
position=huddle, spacing:3  ;Player(Perception)

[Encounter: ARRO_Pig_Rats]
type_00=ratio:95%, pid:16777328, Script:617      ; Pig Rats
type_01=ratio:5%, pid:272, Distance:12           ; Broc Flower
type_02=pid:16777326, If (Rand(5%)), Script:617  ; Mole Rats
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: ARRO_Sm_Scorpions]
type_00=ratio:100%, pid:16777221, Script:616         ; Small Radscorpions
type_01=Dead, pid:16777219, Item:7, If (Rand(10%))   ; Dead Primitive Male w/ Spear
type_02=Dead, pid:16777220, Item:273, If (Rand(10%)) ; Dead Primitive Female w/ Healing Herb
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:4

[Encounter: ARRO_Silver_Geckos]
type_00=ratio:90%, pid:16777296, Script:615     ; Silver Gecko
type_01=ratio:10%, pid:16777297, Script:615     ; Tough Silver Gecko
position=huddle, spacing:5

[Encounter: ARRO_Spore_Plants]
type_00=ratio:100%, pid:16777232,Item:(2-6)365, Script:614   ; Spore Plant w/ Spikes
type_01=pid:271, Distance:10, If (Rand(10%))            ; Xander Root
type_02=pid:272, Distance: 15, If (Rand(10%))           ; Broc Flower
type_03=Dead, pid:16777220, Item:(0-10)41, Script:622, if (Rand(5%))         ; Primitive Female
position=Surrounding, spacing:3
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:1
;position=huddle, spacing:1

[Encounter: ARRO_Hunting_Party]
type_00=pid:16777418, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:484             ; Male Hunter w/ Sharp Spear (Leader)
type_01=ratio:60%, pid:16777418, Item:7(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:484    ; Male Hunter w/ Spear
type_02=ratio:40%, pid:16777419, Item:7(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:484    ; Female Hunter w/ Spear
type_03=Dead, pid:16777296, Distance:7                          ; Dead Silver Gecko
position=wedge, spacing:2

[Encounter: ARRO_War_Party]
type_00=ratio:30%, pid:16777418, Item:280(wielded), Item:(3-6)320, Item:(0-10)41, Script:618  ; Male Hunter w/ Sharp Spear
;type_01=ratio:30%, pid:16777420, Item:4(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:618    ; Male Cannibal w/ Knife
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777419, Item:280(wielded), Item:(3-6)320, Item:(0-10)41, Script:618  ; Female Hunter w/ Sharp Spear
;type_03=ratio:20%, pid:16777421, Item:4:(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:618   ; Female Cannibal w/ Knife
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
;position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: ARRO_Cannibals]
type_00=ratio:30%, pid:16777420, Item:4(wielded), Item:(3-7)19, Script:619    ; Male Cannibal w/ Knife
type_01=ratio:30%, pid:16777421, Item:4(wielded), Item:(3-7)19, Script:619    ; Female Cannibal w/ Knife
;type_02=ratio:20%, pid:16777420, Item:7(wielded), Script:619    ; Male Cannibal w/ Spear
;type_03=ratio:20%, pid:16777421, Item:280(wielded), Script:619, If(Player(Level) > 3)  ; Female Cannibal w/ Sharpened Spear
type_04=Dead, pid:16777418                                      ; Dead Male Hunter
position=wedge, spacing:2

[Encounter: ARRO_Outcasts]
type_00=ratio:60%, pid:16777420, Script:620                     ; Male Cannibal
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777421, Script:620                     ; Female Cannibal
type_02=ratio:10%, pid:16777420, Item:4(wielded), Script:620    ; Male Cannibal w/ Knife
type_03=ratio:10%, pid:16777421, Item:4(wielded), Script:620    ; Female Cannibal w/ Knife
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: ARRO_Holy_People]
type_00=ratio:70%, pid:16777422, Item:7(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:621    ; Holy Man w/ Spear
type_01=ratio:30%, pid:16777423, Item:4(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:621    ; Holy Woman w/ Knife
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: ARRO_Nomads]
type_00=ratio:50%, pid:16777424, Item:49, Item:284, Item:7, Item:(0-10)41, Script:622      ; Male Nomad w/ Antidote, Meat Jerky, and Spear
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777426, Item:273, Item:4, Item:(0-10)41, Script:622               ; Female Nomad w/ Healing Powder and  Knife
type_02=pid:16777226, If (Rand(10%)), Script:477                            ; Male Orphan
type_03=pid:16777226, If (Rand(15%)), Script:477                            ; Female Orphan
position=cone, spacing:2

[Encounter: ARROK_Molerats]
type_00=ratio:85%, pid:16777326, Script:617                     ; Molerats
type_01=ratio:15%, pid:16777327, Script:617                     ; Greater Molerats
type_02=Dead, pid:16777296, Distance:10, If (Rand(15%))         ; Dead Silver Gecko
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: ARROK_Geckos]
type_00=ratio:85%, pid:16777297, Script:615                     ; Tough Silver Geckos
type_01=ratio:15%, pid:16777299, Script:615                     ; Golden Gecko
type_02=Dead, pid:16777219, Item:7                              ; Dead Primitieve Male W/ spear
type_03=pid:320, Distance:15                                    ; Sharpened Pole
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: KLA_Trappers]
type_00=ratio:33%, pid:16777311, Item:7(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:509    ; Male Trapper w/ Club
type_01=ratio:33%, pid:16777311, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:509  ; Male Trapper w/ Sharpened Spear
type_02=ratio:17%, pid:16777312, Item:7(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:509    ; Female Trapper w/ Spear
type_03=ratio:17%, pid:16777312, Item:4(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:509    ; Female Trapper w/ Knife
position=huddle, spacing:5

[Encounter: KLA_Bandits]
;type_00=pid:16777248, Item:4(wielded), Item:40, Item:(1-3)273, Script:624        ; Melee Thug (Bandit Leader) w/ Sledgehammer, Stim, Healing Powder
type_00=ratio:33%, pid:16777285, Item:7(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:624               ; Weak Melee Guard (male) w/ Crowbar
type_01=ratio:33%, pid:16777428, Item:4(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:624                ; Bandit (male) w/ Knife
type_02=ratio:33%, pid:16777429, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:624               ; Bandit (female) w/ Club
;type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777429, Item:7(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:624               ;Bandit (female) w/ Spear
type_05=Dead, pid:16777272, Distance:7 ; Dead Bad Merchant
type_06=Dead, pid:16777287, Distance:8 ; Dead Male Weak Gun Guard
type_07=Dead, pid:16777288, Distance:9 ; Dead Female Weak Gun Guard
position=double_line, spacing:2

[Encounter: KLA_Homeless]
type_00=ratio:33%, pid:16777284, Item:4(wielded), Script:623    ; Strong Peasant Female w/ Club
type_01=ratio:33%, pid:16777283, Item:21(wielded), Script:623   ; Strong Peasant Male w/ Brass Knuckles
type_02=ratio:15%, pid:16777279, Item:320, Script:623           ; Weak Peasant Male w/ Sharpened Pole
type_03=ratio:15%, pid:16777280, Item:4, Script:623             ; Weak Peasant Female w/ Knife
type_04=ratio:4%, pid:16777270, Script:1129                      ; Male Loser
type_05=pid:16777269, Script:1129                                ; Female Child
type_06=pid:16777270, Script:1129                                ; Male Child
type_07=Dead, pid:16777298                                      ; Dead Dog
position=Surrounding, Spacing:6, Distance:7

[Encounter: KLA_Farmers]
type_00=ratio:67%, pid:16777281, Item:9, Item:(0-3)71, Item:(0-10)41, Script:493    ; Average Peasant Male w/ 10mm SMG and Fruit
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777282, Item:299, Item:(1-2)71, Item:(0-10)41, Script:493   ; Average Peasant Female w/ Hunting Rifle and Fruit
type_02=ratio:4%, pid:16777269, Item:71, Script:1129             ; Female Child w/ Fruit
type_03=ratio:4%, pid:16777270, Script:1129                      ; Male Child
type_04=Dead, pid:16777298                                      ; Dead Dog
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:1

[Encounter: KLA_Golden_Geckos]
type_00=ratio:85%, pid:16777299, Script:615                                 ; Golden Gecko
type_01=ratio:15%, pid:16777297, Script:615                                 ; Tough Silver Gecko
type_02=pid:16777302, Script:615, If (Rand(10%))                            ; Tough Golden Gecko
type_03=Dead, pid:16777311, Item:49 ; Dead male Trapper w/ Antidote
position=huddle, spacing:4

[Encounter: KLAD_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777274, Item:5(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:258             ; Average Merchant Male w/ Club
type_01=pid:16777285, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:259             ; Weak Melee Guard Male w/ Sharpened Spear
type_02=pid:16777286, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:259             ; Weak Melee Guard Felame w/ Sharpened Spear
type_03=pid:16777285, Item:8(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:259             ; Weak Melee Guard Male w/ Sledge Hammer
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: KLAD_Scorpions]
type_00=ratio:70%, pid:16777221, Script:616                                 ; Small Radscorpions
type_01=ratio:30%, pid:16777222, Script:616                                 ; Large Radscorpions
type_02=Dead, pid:16777275                                      ; Dead Average Female Merchant
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: KLAD_Mole_Pig_Rat]
type_00=ratio:40%, pid:16777326, Script:617                                 ; Mole Rat
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777327, Script:617                                 ; Greater Mole Rat
type_02=ratio:40%, pid:16777328, Script:617                                 ; Pig Rats
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: DMRV_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777274, Item:9(wielded), Item:40, Item:(0-20)41, Script:776                     ; Male Slaver w/ Hunting Rifle and Stimpak
type_01=ratio:40%, pid:16777262, Item:10(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:259                   ; Male Gun Guard w/ Hunting Rifle
type_02=ratio:30%, pid:16777233, Item:(0-10)41, Script:628                                     ; Cute Female Slave
type_03=ratio:30%, pid:16777240, Item:(0-10)41, Script:628                                     ; Combat Male Slave
type_04=pid:16777434, Item:9(wielded), Item:40, Item:(0-10)41, Script:258, If (Rand(15%))      ; Female Slaver w/ 10mm SMG and Stimpak
type_05=pid:16777225, If (Rand(10%))                                            ; Dog
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: DMRV_Robbers]
type_00=pid:16777247, Item:10(wielded), Item:40, Item:(0-15)41, Item:259, Script:625           ; Tough Female Thug w/ Hunting Rifle, Stimpak, Jet
type_01=ratio:40%, pid:16777248, Item:234(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Item:40, Script:625         ; Melee Male Thug w/ Spiked Knuckles and Stimpak
type_02=ratio:40%, pid:16777249, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:625                  ; Melee Female Thug w/ Combat Knife
type_03=ratio:10%, pid:16777252, Item:8(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:625                    ; Male Gun Thug w/ 10mm pistol
type_04=ratio:10%, pid:16777253, Item:8(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:625, If(Player(Level) > 6)   ; Female Gun Thug w/ 10mm pistol
position=wedge, spacing:2

[Encounter: DMRV_Highwaymen]
type_00=pid:16777246, Item:10(wielded), Item:40, Item:(0-15)41, Item:259, Script:626           ; Tough Male Thug w/ Hunting Rifle, Stimpak, Jet
type_01=ratio:35%, pid:16777250, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Item:40, Script:626           ; Agile Male Thug w/ Combat Knife and Stimpak
type_02=ratio:35%, pid:16777251, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Item:40, Script:626           ; Agile Female Thug w/ sharp spear and Stimpak
type_03=ratio:15%, pid:16777252, Item:8(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Item:259, Script:626, If(Player(Level) > 6)         ; Male Gun Thug w/ 10mm Pistol and Jet
type_04=ratio:15%, pid:16777253, Item:8(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Item:259, Script:626         ; Female Gun Thug w/ 10mm Pistol and Jet
position=wedge, spacing:2

[Encounter: DMRV_Golden_Geckos]
type_00=ratio:20%, pid:16777302, Script:615                                     ; Tough Golden Gecko
type_01=ratio:80%, pid:16777299, Script:615                                     ; Golden Gecko
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: DMRV_Scorpions]
type_00=ratio:100%, pid:16777222, Script:616                                    ; Large Radscorpion
type_01=Dead, pid:16777221                                                      ; Dead Small Scorpion
position=Surrounding, Spacing:3

[Encounter: DEN_Slavers]
type_00=ratio:20%, pid:16777433, Item:18(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Item:40, Script:508          ; Male Slaver w/ Desert Eagle and Stimpak
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777434, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Item:40, Script:508         ; Female Slaver w/ Springer Rifle and Stimpak
type_02=ratio:20%, pid:16777233, Script:628                                     ; Cute Female Slave
type_03=ratio:20%, pid:16777238, Script:628                                     ; Strong Male Slave
type_04=ratio:10%, pid:16777243, Script:628                                     ; Generic Female Slave
type_05=ratio:10%, pid:16777244, Script:628                                     ; Generic Male Slave
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
;position=huddle, spacing:1

[Encounter: DEN_Slave_Run]
type_00=ratio:50%, pid:16777433, Item:5(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:627                    ; Male Slaver w/ Club
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777434, Item:20(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:627                   ; Female Slaver w/ Crowbar

[Encounter: DEN_Slaves]
type_00=ratio:40%, pid:16777235, Item:299(wielded), Script:628                    ; Healthy Female Slave w/ Knife
type_01=ratio:40%, pid:16777236, Item:4(wielded), Script:628                    ; Healthy Male Slave w/ Spear
type_02=ratio:10%, pid:16777266, Script:1129                                     ; Male Orphan
type_03=ratio:10%, pid:16777267, Script:1129                                     ; Female Orphan
position=Surrounding, Spacing:4

[Encounter: DEN_Rave_Party]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777279, Item:259, Item:(0-10)41, Script:629                           ; Weak Peasant Male w/ Jet
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777280, Item:271, Item:(0-10)41, Script:629                           ; Weak Peasant Female w/ Broc Flower
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777281, Item:(0-10)41, Script:629                                     ; Average Peasant Male
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777282, Item:(0-10)41, Script:629                                     ; Average Peasant Female
position=Surrounding, Spacing:5, Distance:15

[Encounter: DEN_Molerats]
type_00=ratio:60%, pid:16777327, Script:617                                     ; Greater Molerats
type_01=ratio:40%, pid:16777326, Script:617                                     ; Regular Molerats
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: MOD_Moonshiners]
type_00=pid:16777246, Item:94(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Item:95, Script:1294          ; Tough Male Thug w/ Shotgun and Shells
type_01=ratio:40%, pid:16777246, Item:94(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Item:95, Script:505          ; Tough Male Thug w/ Shotgun and Shells
type_02=ratio:40%, pid:16777247, Item:18(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Script:505                   ; Tough Female Thug w/ Desert Eagle
type_03=ratio:10%, pid:16777239, Item:8(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Script:505                  ; Female Combat Slave w/ Zip Gun
type_04=ratio:10%, pid:16777240, Item:319(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Script:505                  ; Male Combat Slave w/ Switchblade
type_05=pid:33555432, Distance:14, If (Rand(20%))                               ; Still
position=Surrounding, Spacing:7

[Encounter: MOD_Wild_Brahmin]
type_00=ratio:30%, pid:16777226, Script:631                                     ; Brahmin
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777330, Script:631                                     ; Weak Brahmin
type_02=ratio:50%, pid:16777435, Script:631                                     ; Wild Brahmin
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: MOD_Mantis]
type_00=ratio:40%, pid:16777228, Script:630                                     ; Mantis from Arroyo Caves
type_01=ratio:60%, pid:16777432, Script:630                                     ; Medium Mantis
type_02=Dead, pid:16777222, If (Rand(15%))                                      ; Dead Large Radscorpion
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: DVMV_Robbers]
type_00=ratio:10%, pid:16777246, Item:94(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Item:95, Script:625                  ; Tough Male Thug w/ Shotgun and shells
type_01=ratio:40%, pid:16777247, Item:18(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Script:625                   ; Tough Female Thug w/ Desert Eagle
type_02=ratio:40%, pid:16777248, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Item:40, Item:259, Script:625       ; Agile Male Thug w/ Combat knife, Stimpak and Jet
type_03=ratio:10%, pid:16777249, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Item:259, Script:625                  ; Agile Female Thug w/ 10mm SMG and Jet
position=cone, spacing:2

[Encounter: DVMV_Highwaymen]
type_00=ratio:30%, pid:16777246, Item:313(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Script:626, If(Player(Level) > 5)                 ; Tough Male Thug w/ .44 Magnum revolver and stimpak
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777247, Item:351(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Item:363, Script:626       ; Tough Female Thug w/ FN FAL, 7.62mm, and Stimpak
type_02=ratio:30%, pid:16777246, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Script:626                 ; Tough Male Thug w/ Combat Knife
type_03=ratio:20%, pid:16777247, Item:94(wielded), Item:(0-15)41, Item:95, Script:626        ; Tough Female Thug w/ Shotgun, shells, and Healing Powder
position=cone, spacing:2

[Encounter: DVMV_Wild_Dogs]
type_00=ratio:80%, pid:16777298, Script:632                                     ; Wild Dog
type_01=Dead, ratio:20%, pid:16777426                                           ; Dead Female Nomad
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: DVMV_Mantis_Swarm]
type_00=ratio:80%, pid:16777432, Script:630                                     ; Medium Mantis
type_01=Dead, ratio:20%, pid:16777226                                           ; Dead Brahmin
position=huddle, spacing:1

[Encounter: DVMV_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777276, Item:236(wielded), Item:(2-4)259, Item:(0-30)41, Item:40, Script:258          ; Male Master Merchant w/ Combat Knife, Jet, Stimpak
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777262, Item:9(wielded), Item:29, Item:(0-15)41, Item:40, Script:259  ; Male Gun Guard w/ 10mm SMG, 10mm JHP, Stimpak
type_02=ratio:50%, pid:16777263, Item:351(wielded), Item:40, Item:(0-15)41, Script:259         ; Female Gun Guard w/ FN FAL, Stimpak
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: WILD1_Trader]
type_00=pid:16777274, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:741                             ; Average Male Merchant w/ Combat Knife
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777262, Item:122(wielded), Script:259                  ; Male Gun Guard w/ 9mm Mauser
type_02=ratio:50%, pid:16777263, Item:10(wielded), Script:259                   ; Female Gun Guard w/ Hunting Rifle
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: WILD2_Mutated_Molerats]
type_00=ratio:90%, pid:16777333, Script:617                                     ; Mutated Molerats
type_01=Dead, ratio:10%, pid:16777256                                           ; Dead Tough Male Guard
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats]
type_00=ratio:70%, pid:16777334, Script:617                                     ; Mutated Pig Rat
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777332, Script:617                                     ; Mutated Rat
type_02=Dead, ratio:10%, pid:16777257                                                 ; Dead Tough Female Guard
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: WILD2_Hermit]
type_00=pid:16777422, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Item:(0-2)273, Script:773                               ; Holy Man w/ combat knife and Healing Powder
position=huddle, spacing:2, Distance:3

[Encounter: VPAT_Patrol]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777438, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:40, Script:491                      ; Vault City Male Patrol w/ Assault Rifle and Stimpak
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777439, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:40, Script:491                      ; Vault City Female Patrol w/ Assault Rifle and Stimpak
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777438, Item:18(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:40, Script:491                      ; Vault City Male Patrol w/ Desert Eagle and Stimpak
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777439, Item:18(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:40, Script:491                      ; Vault City Female Patrol w/ Desert Eagle and Stimpak
position=wedge, spacing:2

[Encounter: VPAT_Strong_Slavers]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777440, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:159, Script:508                      ; Strong Male Slaver w/ 10mm SMG and Molotov Cocktail
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777441, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:508                              ; Strong Female Slaver w/ Sharpened Spear
type_02=ratio:10%, pid:16777440, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:(0-2)259, Script:508                    ; Strong Male Slaver w/ H&K CAWS and Jet
type_03=ratio:40%, pid:16777441, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:(0-1)259, Script:508                    ; Strong Female Slaver w/ Combat Knife and Jet
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
;position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: GECK_Ghoul_Crazies]
type_00=ratio:35%, pid:16777442, Item:385(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:280, Script:767                    ; Crazy w/ Sawed off shotgun and Sharpened spear
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777442, Item:10(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:767                               ; Crazy w/ Hunting Rifle
type_02=ratio:15%, pid:16777442, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:767                               ; Crazy w/ Assault Rifle
position=Surrounding, spacing:3, distance:1

[Encounter: GECK_Crazies]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777442, Item:94(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:767                              ; Crazy w/  Shotgun
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777442, Item:10(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:767                               ; Crazy w/ Hunting Rifle
type_02=ratio:50%, pid:16777444, Item:(0-20)41, Script:767                                                 ; Glowing Crazy
position=Surrounding, spacing:3, distance:2

[Encounter: GECK_Ghoul_Scavs]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777443, Item:8(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:742                     ; Scavenger w/ 10mmm Pistol
type_01=ratio:33%, pid:16777443, Item:(5-8)19(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:742                              ; Scavenger w/ rocks
type_02=ratio:32%, pid:16777443, Item:21(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:742                              ; Scavenger w/ Brass Knuckles
type_03=ratio:10%, pid:16777443, Item:159(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:742                              ; Scavenger w/ Molotov Cocktail
position=Surrounding, spacing:3, distance:3

[Encounter: GECK_Scavs]
type_00=ratio:15%, pid:16777443, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:742                              ; Scavenger w/ 10mm SMG
type_01=ratio:35%, pid:16777443, Item:18(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:742                              ; Scavenger w/ Desert Eagle
type_02=ratio:50%, pid:16777445, Item:(0-20)41, Script:742                                                 ; Glowing Scavenger
position=Surrounding, spacing:3, distance:4

[Encounter: GECK_Mutated_Rats]
type_00=ratio:100%, pid:16777332, Script:617                                                ; Mutated Rats
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: GECK_Geckos]
type_00=ratio:30%, pid:16777297, Script:615                                                 ; Tough Silver Gecko
type_01=ratio:30%, pid:16777299, Script:615                                                 ; Golden Gecko
type_02=ratio:40%, pid:16777302, Script:615                                                 ; Tough Golden Gecko
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: FISH_Fisherman]
type_00=ratio:30%, pid:16777446, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:507                              ; Male Fisherman w/ Sharp Spear
type_01=ratio:30%, pid:16777447, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:507                              ; Female Fisherman w/ Sharp Spear
type_02=ratio:20%, pid:16777446, Item:4(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:507                                ; Male Fisherman w/ Knife
type_03=ratio:20%, pid:16777447, Item:4(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:507                                ; Female Fisherman w/ Knife
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
;position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: FISH_Wilder]
type_00=ratio:70%, pid:16777448, Script:735                              ; Male Wilder
type_01=ratio:30%, pid:16777449, Script:735                              ; Female Wilder
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: DNRV_Den_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777272, Item:(0-20)41, Script:776                                                            ; Bad Merchant Male
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777440, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:508                              ; Strong Slaver Male w/ Combat KNife
type_02=ratio:50%, pid:16777356, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-10)41, Script:508                                ; Slaver Guard w/ 10mm SMG
type_03=ratio:15%, pid:16777235, Script:628                                                 ; Healthy Female Slave
type_04=ratio:15%, pid:16777236, Script:628                                                 ; Healthy Male Slave
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: DNRV_Vault_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777274, Item:(0-30)41, Script:789                                                            ; Average Merchant Male
type_01=ratio:25%,pid:16777256, Item:10(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                                ; Tough Male Guard w/ Hunting Rifle
type_02=ratio:25%,pid:16777257, Item:8(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                                 ; Tough Female Guard w/ 10mm pistol
type_03=ratio:25%,pid:16777256, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                                 ; Tough Male Guard w/ 10mm SMG
type_04=ratio:25%,pid:16777257, Item:18(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                                ; Tough Female Guard w/ Desert Eagle
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: DNRV_Reno_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777275, Item:(0-40)41, Item:40, Script:777                                                            ; Average Merchant Female
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777262, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:40, Script:259                               ; Gun guard male w/ HK CAWS
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777263, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:40, Script:259                               ; Gun Guard female w/ Assault Rifle
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777258, Item:6(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Item:40, Script:259                              ; Male Melee guard w/ Sledge
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777261, Item:(3-6)25(wielded), Item:236, Item:(0-20)41, Item:40, Item:95, Script:259                     ; Female Agile guard w/ Sawed off shotgun and Shells
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: DNRV_Redding_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777277, Item:(0-30)41, Script:778                                                            ; Master Merchant Female
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777262, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                               ; Male Gun Guard w/ Assault Rifle
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777264, Item:12(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                               ; Male Big Gun Guard w/ Minigun
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777263, Item:22(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                               ; Female Gun Guard w/ 14mm Pistol
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777263, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                              ; Female Gun Guard w/ Grease Gun
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: RED_Bootlegger]
type_00=pid:16777450, Item:6(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:1116                                        ; Bootlegger male w/ Super Sledgehammer
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777450, Item:6(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:505                              ; Bootlegger male w/ Sledgehammer
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777450, Item:354(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:505                              ; Bootlegger male w/ Pancor Jackhammer
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777451, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:505                              ; Bootlegger female w/ Grease Gun
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777451, Item:22(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:505                              ; Bootlegger female w/ 14mm
type_05=pid:33555432, Distance:14, If (Rand(10%))                               ; Still
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: RED_Trappers]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777248, Item:22(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:509                              ; Melee Thug male w/ 14mm
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777248, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:509                              ; Melee Thug male w/ 10mm SMG
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777249, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:509                              ; Melee Thug female w/ Combat Knife
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777249, Item:9(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:509                              ; Melee Thug female w/ 10mm SMG
position=Surrounding, spacing:5, distance:5

[Encounter: RED_Prospector]
type_00=pid:16777452, Item:6(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:1115                                        ; Prospector male w/ Sledge
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777452, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:763                              ; Prospector male w/ Assulat Rifle
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777452, Item:354(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:763                              ; Prospector male w/ Pancor Jackhammer
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777453, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:763                              ; Prospector female w/
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777453, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:763                              ; Prospector female w/ H&K CAWS
position=Surrounding, Spacing:4, distance:4

[Encounter: RED_Claim_Jumper]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777252, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:768                              ; Gun Thug male w/ Combat Shotgun
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777252, Item:6(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:768                              ; Gun Thug male w/ Sledgehammer
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777253, Item:387(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:768                              ; Gun Thug female w/ M60
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777253, Item:388(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:768                              ; Gun Thug female w/ Needler Pistol
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
;position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: RED_Wolves]
type_00=ratio:100%, pid:16777298, Script:632                                                ; Wild Dog

[Encounter: RED_Homesteaders]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777436, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:786                              ; Homesteader male w/ Grease Gun
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777436, Item:160(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:786                               ; Homesteader male w/ Cattle Prod
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777437, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:787                              ; Homesteader female w/ H&K CAWS
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777437, Item:352(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:787                              ; Homesteader female w/ H&K G11
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777277, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:779                                         ; Master Trader female w/ H&K CAWS
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777264, Item:12(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:259                               ; Big Gun Guard male w/ Minigun
type_02=ratio:50%, pid:16777265, Item:12(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:259                               ; Big Gun Guard female w/ Minigun
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: RDRC_Gecko_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777375, Item:94(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:780                                          ; Generic Ghoul w/ Shotgun  (Caravan Leader)
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777375, Item:10(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                               ; Reactor Ghoul w/ Hunting rifle
type_02=ratio:50%, pid:16777375, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-20)41, Script:259                               ; Reactor Ghoul w/ Assault Rifle
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: RDRC_Raiders]
type_00=ratio:35%, pid:16777454, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:256                               ; Raider male w/ Assault Rifle
type_01=ratio:15%, pid:16777454, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:256                              ; Raider male w/ Combat Shotgun
type_02=ratio:15%, pid:16777455, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:256                              ; Raider female w/ H&K CAWS
type_03=ratio:35%, pid:16777455, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:256                              ; Raider female w/ Grease Gun
position=cone, spacing:2

[Encounter: EPA_Fire_Geckos]
type_00=ratio:100%, pid:16777456, Item:427(wielded), Script:615                             ; Fire Gecko w/ Flame Breath
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:1
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos]
type_00=ratio:40%, pid:16777456, Item:427(wielded), Script:615                              ; Fire Gecko w/ Flame Breath
type_01=ratio:60%, pid:16777457, Item:427(wielded), Script:615                              ; Tough Fire Geckos w/ Flame Breath
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: EPA_Alien]
type_00=ratio:100%, pid:16777458, Script:790                                                ; Alien
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: EPA_Tough_Alien]
type_00=ratio:30%, pid:16777458, Script:790                                                 ; Alien
type_01=ratio:70%, pid:16777459, Script:790                                                 ; Tough Alien
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: EPA_Deathclaws]
type_00=ratio:70%, pid:16777460, Item:371(wielded), Script:791                              ; Sm. Tough Deathclaw w/ Claw 1
type_01=ratio:15%, pid:16777461, Item:371(wielded), Script:791                              ; Tough Deathclaw w/ Claw 1
type_02=ratio:15%, pid:16777461, Item:372(wielded), Script:791, If(Rand(10%))               ; Tough Deathclaw w/ Claw 2
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: EPA_Centaurs]
type_00=ratio:40%, pid:16777464, Script:793                                                 ; Centaur
type_01=ratio:60%, pid:16777465, Script:793                                                 ; Mean Centaur
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: EPA_Floaters]
type_00=ratio:40%, pid:16777462, Script:792                                                 ; Floater
type_01=ratio:60%, pid:16777463, Script:792                                                 ; Nasty Floater
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: EPA_Floater_Centaurs]
type_00=ratio:20%, pid:16777464, Script:793                                                 ; Centaur
type_01=ratio:20%, pid:16777465, Script:793                                                 ; Mean Centaur
type_02=ratio:30%, pid:16777462, Script:792                                                 ; Floater
type_03=ratio:30%, pid:16777463, Script:792                                                 ; Nasty Floater
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: NAV_Enclave_Patrol]
type_00=pid:16777466, Item:389(wielded), Item:236 Item:(0-50)41, Script:794, If(Rand(10%))                          ; Enclave Patrol male w/ Avenger Minigun
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777466, Item:24(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:794                              ; Enclave Patrol male w/ Plasma Pistol
type_02=pid:16777466, Item:391(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:794, If(Rand(10%))                          ; Enclave Patrol male w/ H&K G11E
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777467, Item:28(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:794, If(Rand(10%))                ; Enclave Patrol female w/ Gatling Laser
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777467, Item:396(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:794                              ; Enclave Patrol female w/ YK32 Pulse Pistol
type_05=ratio:25%, pid:16777467, Item:394(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:794                              ; Enclave Patrol female w/ PPK12 Gauss Pistol
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
position=double_line, spacing:3
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
;position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: FRAN_Mercenaries]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777470, Item:24(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:486                              ; Mercenary male w/ Solar Scorcher
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777470, Item:388(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:486                              ; Mercenary male w/ Needler Pistol
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777471, Item:(4-8)26(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:486                               ; Merceneary female w/ Plasma Grenade
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777471, Item:116(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:486                              ; Merceneary female w/ Ripper
position=double_line, spacing:2

[Encounter: FRAN_Elronologists]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777494, Item:235(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:766                             ; Elronologist Male w/ Power Fist
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777494, Item:391(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:766                             ; Elronologist Male w/ Laser Rifle
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777495, Item:(4-8)26(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:766                             ; Elronologist Female w/ Light Support Weapon
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777495, Item:391(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:766                              ; Elronologist Female w/ Flamer
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: FRAN_Press_Gang]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777468, Item:235(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:764                              ; Press Gang male w/ Power Fist
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777468, item:116(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:764                              ; Press Gang male w/ Ripper
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777469, Item:235(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:764                              ; Press Gang Female w/ Power Fist
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777469, Item:116(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:764                              ; Press Gang female w/ Ripper
position=Surrounding, Spacing:2, distance:5

[Encounter: FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777358, Item:388(wielded), Item:(0-70)41, Script:781                                         ; Grand Master Trader male w/ Sniper Rifle
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777438, Item:118(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:259                              ; Vault City patrol male w/ Laser Rifle
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777438, Item:389(wielded), Item:236, Item:(0-50)41, Script:259                              ; Vault City patrol male w/ Avenger Minigun
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777439, Item:355(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:259                              ; Vault City patrol female w/ Light Support Weapon
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777439, Item:296(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:259                              ; Vault City patrol female w/ H&K P90c
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: BROK_Unity_Patrol]
type_00=ratio:20%, pid:16777472, Item:12(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:738                               ; Nightkin w/ Minigun
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777473, Item:13(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Item:(3-5)37, Script:738                      ; Tough Nightkin w/ Rocket Launcher and AP Rockets
type_02=ratio:15%, pid:16777474, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:738                              ; Tough Ghoul w/ Combat Shotgun
type_03=ratio:15%, pid:16777474, Item:23(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:738                               ; Tough Ghoul w/ Assault Rifle
type_04=ratio:12%, pid:16777264, Item:12(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:738                               ; Big Gun Guard male w/ Minigun
type_05=ratio:13%, pid:16777265, Item:13(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Item:(3-5)14, Script:738                      ; Big Gun Guard female w/ Rocket Launcher and Explosive Rockets
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:3
;position=wedge, spacing:2
position=cone, spacing:2
;position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: BROK_Rogues]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777252, Item:94(wielded), Item:95, Item:(0-30)41, Script:772                              ; Gun Thug male w/ Needler Pistol
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777253, Item:354(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:772                              ; Gun Thug female w/ Pancor Jackhammer
type_02=ratio:10%, pid:16777255, Item:11(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:772                               ; Big Gun Thug female w/ Flamer
type_03=ratio:40%, pid:16777254, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:772                              ; Bug Gun Thug male w/ H&K CAWS
position=wedge, spacing:2

[Encounter: NEW_Mobsters]
type_00=pid:16777475, Item:283(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:482                                         ; Mobster w/ Tommy Gun
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777253, Item:283(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:482                              ; thug w/ tommy gun
type_01=Ratio:50%, pid:16777252, Item:143(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:482                              ; thug w/ Sniper Rifle
position=cone, spacing:2

[Encounter: NEW_Yakuza]
type_00=ratio:50%, pid:16777476, Item:522(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:734                              ; Yakuza w/ Tommy Gun
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777476, Item:522, Item:(4-7)45(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:734                              ; Yakuza w/ Throwing Knives
position=wedge, spacing:2

[Encounter: NEW_Gang]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777252, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:774, If(Rand(20%))                              ; Gun Thug male w/ Combat Shotgun
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777251, Item:22(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:774                               ; Gun Thug female w/ 14mm Pistol
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777255, Item:11(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:774                               ; Big Gun Thug female w/ Flamer
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777246, Item:241(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:774                              ; Tough Thug Male w/ .223 Autoloader
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: NEW_Traveller]
type_00=pid:16777437, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:496                                         ; Female Homesteader w/ Combat Knife
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: NCR_Rangers]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777477, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:485                              ; NCR Ranger male w/ Combat Shotgun
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777477, Item:11(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:485                               ; NCR Ranger male w/ Flamer
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777478, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:485                              ; NCR Ranger female w/ H&K CAWS
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777478, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:485                              ; NCR Ranger female w/ Grease Gun
;position=double_line, spacing:3

[Encounter: NCR_Marauders]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777479, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:771                              ; Maurader male w/ H&K CAWS
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777479, Item:296(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:771                              ; Maurader male w/ H&K P90c
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777480, Item:280(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:771                              ; Maurader female w/ Sharpened Spear
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777480, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:771                              ; Maurader female w/ Combat KNife
position=wedge, spacing:2

[Encounter: NCR_Masters_Army]
type_00=ratio:25%, pid:16777473, Item:118(wielded), Script:762                              ; Tough Nightkin w/ Laser Rifle
type_01=ratio:10%, pid:16777472, Item:13(wielded), Item:(2-5)14, Script:762                 ; Nightkin w/ Rocket Launcher and Explosive Rocket
type_02=ratio:35%, pid:16777464, Script:793                                                 ; Centaur
type_03=ratio:30%, pid:16777462, Script:792                                                 ; Floater
;position=straight_line, spacing:1
;position=straight_line, spacing:2
;position=double_line, spacing:3
;position=wedge, spacing:2
;position=cone, spacing:2
position=huddle, spacing:5

[Encounter: NCR_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777277, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-60)41, Script:782                                         ; Master Trader female w/ Needler Pistol
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777477, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:259                              ; NCR Ranger male w/ Combat Shotgun
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777477, Item:11(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:259                               ; NCR Ranger male w/ Flamer
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777478, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:259                              ; NCR Ranger female w/ H&K CAWS
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777478, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-40)41, Script:259                              ; NCR Ranger female w/ Grease Gun
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: V15_Caravan]
type_00=pid:16777277, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-50)41, Script:783                                         ; Master Trader female w/ Grease Gun
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777477, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:259                              ; NCR Ranger male w/ Combat Shotgun
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777477, Item:11(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:259                               ; NCR Ranger male w/ Flamer
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777478, Item:268(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:259                              ; NCR Ranger female w/ H&K CAWS
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777478, Item:332(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:259                              ; NCR Ranger female w/ Grease Gun
position=huddle, spacing:2

[Encounter: V15_Squatters]
type_00=ratio:50%, pid:16777452, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:503                              ; Prospector Male w/ Combat Shotgun
type_01=ratio:50%, pid:16777453, Item:236(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:503                              ; Prospector Female w/ Combat Knife
position=huddle, spacing:3

[Encounter: Special1]
type_00=ratio:0%, pid:19

[Encounter: Bounty_Hunter_Low]
type_00=pid:16777397, Item:10(wielded), Item:(1-3)273, Item:(10-20)41, Script:836
type_01=ratio:100%, pid:16777398, Item:18(wielded), Item:273, Item:(5-15)41, Script:836
position=Surrounding, Spacing:2, distance:4

[Encounter: Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid]
type_00=pid:16777399, Item:143(wielded), Item:236 Item:(1-2)40, Item:(20-50)41, Script:836
type_01=pid:16777397, Item:10(wielded), Item:(1-3)273, Item:(10-20)41, Script:836
type_02=ratio:30%, pid:16777400, Item:22(wielded), Item:40, Item:(15-30)41, Script:836
type_03=ratio:20%, pid:16777400, Item:115(wielded), Item:40, Item:(15-30)41, Script:836
type_04=ratio:30%, pid:16777401, Item:23, Item:(3-8)25(wielded), Item:40, Item:(15-30)41, Script:836, If(Global(1) > 1)
type_05=ratio:20%, pid:16777401, Item:23, Item:(3-8)25(wielded), Item:40, Item:(15-30)41, Script:836, If(Rand(15%))
position=Surrounding, Spacing:2, distance:4

[Encounter: Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid]
type_00=pid:16777402, Item:118(wielded), Item:39, Item:(1-2)40, Item:(30-70)41, Script:836
type_01=pid:16777399, Item:143(wielded), Item:236, Item:(1-2)40, Item:(20-50)41, Script:836
type_02=ratio:25%, pid:16777403, Item:16(wielded), Item:40, Item:(25-40)41, Script:836
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777403, Item:296, Item:(2-5)25(wielded), Item:40, Item:(25-40)41, Script:836, If(Global(1) > 1)
type_04=ratio:50%, pid:16777403, Item:235(wielded), Item:(2-5)25, Item:40, Item:(25-40)41, Script:836
position=Surrounding, Spacing:2, distance:4

[Encounter: Bounty_Hunter_High]
type_00=pid:16777405, Item:392(wielded), Item:(2-4)40, Item:(40-80)41, Script:836
type_01=pid:16777402, Item:118(wielded), Item:39, Item:(1-2)40, Item:(30-70)41, Script:836
type_02=pid:16777406, Item:116(wielded), Item:(2-4)26, Item:(1-2)40, Item:(35-50)41, Script:836              ; Ripper
type_03=pid:16777406, Item:15(wielded), Item:(1-2)40, Item:(35-50)41, Script:836, If(Global(1) < 2)       ; plasma pistol
type_04=pid:16777406, Item:389(wielded), Item:(1-2)40, Item:(35-50)41, Script:836, If(Global(1) > 1)    ; Avanger
type_05=pid:16777406, Item:24, Item:(2-4)26(wielded), Item:(1-2)40, Item:(35-50)41, Script:836, If(Player(Level) > 27) ; Avenger Minigun
position=Surrounding, Spacing:2, distance:4

[Encounter: Morton_Brother]
type_00=pid:16777454, Item:268(wielded), Script:1026, If(Global(386) == 1)      ; Toad Morton (Raider) w/ H&K CAWS
type_01=pid:16777500, Item:355(wielded), Script:1026, If(Global(386) == 3)      ; Newt Morton (Bounty Hunter 13-18) w/ Light Support Weapon
type_02=pid:16777403, Item:391(wielded), Script:1026, If(Global(386) == 5)      ; Snake Morton (Mysterious Stranger) w/ H&K G11E
type_03=ratio:25%, pid:16777252, Item:242(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:774                              ; Gun Thug male w/ Combat Shotgun
type_04=ratio:25%, pid:16777251, Item:22(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:774                               ; Gun Thug female w/ 14mm Pistol
type_05=ratio:25%, pid:16777255, Item:11(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:774                               ; Big Gun Thug female w/ Flamer
type_06=ratio:25%, pid:16777246, Item:241(wielded), Item:(0-30)41, Script:774                              ; Tough Thug Male w/ .223 Autoloader
position=Surrounding, Spacing:2, distance:4

[Encounter: ARRO_Ants]
type_00=ratio:100%, pid:16777598, Script:617                            ; Ants

[Encounter: Game_Foreshadowing]
type_00=ratio:0%, pid:19

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   End of Newly added Encounter Types    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; Encounter area types:
; Individual Encounter Tables
[Encounter Table 0]
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
   ; WIP! scenery:Normal, ; Custom:Caravan
enc_00=Chance:50%,Enc:(2-5) Raiders AMBUSH Player,Scenery:Normal,If(Player(Level) > 4)
enc_01=Chance:25%,Enc:(3-8) Rad_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:15%,Enc:(5-15) Giant_Rats AMBUSH Player,If(Player(Level) < 9)
enc_03=Chance:9%,Enc:(5-7) Merchant_Party
enc_04=Chance:1%,Special,If(Player(Level) > 3)   ; >1% chance
   ; Actually, Special is > 100% because Luck adds into this roll

;enc_02:Chance:15%,Check (Survival:Hard)  ; Lose time/hit points

[Encounter Table 1]
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:20%,Enc:(2-5) Raiders AMBUSH Player,If(Player(Level) > 4)
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-5) Manti AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-5) Easy_Gecko AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-5) Easy_MoleRat AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:25%,Enc:(3-8) Rad_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(5-15) Giant_Rats AMBUSH Player,If(Player(Level) < 9)
enc_06=Chance:9%,Enc:(5-7) Merchant_Party
enc_07=Chance:1%,Special,If(Player(Level) > 3)   ; >1% chance

[Encounter Table 2]
maps=Desert Encounter 1
enc_00=Chance:51%,Enc:(2-5) Raiders AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:25%,Enc:(3-8) Rad_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:15%,Enc:(5-15) Giant_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:9%,Enc:(5-7) Merchant_Party
enc_04=Chance:1%,Special   ; >1% chance

[Encounter Table 3]
maps=Desert Encounter 1
enc_00=Chance:50%,Enc:(2-5) Raiders AMBUSH Player

[Encounter Table 4]
maps=Desert Encounter 1
enc_00=Chance:50%,Enc:(2-5) Raiders AMBUSH Player

[Encounter Table 5]
maps=Desert Encounter 1
enc_00=Chance:50%,Enc:(2-5) Raiders AMBUSH Player

;;;;;;;;  Newly added Random Encounter Tables for Fallout 2  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   RWH2    June 19, 1998    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[Encounter Table 6]
lookup_name=Arro_M                                      ; Areas around Arroyo to nearly the ocean
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5         ; No Caverns here
enc_00=Chance:9%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_War_Party AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:9%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Cannibals AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:9%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Spore_Plants AND (1-2) ARRO_Silver_Geckos FIGHTING Player
enc_03=Chance:12%,Enc:(1-4) ARRO_Silver_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:12%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:12%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:12%,Enc:(4-8) ARRO_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-10) ARRO_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Hunting_Party FIGHTING (3-4) ARRO_Cannibals
enc_18=chance:3%,Enc:(6-9) ARRO_Ants AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Hunting_Party FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions
enc_20=Chance:3%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_21=Chance:4%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_22=Chance:4%,Enc:(5-8) ARRO_Ants
enc_23=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Hunting_Party
enc_24=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-5) ARRO_Nomads
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 7]
lookup_name=Arro_D                                      ; Areas around Arroyo to nearly the ocean
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3, Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 9
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:9%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_War_Party AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:8%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Cannibals AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Spore_Plants AND (1-2) ARRO_Silver_Geckos FIGHTING Player
enc_15=Chance:12%,Enc:(1-4) ARRO_Silver_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:12%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:12%,Enc:(3-5) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:12%,Enc:(4-8) ARRO_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-10) ARRO_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_20=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Hunting_Party FIGHTING (3-4) ARRO_Cannibals
enc_21=chance:3%,Enc:(6-9) ARRO_Ants AMBUSH Player
enc_22=Chance:3%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Hunting_Party FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions
enc_23=Chance:2%,Enc:(4-6) ARRO_Pig_Rats
enc_24=Chance:4%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions
enc_25=Chance:4%,Enc:(5-8) ARRO_Ants
enc_26=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Hunting_Party
enc_27=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-5) ARRO_Nomads
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_32=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_33=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_34=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 8]
lookup_name=Arro_O                                       ; Areas around Arroyo to nearly the ocean
maps=Coast Encounter 9, Coast Encounter 8, Coast Encounter 4, Coast Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:9%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_War_Party AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:9%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Cannibals AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:9%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Spore_Plants AND (1-2) ARRO_Silver_Geckos FIGHTING Player
enc_03=Chance:12%,Enc:(1-4) ARRO_Silver_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:12%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:12%,Enc:(3-5) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:12%,Enc:(4-8) ARRO_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-10) ARRO_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Hunting_Party FIGHTING (3-4) ARRO_Cannibals
enc_18=chance:3%,Enc:(6-9) ARRO_Ants AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Hunting_Party FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions
enc_20=Chance:4%,Enc:(4-6) ARRO_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_21=Chance:4%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_22=Chance:4%,Enc:(5-8) ARRO_Ants AMBUSH Player
enc_23=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Hunting_Party
enc_24=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-5) ARRO_Nomads

[Encounter Table 9]
lookup_name=Arrok_D                                              ; Arroyo Klamath Trade Route
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3, Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 10
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-5) ARRO_Outcasts AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) ARRO_Holy_People AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(1-2) ARRO_Silver_Geckos AND (2-4) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(1-4) ARROK_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:9%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AND (2-4) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-4) ARROK_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_20=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-6) ARRO_Holy_People FIGHTING (2-4) ARRO_War_Party
enc_21=Chance:6%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Nomads
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 10]
lookup_name=Arrok_M                                                  ; Arroyo Klamath Trade Route
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 0, Mountain Encounter 3, Mountain Encounter 4, Cavern Encounter 2
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Outcasts AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) ARRO_Holy_People AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_10=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_11=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-6) ARRO_Silver_Geckos AND (5-7) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-7) ARROK_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_13=Chance:9%,Enc:(3-8) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AND (5-8) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-9) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) ARROK_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-6) ARRO_Holy_People FIGHTING (2-4) ARRO_War_Party
enc_18=Chance:6%,Enc:(2-4) ARRO_Nomads
enc_19=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 11]
lookup_name=Kla_D                                                       ; Areas around Klamath
maps=Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 6, Desert Encounter 12, Desert Encounter 11
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-8) KLA_Golden_Geckos AND (3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Bandits AMBUSH Player
enc_05=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) KLA_Homeless AMBUSH Player
enc_06=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) KLA_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_12=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_13=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_14=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_16=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Bandits FIGHTING (2-4) KLA_Golden_Geckos
enc_19=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (3-5) ARROK_Geckos
enc_20=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (2-4) KLA_Golden_Geckos
enc_21=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (2-3) KLA_Golden_Geckos
enc_22=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (3-6) KLA_Bandits
enc_23=Chance:2%,Enc:(4-6) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (3-6) ARROK_Geckos
enc_24=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Bandits FIGHTING (2-5) KLA_Homeless
enc_25=Chance:3%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Homeless FIGHTING (2-4) KLA_Farmers
enc_26=Chance:3%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Bandits FIGHTING (2-4) KLA_Farmers
enc_27=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-5) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (3-4) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions
enc_28=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (4-7) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions
enc_29=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Pig_Rats
enc_30=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-3) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Pig_Rats
enc_31=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Farmers
enc_32=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-7) KLA_Trappers
enc_33=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_34=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_35=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_36=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_37=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_38=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_39=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 12]
lookup_name=Kla_M                                                           ; Areas around Klamath
maps=Mountain Encounter 6, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 1, Cavern Encounter 3, Cavern Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-8) KLA_Golden_Geckos AND (3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-4) KLA_Bandits AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) KLA_Homeless AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:2%,Enc:(1-3) KLA_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Bandits FIGHTING (2-4) KLA_Golden_Geckos
enc_16=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (3-5) ARROK_Geckos
enc_17=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (2-4) KLA_Golden_Geckos
enc_18=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (3-7) KLA_Golden_Geckos
enc_19=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (3-6) KLA_Bandits
enc_20=Chance:2%,Enc:(4-6) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (3-6) ARROK_Geckos
enc_21=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Bandits FIGHTING (2-5) KLA_Homeless
enc_22=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Homeless FIGHTING (2-4) KLA_Farmers
enc_23=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Bandits FIGHTING (2-4) KLA_Farmers
enc_24=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-5) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (3-4) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions
enc_25=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (4-7) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions
enc_26=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Pig_Rats
enc_27=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-3) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Pig_Rats
enc_28=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Farmers
enc_29=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-7) KLA_Trappers
enc_30=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 13]
lookup_name=Klad_D                                                      ; Klamath-Den Trade Route
maps=Desert Encounter 5, Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 10
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-5) KLAD_Caravan
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-7) KLA_Trappers
enc_14=Chance:3%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Bandits FIGHTING (4-5) KLAD_Caravan
enc_15=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-8) KLA_Bandits FIGHTING (3-6) KLA_Trappers
enc_16=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-8) KLAD_Scorpions FIGHTING (4-5) KLAD_Caravan
enc_17=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-6) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (4-9) KLAD_Scorpions
enc_18=Chance:9%,Enc:(4-8) KLAD_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:9%,Enc:(5-9) KLAD_Mole_Pig_Rat AMBUSH Player
enc_20=Chance:9%,Enc:(5-8) KLA_Bandits AMBUSH Player
enc_21=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (3-5) KLA_Golden_Geckos
enc_22=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-7) KLAD_Scorpions FIGHTING (4-8) KLA_Golden_Geckos
enc_23=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-8) KLAD_Scorpions AND (3-6) KLAD_Mole_Pig_Rat AMBUSH Player
enc_24=Chance:3%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Trappers AND (4-5) KLAD_Caravan FIGHTING (8-12) KLA_Bandits
enc_25=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) KLA_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_26=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Trappers FIGHTING (6-8) KLAD_Mole_Pig_Rat
enc_27=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-5) KLAD_Caravan FIGHTING (6-10) KLAD_Mole_Pig_Rat
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_32=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_33=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_34=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 14]
lookup_name=DMRV_D                                                      ; Den-Modoc-Vault City-Redding Trade Route
maps=Desert Encounter 5, Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 10
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-5) DMRV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-5) DMRV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-4) DMRV_Robbers AND (2-4) DMRV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AND (3-6) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) KLAD_Mole_Pig_Rat AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:7%,Enc:(6-10) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_20=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Robbers FIGHTING (3-5) DMRV_Highwaymen
enc_21=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-7) DMRV_Highwaymen
enc_22=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) DMRV_Robbers
enc_23=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) DMRV_Scorpions
enc_24=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos FIGHTING (5-8) DMRV_Scorpions
enc_25=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-8) DMRV_Caravan
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_32=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 15]
lookup_name=DMRV_M                                                        ; Den-Modoc-Redding-Vault City Trade Route
maps=Mountain Encounter 5, Mountain Encounter 4, Cavern Encounter 1, Cavern Encounter 4, Cavern Encounter 2
enc_00=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-5) DMRV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-5) DMRV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-4) DMRV_Robbers AND (2-4) DMRV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AND (3-6) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) KLAD_Mole_Pig_Rat AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:7%,Enc:(5-8) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-8) DMRV_Robbers FIGHTING (5-8) DMRV_Highwaymen
enc_18=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-7) DMRV_Highwaymen
enc_19=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) DMRV_Robbers
enc_20=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) DMRV_Scorpions
enc_21=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos FIGHTING (5-8) DMRV_Scorpions
enc_22=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-8) DMRV_Caravan
enc_23=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 16]
lookup_name=Den_D                                                       ; Areas around the Den
maps=Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 10, Desert Encounter 7
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-9) DEN_Slavers AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:8%,Enc:(2-5) DMRV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:8%,Enc:(2-4) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AND (4-8) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Scorpions AND (4-8) DEN_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-7) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-7) DEN_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Robbers FIGHTING (4-6) DMRV_Highwaymen
enc_20=Chance:4%,Enc:(3-5) DEN_Slave_Run FIGHTING (3-6) DEN_Slaves
enc_21=Chance:1%,Enc:(4-6) DEN_Slavers FIGHTING (3-6) DMRV_Robbers
enc_22=Chance:1%,Enc:(4-6) DEN_Slavers FIGHTING (3-5) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_23=Chance:1%,Map:Desert Encounter 7,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Scorpions FIGHTING (6-10) DEN_Rave_Party, If(time_of_day > 19)
enc_24=Chance:8%,Map:Desert Encounter 7,Enc:(6-10) DEN_Rave_Party, If(time_of_day > 19)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 17]
lookup_name=Den_M                                                         ; Areas around the Den
maps=Mountain Encounter 3, Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 0, Cavern Encounter 2
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-9) DEN_Slavers AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-4) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AND (3-6) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Scorpions AND (4-8) DEN_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-5) DEN_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Robbers FIGHTING (4-6) DMRV_Highwaymen
enc_17=Chance:4%,Enc:(3-5) DEN_Slave_Run FIGHTING (3-5) DEN_Slaves
enc_18=Chance:2%,Enc:(4-6) DEN_Slavers FIGHTING (3-5) DMRV_Robbers
enc_19=Chance:2%,Enc:(6-8) DEN_Slavers FIGHTING (3-6) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_20=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 18]
lookup_name=Band_M                                                         ; Bandits Pass
maps=Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 0, Cavern Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:5%,Enc:(2-4) DMRV_Highwaymen AND (2-4) DMRV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-5) DMRV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Scorpions AND (3-6) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Robbers FIGHTING (3-6) DMRV_Scorpions
enc_14=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) DMRV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-5) DMRV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-5) DMRV_Highwaymen
enc_16=Chance:4%,Enc:(4-5) DMRV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-5) DMRV_Robbers
enc_17=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Highwaymen FIGHTING (6-12) ARRO_Spore_Plants
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-5) DMRV_Caravan
enc_19=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 19]
lookup_name=Mod_M                                                          ; Areas around Modoc
maps=Mountain Encounter 6, Mountain Encounter 5, Mountain Encounter 3, Cavern Encounter 4,Cavern Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-5) DMRV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:7%,Enc:(5-8) KLA_Homeless AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-7) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AND (6-12) MOD_Mantis AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:6%,Enc:(4-8) MOD_Wild_Brahmin AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:6%,Enc:(5-7) KLAD_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:3%,Enc:(3-4) MOD_Moonshiners FIGHTING (2-4) DMRV_Highwaymen
enc_16=Chance:0%,Enc:(6-9) DMRV_Highwaymen FIGHTING (3-6) KLA_Homeless
enc_17=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-4) MOD_Moonshiners AND (3-5) KLA_Farmers
enc_18=Chance:3%,Enc:(5-8) MOD_Mantis FIGHTING (3-5) KLA_Farmers
enc_19=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) MOD_Moonshiners FIGHTING (3-6) KLA_Farmers
enc_20=Chance:4%,Enc:(4-7) MOD_Mantis AMBUSH Player
enc_21=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-9) MOD_Mantis FIGHTING (3-6) DEN_Molerats
enc_22=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-6) MOD_Moonshiners
enc_23=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Farmers
enc_24=Chance:100%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Bess Dead,Enc:Special1, If(Global(299) > 0)
enc_25=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 20]
lookup_name=DVMV_M                                                              ; Den - Vault City - Modoc Trade Route
maps=Mountain Encounter 3, Mountain Encounter 4, Cavern Encounter 0, Cavern Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-6) DVMV_Highwaymen AND (2-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:8%,Enc:(2-5) DVMV_Robbers AND (3-6) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-6) DVMV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-6) DVMV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-8) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AND (2-5) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AND (6-8) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:8%,Enc:(6-10) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-8) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:1%,Enc:(2-4) DVMV_Robbers FIGHTING (3-6) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_18=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_19=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) DVMV_Robbers
enc_20=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) DVMV_Highwaymen
enc_21=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Caravan
enc_22=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 21]
lookup_name=DVMV_D                                                              ; Den - Vault City - Modoc Trade Route
maps=Desert Encounter 11, Desert Encounter 6, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 12
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-6) DVMV_Highwaymen AND (2-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:8%,Enc:(2-5) DVMV_Robbers AND (3-6) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-6) DVMV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:8%,Enc:(3-6) DVMV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-8) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AND (2-5) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AND (6-8) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:8%,Enc:(6-10) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-8) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_20=Chance:1%,Enc:(2-4) DVMV_Robbers FIGHTING (3-6) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_21=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_22=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) DVMV_Robbers
enc_23=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) DVMV_Highwaymen
enc_24=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Caravan
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 22]
lookup_name=Wild1_M                                                             ; Wilderness North of Modoc
maps=Mountain Encounter 3, Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) MOD_Wild_Brahmin
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) WILD1_Trader FIGHTING (3-6) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_14=Chance:1%,Enc:(6-10) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm FIGHTING (3-5) WILD1_Trader
enc_15=Chance:0%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm FIGHTING (5-8) MOD_Wild_Brahmin
enc_16=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Scorpions FIGHTING (6-10) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm
enc_17=Chance:0%,Enc:(6-10) DMRV_Scorpions FIGHTING (6-8) MOD_Wild_Brahmin
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) WILD1_Trader
enc_19=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 23]
lookup_name=Wild1_D                                                             ; Wilderness North of Modoc
maps=Desert Encounter 12, Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 10, Desert Encounter 6
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) MOD_Wild_Brahmin
enc_16=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-6) WILD1_Trader FIGHTING (3-6) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_17=Chance:1%,Enc:(6-10) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm FIGHTING (3-5) WILD1_Trader
enc_18=Chance:0%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm FIGHTING (5-8) MOD_Wild_Brahmin
enc_19=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Scorpions FIGHTING (6-10) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm
enc_20=Chance:0%,Enc:(6-10) DMRV_Scorpions FIGHTING (6-8) MOD_Wild_Brahmin
enc_21=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) WILD1_Trader
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 24]
lookup_name=Wild2_D                                                               ; Wilderness North of Vault City
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 3, Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 10
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5)  And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-4) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) ARRO_Spore_Plants
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AND (1-2) WILD2_Hermit FIGHTING (5-8) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats
enc_16=Chance:1%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit FIGHTING (3-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_17=Chance:1%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit FIGHTING (3-5) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats
enc_18=Chance:1%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit AND (3-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs FIGHTING (3-6) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats
enc_19=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats FIGHTING (4-6) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats
enc_20=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-9) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats FIGHTING (6-12) ARRO_Spore_Plants
enc_21=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats FIGHTING (5-8) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_22=Chance:5%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 25]
lookup_name=Wild2_M                                                               ; Wilderness North of Vault City
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 0, Cavern Encounter 4
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-4) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) ARRO_Spore_Plants
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AND (1-2) WILD2_Hermit FIGHTING (5-8) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:1%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit FIGHTING (3-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_14=Chance:1%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit FIGHTING (3-5) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats
enc_15=Chance:1%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit AND (3-5) DVMV_Wild_Dogs FIGHTING (3-6) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats
enc_16=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats FIGHTING (4-6) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats
enc_17=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-9) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats FIGHTING (6-12) ARRO_Spore_Plants
enc_18=Chance:0%,Enc:(3-5) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats FIGHTING (5-8) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_19=Chance:5%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit
enc_20=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 26]                                                            ; Areas around Vault City
maps=Mountain Encounter 5, Mountain Encounter 6, Mountain Encounter 2, Mountain Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) VPAT_Strong_Slavers AND (3-4) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) VPAT_Strong_Slavers AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-6) VPAT_Patrol AND (2-4) DVMV_Wild_Dogs FIGHTING (6-8) VPAT_Strong_Slavers
enc_14=Chance:1%,Enc:(4-7) VPAT_Strong_Slavers FIGHTING (5-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) VPAT_Patrol FIGHTING (4-6) VPAT_Strong_Slavers
enc_16=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) VPAT_Patrol FIGHTING (5-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_17=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) VPAT_Patrol FIGHTING (6-10) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) VPAT_Patrol
enc_19=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 27]
lookup_name=VPat_D                                                              ; Areas around Vault City
maps=Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 11, Desert Encounter 12
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) VPAT_Strong_Slavers AND (3-4) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) VPAT_Strong_Slavers AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-6) VPAT_Patrol AND (2-4) DVMV_Wild_Dogs FIGHTING (6-8) VPAT_Strong_Slavers
enc_17=Chance:2%,Enc:(4-7) VPAT_Strong_Slavers FIGHTING (5-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) VPAT_Patrol FIGHTING (4-6) VPAT_Strong_Slavers
enc_19=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) VPAT_Patrol FIGHTING (5-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_20=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) VPAT_Patrol FIGHTING (8-10) DVMV_Wild_Dogs
enc_21=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) VPAT_Patrol
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 28]
lookup_name=Geck_M                                                              ; Areas around Gecko
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 1, Cavern Encounter 2
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) GECK_Scavs AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) GECK_Ghoul_Scavs AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) GECK_Crazies AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) GECK_Ghoul_Crazies AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:5%,Enc:(5-9) GECK_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-10) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-10) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-8) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:5%,Enc:(10-15) GECK_Mutated_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:1%,Enc:(6-9) GECK_Scavs FIGHTING (5-8) GECK_Crazies
enc_19=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-9) GECK_Ghoul_Scavs FIGHTING (6-10) GECK_Crazies
enc_20=Chance:1%,Enc:(7-12) GECK_Geckos FIGHTING (3-6) GECK_Crazies
enc_21=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-9) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats FIGHTING (2-5) GECK_Ghoul_Scavs
enc_22=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 29]
lookup_name=Geck_D                                                               ; Areas around Gecko
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) GECK_Scavs AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) GECK_Ghoul_Scavs AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) GECK_Crazies AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) GECK_Ghoul_Crazies AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:5%,Enc:(5-9) GECK_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-10) DVMV_Wild_Dogs AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-10) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-8) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_20=Chance:5%,Enc:(10-15) GECK_Mutated_Rats AMBUSH Player
enc_21=Chance:1%,Enc:(6-9) GECK_Scavs FIGHTING (5-8) GECK_Crazies
enc_22=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-9) GECK_Ghoul_Scavs FIGHTING (6-10) GECK_Crazies
enc_23=Chance:1%,Enc:(7-12) GECK_Geckos FIGHTING (3-6) GECK_Crazies
enc_24=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-9) WILD2_Mutated_Pig_Rats FIGHTING (2-5) GECK_Ghoul_Scavs
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 30]
lookup_name=Fish_O                                                              ; Coastal Regions of the north
maps=Coast Encounter 5, Coast Encounter 4, Coast Encounter 1, Coast Encounter 8
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) ARRO_Cannibals AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-7) FISH_Wilder AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) ARRO_War_Party AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) ARRO_Outcasts AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) DEN_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) FISH_Fisherman FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Cannibals
enc_16=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-7) ARRO_Cannibals FIGHTING (3-5) FISH_Wilder
enc_17=Chance:1%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Scorpions FIGHTING (3-6) FISH_Wilder
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) FISH_Fisherman

[Encounter Table 31]
lookup_name=Prim_D                                                              ; Primitive Tribe Region
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 5, Desert Encounter 8
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) ARRO_Cannibals AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Outcasts AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-6) FISH_Wilder AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-6) ARRO_War_Party AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-4) KLA_Golden_Geckos AND (3-6) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-5) KLA_Golden_Geckos AND (3-5) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) KLA_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Scorpions AND (2-4) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_20=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-9) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_21=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Golden_Geckos FIGHTING (2-4) ARRO_Outcasts
enc_22=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Golden_Geckos FIGHTING (3-5) FISH_Wilder
enc_23=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) KLAD_Scorpions FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Cannibals
enc_24=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions FIGHTING (1-2) WILD2_Hermit
enc_25=Chance:10%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_32=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 32]
lookup_name=Prim_M                                                              ; Primitive Tribe Region
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) ARRO_Cannibals AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Outcasts AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-6) FISH_Wilder AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-6) ARRO_War_Party AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:7%,Enc:(2-5) KLA_Golden_Geckos AND (3-6) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:0%,Enc:(2-5) KLA_Golden_Geckos AND (3-5) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) KLA_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Scorpions AND (2-4) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-9) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Golden_Geckos FIGHTING (2-4) ARRO_Outcasts
enc_19=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Golden_Geckos FIGHTING (3-5) FISH_Wilder
enc_20=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) KLAD_Scorpions FIGHTING (3-6) ARRO_Cannibals
enc_21=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) ARRO_Sm_Scorpions FIGHTING (1-2) WILD2_Hermit
enc_22=Chance:10%,Enc:(1-2) WILD2_Hermit
enc_23=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 33]
lookup_name=DNRV_D                                                              ; Den - New Reno - Redding - Vault City Caravan Route
maps=Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 10
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) DNRV_Den_Caravan AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:1%,Enc:(2-4) DVMV_Highwaymen AND (2-4) DVMV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-9) DVMV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-9) DVMV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-7) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) DVMV_Highwaymen
enc_17=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) DVMV_Robbers
enc_18=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Den_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) DVMV_Highwaymen
enc_19=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-5) DVMV_Robbers FIGHTING (4-7) DNRV_Vault_Caravan
enc_20=Chance:1%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Den_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) DNRV_Vault_Caravan
enc_21=Chance:0%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Highwaymen FIGHTING (6-10) DVMV_Robbers
enc_22=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-8) DNRV_Vault_Caravan
enc_23=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Den_Caravan
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 34]
lookup_name=DNRV_M                                                              ; Den - New Reno - Redding - Vault City Caravan Route
maps=Mountain Encounter 3, Mountain Encounter 4, Cavern Encounter 3, Cavern Encounter 4
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) DNRV_Den_Caravan AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:1%,Enc:(2-4) DVMV_Highwaymen AND (2-4) DVMV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-9) DVMV_Highwaymen AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-9) DVMV_Robbers AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) DVMV_Highwaymen
enc_14=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) DVMV_Robbers
enc_15=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Den_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) DVMV_Highwaymen
enc_16=Chance:5%,Enc:(3-5) DVMV_Robbers FIGHTING (4-7) DNRV_Vault_Caravan
enc_17=Chance:1%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Den_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) DNRV_Vault_Caravan
enc_18=Chance:0%,Enc:(6-8) DVMV_Highwaymen FIGHTING (6-10) DVMV_Robbers
enc_19=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-8) DNRV_Vault_Caravan
enc_20=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Den_Caravan
enc_21=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 35]
lookup_name=Red_D                                                         ; Area around Redding
maps=Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 5, Desert Encounter 6, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 7
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AND (4-6) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) RED_Claim_Jumper AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) RED_Prospector FIGHTING (2-4) RED_Claim_Jumper, If(Player(Level) > 9)
enc_17=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Trappers FIGHTING (2-4) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_18=Chance:1%,Enc:(2-4) RED_Bootlegger FIGHTING (5-8) RED_Wolves
enc_19=Chance:1%,Enc:(2-4) RED_Homesteaders FIGHTING (3-5) RED_Claim_Jumper, If(Player(Level) > 9)
enc_20=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Homesteaders FIGHTING (4-8) RED_Wolves
enc_21=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Bootlegger
enc_22=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Trappers
enc_23=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) RED_Prospector
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 36]
lookup_name=Red_M                                                          ; Area Around Redding
maps=Mountain Encounter 2, Mountain Encounter 4, Cavern Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AND (4-6) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Claim_Jumper AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:2%,Enc:(3-5) RED_Prospector FIGHTING (2-4) RED_Claim_Jumper, If(Player(Level) > 9)
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Trappers FIGHTING (2-4) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_15=Chance:1%,Enc:(2-4) RED_Bootlegger FIGHTING (5-8) RED_Wolves
enc_16=Chance:1%,Enc:(2-4) RED_Homesteaders FIGHTING (6-8) RED_Claim_Jumper, If(Player(Level) > 9)
enc_17=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Homesteaders FIGHTING (4-8) RED_Wolves
enc_18=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Bootlegger
enc_19=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-6) RED_Trappers
enc_20=Chance:7%,Enc:(3-6) RED_Prospector
enc_21=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 37]
lookup_name=Wild3_M                                                             ; Wild area between Redding and Raiders
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 0
enc_00=Chance:1%,Enc:(3-6) RED_Wolves AND (3-6) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-10) DMRV_Scorpions AND (5-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-9) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats AND (6-10) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-10) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(7-10) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:0%,Enc:(7-12) RED_Wolves FIGHTING (5-8) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_17=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-9) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats FIGHTING (7-12) DMRV_Golden_Geckos
enc_18=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-9) WILD2_Mutated_Molerats FIGHTING (6-9) DMRV_Scorpions
enc_19=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 38]
lookup_name=RDRC_M                                                              ; Vault City - New Reno - Gecko - Broken Hills Trade Route
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 1, Cavern Encounter 4
enc_00=Chance:25%,Enc:(4-6) RDRC_Raiders AMBUSH Player, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-8) Red_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Vault_Caravan FIGHTING (6-8) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (3-7) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-8) RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan FIGHTING (8-12) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_14=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-10) RDRC_Gecko_Caravan FIGHTING (7-10) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_15=Chance:6%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Vault_Caravan
enc_16=Chance:6%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Reno_Caravan
enc_17=Chance:6%,Enc:(6-10) RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan
enc_18=Chance:6%,Enc:(6-10) RDRC_Gecko_Caravan
enc_19=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 39]
lookup_name=RDRC_D                                                              ; Vault City - New Reno - Gecko - Broken Hills Trade Route
maps=Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 5, Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 9
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:25%,Enc:(4-6) RDRC_Raiders AMBUSH Player, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-8) Red_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Vault_Caravan FIGHTING (6-8) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_15=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_16=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan FIGHTING (6-8) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_17=Chance:9%,Enc:(6-10) RDRC_Gecko_Caravan FIGHTING (6-8) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:6%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Vault_Caravan
enc_19=Chance:6%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Reno_Caravan
enc_20=Chance:6%,Enc:(6-10) RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan
enc_21=Chance:6%,Enc:(6-10) RDRC_Gecko_Caravan
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 40]
lookup_name=Raid_M                                                              ; Areas patroled by the Raiders
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 1, Cavern Encounter 3, Cavern Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:15%,Enc:(3-6) RDRC_Raiders AND (4-7) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-10) ARRO_Spore_Plants AND (5-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:30%,Enc:(4-7) RDRC_Raiders AMBUSH Player, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:15%,Enc:(7-10) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-10) RED_Wolves FIGHTING (4-6) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_15=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_16=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 41]
lookup_name=Raid_D                                                              ; Areas patroled by the Raiders
maps=Desert Encounter 7, Desert Encounter 5, Desert Encounter 7, Desert Encounter 12
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(3-6) RDRC_Raiders AND (4-7) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-10) ARRO_Spore_Plants AND (5-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:30%,Enc:(6-10) RDRC_Raiders AMBUSH Player, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_15=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:15%,Enc:(7-10) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-10) RED_Wolves FIGHTING (4-6) RDRC_Raiders, If(Global(600) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 42]
lookup_name=Nav_D                                                               ; Areas around Navarro
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:100%,Enc:(4-7) NAV_Enclave_Patrol AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_14=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_15=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_16=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_17=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 43]
lookup_name=Nav_M                                                               ; Areas around Navarro
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2
enc_00=Chance:100%,Enc:(4-7) NAV_Enclave_Patrol AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_02=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_09=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_10=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_11=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 44]
lookup_name=Nav_O                                                               ; Areas around Navarro
maps=Coast Encounter 3, Coast Encounter 4, Coast Encounter 4, Coast Encounter 8
enc_00=Chance:100%,Enc:(4-7) NAV_Enclave_Patrol AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_02=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_09=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)

[Encounter Table 45]
lookup_name=EPA_D                                                               ; Area around the EPA
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:4%,Enc:(3-6) EPA_Tough_Alien AND (3-5) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-8) EPA_Floater_Centaurs AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:12%,Enc:(5-7) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:12%,Enc:(5-8) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:12%,Enc:(4-6) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_19=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-8) EPA_Centaurs AMBUSH Player
enc_20=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-10) EPA_Floaters AMBUSH Player
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 46]
lookup_name=EPA_M                                                               ; Area around the EPA
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 0, Cavern Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 4
enc_00=Chance:4%,Enc:(3-6) EPA_Tough_Alien AND (2-4) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-8) EPA_Floater_Centaurs AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:12%,Enc:(5-7) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:12%,Enc:(5-8) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:12%,Enc:(4-6) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-8) EPA_Centaurs AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-10) EPA_Floaters AMBUSH Player
enc_18=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 47]
lookup_name=EPA_C                                                               ; Area around the EPA
maps=City Encounter 1, City Encounter 2, City Encounter 3, City Encounter 4, City Encounter 5, City Encounter 6, City Encounter 7, City Encounter 8
enc_00=Chance:4%,Enc:(3-6) EPA_Tough_Alien AND (3-5) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-8) EPA_Floater_Centaurs AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:12%,Enc:(5-7) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:12%,Enc:(5-8) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:12%,Enc:(4-6) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-8) EPA_Centaurs AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:12%,Enc:(6-10) EPA_Floaters AMBUSH Player

[Encounter Table 48]
lookup_name=Wild4_D                                                             ; Area Between EPA and Coast
maps=Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 11
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:40%,Enc:(6-10) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:40%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-12) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_16=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_17=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 49]
lookup_name=Wild4_M                                                             ; Area Between EPA and Coast
maps=Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 0, Cavern Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 4
enc_00=Chance:40%,Enc:(8-10) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:40%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-12) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_11=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_12=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_13=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 50]
lookup_name=Wild4_O                                                             ; Area between EPA and Coast
maps=Coast Encounter 1, Coast Encounter 2
enc_00=Chance:40%,Enc:(8-10) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:40%,Enc:(6-9) EPA_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-12) DMRV_Golden_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_11=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)

[Encounter Table 51]
lookup_name=SRNRRN_D                                                             ; San Fran - NCR - Redding - Reno Trade route
maps=Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3, Desert Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-6) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:15%,Enc:(5-8) EPA_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-9) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (3-5) EPA_Deathclaws
enc_15=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-10) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) EPA_Deathclaws
enc_16=Chance:8%,Enc:(5-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (4-6) EPA_Fire_Geckos
enc_17=Chance:8%,Enc:(7-11) NCR_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) EPA_Fire_Geckos
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan
enc_19=Chance:20%,Enc:(5-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan
enc_20=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-9) DNRV_Reno_Caravan
enc_21=Chance:13%,Enc:(7-11) NCR_Caravan
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 52]
lookup_name=SRNRRN_M                                                             ; San Fran - NCR - Redding - Reno Trade route
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 0
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(5-8) EPA_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-9) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (3-5) EPA_Deathclaws
enc_03=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-10) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan FIGHTING (4-7) EPA_Deathclaws
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:8%,Enc:(5-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (4-6) EPA_Fire_Geckos
enc_14=Chance:8%,Enc:(7-11) NCR_Caravan FIGHTING (3-7) EPA_Fire_Geckos
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan
enc_16=Chance:20%,Enc:(5-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan
enc_17=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-9) DNRV_Reno_Caravan
enc_18=Chance:13%,Enc:(7-11) NCR_Caravan
enc_19=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 53]
lookup_name=New_D                                                                  ; Areas around New Reno
maps=Desert Encounter 7, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 6, Desert Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Yakuza AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-7) NEW_Gang AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(7-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters FIGHTING (3-6) NEW_Yakuza
enc_16=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters FIGHTING (3-6) NEW_Gang
enc_17=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(1-2) NEW_Traveller
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 54]
lookup_name=New_M                                                                    ; Areas around New Reno
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Yakuza AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-7) NEW_Gang AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(7-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters FIGHTING (3-6) NEW_Yakuza
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters FIGHTING (3-6) NEW_Gang
enc_14=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(1-2) NEW_Traveller
enc_16=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_17=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 55]
lookup_name=New_C                                                                   ; Areas around New Reno
maps=City Encounter 1, City Encounter 2, City Encounter 3, City Encounter 4, City Encounter 5, City Encounter 6, City Encounter 7, City Encounter 8
enc_00=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Yakuza AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-7) NEW_Gang AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(7-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters FIGHTING (3-6) NEW_Yakuza
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters FIGHTING (3-6) NEW_Gang
enc_14=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) NEW_Mobsters
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(1-2) NEW_Traveller

[Encounter Table 56]                                                                 ; Areas around Broken Hills
maps=Desert Encounter 8, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 10, Desert Encounter 11
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(606) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-6) BROK_Rogues AND (3-5) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) BROK_Rogues AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-12) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:10%,Enc:(8-12) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-10) BROK_Unity_Patrol FIGHTING (3-6) BROK_Rogues
enc_18=Chance:5%,Enc:(5-8) BROK_Unity_Patrol FIGHTING (8-12) RED_Wolves
enc_19=Chance:20%,Enc:(8-10) BROK_Unity_Patrol
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)

[Encounter Table 57]
lookup_name=Brok_M                                                                  ; Areas around Broken Hills
maps=Mountain Encounter 3, Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(2-6) BROK_Rogues AND (3-5) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) BROK_Rogues AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-10) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-12) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(8-12) ARRO_Spore_Plants AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-10) BROK_Unity_Patrol FIGHTING (3-6) BROK_Rogues
enc_15=Chance:5%,Enc:(5-8) BROK_Unity_Patrol FIGHTING (8-12) RED_Wolves
enc_16=Chance:20%,Enc:(8-12) BROK_Unity_Patrol
enc_17=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 58]
lookup_name=Fran_O                                                                   ; Areas around San Francisco
maps=Coast Encounter 7, Coast Encounter 8, Coast Encounter 10, Coast Encounter 5, Coast Encounter 11
enc_00=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-9) FRAN_Mercenaries AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(7-10) FRAN_Press_Gang AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-7) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:7%,Enc:(6-10) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:7%,Enc:(10-12) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) FRAN_Elronologists FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Mercenaries
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) FRAN_Elronologists FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Press_Gang
enc_16=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN_Elronologists

[Encounter Table 59]
lookup_name=Fran_M                                                                   ; Areas around San Francisco
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 0, Cavern Encounter 3, Mountain Encounter 4
enc_00=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-9) FRAN_Mercenaries AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(7-10) FRAN_Press_Gang AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-7) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:7%,Enc:(6-10) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:7%,Enc:(10-12) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) FRAN_Elronologists FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Mercenaries
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) FRAN_Elronologists FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Press_Gang
enc_16=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN_Elronologists
enc_17=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 60]
lookup_name=Fran_C                                                                    ; Areas around San Francisco
maps=City Encounter 1, City Encounter 2, City Encounter 3, City Encounter 4, City Encounter 5, City Encounter 6, City Encounter 7, City Encounter 8
enc_00=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-9) FRAN_Mercenaries AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(7-10) FRAN_Press_Gang AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-7) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:7%,Enc:(6-10) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:7%,Enc:(10-12) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) FRAN_Elronologists FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Mercenaries
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) FRAN_Elronologists FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Press_Gang
enc_16=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN_Elronologists

[Encounter Table 61]
lookup_name=Fran_D                                                                    ; Areas around San Francisco
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:15%,Enc:(4-9) FRAN_Mercenaries AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:15%,Enc:(7-10) FRAN_Press_Gang AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:7%,Enc:(4-7) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:7%,Enc:(6-10) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:7%,Enc:(10-12) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) FRAN_Elronologists FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Mercenaries
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-8) FRAN_Elronologists FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Press_Gang
enc_19=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN_Elronologists
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 62]
lookup_name=Fran2_D                                                                   ; San Francisco - Redding Trade Route
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-9) FRAN_Mercenaries AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-9) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(8-12) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(8-12) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Mercenaries
enc_17=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Mercenaries
enc_18=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos
enc_19=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) EPA_Tough_Alien
enc_20=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan
enc_21=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 63]
lookup_name=Fran2_C                                                                     ; San Francisco - Redding Trade Route
maps=City Encounter 1, City Encounter 2, City Encounter 3, City Encounter 4, City Encounter 5, City Encounter 6, City Encounter 7, City Encounter 8
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-9) FRAN_Mercenaries AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-9) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(8-12) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(10-12) EPA_Tough_Alien AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Mercenaries
enc_14=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) FRAN_Mercenaries
enc_15=Chance:3%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) EPA_Tough_Fire_Geckos
enc_16=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) EPA_Tough_Alien
enc_17=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) FRAN2_San_Fran_Caravan
enc_18=Chance:10%,Enc:(6-8) DNRV_Redding_Caravan

[Encounter Table 64]
lookup_name=Wild5_D                                                                       ; Areas between San Francisco and NCR
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-8) NAV_Enclave_Patrol AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-9) NCR_Masters_Army AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:20%,Enc:(3-6) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:35%,Enc:(8-12) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_17=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 65]
lookup_name=Wild5_M                                                                       ; Areas between San Francisco and NCR
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 0
enc_00=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-8) NAV_Enclave_Patrol AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-9) NCR_Masters_Army AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:20%,Enc:(3-6) EPA_Deathclaws AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:35%,Enc:(8-12) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_14=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 66]
lookup_name=NRNR_D                                                                       ; NCR - New Reno - Redding Trade Route
maps=Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 5, Desert Encounter 9, Desert Encounter 10
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) NCR_Masters_Army
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) NCR_Masters_Army
enc_14=Chance:1%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) EPA_Deathclaws
enc_15=Chance:13%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Redding_Caravan
enc_16=Chance:13%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Reno_Caravan
enc_17=Chance:13%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Caravan
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 67]
lookup_name=NRNR_M                                                                          ; NCR - New Reno - Redding Trade Route
maps=Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5, Cavern Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 4, Cavern Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) NCR_Masters_Army
enc_01=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) NCR_Masters_Army
enc_02=Chance:1%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Redding_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) EPA_Deathclaws
enc_03=Chance:13%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Redding_Caravan
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:13%,Enc:(6-10) DNRV_Reno_Caravan
enc_14=Chance:13%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Caravan
enc_15=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_16=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 68]
lookup_name=Wild6_M                                                                        ; Area between New Reno and NCR
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 0
enc_00=Chance:33%,Enc:(8-12) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:33%,Enc:(8-12) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:33%,Enc:(8-12) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_11=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_12=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_13=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 69]
lookup_name=Wild6_D                                                                         ; Area between New Reno and NCR
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:33%,Enc:(8-12) RED_Wolves AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:33%,Enc:(8-12) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:33%,Enc:(8-12) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_16=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_17=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 70]
lookup_name=VNNB_D                                                                         ; Vault 15 - New Reno - NCR - Broken Hills
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3, Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Marauders AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:10%,Enc:(8-10) RED_Wolves
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(7-10) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:3%,Enc:(5-9) RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) NCR_Marauders
enc_16=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-9) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) NCR_Marauders
enc_17=Chance:1%,Enc:(5-10) NCR_Caravan FIGHTING (4-8) RED_Wolves
enc_18=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-8) V15_Caravan FIGHTING (4-9) DMRV_Scorpions
enc_19=Chance:5%,Enc:(5-9) RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan
enc_20=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-9) DNRV_Reno_Caravan
enc_21=Chance:5%,Enc:(5-10) NCR_Caravan
enc_22=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) V15_Caravan
enc_23=Chance:8%,Enc:(1-2) New_Traveller
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_28=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_29=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_30=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_31=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 71]
lookup_name=VNNB_M                                                                            ; Vault 15 - New Reno - NCR - Broken Hills
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Mountain Encounter 4, Mountain Encounter 5
enc_00=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Marauders AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:10%,Enc:(8-10) RED_Wolves
enc_02=Chance:10%,Enc:(7-10) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:3%,Enc:(5-9) RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) NCR_Marauders
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:3%,Enc:(6-9) DNRV_Reno_Caravan FIGHTING (3-6) NCR_Marauders
enc_14=Chance:8%,Enc:(5-10) NCR_Caravan FIGHTING (6-8) RED_Wolves
enc_15=Chance:0%,Enc:(4-8) V15_Caravan FIGHTING (4-9) DMRV_Scorpions
enc_16=Chance:5%,Enc:(5-9) RDRC_Broken_Hills_Caravan
enc_17=Chance:5%,Enc:(6-9) DNRV_Reno_Caravan
enc_18=Chance:5%,Enc:(5-10) NCR_Caravan
enc_19=Chance:5%,Enc:(4-8) V15_Caravan
enc_20=Chance:8%,Enc:(1-2) New_Traveller
enc_21=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 72]
lookup_name=NCR_M                                                                  ; Area arounc NCR
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Mountain Encounter 5, Mountain Encounter 6, Mountain Encounter 4
enc_00=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) NCR_Masters_Army AMBUSH Player
enc_01=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Marauders AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:2%,Enc:(5-9) NCR_Rangers FIGHTING (4-6) NCR_Masters_Army
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-10) NCR_Rangers FIGHTING (4-9) NCR_Marauders
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-6) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (5-9) NCR_Masters_Army
enc_14=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (6-9) NCR_Marauders
enc_15=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Rangers
enc_16=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Farmers
enc_17=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 73]
lookup_name=NCR_D                                                                  ; Area arounc NCR
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3, Desert Encounter 4, Desert Encounter 5, Desert Encounter 6, Desert Encounter 11
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-7) NCR_Masters_Army AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:15%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Marauders AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:2%,Enc:(5-9) NCR_Rangers FIGHTING (4-6) NCR_Masters_Army
enc_15=Chance:10%,Enc:(5-10) NCR_Rangers FIGHTING (4-9) NCR_Marauders
enc_16=Chance:2%,Enc:(2-6) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (5-9) NCR_Masters_Army
enc_17=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-6) KLA_Farmers FIGHTING (6-9) NCR_Marauders
enc_18=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-10) NCR_Rangers
enc_19=Chance:10%,Enc:(3-5) KLA_Farmers
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_25=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_26=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_27=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

[Encounter Table 74]
lookup_name=V15_M                                                              ; Area arounc Vault 15
maps=Mountain Encounter 1, Mountain Encounter 2, Cavern Encounter 0
enc_00=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-9) NCR_Masters_Army FIGHTING (8-12) Wild2_Mutated_Molerats
enc_01=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-8) NCR_Masters_Army AMBUSH Player
enc_02=Chance:20%,Enc:(8-10) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_03=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-8) Wild2_Mutated_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-12) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:5%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Bridge Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(605) < 1)
enc_15=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 2,Enc:Special1, If(Global(372) > 0) And If(Global(606) < 1)

[Encounter Table 75]
lookup_name=V15_D                                                              ; Area arounc Vault 15
maps=Desert Encounter 1, Desert Encounter 2, Desert Encounter 3
enc_00=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Toxic Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(607) < 1)
enc_01=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Pariahs Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(608) < 1)
enc_02=Chance:2%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Mad Brahmin Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(609) < 1)
enc_03=Chance:0%,Enc:(5-9) NCR_Masters_Army FIGHTING (8-12) Wild2_Mutated_Molerats
enc_04=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_05=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_06=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_07=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-6) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(1) > 1) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_08=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) < 7)
enc_09=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_Low_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 6) And If(Player(Level) < 13)
enc_10=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-4) Bounty_Hunter_High_Mid AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 12) And If(Player(Level) < 19)
enc_11=Chance:15%,Enc:(2-5) Bounty_Hunter_High AMBUSH Player, If(Global(0) < -500) And If(Player(Level) > 18)
enc_12=Chance:10%,Enc:(4-7) Morton_Brother, If(Global(386) > 0) And If(Global(386) < 6)
enc_13=Chance:8%,Enc:(4-8) NCR_Masters_Army AMBUSH Player
enc_14=Chance:20%,Enc:(8-12) DVMV_Mantis_Swarm AMBUSH Player
enc_15=Chance:20%,Enc:(4-8) Wild2_Mutated_Molerats AMBUSH Player
enc_16=Chance:20%,Enc:(6-12) DMRV_Scorpions AMBUSH Player
enc_17=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Whale Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(610) < 1)
enc_18=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Head Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(611) < 1)
enc_19=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Shuttle Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(612) < 1)
enc_20=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Guardian Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 7) And If(Global(613) < 1)
enc_21=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Holy Encounter 1,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 9) And If(Global(614) < 1)
enc_22=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Woodsman Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(615) < 1)
enc_23=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Unwashed Encounter,Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(620) < 1)
enc_24=Chance:1%,Counter:1,Special,Map:Special Cafe Encounter, Enc:Special1, If(Player(Level) > 5) And If(Global(616) < 1)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;   End of Newly added Encounter Tables   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; All of the Tile information:
[Tile Data]

; Known means that you have heard of a place (partial fog and button
;   shows up)
; Visited means that you have been there (no fog at all, button is
;   available)
; Not really sure if these are necessary...

; 7 X 6

[Tile 0]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 1]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 2]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 3]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 4]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 5]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 6]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 7]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 8]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 9]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 10]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 11]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 12]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 13]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 14]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 15]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 16]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 17]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 18]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type

[Tile 19]
; x_offset_yoffset=terrain,morning_chance,afternoon_chance,night_chance,type