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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Die Service Route zu dt. etwa Dienstweg ist ein Ort in Puesta del Sol im Sierra Madre.


The service route has three entrances which require the foreman's key to unlock. One entrance is behind a locked gate (very hard) surrounded by the Cloud. Another one is in a southern courtyard. The key is located at the back of Puesta del Sol. West of the entrance to the Puesta del Sol-Schaltstation is a room with terminals and a bear trap. Up the stairs is a desk between a broken terminal and a coffee pot, where the key will be located.

The route itself consists mainly of tiled stone archways, with a collapsed area in the eastern part.

If one does not unlock the service route, but completes the Dead Money main storyline quests, the service route will automatically be unlocked and can be used to access two of the entrances without the foreman's key. However, the third entrance, behind the locked gate (very hard), will still be locked. The foreman's key will still be needed to unlock it.

Bemerkenswerte Beute[]

  • Vending machine code - "Demolition charge" for the demolition charge can be obtained from a terminal.
  • Vending machine code - "Weapon repair kit" for the weapon repair kit from the same terminal.
  • A jumpsuit (Dead Money) can be found on the floor.


Die Service Route kommt nur im Fallout: New Vegas Add-On Dead Money vor.
