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This article is a transcript of the Fairly OddParents episode "Wishology!" from Season 6, which aired on May 1–3, 2009.


Part 1: The Big Beginning[]

Part 1[]

[The opening credits, and after that, where in the scene when Timmy is doing his trilogy wishes]

  • Timmy: I'm the one.

[He does amazing stunts.]

  • Mr. Crocker: He's the one.

[Crocker follow him, starting the shut Timmy.]

  • Mr. Crocker: There's no escaping, Mr. Turner.
  • Mr. Crocker (1# clone): There's no escaping, Mr. Turner.
  • Mr. Crocker (2# clone): I already said that.
  • Mr. Crocker: No, I said.
  • Mr. Crocker (1# clone): Are we gorgeous or what?
  • Mr. Crockers: (together) There's no escaping the world's most gorgeous army, Mr. Turner.

[Timmy jumping in thin air, and going around three times.]

  • Timmy: Uh, we're still spinning.

[And Timmy fell down and hit a car.]

  • Timmy: Yes! Nobody defeats Teo, master of the martial arts. Ha Ha! Hoo Hoo!

[They start shouting Timmy, again.]

  • Timmy: Ooh.

[He starts running, in slow motion and cut with Cosmo, Wanda and Poof.]

  • Cosmo: All right, Timmy! You may always be chosen last at school for kickball or as lab partner.
  • Wanda: But in your Trilogy wishes, you're always the chosen one.

[Back with Timmy, and they stopped at a restaurant, and Mr. Crocker add more clones of him.]

  • Timmy: Hey, you guys look hungry. You want sweet-and-sour pork or... (he hit them with his power) Kapow!
  • Mr. Crockers: No, thanks. we're allergic to MSG.

[They got hit, and he clone more of him, Timmy runs away from them, then Wanda calls Timmy]

  • Wanda: Timmy, get the ring. Get the ring!

[Back at Timmy, again, Timmy say Telephone poll and answer it.]

  • Timmy: Get me a new Trilogy wish. This one's not fun anymore.
  • Mr. Crockers: What? We're totally fun. Cause fun starts with "F."

[They throw Fs at him and going into the next trilogy wish.]

  • Timmy: Cool. I'm in middle-earth.

[Cosmo, Wanda and Poof poofs in.]

  • Wanda: Here you go, chosen one. One ring to rule them all.
  • Timmy: Wait, that's a teething ring.
  • Wanda: Oh, sorry. Poof's teething.
  • Timmy: Yeah, I know.

[Timmy gives teething ring to Poof.]

  • Wanda: Here you go, One ring to rule--
  • Timmy: This is an onion ring!
  • Cosmo: Oh, that's mine.

(He attack Timmy, and he rubbing the onion ring in his head)

  • Cosmo: Precious... and delicious.
  • Wanda: Oh, I know I've got that freaky ring somewhere. (She found it, from her hand) Oh, here it is.

[Wanda gives the ring slowly, as they going into the volcano]

  • Wanda: Only the chosen on can take this ring and drop it into the fire of Dark Mount Gloom. (takes a bite)
  • Timmy: What? Are you telling us this mountain is chocolate?
  • Wanda: Dark Chocolate.
  • Wanda: What? Can't I have some fun on these wishes?

[They made it to the top, they go blow away from the wind]

  • Cosmo: Timmy, throw the ring in the lava!

(Timmy walks to the lava and throw the ring in it, and the wind the sun comes up)

  • Timmy: You said it, Mickey. Seriously, how about we have a little bit more action in my next chosen one mega action trilogy wish?
  • Wanda: You got it.

[They poofed themselves to Timmy's third trilogy wish.]

  • Timmy: WHOO HOO!
  • Timmy: I'm chosen one magic wizard boy Timmy Totter, and I'm playing Pooferscoop. (follows Poof)
  • Cosmo: Timmy Totter? I prefer tater totters. (hits the building) Ah!
  • Wanda: (takes a bite on a broomstick) Oh, you've got to try this pretzel broomstick.
  • Timmy: That does it. I'm not making any more wishes before breakfast. (gets zapped)
  • Wanda: Oh, No! It's the ultimate bad, nasty wizard, Moldywart.
  • Vicky: It's not Moldy, but it is indeed a wart. (laughing)
  • Cosmo: Timmy, before you guys get destroyed, can you wish me up some ketchup for the tots?

[Then, Vicky zapped through the building and her head pops out through the hole.]

  • Vicky: Ha Ha! Here's Moldy.
  • Both: (screams)

[They start flying again, and Jorgen comes in]

  • Jorgen: TURNER!

[Jorgen poofed Vicky as Moldywart away.]

  • Jorgen: STOP!
  • Timmy: Cool, Jorgen got rid of Moldywart, and now We can scoop the poof.

[Timmy chases Poof again as Jorgen poofs Cosmo and Wanda away. Then, Timmy grabs Poof and finally has him.]

  • Timmy: Yes!

[After Timmy captured Poof, Jorgen also poofed him away.]

  • Timmy: Poof? Have, what gives? I'm playing a game here!
  • Jorgen: The Fun times are over. This is not a game. Remain the shadows. Do not speak your name!
  • Timmy: Uh, you're freaking me out here, dude.

[Jorgen poofs Timmy away from his third trilogy wish and poofed him back home, which send Timmy screaming and falling as he landed on his face in the front yard of Turner's Residence.]

  • Timmy: (lands) OOF! Huh... a trilogy wish with a twist ending. I'll wish up another sequel afterschool: "The Chosen One 4! Jorgen's a Jerk!" (gets up and brushes himself off)
  • Timmy: Cosmo? Wanda? Poof? Okay, guess I'll meet up with them later. (Turns and enters his house.)

[In the kitchen, Mr. Turner reads the newspaper, while Mrs. Turner cooks and Timmy arrives to the table sat down.]

  • Timmy: Hey, Dad. Mom, can I get some cereal? Something crunchy that's bad for me? Preferably with a toy in the box?

[Mr. Turner lowers the paper and looks oddly at Timmy.]

  • Mr. Turner: (confused) Honey? Why is a bucktoothed street urchin wearing a pink hat calling us 'Mom and Dad' and asking for food?
  • Timmy: Um, 'cuz I'm your son?
  • Mrs. Turner: But we don't have a son. We decided against having children so we could have more money, less responsibility and weekends free!
  • Mr. Turner: Yeah! Having kids would only tie us down and prevent us from doing fun things like going to this weekend's big M.A.R.F. Festival!

[Mr. Turner shows Timmy an ad in the paper for the "MIDDLE AGE ROCK FESTIVAL. THIS WEEKEND IN LAS VEGAS!" There are photos of Glam Bands rocking' out.]

  • Timmy: The "Middle Aged Rock Festival?"

[Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner slide together like a rock act on stage.]

  • Mrs. Turner and Mr. Turner: 'Cuz you're never too old to Rock and Roll! (They pop into "air guitar" poses, then their backs crack) Ow, my back!
  • Mr. Turner: Maybe we are too old! TO THE HEATING PADS!
  • Mrs. Turner: Grab a muffin and let yourself out, street urchin.

[Mrs. Turner and Mr. Turner shuffle offscreen as Timmy watches them go.]

  • Timmy: Street Urchin? M.A.R.F Festival? Eh... I've had weirder mornings. (grabs the Magic Muffin) No, not that one. (shrugs and grabs a different muffin and walks offscreen)

[Later, Timmy walks into Dimmsdale Elementary School as he arrived to Crocker's classroom.]

  • Timmy: Cosmo? Wanda? Where the heck are they? Well, if I have to face the educational system without magic, I better be prepared.

[Timmy enters the class, wearing a hockey mask and pads. He walks up to Chester and A.J. at their desks.]

  • Timmy: Hey guys! Where's my seat?
  • Chester: Wow! A new kid who doesn't know we're not cool!
  • Timmy: What are you talking about? I know you're not cool. And it's me. Hellooo!!!

[Timmy takes off his mask, but they don't recognize him.]

  • A.J.: I'm A.J. the class genius, new kid! You can have my seat. I'll stand!
  • Timmy: Guys, I'm not a...

Mr. Crocker: (offscreen) NEW KID! Don't you know these kids aren't cool? A.J.! (pulls out a massive megaphone and shouts) "F" for standing!

[The force blows A.J. out of the frame and crashes to the wall.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Man, I love megaphones. Okay class, today's assignment is to think of clever ways to destroy the New Kid's self esteem.
  • Timmy: But I'm not a new kid. Look, I've even done the homework you assigned on the Big Dipper... (pulls out a paper and gives it to Crocker)
  • Mr. Crocker: Hmm. An over-achieving suck up. I like it. (pulls out a bullhorn and shouts) But F!

[The force of Crocker's megaphone smacks Timmy into the wall next to A.J.]

  • Mr. Crocker: That's how we roll in the fifth grade. And everyone knows there's no such thing as the Big Dipper!
  • Timmy: The Big Dipper doesn't exist?
  • A.J.: Where'd you move here from? "Dumbsville?"

[All the kids laugh.]

  • Timmy: I've lived here my whole life! What's wrong with you guys? (to Chester & AJ) I'm your best friend! (to Francis) You beat me up every day! (to Trixie) And I've been in love with you since kindergarten!
  • Mr. Crocker: (speaks into the megaphone) Awkward.
  • Timmy: First my parents, now you guys? What's wrong with everyone? Look at me! I'm Timmy! (grabs the megaphone from Crocker and shouts) TIMMY!!! TIMMY TURNER!!!

[A huge, metallic robot known as the Eliminator bursts through the wall.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Timmy Turner. Eliminate Timmy Turner.
  • Timmy: Uh, what the heck is that?
  • Chester: Wow! Another new kid!

(The Eliminator Leader begins firing deadly laser blasts at Timmy. It blows a hole in the wall.)

  • Chester: ...who shoots deadly lasers!
  • Mr. Crocker: Okay class, new assignment... (writes the following on the board) Run...For...Your...LIFE! AAAGH!

(Mr. Crocker and the kids panic and run outside through the hole. Timmy hides behind a desk as the Eliminator Leader comes closer.)

  • Timmy: Nobody knows who I am, my fairies are missing, the Big Dipper's gone, and a huge robot is trying to waste me.
  • Eliminator Leader: (lifts the desk) Eliminate Timmy Turner.
  • Timmy: It's official. This is the weirdest morning ever!

(Timmy dashes out a hole in the wall. By the school bike rack, Timmy screeches to a stop. He sees a tricycle, a BMX bike, and then a futuristic hover bike tied to the rack, which has a license plate that belongs to "A.J.".

  • Timmy: Thank you, AJ.

[Timmy hops in the hovercraft and exits the school. The Eliminator bursts through a school wall and spots Timmy. From Eliminator Leader's POV: his red target eye zooms into Timmy escaping away down the road. "Target Located" flashes. The Eliminator Leader transforms into a flying attack vehicle and zooms toward Timmy as Crocker and the kids watches.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Okay everyone back to class, fix the wall and write a 1,000,000 word report on the negative effects of evil robotic new kids!

[The class sulks as they head back to the classroom.]

CROCKER: And I'm off to the MARF Festival, 'cuz you're never too old to rock and roll! (He strikes an "air guitar" pose and his back snaps in half.) Maybe I am too old.

[Timmy continues to escape through Downtown by flying A.J.'s hovercraft. Then, He looked back and sees the Eliminator Leader catching up.]

  • Timmy: Ahhh! I gotta find Cosmo and Wanda and WISH THIS ROBO-DORK AWAY!

[Timmy bobs and weaves between buildings and under streetlights as the Eliminator Leader closes in. Timmy rounds a corner and the Eliminator follows.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Eliminate Timmy Turner.

(It flies past a billboard advertising: "MARFFESTIVAL." The sign shows people going to Vegas. The camera pans down to see Timmy actually floating and froze in front of the sign, pretending to be in the poster. Timmy relaxes and hovers down offscreen as he lands.]

  • Timmy: That was close. AAAAGH!

[Suddenly, a huge hand grabs Timmy and yanks him offscreen. In the alley, Timmy is thrown down. A huge shadow falls over him.]

  • Timmy: Don't eliminate me! I'm not...
  • Jorgen: TIMMY TURNER! (steps out of the shadows)
  • Timmy: Jorgen! Man am I glad to see you! And to see somebody who knows me!

[Jorgen points his wand at Timmy's head, then it transforms into a scary, giant blaster.]

  • Timmy: And now I'm not so glad.
  • Jorgen: DUCK!

[Timmy ducks as Jorgen fires a laser blast over his head at the Eliminator Leader, who's lowering on foot jets in the alley behind Timmy. The Eliminator Leader was knocked back into the wall and crashes to the wall. It struggles to get up.]

  • Timmy: What is that thing?!
  • Jorgen: I told you not to say your name, like I sorta just did. They have really good hearing!

[The Eliminator Leader got up, and suddenly its mouth morphs into a super-creepy, black hole vortex that sucks things from the alley in until they vanish. It sucks on garbage cans, loose garbage, and a cat.]

  • Timmy: And a really big mouth!

[It begins to suck Timmy in, too.]

  • Timmy: Aaagh! Help!

[As Timmy is lifted off the ground and pulled towards the vortex, Jorgen grabs his hand and holds him back, but the pull is strong. Jorgen holds on to a fire escape ladder.]

  • Jorgen: Hang on!

[Jorgen slowly loses his grip on Timmy as the creepy music builds. The camera pans over to see a radio in the alley.]

  • Radio Announcer: (voiceover) ...you're listening to K.R.E.P.: "creepy music for those creepy alley cliff-hangers!"
  • Jorgen: I hate this station! (lets go of Timmy in order to turn off the radio) Ooops.
  • Timmy: Aaagh!
  • Jorgen: Noooooo!

(As Timmy is sucked towards certain doom, the screen fades out.)

Part 2[]

[Back in the alley, Jorgen holds on to a fire escape ladder as Timmy flies out of control toward the Eliminator Leader's vortex-like mouth.]

  • Jorgen: Timmy! Hang on!
  • Timmy: To what?
  • Jorgen: Good point!

[Jorgen poofs his wand that became a whip-like rope. Timmy is sucked in to the vortex and he is now gone. Then, the whip enters the vortex and pulls Timmy out of the vortex.]

  • Jorgen: Now to shut that pie-hole with a man-hole!

(Jorgen rips up a man-hole cover and throws it at the Eliminator Leader's vortex-like mouth. The man-hole cover is too wide to fit into the mouth vortex and sends the Eliminator Leader crashing into the alley wall as the mouth vortex closes.)

  • Eliminator Leader: Destroy Timmy Turner.
  • Jorgen: Although I sympathize with your sentiments, I cannot allow that to happen at this time! (poofs up a cool motorcycle) Hop on my hog and hold me tight!

[Timmy just stands there, knowing that he is unsure.]

  • Jorgen: Okay, that came out wrong - just get on this motorcycle and brace yourself to move very quickly!

[Timmy hops on the bike. Jorgen poofs a helmet, which pops on his head. As they take off, The Eliminator Leader transforms into his Flying Pursuit Vehicle again. In Turner's Residence, Mrs. Turner and Mr. Turner, who are dressed like aging rockers carried suitcases to a groovy van with "M.A.R.F. MACHINE" signs in the window. Timmy and Jorgen race by as the Eliminator Leader follows them.]

  • Timmy: Ahhhhh!!!
  • Mrs. Turner: There goes that street urchin! Oooh, it looks like he's having fun.
  • Mr. Turner: But not as much fun as we're gonna have cruising in the MARF Machine on our way to the MARF festival! Now to make sure we have enough "goodies" to keep this road trip rocking'! (checks the contents of a bag) Antacids? Check. Antihistamine? Check. Ibuprofen? Check! And the nasal spray for my deviated septum. (snorts the spray)
  • Mrs. Turner: Let's party!
  • Both: (strike air guitar-like poses and breaks their backs) Ow! Our backs!

[Mr. Crocker walks into scene, dressed similarly, carrying a bundle on a stick over his shoulder.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Hey fellow Marfers. I'm going to the Middle Aged Rock Festival too! And I could use a ride.
  • Mr. Turner: Well, gas, glasses or aspirin? Nobody rides for free!
  • Mr. Crocker: (pulls out a gas can, some eyeglasses, and a bottle of aspirin) Let's M.A.R.F!

[They all hop into the van. Mr. Turner fires it up and they pull out of the driveway, drive down to the corner and stops at a gas station. Mrs. Turner runs out of the van.]

  • Mrs. Turner: Middle-Aged Bladder! Potty break!
  • Mr. Turner: Right behind you!

[Back in Dimmsdale, Jorgen weaves through the streets narrowly avoiding cars. The Eliminator Leader chases continues to chase them through the streets. Then, Jorgen enters a mall parking lot.]

  • Timmy: He's gaining on us. Oh, and by the way - WHO IS HE??
  • Jorgen: There will be time for explanations when you are safe!

[The Eliminator's blasts go off around Timmy.]

  • Timmy: So I take it this is a bad time?

[They're headed straight for a Dimmadome Dept. Store Wall.]

  • Timmy: Shouldn't you be SLOWING DOWN?

[Jorgen hits the gas, and the motorcycle vanishes just before it hits the wall leaving a trail of flaming skid marks. The unlucky Eliminator crashes into the wall. Then, The Eliminator Leader climbs out of the rubble. patrons are a bit shocked. The Eliminator Leader looks at a clothes rack, takes a tough, leather jacket and sunglasses from a mannequin. He walks toward the giant hole in the wall. A terrified, perfume girl stands. He stops. She sprays. Then, he grabs a pink feather boa off a rack and walks out the hole into a parking lot. A vortex opens in his mouth and two other Eliminators emerges as they salute the Eliminator Leader.]

  • Eliminator Leader: He got away.
  • Eliminator #1: You smell good.
  • Eliminator #2: That fragrance captures your essence.
  • Eliminator Leader: And we need to capture and eliminate Timmy Turner.
  • Eliminator #2: You should lose the boa though.
  • Eliminator Leader: Too much? Right. (tosses the boa on the ground) Now, get the Chosen One.

[The eliminators transform into flying vehicles and zoom out of the frame. In Fairy World, Timmy and Jorgen are still on the cycle and lands on the Rainbow Bridge. Jorgen steers the bike into Fairy World and skids to a stop. The place is deserted and not one fairy was around.]

  • Jorgen: Whew! That was a close one.

[Jorgen gets off the bike. Timmy, fed up, grabs Jorgen's wand and aims it at him.]

  • Timmy: What's going on? How come you're the only one that knows me, and where're Cosmo and Wanda? WHERE'RE ALL THE FAIRIES? I want answers!

[Jorgen holds out his hand and the wand returns to him.]

  • Timmy: Darn!
  • Jorgen: Now hang on to me again. We have a long road ahead of us. But know one thing: all the fairies are safe and hidden where the enemy cannot find them.

[In the truck stop by the desert, the camera pushes through the dingy diner. A few truck drivers eat at the counter and spit out their food. The camera pushes in on a gumball machine, where there are assorted and colorful gumballs. Suddenly, they all sprout eyes and crowns revealing that all fairies were turned into gumballs. Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof are on top of the pile.]

  • Wanda: Ah! Where are we? Last thing I remember is Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy's trilogy wish!
  • Cosmo: And the last thing I remember is you saying "the last thing you remember was Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy's trilogy wish!
  • Poof: (eyes open) Poof!

[Then, Cupid pops up on top of the pile.]

  • Cupid: Gasp! We're in a gumball machine!
  • Cosmo: Every fairy in Fairy World must be in here!
  • Juandissimo: I'm more of a fireball than a gumball. At least we're not at the bottom like Binky.
  • Binky: (offscreen) Hi guys.
  • Wanda: Well, I don't know why Jorgen put us in here, but we're getting out! Oh no! Our wands are gone!
  • Cosmo: And our hands are gone!
  • Tooth Fairy: But at least we're safe.

[Suddenly, a snot-nosed kid walks up to the gum machine.]

  • Cosmo: Not safe!

[The kid puts a quarter in, and gets Binky as a gumball.]

  • All Fairies: Oh no! He got Binky!

[Binky is heading for the big mouth in the sky.]

  • Binky: I don't want to be a gumball!

[The kid puts the Binky gumball in his mouth and chews.]

  • All Fairies: (screams) Aaagh! The horror!

[The kid pulls out a fist full of quarters.]

  • All Fairies: (screams again) Aaagh! The quarters!

[Later in the jungle, Jorgen swings through trees and vines, while Timmy holds onto his back.]

  • Jorgen: Don't let go!

[Then in the snowy mountain, Jorgen hikes up a treacherous peak, fighting the wind as Timmy continues to hang on. Followed by the desert, Jorgen trudges through a blazing desert as Timmy continues to hang on to his back. At the rest stop, Timmy and Jorgen exits the porta potty, but Timmy is still hangs on.]

  • Jorgen: You could have let go that time.

[Later in the swamp, two hollow reeds swam through the water. Then back at Fairy World, Jorgen and Timmy in the motorcycle, come lagging into scene covered in dirt and mud.]

  • Timmy: We're back here again?? This is where we started.
  • Jorgen: You've got to be kidding me.
  • Timmy: What are we looking for anyway?
  • Jorgen: (shows Timmy an ancient map of Fairy World) The "Cave of Destiny". It's where all your questions will be answered.
  • Timmy: You mean like that cave up there? (points to a Mountain)

[The mountain has glowing cave with a huge sign above it: "CAVE OF DESTINY - FREE WI-FI".]

  • Jorgen: I can't believe I missed that.
  • Timmy: Hang on tight!

[Jorgen hops on Timmy's back and Timmy carries him offscreen. Moments later, the entrance of the cave is pitch black. Jorgen claps hands twice as The Cave of Destiny lights up the cave with torches. Timmy looks around the cave as bats fly above, skeletons lay in the dirt, and rats run on the ground.]

  • Timmy: The Cave of Destiny is creepy.
  • Jorgen: Oh, these are just from last year's Halloween party - I don't remember much from it - good party.
  • Timmy: Okay, where was I, oh yeah - WHAT'S GOING ON?
  • Jorgen: Maybe these pretty pictures will help. Or as we call it on Fairy World, The Cave Prophecy.
  • Timmy: The cave prophecy?
  • Jorgen: No. You're not saying it right. Go with the echo: "The Caaaaaave Prophecy".

[Jorgen holds his wand closer to the wall, and we see paintings of crude images of warrior fairies looking buff and strong.]

  • Jorgen: In ancient fairy times, a fairy's main job was to fight, not frolic! (holds his wand up to several images on the cave wall depicting buff fairies being attacked) They constantly battled a mysterious enemy called the Darkness...

[The camera pushes into a cave drawing of a dark swirling vortex. Then, dissolves to Fairy World with flashback montage from a long, long time ago. A scary, black vortex hovers in the sky above Fairy World. Fairy World is dark, gloomy, and very unlike the Fairy World we know and love. All the fairies are big and buff as they use their wands to blast the black hole.]

  • Jorgen: (voiceover) ...and it's Agents of Destruction: The Eliminators.

[Dozens of Eliminators - like the one that attacked Timmy earlier - but more primitive, drop out of the dark cloud and advance on the Fairies. The Fairy Warriors blast and vaporize them one by one. Some Eliminators use vortex mouths to suck fairies in. All the remaining Fairy Warriors fly up into the sky and face off with the Darkness with their wands raised.]

  • Jorgen: (voiceover) And they were victorious only when they combined all of their fairy powers and neutralized the Darkness with its natural enemy: light.

[All the Fairy Warriors shoot a concentrated beam of light into the center of the Darkness. It explodes outward in an enormous blast and the Darkness recoils in terror. It rolls away, clearing the sky. Sunshine streams through. Back in Fairy World, buff fairies dance and celebrate with music around bonfires in the center of town as Fairy Council watch.]

  • Jorgen: (voiceover) But our ancient ancestors feared that this mysterious foe would come back.

[The scene cuts to a line of buff fairy soldiers in formation. They raise their wands in unison. Then, all the soldiers illuminate their wands and exit the world.]

  • Jorgen: (voiceover) So they sent millions of our strongest soldiers into the void of space to illuminate it...

[The fairy soldiers zoom past the camera and disappear into the dark sky. Suddenly, the sky alights with millions of twinkling lights that form the stars.]

  • Jorgen: (voiceover) ...so that, should the Darkness ever return, we would have a shield of protection... not unlike today's underarm deodorants...

[The flashback montage ends as the scene changes back to the cave drawing of the starry sky above Fairy World, which made Timmy's eyes wide.]

  • Timmy: (riveted) Amazing! Do you have any popcorn?

[Jorgen walks to a concession stand in the cave and goes behind the counter to get popcorn.]

  • Jorgen: Small, medium or large?
  • Timmy: Surprise me!

[Jorgen gets the popcorn and gives it to Timmy.]

  • Timmy: So the stars in space are really fairy warriors watching out for the Darkness?
  • Jorgen: Yes - they are our first warning system - and last night our deepest outpost, "The Big Dipper Brigade" just disappeared.
  • Timmy: The Big Dipper! That's why Crocker said it didn't exist!
  • Jorgen: Yes. I had to wipe away all memory of its existence so people wouldn't freak out!
  • Timmy: So this is great, but how does this affect me?
  • Jorgen: I'm not finished... (turns toward the wall and claps illuminating the previous drawings)

[We see an Eliminator drawing. Then, another cave drawing lights up and animates, too. The drawing depicts a giant wand.]

  • Jorgen: Our ancestors then hid an all powerful magic wand that could destroy the Darkness should it ever return. And to protect the "one wand" from falling into the wrong hands they decided that only a "Chosen One" could possess it and unlock its true powers.
  • Timmy: Cool. Where is it?
  • Jorgen: No one knows. But it's said that this cryptic message reveals its location. So far, no one has been able to solve this ancient riddle. (touches a wall shape and the riddle illuminates)
  • Timmy: "The Wand is hidden in a rock and sealed with a Kiss!" What does that mean?
  • Jorgen: You tell me because the "Chosen One" is YOU, TIMMY TURNER!!! (echoes)

[Jorgen's voice echoes down the cave as he points to a cave drawing of a hero, with a pink hat and large teeth, holding a large white wand over his head. On the Hero's shirt is a "T. T." Timmy spits out his popcorn.]

  • Timmy: WHAT!?
  • Jorgen: Yes! Check it out: pink hat, big teeth, initials T. T.- And I'm not the only one who knows it! (shines a light on some Eliminator footprints)
  • Timmy: The Eliminators were here? They know I'm the "Chosen One"? And you just said my name out loud!
  • Jorgen: Oh, crud. And it echoed a bit too, didn't it?

[The Eliminator Leader, now wearing a black leather jacket and sunglasses, bursts through the cave wall.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Eliminate Timmy Turner!
  • Timmy: Man that thing looks terrifying.
  • Jorgen: (sniffs) But they smell great. And we have them outnumbered.

[Two more Eliminators land.]

  • Jorgen: Had. We had them out numbered!

[A triple mouth giant vortex opens and begins sucking.]

  • Timmy: Get us outta here!!!

[Jorgen whistles and his motorcycle roars into scene. Timmy and Jorgen hop on and take off out of the cave as the Eliminators morphs into hovercrafts and follows them. Jorgen and Timmy speed along the streets of Fairy World as the Eliminators follow, shooting lasers as they hover.]

  • Jorgen: You must find the great White Wand and use it to destroy The Darkness! That is why the Eliminators want to stop you! And my job is to protect you as you solve the riddle that will reveal its location.

[Two more Eliminators lands in front of them.]

  • Timmy: So start protecting!!!

(Jorgen swerves the bike away and heads down another street as the Eliminators morphs into hovercrafts and continues to follow. They continue to race the Eliminators as they on their trail, when three more Eliminators arrive in front of them. Their mouths open into their creepy mini black holes.)

  • Jorgen: Hang on while I poof us out of here! (pulls out his wand and holds it above his head)

[Suddenly, it hits a street sign that reads: "WATCH FOR LOWSIGNS." The wand is ripped from his hands.]

  • Jorgen: The ironic thing is - I put that sign up! (turns down another street as three Eliminators arrived with swirling mouths) Hang on!

[Jorgen turns and crashes right through the wall of a Fairy Warehouse. The fairy motor-cycle crashes into some boxes. Jorgen and Timmy go flying, then lands and rolls behind some crates as the Eliminator Leader arrives. More Eliminators arrived and scan the area. Timmy and Jorgen crouched behind boxes.]

  • Timmy: Listen...as the Chosen One, I choose not to be the Chosen One. I've never been chosen for anything! Not kick ball! Not lab partner! Why? Because I'm a bad choice.
  • Jorgen: The cave prophecy does not lie. Don't worry, I have a plan.
  • Timmy: Thank goodness.
  • Jorgen: If it's you they want, it's you they'll get.
  • Timmy: I hate that plan.

(Jorgen lifts up his pant leg and grabs a mini-wand strapped to his ankle. He waves it and poofs himself to a Timmy clone.]

  • Timmy: Plan's getting better.
  • Jorgen: Good luck Timmy Turner. You were a pain in my butt, but... well, that's all I got. Good luck.
  • Timmy: Where are you going?
  • Jorgen: For you to go on, the Darkness must believe you have been eliminated. Remember the wand is hidden in a rock! Sealed with a Kiss! (as Timmy steps out from behind the boxes with his hands up in surrender) "Hello, I am Timmy Turner! Look how stupid I am!"

[The Lead Eliminator opens his mouth, releasing the black hole which sucks in loose warehouse debris and Jorgen as Timmy.]

  • Jorgen: (screams) AAAGGHHH!!

[Jorgen is gone! The Eliminator Leader sucks in almost all of the other Eliminators into its vortex.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Finally, we have the Chosen One.
  • Eliminator #1: Can we stay - we saw some cool shops on Main Street.
  • Eliminator #2: Yeah, no one said you were the boss of us and...

[He sucks them in. Then, the Eliminator Leader disappears into its own black hole closing the vortex, leaving nothing.

  • Timmy: (exits from behind the boxes) Hello? Jorgen?

[Seconds later, Timmy is alone in the middle of the streets in Fairy World.]

  • Timmy: Hello? Jorgen? Anybody? I can't stop the Darkness by myself! How do I find the wand? How do I get back to Earth? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DOOOOOOOOO???? (looks up at the sky and sees millions of stars) Wait a minute. All those stars are fairy warriors ready to stop the Darkness! Yahoo! I'm NOT alone!

[Every singles star in the sky vanishes.]

  • Timmy: (screams) AAAAAGH!!!

[The camera pulls back far through space as The Darkness, the churning mass of black plasma, bigger than anything, heading towards the solar system, swallowing everything in its path and the scene fades out.]

Part 3[]

[The scene fades in to Military Extra-terrestrial Research Facility, the secret government facility with big telescopes and radar dishes. Inside the facility, there is a control room with M.E.R.F. Agents in the desk. The phone rings and one of them answers the phone.]

  • Agent 2: Military Extraterrestrial Research Facility. Uh huh. Yeah. I see.

[He calmly hangs up the phone, slams down an alarm-emergency lights flash and alarm blares the building.]

  • Agent 1: What's with the M.E.R.F. alarms?
  • Agent 2: It's probably nothing, but it seems that every star in the sky has completely vanished.
  • Agent 1: Hmm. You're right! It's probably nothing. (sips his coffee, then spits it out) EVERY STAR IN THE SKY HAS VANISHED!?
  • Agent 2: We should put out an emergency broadcast letting the population of Earth know that an alien attack is imminent.
  • Agent 1: Yes. The people have a right to know what's going on. Or...

[In the van, Dad and Mom listen to the radio. We see TREES moving past the window as Dad and Mom endure a bumpy ride.)

  • Radio Announcer: ...in other news, the government has announced that they've turned off the stars to conserve energy!
  • Mr. Turner: Oooh! I totally believe that! We have such a great government!
  • Mrs. Turner: And they'd never lie to us! Because deceiving people is wrong!

[The "bumping" in the car is being caused by Mr. Crocker working on the engine. The van is stopped. The "moving trees" are actually in pots and being carried by workers into a nearby truck past the van window.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Fan belt's fixed! Let's MARF and roll baby! (hops in as the van takes off)

[Then, the van stops. They all run out and separately dash behind trees to pee. Back in Fairy World, Timmy was all alone without every single fairies in the streets.]

  • Timmy: Okay, don't panic, Turner. You're the Chosen One. All you have to do is get back to Earth, get the dumb wand, and defeat "The Darkness," whatever that is.

[The giant spinning black vortex that is the Darkness arrives over Fairy World.]

  • Timmy: And that must be it. AHHHHH! How do I get back to Earth? Wait! Jorgen's Fairy Cycle!

[Moments Later, Timmy returns to the Fairy Warehouse to hop on the fairy cycle and power it up. A portal to Earth opens up in front of him.]

  • Timmy: Awesome! I'll just blast through this portal and then to Earth! Stand back, Darkness! 'Cuz here comes the Chosen One! (guns the throttle)

[The bike shoots forward to the portal. However, it throws Timmy off and goes through the portal without him. The portal closes and Timmy is all alone again as the flames from the bike extinguish. He looks up, and noticed that the Darkness is coming for Fairy World.]

  • Timmy: Helllllpppp!!!

[The Darkness swirls and is getting closer. Timmy looks up. It's getting windy and Timmy's getting nervous.]

  • Timmy: OK, no problem. I'm the Chosen One and I just got to find a mystical wand and stop that big scary thing that's about to eat Fairy World and I'M IN Fairy World!

[The Darkness is getting closer.]

  • Timmy: Think Turner. What fairy goes back and forth to Earth more than anybody?

[Timmy sees a billboard of The Tooth Fairy: "OVER TEN BILLION TEETH SERVED!" It sits atop a giant industrial-like factory.]

  • Timmy: Bingo. Tooth Fairy Enterprises.

[Inside Tooth Fairy Enterprises, Timmy stands in the center of dozens of conveyer belts. Each one is loaded with quarters. The quarters stop under the tube and are sucked up inside. Then, a child's tooth drops backdown in their place.]

  • Timmy: Home of the legendary "Quarter Transporter!" Every time an Earth kid puts a tooth under their pillow, it comes here and is replaced by cold hard cash. (sets the machine to "Dimmsdale") But today I'm making it the "Turner Returner!"

[The Darkness touches down and begins swallowing Fairy World. The Fairy World sign is the first thing to go. Back in Tooth Fairy Enterprises, the ground started to shake.]

  • Timmy: I hope this works!

[Timmy hops on the conveyor belt and gets sucked into one of the tubes. Just then, Fairy World is sucked into the Darkness. In the kid's bedroom, a kid, who is missing a tooth, startled awake in his bed.]

  • Kid #1: I wonder what the Tooth fairy left! (lifts his pillow, sees Timmy in the pillow and screams)
  • Timmy: Shhhh. I'm the Chosen One.
  • Kid #1: No, you're a crazy thief who stole my quarter! Mommy! Quarter Thief!

[Timmy dashes away from the kid's house.]

  • Kid #1: (yells) My dad's a cop!

[Suddenly, a police car bursts through the garage door.]

  • Timmy: Aaaagh!

[Timmy ducks into an alley as the cop car drives past. Timmy turns to see a wanted poster with his face on it pasted on a bus stop canopy, "WANTED: QUARTER THIEF."]

  • Timmy: That was quick. (rips the poster down) And there's no way I can locate this wand on my own. I got to find Cosmo and Wanda. WHERE ARE YOU COSMO AND WANDA!?

[In the truck stop, the camera pans over to see the kid sitting at a booth with all the fairy gumballs in a pile on a table. The kid is still chewing Binky and laughing. All the fairy gumballs watch in horror.]

  • Cosmo: He's still chewing Binky!
  • Snot-nosed Kid: Eh...this one lost its flavor.

[The kid puts the Binky gum wad on the table. But then, Binky's eyes pop open. He's in shock.]

  • Binky: (pained) It's horrible in there, and he recently had nachos!

[Fairies screams as the kid surveys the gum on the table.]

  • Snot-nosed Kid: Oooh, a tasty pink gumball!

[He goes to pick up Wanda. Poof and Wanda look scared.]

  • Cosmo: Wanda! NOOOOOOOO!!!!

[Cosmo bounces towards the kid and knocks Wanda from his hand, so the kid tosses Cosmo in. The kid begins to chew Cosmo as a gumball.]

  • Wanda: Cosmo! My hero!

[The kid chews happily as Juandissimo rolls next to Wanda.]

  • Juandissimo: Wanda, I feel terrible for your loss. Wanna go out?

[Poof, makes a tough face and rolls into Juandissimo like a cue ball, knocking him all over the table.]

  • Juandissimo: Gah!
  • Wanda: Nice shot sweetie - and look!

[The kid's mouth starts chewing uncontrollably. Then, he blows a huge green bubble resembling Cosmo.]

  • Cosmo: Anyone up for a balloon ride to freedom??! (Floats down and with his sticky, chewed gum bottom, grabs Wanda and Poof and floats away.)
  • Wanda: Cosmo! You saved us!!
  • Cosmo: Hang on to my bubble butt, baby!!

[Cosmo, Wanda and Poof float out the window to freedom.]

  • Juandissimo: Quick! Everyone! Into the gross kid's mouth!

[The fairy gumballs jump into the kid's mouth and his face swells up with gum. He chews terrified and falls over. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof float in through the deserted sky.]

  • Wanda: Float towards Dimmsdale! We have to make sure Timmy's not in any trouble.

[They pass a sign: "Dimmsdale 120 miles." Then, the wind picks up and blows them away from Dimmsdale.]

  • Cosmo: And by Dimmsdale, you mean float wherever the wind takes us - whee!

(Back in Dimmsdale, one of the cops puts Timmy Wanted Poster on a garbage can, then they walk away. Timmy rises from the garbage can.)

  • Timmy: The Chosen One was alone in the city, but he knew if he could find his fairies, he could solve the ancient riddle and locate the-GAH!

[A bus arrives behind him. The doors fly open, slamming Timmy up against the bus. A tour guide gets off with a tour group.]

  • Tour Guide: Okay, follow me to see "The Kiss,"Shcmodin's most famous sculpture, here at the Dimmsdale Art Museum!

[The door closes, revealing the flattened Timmy.]

  • Timmy: "The Kiss?" Wait a second...

[The tour group walks up the steps to the art museum. Timmy looks up and sees a huge banner for Schmodin's "the Kiss".]

  • Timmy: The White Wand is "hidden in the rock and sealed with a kiss!" I don't need Cosmo and Wanda; the wand is in that statue! This looks like a job for the Chosen One.

[The tour group with the tour guide are right next to "the Kiss" sculpture.].

  • Tour Guide: Considered priceless, the statue is 500 years old. More than a work of art, it's awork of magic!

[A Greek catapult rolls in. Timmy pushes past patrons.]

  • Timmy: What's going' on? How's trix? (stops, then pulls the lever, launches a rock and pulverizes the statue)
  • Tour Guide: SUFFERING STATUES!!!
  • Timmy: (runs over to inspect the ruins of the statue) Don't panic! I'm the Chosen One. I'm saving your lives.
  • Tour Guide: You're a statue smasher! SECURITY! (pulls an alarm)
  • Timmy: Where's the wand? THERE'S NO WAND!

[Two security guards arrived.]

  • Security Guard #1: Freeze Statue Smasher!
  • Security Guard #2: Hey! He's also the Quarter Thief!!
  • Timmy: And that's when the Chosen One decided to RUN...

[Timmy takes off running as security guards grabs their equipment and chase after him]


[He runs past the Mona Lisa painting, rips the face off the painting and runs out the front door. In the street, Timmy, with the Mona Lisa face covering his own, is suddenly surrounded by cop cars.]

  • Cop: Freeze!

[Timmy was surrounded by a group of angry cops as they arrived.]

  • Cop: And tell us mysterious lady - have you seen this evil perpetrator? (gives Timmy the wanted poster of himself, which now reads: "Wanted: Quarter Thief/Statue Smasher.")
  • Timmy: Um, no. I - uh feel pretty.
  • Cop: Thanks, trustworthy citizen with a renaissance smile. Move out boys!

[The cops leave the streets and Timmy peels off his mask.]

  • Timmy: No wonder I'm the Chosen One. I'm good. (throws the wanted poster away and dashes offscreen)

[The poster lands on the sidewalk. Suddenly, an Eliminator steps next to it and picks it up. The Eliminator Leader arrived with two other Eliminators in the streets.]

  • Eliminator Leader: The Chosen One is here. We were fooled. Find him.
  • Eliminator #1: And we will. Right after we hit this sweet pink shirt shop.

[The Lead Eliminator turns to them slowly.]

  • Eliminator #2: Oh, you're the only one who gets to wear cool Earth clothes?
  • Eliminator Leader: Hurry up.

[They bash through the store front. The patrons scream, then they bash out through the store front. Later, Timmy runs up to the Turner mailbox.]

  • Timmy: I know Jorgen erased everyone's memory of Timmy Turner, but let's just hope he didn't erase.... (pulls the flag on the mailbox)

[The mailbox tips backwards, revealing a pole from the hole that appears in the ground.]

  • Timmy: …the Timmy Cave! (jumps onto the pole and slides down)

[The mailbox tips back to its original position. Timmy slides down into the Timmy cave, which is high-tech, secret underground cave under his house. He lands in a chair, which triggers a pizza slice and soda to rise on a tray next to him. Timmy grabs the soda, sips and types on a control panel in front of a huge computer screen.]

  • Timmy: I knew the Fairy Snacking Tracking device would pay off someday!

[Timmy hits "SEARCH," "LOCATE" and "COSMO AND WANDA". The computer does its thing, and a GRID of the United States comes up. A red dot appears over Nevada, then the screen zooms in to "Las Vegas".]

  • Timmy: Las Vegas? Okay, not a problem because I have the inviso-cycle! (hits a button and a trap door opens)

[We hear a motorcycle arrive, but we can't see it. Timmy tries to feel for it with his hands. He can't.]

  • Timmy: Where is it? Okay, looks like I'm going with the NORMAL CYCLE! (presses another button and a sleek, shiny ninja bike arrives. Timmy hops on.) Time to Rock and Road! And this time I'm going to hang on tight.

[He puts on a helmet, hops on and revs the powerful engine. The bike takes off up a ramp. The mailbox rises, and Timmy zooms out of the cave, flies in the air, and crashes into a M.E.R.F. van. Timmy takes off his helmet and sees two M.E.R.F. Agents.]

  • Agent 2: Well-well, just the man M.E.R.F.'s looking for.

[In M.E.R.F. interrogation room, both M.E.R.F. Agents stand across from Timmy, who is near the prison bar.]

  • Agent 1: You're in a lot of trouble, Mister. Because according to our records, you have no records. You don't exist.
  • Agent 2: And that's why you're at the Military Extraterrestrial Research Facility. M.E.R.F. for short.
  • Agent 1: You're an alien from the future sent back to change the course of history, aren't you? So, what are you after, the President, an Ebola strain, Tom Cruise?
  • Timmy: I'm not an alien.

[They show surveillance pictures of Timmy being chased earlier on A.J.'s hover craft by the Eliminator Leader.]

  • Agent 1: Well, these pictures of you on a hovercraft being chased through Dimmsdale by a shape shifting man-bot suggest otherwise. (shows pictures of Eliminators outside the pink shirt shop)
  • Agent 2: And these photos were taken an hour ago.
  • Timmy: Wait. The Eliminators are back?
  • Agent 2: If I were you, I'd surrender now, and let us start dissecting you.
  • Timmy: I'm not an alien! And, unless I find a magic wand hidden in a rock and sealed with a kiss those guys and a giant star destroying black hole are going to eat us.
  • Agent 1: Do you think this is a joke? Do you think we're idiots? (pulls out a laser blaster and slams it on the table) Well I got news for you. They don't give high-tech neural stun rays to idiots.
  • Agent 2: (slams some more Hi-tech Weapons down) Or laser blasters able to cut concrete walls five feet thick?
  • Agent 1: (throws down some car keys) And you sure don't get a super spy car with a trunk full of spy stuff unless you know what you're doing!
  • Agent 2: So, we ask again - WHO ARE YOU??

[Timmy grabs the neural stun blaster and fires.]

  • Agent 1: Gah!
  • Agent 2: Goik!

[The Agents are motionless. Timmy grabs the laser blaster and calmly cuts a hole in the thick concrete wall.]

  • Timmy: I'm the Chosen One. (jumps out the hole in the wall)
  • Agent 1: (paralyzed) I hope he doesn't take the car.

[Timmy drives the car past the hole in the wall. Then, Timmy drives and punches keys on a keyboard.]

  • Timmy: Now to find Cosmo and Wanda by linking this computer to the Timmy Cave Supercomputer.

[The dashboard from the computer beeps.]

  • Timmy: It does!

[The dashboard shows a digital road map. Red dots light up over Vegas.]

  • Timmy's Computer Voice: Targets located over outskirts of Las Vegas.
  • Timmy: Whoo-hoo! Now to get my fairies and get away from the Eliminators! (zooms down the road towards Vegas)

(At the truck stop, a waitress places water glasses next to a booth and talks to three patrons obscured by their menus.)

  • Waitress: What'll it be, fellas?

[The menus come down to reveal the Three Eliminators. Eliminators #1 and #2 are in pink t-shirts.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Do you have any uranium?
  • Waitress: Uh...no.
  • Eliminator #2: We'll have the chicken fingers.

[The waitress writes it down and leaves.]

  • Eliminator Leader: You guys look stupid.
  • Eliminator #2: That's because you're stupid.
  • Eliminator Leader: What?

[The Snot-nosed Kid runs up to the table.]

  • Snot-nosed Kid: DON'T EAT THE GUMBALLS! They scream when you chew them! And they have eyes!! EYES! (runs away)

[Eliminator #2 picks up the water glass, opens the vortex mouth and suck the water inside plus everyone at the diner. The destruction stops as the vortex mouth closes.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Next time use a straw.

[A newscast comes on TV, which is hanging on the wall. Timmy's picture appears as The Eliminators see it.]

  • Chet Ubetcha: This is Chet Ubetcha on the Convenient News Network! The quarter thief slash statue smasher is on the loose and last seen heading towards Las Vegas. But just like all the stars being gone from the sky, the government assures us we have nothing to worry about.
  • Eliminator Leader: Let's go to Las Vegas.

[The Eliminators transformed into their jet-like mode and takes off. Then, they come back and grab the chicken. Meanwhile, Timmy continues to drive and checks the tracking device.]

  • Timmy: According to this, Cosmo and Wanda are right in front of me! But I don't see...

[The Cosmo bubble smacks into the windshield.)]

  • Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda: (screams) AAAAAAAGH!

[The car shoots off the road and spins to a stop. Timmy looks at his windshield and it was Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof as they are stuck to his gummy butt.]

  • Cosmo and Wanda: Timmy!
  • Poof: Poof!
  • Timmy: Cosmo! Wanda! Poof! (gets out and peels Cosmo off the windshield)

[Cosmo as a bubble, still floats along with Wanda and Poof.]

  • Timmy: I missed you so much! Wait, you're gumballs?

[The Poof gumball takes a bite of Timmy's finger.]

  • Timmy: And Poof's still teething! (pulls Poof off) Jorgen said he had to protect you, but this is what he came up with?
  • Wanda: Protect us - from what?
  • Timmy: I'm not sure if this is going to make sense but - The Darkness is back.

[Cosmo pops and falls on Timmy's hand.]

  • Cosmo and Wanda: THE DARKNESS IS BACK!
  • Timmy: And you've got to help me find an ancient white wand because I'm the Chosen One.

[Cosmo and Wanda burst out laughing.]

  • Wanda: (laughs) HAHAHA! Okay, the Darkness I can buy, but you as the Chosen One?
  • Timmy: Hey, so far, I've been an awesome Chosen One.
  • Cosmo: And I suppose you want us to believe that the Eliminators are chasing you, too!
  • Timmy: Yes, but they can't find me as long as you don't say my name.
  • Cosmo: You mean TIMMY TURNER!!?

[Suddenly, the Eliminators land behind Timmy.]

  • Timmy: I should have seen that coming.
  • Eliminator Leader: Eliminate the Chosen One.
  • Cosmo and Wanda: Okay, we believe you now.

[The Eliminator's arms turn into cannons, and they blast laser balls at Timmy. Timmy jumps behind the spy car.]

  • Timmy: Ah! But thank goodness you guys are here! You can stop the Eliminators with magic!
  • Wanda: Uh... we don't have our wands.

[The Eliminators continue to fire and approach the car.]

  • Timmy: Ahhh! I can't believe it's all going to end while I hide behind a spy car full of cool weapons and gadgets! Wait a minute... (looks at the control on his key chain)

[The three buttons contain "LOCK. UNLOCK. DESTROY." Timmy pushes "DESTROY" and the car transforms into a huge plasma gun.]

  • Timmy: Yeah, that'll work. (fires a gooey plasma at the Eliminators)
  • Eliminator Leader: Eliminate the Chosen rnnn...

[The plasma sticks to their arms, legs and bodies as they cannot move.]

  • Timmy: Awesome! And now to help you guys get back to fairy form. (takes Cosmo, Wanda and Poof gum and chews them up)
  • Cosmo: How is this helping?

[Timmy blows three big bubbles, each with a fairy face on them. Then he "sculpts" tiny, little gummy bodies under the bubbles and creates gummy versions of the fairies.]

  • Timmy: There! Back to normal... sort of.
  • Cosmo: I hate being gum. What happens if we break wind?

[Poof does, and a bubble expands on his butt.]

  • Cosmo: Cool! I like being gum!
  • Wanda: Do not pop that bubble.

[Timmy pushes a button on the big plasma gun, and it transforms into a motorcycle. Timmy hops on the bike. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof float downs towards him].

  • Timmy: Okay, let's go find that wand!

[Timmy revs the engine, and the bike takes off without them. Then, Timmy falls onto the ground.]

  • Wanda: You stink at riding motorcycles!

[Suddenly, the gang is surrounded by 6 M.E.R.F. Agents with hover jets. The Agents climbs out, draw weapons and points towards Timmy.]

  • Cosmo: And now you've got bigger problems.
  • Agent 1: Freeze, Quarter Stealing, Statue Smashing, Spy Car Thief!

[Suddenly, the scene begins to rumble. Everyone looks to the sky, and a giant black hole looming over the desert.]

  • Timmy: And even bigger problems.

[Cosmo farts this time and gets a bubble butt.]

  • Wanda: Don't pop that either.

[The scene fades out.]

Part 4[]

[The scene fades into Timmy, Wanda, Cosmo and Poof, who are surrounded by the M.E.R.F. Agents and their hovercrafts, while The Darkness looms in the sky.]

  • Agent 1: Timmy Turner, we're placing you under arrest by order of M.E.R.F!
  • Agent 2: Not to be confused with M.A.R.F., which we have tickets to tonight!
  • Agent 1: By the way, cool balloon animal thingies.
  • Timmy: Do you guys not see the giant swirling portal of death? Don't you want to do something to stop it? Call a General! Call the President!
  • Agent 2: Can't. They're all going to M.A.R.F. It's gonna be awesome...
  • Agent 1: We're gonna rock out to Crosby, Stills, Ashes and Neil Not-Young...
  • Agent 2: ...Backman Turner Over the hill and the MARFiest band in the world KISS!!

[The camera pans to a billboard for the "M.A.R.F. FESTIVAL! Featuring KISS!" Gene holds a white, star-shaped guitar. Timmy's eyes go wide as images flash through Timmy's mind. Jorgen tells Timmy about the "Cave Prophecy" and the cave drawing of the white wand that was mentioned earlier.]

  • Jorgen: ....find the white wand....

[In The Cave of Prophecy, the camera snaps close on the word "Kiss."]

  • Jorgen: ...it's hidden in the rock and...

[The images stop, and the scene goes back to normal.]

  • Timmy: ....SEALED WITH A KISS! The White Wand is a guitar at the M.A.R.F. Festival starring KISS!!
  • Wanda: We got to get that guitar, so you can stop the Darkness!!

[All M.E.R.F. Agents set their blasters to stun and take aim.]

  • Agent 2: You're not going anywhere.
  • Agent 1: Any last words before you're freeze blasted and dissected?
  • Timmy: Yes, (to Wanda) Wanda get ready to pop the bubbles.
  • Agent 2: I don't get your young hip lingo but ready - aim...
  • Timmy and Wanda: Fire!

[All M.E.R.F. Agents fire their blasters, while Timmy and Wanda pop Cosmo and Poof's butt bubbles and shoot into the sky causing all the agents to freeze themselves. Timmy and Wanda float back down holding Cosmo and Poof. Timmy takes the blasters from the agents.]

  • Timmy: Like I said before - don't mess with the Chosen One.
  • Cosmo: Or Captain Bubblepants!

[Timmy and the gang jump in a hover jet.]

  • Timmy: Now to hit auto pilot and get this hunk of M.E.R.F. to M.A.R.F.
  • Wanda: Wait! Where's Poof!
  • Timmy: Gaahhhh! (holds up his arm as Poof is chews on his arm)
  • Wanda: We got to get that kid a teething ring after we stop the Darkness.

[Timmy presses the auto pilot button, then the flames shoot out, bake, harden the goop, and imprison the Eliminators. The goopy shells begin to crumble and the Eliminators break free.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Eliminate the Chosen One!

[The Eliminators turn into jets and take off. The Darkness moves closer to Earth and engulfs the Moon. At Vegas Rock Hard Arena, a huge, billboard reads: "M.A.R.F. FESTIVAL - TONIGHT!!" The Hover Jet lands right in front of the arena as Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof jump out and run to the entrance. An usher works the turnstile as Timmy and gang run up.]

  • Timmy: I have to get into this festival. It's along story, but I'm the Chosen One.
  • Usher: No one gets in without a ticket or a backstage pass.
  • Timmy: Oh, really? Okay, here's my backstage pass.

[Timmy pulls out a M.E.R.F. blaster. He sets it to plasma blast and fires at the wall, leaving a smoldering hole.]

  • Usher: Enjoy the show.

[Seconds Later, fire blast on stage as KISS appears.]

  • Announcer: Give it up for KISS!

[KISS launches into a rocking song and the crowds felt excited. Gene Simmons goes to the mic.]

  • Gene Simmons: Are you too old to rock and roll?
  • Crowd:: Nooooo!!! (their backs snaps) AAAH, OUR BACKS!!

[The doors swing open as Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof arrive with a backlit hero glow around them. On stage, Ace Frehley plays the white wand guitar.]

  • Timmy: There's the White Wand!

[Timmy looks back into the concession area. The camera pans to the booths for "Antacids" and "M.E.R.F.andise!"]

  • Timmy: Shpingo!

[Ace Frehley keeps jamming as Timmy looks down from above the catwalk. Then, the arena shakes.]

  • Cosmo: Wow, this place is Rocking'!
  • Timmy: Yeah, but it's not because of KISS...

[Above the stadium, The Darkness breaks through the clouds. The wind howls and the ground is shaking. The Eliminator Jets zoom toward the Vegas Skyline as they are close to the stadium.]

  • Timmy: Just grab the other end of the line and lower me down. I'll snag the white and you pull me back up! (clips a wire to his vest and jumps off the catwalk)

[Timmy falls on stage as KISS continues to rock out.]

  • Timmy: (screams) Aaagh!
  • Ace: Ooof!

[Timmy lands on the head of Ace Frehley driving him into the stage. Timmy now holds the guitar wand. Back on the catwalk with Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof..]

  • Wanda: I thought you were holding the line!
  • Cosmo: What line?

[Back on stage, Gene Simmons steps to the mic and addresses the crowd.]

  • Gene Simmons: Now, let's hear a guitar solo!

[Suddenly, a spotlight shines down on Timmy. The song comes to a sudden stop and the crowd shook.]

  • Gene Simmons: Who the heck is that?
  • Timmy: Would you believe I'm the Chosen One.

[KISS snaps into warrior poses and their instruments transform into weapons: Gene's bass becomes a laser blaster, Paul's guitar becomes a battle axe, and Peter's bass drum becomes a cannon. They aim at Timmy.]

  • Timmy: So you don't believe.

[Cosmo, Wanda and Poof looks down from the catwalk.]

  • Cosmo and Wanda:: We'll save you, Timmy!

[They all jump off the catwalk, but float slowly down.]

  • Gene Simmons: We are The Galactic Guardians of the White Wand!
  • Timmy: I thought you were KISS
  • Paul Stanley: That's our day job. We've protected the White Wand for centuries.
  • Timmy: Centuries? Wow, you guys are older than you look.
  • Paul Stanley: Why do you think we wear the makeup?
  • Gene Simmons: And we knew that, someday, either an agent of the Darkness or a Chosen savior would come to claim it.
  • Cosmo: (offscreen) Almost there, Timmy!
  • Gene Simmons: If you're the Chosen One, you must prove it - and you might want to hurry.

[From the dark sky, The Darkness begins to engulf Earth.]

  • Timmy: Okay, okay! How do I prove it?
  • Gene Simmons: Bequeath to us the chosen Harkness, and this ax is yours to light the darkness.
  • Timmy: What the HECK DOES THAT MEAN?

[The fairies finally float down next to Timmy.]

  • Cosmo: We made it!
  • Wanda: Timmy! They can't give you the wand until you recite the "Chosen One Creed" or say some ancient code or something.
  • Timmy: But I don't know any code. All I know is I was erased from everyone's memories; I barely escaped being destroyed by the "eliminators", figured out an impossible KISS riddle, got chased by M.E.R.F. to get to MARF, only to have you tell me I need a secret code which I don't have because I'm plain old' Timmy Turner!

[Three Eliminators bash through the ceiling and land in the aisle.]

  • Timmy: I said my name out loud, didn't I?
  • Eliminator Leader: Eliminate the Chosen One.

[The Eliminator Leader fires a laser blast from his arm that misses Timmy but destroys an amplifier. They march down the aisle shoving concert goers out of the way.]

  • Gene Simmons: Okay, we believe you - the White Wand is yours. (tosses Timmy the white wand)
  • Timmy: Finally! Now what do I do with it?
  • Paul Stanley: You're kidding right?

[The Eliminators' arms are transformed into weapons and aims right at Timmy.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Show's over, Chosen One.
  • Gene Simmons: The show is never over! Time to rock and roll!

[Suddenly, KISS leaps between Timmy and the Eliminators. Paul shoots a magic beam from his guitar and shorts out Eliminator #1 and he falls. Eliminator #2 shoots laser blasts at the stage, but Peter Criss throws two drum cymbals, which cut him in half and shorts out. Then, the Eliminator Leader's hand transforms into a large, ring-like, plasma weapon with glowing energy balls. He fires and it disintegrates all of Kiss's weapons.]

  • Paul Stanley: Okay, all our weapons are bye-bye.

[Timmy rises into frame holding Poof.]

  • Timmy: Not every weapon.

[Poof sees the big ring-like weapon on the Eliminator Leader. His eyes go wide, he drools, then zooms to it and munches.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Get it off! Get it off!

[Eliminator Leader shakes his arm with such force the ring flies off and lands on the stage as Poof gnaws happily.]

  • Gene Simmons: And now it's time for you to be "Eliminated." (blows a fire stream at the Lead Eliminator and melts all of them into a metallic puddle)
  • Cosmo: That's what I call bad breath!

[Suddenly, the puddle re-forms into even more Eliminators.)

  • Gene Simmons: Okay, note to self: melting Eliminators, makes more Eliminators!

[The Eliminator's arms are turned into blasters and start firing at them. Then, they dive behind the large speakers.]

  • Timmy: You're not very good guardians.
  • Gene Simmons: Well, you're not the greatest Chosen One either, bub.

[The Eliminators are still blasting as they are almost at stage.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Eliminate the Chosen One.

[Back on Timmy and the gang.]

  • Timmy: Well we got to do something! An army is not going to fall from the sky and help us.
  • Juandissimo: (voiceover) That's what you think, Chosen One!

[Everyone looks up to see all fairies as gummy bubbles with bubble butts, floating down from top of the stadium.]

  • Cosmo: It's the other fairies! With bubble butts!
  • Juandissimo: (leads other fairies) Bubble Butt Brigade, ATTACK!!

[They pop their bubble butts and zoom toward the Eliminators. Then, the Eliminators are coated with bubble goo as they struggle and fall. Most Eliminators are covered with goo and they are unable to move. Timmy and KISS rise from behind the speaker.]

  • Timmy: You did it. You stopped the Eliminators!

[The roof suddenly gets ripped off the stadium and the wind howls as The Darkness arrives.]

  • Timmy: But not the Darkness.

[A wad of gum rises from the goop in Juandissimo's form.]

  • Juandissimo: We don't have enough gum to stop that.
  • Gene Simmons: Light the Darkness Timmy. You're the Chosen One! This is what you were chosen for!
  • Timmy: But I don't know how to play guitar!
  • Gene Simmons: Don't play it. Feel it.

[Peter Criss starts playing a slow drum beat.]

  • Paul Stanley: Faster tempo! We don't have a lot of time here!

[Peter speeds up as other members join in. The beat on the guitar starts to build up and the audience, who are still paralyzed from back pain, shake their arms with the beat.]

  • Guy in Crowd: Oh great. A song from the "new" album.

[Timmy as he continued playing the white guitar wand, filled his soul with the beat of the music. Suddenly, his hand starts glowing, and he plays a lead.]

  • Timmy: I... I feel it!

[Timmy winds up and plays a power chord. A magical, glowing soundwaves rips up and out of the stadium into the heart of the Darkness as it lets out an astro-like scream. Timmy recoils for a moment, then advances again.]

  • Cosmo and Wanda: Keep rocking Chosen One!!!

[Timmy plays an Eddie Van Halen screaming lick up the neck of the guitar. He ends with a high-pitched note and illuminates the instrument. The note builds and builds in feedbacked suspense until it sends another explosive beam of light out of the top of the guitar and straight into the center of the black hole. The Darkness continues to screech as it feels pain by turning into a white cloud, with mists inside.]

  • Paul Stanley: Oooh, that's got to hurt.
  • Timmy: It feels pain.
  • Gene Simmons: Feels pains, speaks English. Who cares? One more blast will eliminate the Darkness!
  • Timmy: (aims at The Darkness) Go away and never come back or I will blast you. Go. Away.
  • Gene Simmons: You're talking to it? Talking to it doesn't work!

[Suddenly, The Darkness starts spinning the opposite way.]

  • Wanda: It's working!

[All Eliminators zoom out of their sticky gum traps and are sucked into the Darkness and disappears from it. Then, it reverses direction, retracts and releases the Earth. The Darkness zooms away from camera and gets smaller in the distance. As it does, it restores our universe back to its original self. It spits out every solar system in space including Fairy World. The rainbow bridge illuminates and extends all the way to the end as the Fairy World sign reappears.]

  • Jorgen: (offscreen) ...AAAAAAAHHHHHH!

[From the sky, Jorgen lands face first on the pavement. He gets up, raises his arms in the air.]


[Back at the arena, the dust settles and everyone including Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, and KISS get up. They look into the distant sky to see a small white light retract into a star burst, then disappear. Some fans peek up from their seats.]

  • Guy in Crowd: Awesome light show.

[The night sky is silent and empty. No stars.]

  • Cosmo: Is it over?

[Suddenly, the sky illuminates with millions of twinkling stars.]

  • Timmy: Now, it's over. (plays a little lick on the white wand guitar) So you guys are actually fairy warriors?
  • Paul Stanley: We prefer the term: "Magical Order of Rocking Fairies".
  • Cosmo: You mean "M.O.R.F?"

[Mrs. Turner, Mr. Turner, and Crocker finally arrive at the stadium.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Hurray, we finally made it to "M.A.R.F?"
  • Mrs. Turner: But we're too late.
  • Mr. Turner: And it looks like they really blew the lid off the place too.
  • Mr. Crocker: Where are the bathrooms?
  • Gene Simmons: (to Timmy) The Darkness is gone, but you didn't Eliminate it. Why?
  • Timmy: Because I'm the Chosen One, not an Eliminator. And I don't think it's coming back for a long, long time.
  • Paul Stanley: We should like, party.

[Later in Fairy World, KISS plays a rocking song to a festival with crowd of festive fairies. A banner celebrate on top of the stage: "Thank you Chosen One!" Timmy is in a skybox with Jorgen, Wanda, and Poof.]

  • Wanda: You did it, Timmy. You found the white wand and stopped the Darkness.

[Poof hugs Timmy.]

  • Cosmo: But how did you get your Mom, Dad and Crocker the best seats at the concert?

[On front row, Mom, Dad, Crocker and M.E.R.F. Agents rock out.]

  • Jorgen: 'Cuz he's the Chosen One, and I owe him one. He saved my butt, but I'm erasing all their memory of Fairy World when the show's over.
  • Timmy: I like being the Chosen One.

[Suddenly, A lightning bolt hits the stage. When the smoke clears, we see a muscular warrior with big teeth wearing a ripped, pink shirt and a pink bandana.]

  • Turbo Thunder: AT LAST! I, TURBO THUNDER, THE CHOSEN ONE, HAVE COMPLETED MY TRAINING - AND HAVE ARRIVED TO OBTAIN THE WHITE WAND -AND TO LIGHT THE DARKNESS! (spots the white wand in Timmy's hand) And there it is! From titanium teeth and pits of wonder, sing White Wand with Turbo Thunder.(uses "the force" to pull the wand from Timmy's hand and grab it for himself) STAND DOWN EVIL SPACE HOLE OF DESTRUCTION!

[Turbo Thunder points the wand at the sky. The crowd was quiet and crickets chirps.)

  • Turbo Thunder: Where's the big scary space hole. There's supposed to be a big scary space hole. AM I LATE?

[Timmy's mouth is wide open in shock and turns to Jorgen.]

  • Timmy: (to Jorgen, shockingly) Are you telling me, he's the Chosen One?! This whole time! It wasn't me?!
  • Jorgen: What? You saw the cave drawing, too! Pink hat. Buck teeth. T. T.? I'm not perfect, okay?
  • Wanda: It doesn't matter, Timmy! You'll always be OUR Chosen One.

[They all hug. KISS hits a power chord, and Turbo Thunder gets blown back into a speaker. Everyone continued to rock out to the music of the Chosen One in a saved universe without the Darkness. Then, Timmy looks through the Stars and the camera stops on a clear image of the Big Dipper. The stars in the constellation area actually the stars on the ends of the wands of fairy soldiers that resembled ancient fairy warriors.]

  • Big Dipper #1: (talks to the radio) This is Big Dipper Brigade. We are clear in the night sky - no signs of the Darkness. What is..? OH NO!!!

[Back on stage, Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda sees bright stars]

[After walking off, the stars in the sky disappeared into the dark sky and the screen fades out.]''

Part 2: The Exciting Middle Part[]

Part 1[]

[The episode begins with fairies walking calmly in the streets of Fairy World. Then suddenly, three Eliminators arrive.]

  • Cupid: (shouts) The Eliminators are back!

[All fairies scream and fly away.]

  • Eliminators: Eliminate Timmy Turner.

[Timmy lands in front of the fairies as he holds the White Wand and is ready for action.]

  • Timmy: Don't you mean... the Chosen One? (does a wicked guitar riff on the white wand)

(The Eliminator's hands transform into arm cannons. They fly offscreen and land in front of Timmy. They aim the arm cannons and power up. Timmy spins the guitar around his neck, catches it, and strums a power chord. The guitar blasts a ray of light that disintegrates them. But as they disappear, they reveal The Eliminator Leader.)

  • Eliminator Leader: You cannot stop the Darkness. (opens its mouth and sucks Timmy into the vortex)
  • Timmy: (screams) Aaaaaah!
  • Eliminator Leader: (closes its mouth) The Chosen One is eliminated.

[Suddenly, it begins to tremble and crack throughout its body as the light from a power chord shines out from inside. Then, it explodes revealing Timmy, in a power stance, holding the white wand.]

  • Timmy: And you cannot stop THE CHOSEN ONE.

[He plays a little lick. The words "YOU WIN" flash across the screen, score points tally (11,501), and a Rank: Chosen One on the screen. Timmy turns from a monitor holding the White Wand Guitar controller.]

  • Timmy: And that's how you play: The Chosen One Video Game!

[Timmy's at a video game premiere with other fairy fans and geeks. There are large cut outs of Timmy with the white wand and stacks of video games are on display. Fairy fans, wearing pink Timmy hats wait in line as they cheer.]

  • Fairy Geek #1: I hear when you play this game, you feel like you're the Chosen One.
  • Fairy Geek #2: Don't call my house anymore, 'cuz I'm going to play this game 'til I die!
  • Fairy Fans in Line: Chosen One! Chosen One! Chosen One!

[Timmy waves to the audience as Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof poof in.]

  • Timmy: Awesome! Thousands of fans cheering for me. As they should.
  • Wanda: They love you, Timmy! You defeated the Darkness and saved Fairy World!
  • Cosmo: You're like a movie action hero! Except you don't have rugged good looks, tight glutes, a trophy wife who loves you for your money as opposed to your first wife who loved you when you had nothing. Oh, and you don't have cool catchphrases!
  • Timmy: Hey! My glutes are very tight. (pokes his glute and his hand sinks into his flab) But I do need a cool action phrase like - (tough) "Don't touch my cheese!" Or, "Hungry? How about a filet of fist?" (holds up his fist)
  • Wanda: Well, the "fist" one has some possibilities.
  • Fairy Fans: (cheers) Chosen One! Chosen One!

[Suddenly, a lightning bolt hits the stage and Turbo Thunder appears on stage with Pink TT hero suit.]

  • Turbo Thunder: Do not cheer for Timmy Turner! I am the true Chosen One!
  • Timmy: Oh, no. Here we go again.
  • Turbo Thunder: For it was I, Turbo Thunder, who trained himself for many years to harness my "Turbo Power" to defeat the Darkness! And I would have, too, if I wasn't late.

[On the crowd of fairies, they are not applauding, just staring.]

  • Fairy in the Crowd: (voiceover) You stink!
  • Turbo Thunder: You won't think I stink when the Darkness returns and I save you with my mighty Thunder-Pits!

[Turbo Thunder dramatically lifts his arms. The wind begins to blow and a Kinetic Ball of Magical Energy forms out of his arm-pits then between his raised hands. Then, Turbo Thunder gets hit by a barrage of tomatoes and boo's from the audience.]

  • Turbo Thunder: AGH! DAGH! DOH!
  • Fairy in the Crowd: (offscreen) Your Thunder-Pits stink!

(At a signing table, A fairy fan, Sparky arrives with his game wand controller.]

  • Sparky: Hi, I'm Sparky. Will you sign my white wand controller?
  • Timmy: "To Sparky, keep rocking. Signed the Chosen One, your hero who stopped the Darkness and you love 'cuz he's so coo-el." (hands back the wand)
  • Wanda: (poofs in wearing a headset) Uh, sorry to interrupt, your Modest One, but we're late for your White Wand statue dedication.
  • Timmy: What! I can't leave my fans who totally love the Cho...

[They poof to Fairy Town Hall, the audience applauds as Timmy waves to the crowd. Jorgen stands next to a covered statue. A crowd and TV cameras are gathered as Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof appear.]

  • Jorgen: ...And that is why we dedicate to Timmy Turner this Chosen One Statue of him holding the real White Wand that stopped the Darkness!

[Jorgen pulls the tarp off the statue revealing the statue of Timmy, holding the real white wand guitar.]

  • Fairy Fans: Chosen one! Chosen one!
  • Timmy: (looks at the statue) Hmmm, not really sure that it captures my heroic essence.
  • Cosmo: (flicks the marble glutes of the statue) Yeah, the glutes on this baby are way too tight.
  • Wanda: Come on, Gluteus Maximus. It's time to hit the talk-show circuit.
  • Timmy: What? And leave thousands of screaming fans who love the Cho...

[Then, Timmy was poofed into the talk show with Billy Crystal Ball at his desk and Timmy sits in the guest chair.]

  • Billy Crystal Ball: We are back with everyone's favorite soft-gluted superhero, the Chosen One. Tell us, Big C, are you scared the Darkness might come back and try to... oh, I don't know, destroy you?
  • Timmy: Well, Bill, if the Darkness does come back, it'd better come hungry.
  • Billy Crystal Ball: Why's that?
  • Timmy: 'Cuz I plan on serving it up some Filet of Fist. (holds up his fiery fists)

[The crowd continued to cheer as Wanda and Cosmo watch from the side.]

  • Wanda: Where did he get the flaming fists?
  • Cosmo: Oh, he wished those up when you were in the can.

[Back to Timmy]

  • Timmy: That's why the Darkness is never coming back! Nuh-uh! Oh no, he didn't! Whoop! Whoop!

[As fairy fans continued to cheer for Timmy the scene cuts from Fairy World to Yugopotamia. In the balcony of the royal palace, King Gripullon and Queen Jipjorrulac stand on the balcony overlooking the glorious, putrid, Yugopotamian landscape.]

  • King Gripullon: [exhales] Another glorious Yugopotamian day. [sniffs, then exhales] The garbage is in bloom, the swamp monsters are singing...
  • Swamp Monster: <BLAAAARGH!>
  • Queen Jipjorrulac: ...and the sky is full of giant fireballs heading right for us.

[In the sky, flaming meteors are falling and approaching to the planet.]

  • King Gripullon: It's just like the night we first… GIANT FIREBALLS?!

[The meteor lands and smash around the palace.]

  • King Gripullon: We're under attack!

[King Gripullon takes off, running over Queen Jipjorrulac to escape as Yugopotamians run for their lives as several meteors crashes the planet. The meteor opens up to reveal Eliminators arriving to Yugopotamia. Yugopotamian tanks arrive and blasts them. The Eliminators' arms transform into plasma blasters and fire at the tanks. Back in the royal palace, three escape pod rockets rises from the ground. A hole in the roof opens as they race in.)

  • Queen Jipjorrulac: Are you sure you know how to operate the Royal Escape Pods?
  • King Gripullon: Of course! I'm the King! Watch! (holds up a remote, pushes a button and one of the escape pods takes off through the open roof.) Um, one of us probably should have been on that.
  • Queen Jipjorrulac: Oh, give me that remote before you... (grabs the remote, but in the struggle pushes a button and the second pod takes off. She chuckles.) My bad.
  • King Gripullon: Only the Prince's pod is left! But Mark is on Earth spending his days hating his home planet and chilling with the universe's great space warrior, Timmy Turner.
  • Queen Jipjorrulac: Isn't that Mark right there?

[She points and Mark walked and whistled.]

  • Mark: Yo, 'Rental Units! 'Sup? Okay, I came home for a new Fake-i-fier, as my old one's on the fritz-o and only converts me into ladie's footwear. (twirls his Fake-i-fier and becomes a flat and then a high heel)
  • Queen Jipjorrulac: Ooh, nice pump.

[Mark returns to alien form was about to reach into a big bin labeled "Fake-i-fier", when three more fireballs crash through the open roof. More Eliminators appeared from the flaming meteors as they prepare to attack. King Gripullon grabs Mark and slams him hard into the pod.]

  • King Gripullon: Quick! Go to Earth, my son! And carry on the legacy of our beloved planet! Though you will be superior to Earthlings, do not set yourself apa...

[Mark's escape pod blasts off and King Gripullon looks angrily at Queen Jipjorrulac, who sheepishly holds the remote control.]

  • King Gripullon: I wasn't finished!

[Suddenly, a large shadow of Eliminators falls over them.]

  • Queen Jipjorrulac: But I think WE ARE!!
  • King Gripullon: Well, then! Let me protect you, my sweet!

(King Gripullon slides Queen Jipjorrulac in front of him as a human shield, but they're both sucked to the vortex.]

  • Both: AAAAAGH!

[As they are sucked to both Eliminators #1 and #2, their vortex mouths close. The Eliminator Leader arrives, dressed in a familiar leather jacket, boots, and sunglasses, and opens the crate of Fake-i-fiers.]

  • Eliminator Leader: He will not escape us this time, because he will come right to us!

[Suddenly, the whole hanger of Fake-i-fiers is sucked away to The Darkness floating above Yuogopotamia.]

  • Eliminator Leader: (laughs)

[The Eliminators hold their fists in the air and zoom offscreen. Mark's ship zooms away from the planet escaping the Darkness as it consumes Yugopotamia.]

  • Mark: AAAAAAAGH!! Can, like, anybody SAVE UUUUUUUUS?!

[Mark's ship zooms past the camera. Like a shooting star, the Darkness warps away (in the opposite direction). Then, the scene pans to the movie trailer showing the White Wand and the camera snaps into buck teeth, a quarter flicks off of a butt, fists of fury alight with fire and blasts of action.]

  • Announcer (voiceover) He was just a normal gorgeous Earth boy with tight glutes who saved Fairy World with his fists of fury.

[The trailer reveals Shimmer Fairybunker, a handsome fairy actor playing Timmy.]

  • Announcer (voiceover) Shimmer Fairybunker is Timmy Turner in "The Chosen One - Ninja"!

[Shimmer, with a mustache, is surrounded by Eliminators. Shimmer rips off his clothes to reveal that he is a ninja. In Fairymont Hotel, Timmy watches the plasma TV from a hot tub, while Cosmo rises from the bubbles.]

  • Cosmo: Cool! Fairywood adapted Timmy's life story for the big screen!
  • Wanda: (floats and feeds Poof with a bottle) But when did you become a ninja?
  • Timmy: Well, I might have tweaked the script a little.

[Poof zooms out of Wanda's arms and floats 5 inches from the TV. Shimmer kisses a Trixie look alike, then spins her away to fight Ninjas.]

  • Shimmer: Hungry? How about...

[Timmy mouths the words from the hot tub.]

  • Shimmer: (offscreen) ...a filet of fist?!

[Shimmer fights and defeats Eliminators. Poof watches at close range and makes ninja moves, repeating the action.]

  • Wanda: (poofs over to Poof) Poof shouldn't be watching this! The violence could negatively influence him.
  • Cosmo: Oh, relax, Wanda. That's just a myth.

[Poof spins and kicks Wanda into Cosmo as they both splash down into the hot tub. Timmy picks up the house phone.]

  • Timmy: Yeah, this is the Chosen One in the Chosen One Suite. Can I get four strawberry shakes, six double cheese pizzas, extra towels, and... anyone else want something?
  • Cosmo: Nine pounds of cocktail weenies!
  • Timmy: ...And nine pounds of cocktail weenies.

[The fairy waiter poofs four pink milkshakes, a stack of pizzas, and a huge pile of cocktail weenies arrive. The fairy waiter holds out a bill, Timmy signs it.]

  • Waiter: I love you, Chosen One! (giggles)

[The waiter poofs away. Timmy attempts to grab a shake.]

  • Cosmo: Don't touch my weenies! Hey, that could be my new catchphrase!
  • Wanda: Timmy, don't you think it's time to wrap up the "Chosen One" thing and, oh, I don't know, get back to Earth and school and be good ol' regular Timmy Turner again?
  • Timmy: Y... no.

[Cosmo poofs up a bib and two forks. Poof kicks him offscreen, then looks around for more danger. Poof spits up, then look for more danger.]

  • Wanda: (offscreen) That's it! No more action movies for Poof!

[Poof kicks Wanda, who crashes offscreen as Timmy sips his shake.]

  • Timmy: Why would I go back home when I can do this... (picks up the phone) Yeah, this is the Chosen One. Can I have a giant pile of wrapped presents sent up to the Chosen One Suite? And don't tell me what's in them - surprise me.

[A giant pile of wrapped presents arrived offscreen. Timmy signs the bill, and then opens a present with a pair of roller skates.]

  • Timmy: Roller skates? Well, I did say surprise me.
  • Wanda: But I bet your parents are worried sick about you! Aren't they, Cosmo?
  • Cosmo: (mouth full of weenies) Glarbar-glubglub-chobble-munch...
  • Wanda: And what's that, Cosmo? We should poof Timmy back home before he wishes us not to? Okay! (raises her wand)
  • Timmy: Uh...

[They all poofed into Timmy's room.]

  • Timmy: That was so uncool.
  • Cosmo: Weenies? Weenies? Wherefore art thou weenies?

[Poof kicks him across the room, makes some cool Ninja poses, and spins up out of frame.]

  • Mr. Turner: (offscreen) Oh, Timmy! Are you home?
  • Wanda: See? I told you your parents missed you and are worried sick.
  • Timmy: Okay, maybe you're right.

[Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof poof into their fishbowl as Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner burst into his room wearing ski outfits.]

  • Mrs. Turner: Hey, sweetie! Your Father and I just got back from our amazing ski trip and we were wondering...
  • Mr. Turner: Did we forget to bring you?

[Timmy shoots Wanda a look and Wanda smiles sheepishly.]

  • Timmy: Yeah. But it's okay. I'm the Chosen One.
  • Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner: Great!
  • Mrs. Turner: 'Cuz now it's time to pack for our tropical vacation!

(Mrs. Turner and Mr. Turner rip away ski wear to reveal tropical sun outfits.]

  • Mr. Turner: And this time we promise not to forget you!

[They dash away and the fairies poof back in with Timmy.]

  • Wanda: Ooh, a vacation with your parents. A perfect opportunity to re-connect with your parents and Earth.
  • Timmy: Three, two, one...

[Timmy hears the front door slammed and the car zooms away.]

  • Cosmo: Timmy was right. You were wrong. And I want my weenies back!
  • Timmy: And I want all the other stuff!
  • Wanda: Fine.

[Wanda poofs up the stack of weenies, presents, and milkshakes. Cosmo grabs a weenie and eats it.]

  • Cosmo: Must. Eliminate. Weenie. GAH!

[Cosmo is knocked offscreen and hits the wall, and then the ground. Crouching, Poof spins and lands.]

  • Timmy: And now it's time to get back to Fairy World. (intense) I'm an action hero, Wanda. If there's a cry for help, the Chosen One must heed that call.
  • Wanda: But the Darkness hasn't come back, and nobody is crying for help!
  • "Eliminator" Mark: (offscreen) Timmy Turner! Like, HEEEEEELP!

[They poofed into the front yard as a winded Mark, disguised by an Eliminator arrives.]

  • "Eliminator" Mark: Timmy Turner! Hi. My planet was, like, attacked by metal robot dudes and eaten by a big swirly thing of death!
  • Timmy: So, the Darkness is back. Well, I hope it wants a big filet of - THE DARKNESS IS BACK!! Aaaaaaaah! (dives into a hole in a tree)
  • Wanda: Spoken like a true action hero.
  • "Eliminator" Mark: (pulls Timmy out with two tentacles) But you are like "the Chosen One", and you must help me fight.
  • Timmy: Heh heh... Yeah. See, technically, I'm not the Chosen One. Although they call me the Chosen One, it's actually incorrect and how did you I was the Chosen One? I never told you, and... (struggling) you're holding me kind of tight!
  • "Eliminator" Mark: Because I must... (opens his mouth and it becomes a swirling vortex) ELIMINATE TIMMY TURNER!
  • Cosmo and Wanda: It's an Eliminator!
  • Timmy: I wish the Mark Eliminator was gone!

[Cosmo and Wanda hold out their wands. Two tentacles grab the wands and pull them away.]

  • Timmy: (goes into the vortex mouth) Aaaaaaah!
  • Wanda and Cosmo: Timmy, no!
  • Timmy: AAAAAAAAH!

[The "real" Mark's escape pod smashes into the scene and crushes an Eliminator disguised as Mark. The tentacle holding Timmy goes flying. The tentacle holding Timmy was transforms into an Eliminator arm. The escape pod opens to reveal the "real" Mark.]

  • Mark: Yo, Earth Buds! 'Sup?
  • Timmy: (holds up the arm of the Eliminator) The Darkness is back. (twitches and faints)

[The screen cuts to black.]

Part 2[]

[The scene fades in to Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof in the front yard, while Mark is on the escape pod rocket.]

  • Cosmo: (shocked) Ah! It's another Mark Eliminator!

[Poof as a ninja, reaches into his purple pants, and pulls out his diaper. He throws it at Mark. Then, Mark opens his mouth and gulps.]

  • Mark: Oooh, diaper delight!
  • Timmy: No vortex mouth, eats dirty diapers... It's the real Mark!
  • Mark: (grabs and hugs Timmy) Timmy Turner! Oh greatest warrior in the universe, you must help me defeat the metal warriors and swirling evil that has destroyed my entire planet!

[Under Mark's pod, the Eliminator's feet curl up and disappears with the Fake-i-fier remains.]

  • Wanda: (grabs the fake-i-fier) And they stole your Fake-i-fiers!
  • Mark: (drops Timmy and grabs the fake-i-fier) A new Fake-i-fier! With Wi-Fi. Yeah. (slaps it on his waist, turns it, and transforms into a bear, piano, and then Justin Jake Ashton) Cool, I'm Justin Jake Ashton! Earth teen dream with three first names.

(Timmy rotates the fake-i-fier and Mark returns to normal.]

  • Timmy: So that's how the Eliminator was able to disguise himself as Mark.
  • Wanda: But why would the Darkness destroy Yugopotamia and not the rest of the universe?
  • Cosmo: Maybe it doesn't want to destroy the universe. Just Timmy! I mean, if I tried to eat the universe and a soft-glutted boy stopped me, I'd want to take him out before I'd try it again. Wouldn't you?
  • Wanda: (stunned) Did Cosmo just figure this whole thing out?
  • Cosmo: Got that right. Corn dog what?
  • Timmy: This looks like a job for the Chosen One!
  • Mark: Yes! I knew you'd, like, help me, Timmy Turner! (sobs with joy)
  • Timmy: Not me. Turbo Thunder. There's no way I'm fighting the Darkness again.
  • Cosmo: Is that your new action phrase? 'Cuz it's kind of long.
  • Timmy: We just find Turbo Thunder, he fires his Thunder-Pits at the Darkness, the Darkness goes bye-bye, and I live happily ever after in Dimmsdale and marry Trixie Tang! (sees Trixie walking with her poodle across the street) Hi, Trixie!
  • Trixie: Help! Police! (screams and runs away)
  • Timmy: She digs me. Now, first up: find Turbo Thunder!

[Cut to Fairy World, where numerous fairies are seen at four blocks. The one closest to the center has Turbo Thunder on a piece of sidewalk. He holds a sign saying “Darkness is Coming!,” and has a cup used for tips]

  • Turbo Thunder: The Darkness is coming back!

[one Fairy apathetically puts a coin in the cup while reading his paper]

  • Turbo Thunder: Thanks. And you’ll all be sorry you rejected the true Chosen One, Turbo Thunder! [numerous fairies float by him, and they are blown away by Jorgen, who poofs next to him]
  • Jorgen: I am only sorry I didn’t ban you from Fairy World sooner.
  • Turbo Thunder: What?! I’m Turbo Thunder. You can’t ban Turbo Thunder from-- [a cloud labeled “Banish!” appears, banning him from Fairy World]
  • Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof and Mark Chank appear by Jorgen]

Jorgen: Hey, you just missed me banning "Turbo Blunder" from Fairy World!

Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda: Oh no, you didn’t!

  • Timmy: Where is he?!
  • Jorgen: Who knows? who cares? He kept ranting, "the Darkness is coming back!" [his pupils point in different directions and his hands shake during his description of Turbo’s warnings. He then chuckles.]
  • Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda: THE DARKNESS IS COMING BACK!
  • Jorgen: [He realizes what the three of them had said, and stops chuckling right after] Oh…

[The scene cuts to the Cave of Destiny.]

  • Jorgen: (offscreen) What are you saying?

[In the Cave of Destiny, Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof and Mark study the cave prophecy. The last image they see is the drawing of Timmy holding the white wand as Jorgen stands in front of three stalagmites.]

  • Jorgen: ...that I missed a hidden part of the cave prophecy? Turner, I have the eyes of an eagle, the speed of a puma and the wisdom of a great horned owl.
  • Timmy: (brushes his hand over the cave wall, revealing the start of another series of drawings and reads the text) "Part two: how to find THE SECOND WAND?!"
  • Jorgen: OK, maybe it's the eyes of a mole and the wisdom of a clothes hamper, but I still have the strength of a lion. Stand back!

[Jorgen poofs up a magic scrub brush and squeegee that washes the dust off the wall, revealing another picture. The picture shows fireballs hitting Yugopotamia.]

  • Mark: Yo! That's like Yugopotamia getting attacked!

[Timmy is at the end of the prophecy with another drawing revealing the Chosen One standing above a dark blue planet, holding second wand.]

  • Poof: Poof-Poof! (studies a picture of a RED NINJA on the wall)
  • Jorgen: <GASP> The Red Ninja. As a young boy I heard about the legend of an all-powerful red destroyer, but it looks like it's more than a legend.

[Poof looks then mimics the drawing and gives it the evil eye.]

  • Wanda: No, Poof. You're not taking on the Red Ninja. Timmy is.
  • Timmy: (quick) No, I'm not.

ON THE WALL is a cave drawing of Eliminators surrounding fairies with a broken rainbow over the drawing.

  • Cosmo: (laughing) Check it out. This cave picture looks like the Eliminators taking over Fairy World! <LAUGHS> (stops) Wait that's not funny.

[EXT. DOWNTOWN Fairy World - SAME Cupid and Juandissimo dine in an outside cafe. Cupid cuts into a large heart shaped chocolate on a plate. It's unusually busy on the street full of fairies.]

  • Cupid: Ugh. This is solid. I said I wanted the caramel filled chocolate heart.
  • Juandissimo: Why don't you have a salad for once. Caramel makes you irritable.
  • Cupid: No, what makes me irritable is how busy it is in downtown today. What's with all the fairies?

[Suddenly - click! 3/4's of the fairies turn into ELIMINATORS.]

*Juandissimo: Those aren't Fairies. They are Eliminators! But they are shiny and I look fantastic on their chests.

[WHOOSH! The Eliminators swirly mouths open and start sucking. ON Cupid and other Fairies. Zoom in to there terrified faces.]

  • Fairies: Ahhhhhhh!!

[INT. CAVE OF DESTINY - SAME Jorgen reacts to a terrible gut feeling.]

  • Jorgen: I just felt a disturbance in the fairy force. Like a thousand fairies cried out in agony. We must quickly decipher part two of the prophecy, find the wand and stop the Darkness - again. There's a CRYPTIC SAYING below the drawing of Timmy holding the wand. Is it written in an ancient language?
  • Wanda: But the message looks like it was written by a complete moron!
  • Cosmo: Stand back. I speak complete moron! (reads) "Blabbity, blah-blah, give Cosmo 9 pounds of cocktail weenies."
  • Wanda: It does not say that.
  • Cosmo: (mystical) YES - IT - DOOOOES....
  • Mark: Uh, it says: "The second wand lies on the dark side of the blue moon."
  • Timmy: It's written in Yugopotamian?
  • Mark: Shya! Which is kind of freaking' me out 'cuz why would my native tongue be scribbled on a cave wall in FREAKY FLOATY RAINBOW LAND!
  • Jorgen: You're freaked? I think my mole vision saw those stalagmites move.

[Suddenly the stalagmites turn into LEAD ELIMINATOR, #1, & #2.]


[They suck wands out of Cosmo, Jorgen, Poof and Wanda's hand.]

  • Jorgen: Ahh! Our wands!

[Then Eliminator #1 shoots a net from its hand blasters. Cosmo, Wanda, Poof and Jorgen are trapped.]

  • Wanda and Cosmo: Ahhh! Butterfly nets!
  • Mark: Ahhhh! Hold me Turner! (jumps in Timmy's arms)
  • Eliminator Leader: You have no power now Chosen One. And I will finally eliminate you. (its arm transforms into a massive arm blaster)
  • Timmy: Technically I'm not the "Chosen One." I'm just a dorky kid who looks like the Chosen One and... (backs up as its blaster powers up) Ahhhhhh!!!

[Suddenly, the wall glows then it envelopes Timmy then <WHOOOSH!> They are sucked into the wall and are gone. <PZZAP!> LE's arm transforms back to normal.]

  • Jorgen: Ha! The Chosen One got away! You lose! Well you don't lose but you don't win either.
  • Eliminator #1: I didn't see that escape portal earlier
  • Eliminator #2: And I have the eyes of a puma.
  • Eliminator Leader: Put these with the others then find and ELIMINATE TIMMY TURNER.
  • Wanda: What does he mean by "others"?

[EXT. ABRACATRAZ - MOMENTS LATER It's the prettiest maximum-security island in Fairy World. A sign reads: "Abracatraz." INT. ABRACATRAZ - MOMENTS LATER All the Fairies in Fairy World are stuffed in a BUTTERFLY NET CELL. JAUNDISSIMO and CUPID peek through the netting.]

  • Cupid: You cannot keep all of Fairy World locked up and love always conquers over Darkness!
  • Juandissimo: And my sexiness can never be contained. See! (rips off his shirt)

[PAN TO the next cell as Cosmo, Wanda, Poof and Jorgen are thrown in.]

  • Wanda: What are we going to do? We're locked in Abracatraz, Fairy World's maximum security prison, and who knows what happened to Timmy?!


  • Mark: Cool, we're wall vomit. Now, WHAT'S GOING ON!?
  • Timmy: The Darkness is trying to destroy me, so I have to find the second wand to destroy the Darkness. And oh yeah, you're my new sidekick.
  • Mark: yeaaaahhhh - no. It's the Chosen Uno, not the Chosen Duo. So, you go out and battle the sucky bots and the "not-chosen-one," that's me, will stay here and nosh on these tiny tubes of spicy flesh. (munches on some weenies)
  • Timmy: May I remind you that you lost your entire PLANET to that thing, and you read the prophecy! Now are you a man or a mouse?
  • Mark: (turns his fake-i-fier and becomes a mouse) Like, Squeak?
  • Timmy: Fine! I'll do it myself! The Darkness may have taken my fairies, but I have the wisdom of a really smart animal and the speed of a - really fast animal. And I will not be fooled by their surprise attacks.
  • "Eliminators" Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner: (voiceover) OH TIMMY! Come downstairs! We have a surprise for you.
  • Timmy: Cool! (dashes offscreen)

[INT. TURNER LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Mom and Dad are in their tropical gear. Timmy arrives.]

  • Timmy: Surprise!? What's my surprise? Boy want surprise!!!
  • "Eliminators" Mr. Turner: Here it is...
  • "Eliminators" Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner: ELIMINATE TIMMY TURNER. (opens their vortex mouths)
  • Timmy: Dia, doh, der deeee....
  • Mark: (as a mouse, dashes and skids into frame) Back off nasty sucky bots! Oh wait, hold that thought (changes his fake-i-fier to a giant, pro-wrestling kangaroo) Better. Sucky-bots, say hello to the Chang-aroo!!! (kicks both Eliminators offscreen) Now say goodbye! (shoves Timmy in his pouch and hops away)

[EXT. TIMMY'S HOUSE - SAME The Chang-eroo slams the door behind him. Timmy hops out.]

  • Timmy: Thanks for saving me buddy.
  • Mark: Hey, it's what sidekicks do. (transforms back to normal)
  • Timmy: And I will not get fooled again or believe what anyone says.
  • "Eliminator" Trixie: (arrives in the front yard) Hi, Timmy. I thought I would just stop over and smooch every part of your face.
  • Timmy: Awesome! (puckers up and heads for Trixie)
  • "Eliminator" Trixie: Kiss me, you - fool! (opens the vortex mouth and sucks Timmy into her vortex)
  • Mark: (reaches in with a long tentacle and pulls Timmy out) Dude?!
  • Timmy: Cut me some slack. I've wanted to kiss her since kindergarten.

[Mark wraps Trixie with a tentacle and spins o.s. (like a top) <BASH!> Mom and Dad bust through the house wall. They shape shift back into ELIMINATOR shape.

  • Eliminators: Eliminate Timmy Turner. (its arms transform into blasters)
  • Mark: Okay, wisdom of a smart-animal-boy, what do we do now?

[Timmy takes off and runs for his life as Mark catches up.]

  • Mark: Run!?! That's your great plan?
  • Timmy: I don't have the creativity of a really creative animal yet.

[Behind them, the three Eliminators fly toward them blasting fireballs that narrowly miss Timmy and Mark.]

  • Eliminators: Eliminate Timmy Turner.

[AHEAD IN THE STREET: CHESTER and AJ rise from a man-hole.]

  • "Eliminator" Chester: Timmy! Robotic aliens have taken over Dimmsdale!
  • "Eliminator" A.J.: Jump in if you want to live!
  • Mark: Trust them. They live in a sewer.

[Timmy and Mark run and dive into the sewer. The Eliminators zoom overhead. INT. SEWER - CONTINUOUS]

  • Mark: Sewer dwellers! Thank you for getting us out of that mess and into this one.
  • "Eliminator" Chester: And now we must...
  • "Eliminator" Chester and A.J.: (both open their vortex mouths, revealing they are Eliminators) ELIMINATE TIMMY TURNER.
  • Mark: I can't believe the sewer dudes turned on us.
  • Timmy: What now, sidekick boy?
  • Mark: Lucky for you I have the extremities of a squid and the knowledge of a sanitation employee. (slaps Timmy on his back and his legs spin like propellers)

[The water kick-back sends the Chester and AJ Eliminators backward and o.s. Mark takes off through the sewers. Timmy rides him like a jet-ski.]

  • Timmy: Ahhhh-aaaaahhhh....

[AROUND A CORNER - <WHOOSH> - Mark and Timmy take a turn. They go around another corner and <SPLASH> into the camera. Then, they passed camera. EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS ON A MANHOLE COVER - <POW!> Mark and Timmy shootout.]

  • Timmy and Mark: Whooooo-hooooooo.

[Timmy and Mark land. PULL WIDE to see they are back on Timmy's front yard surrounded by the Eliminators.]

  • Timmy: Worst sidekick ever.
  • Mark: I won't argue that.
  • Timmy: Run?
  • Mark: Big time.

[Timmy and Mark dash inside the house. INT. TIMMY'S ROOM - SECONDS LATER Timmy gets in his room with weenies, presents, and roller skates that Timmy wished before.]

  • Mark: Wait I have another plan! (turns into a mouse and runs into a hole)
  • Timmy: What about me?
  • Mark: I don't think you'll fit in the hole.

[Suddenly, the wall of Timmy's bedroom rips away revealing the Five Eliminators.]

[Eliminators join hands and form a giant vortex. The Lead Eliminator stands in front of it.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Enter the Darkness Timmy Turner. You have no fairies. You have no weapons and you have no options.
  • Timmy: (looks down and sees all his stuff around him) Oh yeah, think again Eliminator! (grabs a present) Please be a turbo weapon. Please be a turbo blaster. (opens it and reveals a boombox playing a funky music) A boombox? Oh well - let's hope it really goes boom! (throws the boom box in the vortex)

[The vortex shorts out, and for a second we see the metallic Eliminators appear again, then they reform the portal.]

  • Mark: (looks at Timmy) Dude. I don't think it likes the funk.
  • Timmy: (picks up roller skates) Then let's see if can rock and roller skate!? (throws the skates in and it becomes more unstable)
  • Eliminator Leader: (sparks, shorts out, and its voice speeds up and slows down) Stop Timmy Turn...elimina- Chosen....Eliminate...

[NEXT TO TIMMY: Mark fakeifies back to himself.]

  • Timmy: Now let's see how he likes my weenies! Not the catch phrase I was going for, but WHIP THE WEENIES!

[Mark and Timmy whip the weenies at the portal.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Elimina---stop---weenie---Timmy---

[Suddenly, The Eliminators explode and pieces scatter everywhere to the ground in the front yard. Timmy looks down in shock. Then looks up.]

  • Timmy: You see that Darkness?! Now I'm going to go get the wand on the dark side of the blue moon and I'M COMING AFTER YOU!
  • Mark: And where is this blue moon?
*Timmy: (to the sky) I HAVE NO IDEA!

[The scene zooms out to Earth from space and fades out].

Part 3[]

[EXT. TIMMY'S FRONT YARD - LATER Smoldering BOT-BODIES are scattered all over the yard.]

  • Timmy: Eliminators down; the Darkness to go. And although I have no idea how we crushed those dudes with roller skates and weenies, it's OFF TO YOUR SPACE SHIP TO GET THE SECOND WAND!
  • Mark: Sewer squid powers activate!

[Timmy hops on Mark's back and he dives into the sewer hole. PAN OVER to the bot-parts. The pieces roll together and reconnect. LEAD ELIMINATOR (LE) rises into frame. Suddenly a glow comes over him as he reboots, ROLLER SKATE WHEELS appear on his feet and a BOOMBOX morphs out of his chest.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Elimina---elimina---GET - GET Timmy Turner.

[THREE OTHER ELIMINATORS rise behind him.]

  • Eliminators: Get Timmy Turner.

[FUNK MUSIC PLAYS!> They disco roller skate down the street. CUT TO: INT. ABRACATRAZ - DAY ON: rolling Eliminator feet. WIDE: Eliminators roll behind the real Timmy's MOM, DAD, CHESTER, AJ and TRIXIE down the jail cell hallway Eliminators have arm blasters drawn.]

  • Mrs. Turner: Where are we again?
  • Mr. Turner: The last thing I remember is we were eating cocktail weenies on the beach and we got sucked into the face of a man who looked like me.
  • Chester: Hey, I was sucked into the face of a dude who looked like me!
  • A.J.: I surmise we've been abducted by an alien super race that can shape-shift into any form they want.
  • Mr. Turner: Either that or that was a baaaaad batch of cocktail weenies we ate.
  • Eliminator #2: The kid's right. We're aliens.
  • Trixie: Aliens, right. What are you going to show us next - fairies?
  • Mr. Turner: (laughs) Ah-ha! There's not a batch of weenies in the world bad enough to get me to believe that.

[A cell door opens, and they are shoved in the same cell as JORGEN, COSMO, WANDA and POOF, who float in fairy form.]

  • Mr. Turner: Bad, baaaad weenies!

[Mr. Turner, Mrs. Turner. Chester and Trixie and AJ <FAINT> from fairy shock.]

  • Cosmo: Awesome! A fainting party! <FAINTS>

[ON THE Eliminators, outside the cell.]

  • Eliminator #1: I like the funny green dude.
  • Eliminator #2: And I like our new roller feet and the funk.

[Eliminator #1 and #2 roller boogie away.]

  • Wanda: Uh, GET US OUT OF HERE!
  • Jorgen: Fear not Wanda, for if I know Timmy Turner. Right now he's fearlessly hurtling through the universe with the speed of a space cheetah on his way to obtaining the second wand and saving us all.



[ANGLE ON: a hole where Mark's ship is usually parked.]

  • Mark: Oh right. I left it on Yugopotamia, which is, of course, gonzo. But the good news is I have no idea where this Blue Moon is that we seek. Wait, bad news - I meant to say the bad news is I have no idea where the blue moon is.
  • Timmy: Okay, so we have no ship. We have no idea where the Blue Moon is, and there's no one to help us because the Darkness has captured all my friends and loved ones!
  • Mark: Uh, like, is there anyone who hates you that can help us?


  • Mr. Crocker: Yes! After 32 years of searching, 13 nervous breakdowns and 4000 cocktail weenies, today is the day my atomic magic seeking magno-scope will finally locate the legendary Fairy World.

[PULL WIDE to see Crocker standing next to a HUGE TELESCOPE. Crocker presses a BUTTON. OUTSIDE HIS HOUSE - SAME A HUGE TELESCOPE shoots a pulse into the sky. BACK INSIDE - A computer screen at a command center <BEEPS.>]

  • Computer Voice: Fairy World not detected.
  • Mr. Crocker: Curses! (turns and sees Timmy and Mark standing there) GAH! I didn't steal anything - I mean OW! OW! OW!
  • Mark: (uses his tentacles to force open Crocker's mouth) Bad news, he's not a black-hole sucky dude. I mean good news!
  • Mr. Crocker: What's going on?! How did you smuggle this squid past mother - (tough) This better be good.
  • Timmy: Long story short - I'm being hunted by a big black hole in space, and I need you to help me find a mystical and magical Dark Blue Moon.
  • Mr. Crocker: Tell me you have fairies, and we have a deal.
  • Timmy: I have fairies.
  • Mr. Crocker: NO USE IN DENYING IT and - oh. Man, that was anti-climactic. But I am a man of my word. (adjusts his telescope as an image appears on his BIG SCREEN and it finds a FUZZY BLUE MOON) On my many failed attempts to find the Fairy World, I did find this Blue Moon in the Vegon system. It gives off a large magic reading, but I detected no life on the planet.

[The image magnifies: it's blurry but there's a STAR SHAPED CRATER that was seen earlier in the wall of the cave.]

  • Timmy: The Star Crater! That's it!
  • Mr. Crocker: Yeah, blah blah blah, now SHOW ME YOUR FAIRIES!
  • Timmy: Oh, you want to see them, too? Well that's going to cost you extra.
  • Mr. Crocker: What? What do you want? Name your price. How about A's for life no matter how bad your projects stink?
  • Timmy: I need to get to that moon - fast.
  • Mr. Crocker: Behold the CROCKER ROCKET!

[A MISSILE SILO opens in the middle of the Crocker Cave and a SPACE- ROCKET rises from the ground.]

  • Mark: Dude aren't you a teacher? How do you afford this stuff?
  • Mr. Crocker: Oh, um, well remember the funds that went missing for the new school science wing and the teen center that would keep the troubled youths off the streets and turn them into productive members of society.
  • Timmy: Yeah.
  • Mr. Crocker: You're looking at them.
  • Timmy: And this will get us to the Blue Moon of Vegon?
  • Mr. Crocker: Does this answer your question?! (hits a REMOTE CONTROL and THE ROCKET TAKES OFF) We probably should have been on that.
  • Mark: Ahhhh! What are we going to do now?! I need to save my planet and I can't pull a spaceship out of my pants!
  • Timmy: Calm down. We know where the second wand is and I can get us a space ship. All I need is a high speed internet connection, a laptop and a whoopee


  • Mark: (pulls a high speed internet connection, a laptop and a whoopee cushion out of his pants) Shpingo! (off their look) What? I said I couldn't pull a spaceship out of my pants. Now who wants cocktail weenies?
  • Timmy and Mr. Crocker: No! No! No! No!

[EXT. SPACE - THE DEATH BALL - LATER Establishing. <LAUGHTER> can be heard coming from within. INT. DEATH BALL - CONTINUOUS DARK TROOPERS watch a MONITOR and <LAUGH!> DARK LASER enters.]

  • Dark Laser: What's so funny?
  • Trooper #1: Eh-hem, um, you wouldn't find it funny, sir.
  • Dark Laser: What do you mean? I'm Dark Laser! I've got a great sense of humor and... LEAPING LIGHT YEARS!

[ON THE SCREEN: we see a "TOO YUBE" video of a stop motion cut out of Dark Laser. He moves, dances and <FARTS!>]

  • Dark Laser: (on the screen) I'm Fart Blazer! I'm Fart Blazer! Pull my finger. I'm Fart Blazer.
  • Dark Laser: What the - ? That's not me. I'm discreet with my flatulence. (to Flipsie) Right Flipsie? Who posted these lies? (ON THE SCREEN at the bottom it reads: POSTED BY TIMMY TURNER.) Turner.

[EXT. TIMMY'S HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Timmy, Mark and Crocker wait on the lawn. Timmy looks up.]

  • Timmy: 3... 2...1.

[Dark Laser's Death Pod lands on the lawn. DL jumps out with his LIGHT STICK ablaze.]

  • Dark Laser: Timmy Turner, this time you've gone too far! I told you about my irritable bowel in confidence.

[KIDS ride by on BIKES.]

  • Bike Teen: It's "Fart Blazer" from Too Yube!

[The kids laugh DL holds up his hand and uses the force to <CRASH> their bikes. Timmy shoves DL back into the pod.]

  • Timmy: Yeah, yeah, we'll talk about it on the way to the Vegon system.
  • Dark Laser: Hey, easy. Watch it. We are not done with this conversation.
  • Mark: (turns to Timmy) But Timmy Turner, do you think this Timmy-hating army is large enough to take on the Darkness?!
  • Timmy: No. We're missing one secret violent ingredient. (holds up a CASH REGISTER and rings it up)
  • Vicky: (arrives like a panting and salivating dog) Money! Money-money. Money-MONEY!
  • Timmy: Get the cash machine, Vicky! Get it! Get it, girl! (throws it in the Death Pod and Vicky chases after it)
  • Mark: The bodaciously evil Vicky. Nice.

[INT. DEATH POD - CONTINUOUS Timmy and Mark arrive in the seating area. Vicky holds the empty cash register.]

  • Vicky: What's going on? There's no money in this and why are we in an evil space pod?
  • Timmy: Alien Robots have kidnapped my friends and family, and an evil wall of Darkness will devour the universe unless my enemies, that's you guys, help me get a mystical second wand to stop it. (makes a delayed "get it" gesture)
  • Vicky: Why should we help you?
  • Timmy: (to Vicky) I'll give you $20 bucks. (to Crocker) You can see my fairies. (to Dark Laser) And you can destroy me when this is over.
  • Mr. Crocker and Dark Laser: DEAL!
  • Dark Laser: I'll set the co-ordinates for the Vegon system. (mumbles) Yes, I'm going to destroy the Darkness, then destroy Timmy Turner hub-blub-blub.
  • Timmy: Blast off!

[EXT. TIMMY'S YARD - SAME The Death Pod zooms up into space. Suddenly, BIG BOOTS walk into frame. Somebody was watching them. Then <WHOOSH!> Whoever it is chases Dark Laser's ship. INT. ABRACATRAZ - CONTINUOUS Jorgen is chewing the jail bars.]

  • Jorgen: Being that I have the teeth of a great white crocodile shark I will eat our way to freedom!

[ON: Cosmo, Wanda and Poof sit next to Mom, Dad, Chester, AJ and Trixie. Awkward silence. Dad speaks up.]

  • Mr. Turner: Soooo...Timmy has magical fairy god parents and that's your magic baby?
  • Cosmo and Wanda: Yep.
  • Poof: Poof!
  • Mrs. Turner: And you grant Timmy's every wish?
  • Wanda: Not every wish. There are rules.
  • Mrs. Turner: Could he have wished me a clean house whenever he saw I was tired and weary from domestic overload?
  • Wanda: Oh sure! That's an easy one!
  • Chester: Could he have wished me up a big house when my trailer got destroyed by that twister?
  • Cosmo: Heck, he could have just wished away the twister!
  • Trixie: And me to be even more popular than I am now?
  • Wanda: That and a thick head of hair for AJ, but he just chose not to.
  • Mr. Turner: Well I choose to GET TIMMY!
  • Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Turner: Timmy stinks!
  • Chester, A.J. and Trixie: Down with Timmy! (ran and crash into the bars and fall to the floor)
  • Jorgen: And I'm still chewing here!
  • Wanda: Now you may all think that Timmy is selfish...
  • Cosmo: Which he is....
  • Wanda: But what you don't know is that he's risked his life to save all of you and now he's out there trying to save you from the Darkness.
  • Mr. Turner: Wow. Soooo, could Timmy have wished away my man-boobs?
  • Jorgen: Yes! And I'M TRYING TO BREAK OUT OF THIS JAIL HERE! (turns back to the bars to see Eliminators #1 and #2 standing there) I mean - I'm hungry. GAH!

[The door swings open sending Jorgen flying back into the cell. The Eliminators brings a PLATE OF CHICKEN FINGERS.]

  • Mr. Turner: Oh no thanks. Chicken Fingers go right to my man boobs.
  • Eliminator #2: And do not try escaping. You are not smart enough to outthink us.

[They turn to exit, but POOF's stuck to Eliminator #2's back! The door shuts. Poof smiles and waves.]

  • Cosmo: Look! Poof busted out!

[OUTSIDE THE JAIL CELL: Poof peels himself off the back of Eliminator #2 as they leave. Poof <LANDS> and looks around. He pulls out a RED SCARF and EYELINER. ON: Mom.

  • Mrs. Turner: Hey, he took my scarf.
  • Mr. Turner: And he took my eyeliner! Er, I mean, it's 2:30...

[Poof whips the red scarf around himself, <SPINS and LANDS> with dark mysterious eyes ready for battle.]

  • Wanda: I knew he shouldn't have watched that movie. Now Poof thinks he's the Red Ninja.

[The Eliminators come back into the room.]

  • Cosmo: Ahhh! Now he's the dead ninja!
  • Eliminator #1: Looks like we have a li'l prison break out. Emphasis on "li'l."

[Poof goes into a crouching-baby stance.]

  • Eliminator #2: Shouldn't the emphasis be on "break?" 'Cuz we're gonna break his...

[Poof flies at Eliminator #2 and <KICKS> him against the wall <CRASH!> Eliminator #1 rushes Poof, but Poof <SPINS> up into the air to avoid him. CUT TO: a series of action shots of Poof kicking robo-butt.]

  • Wanda: Hey, Poof does a pretty good Red Ninja.
  • Jorgen: Wanda. That's not an impersonation - Poof is the Red Ninja!
  • Cosmo: And I taught him everything he knows. Hi-Hoo-ha-GAK! (does a karate moves but knocks himself out)

[OUTSIDE THE CELL: all the robot pieces land forming a SWING SET. Poof <LANDS, SWINGS AND GIGGLES!>]

  • Wanda: Nice job Sweetie. Now could you let us out of here?

[Poof <SWINGS HIGH, JUMPS> out of the chair and <LANDS> on a LEVER which lowers. The cell opens and everybody runs out.

  • Everyone: Hooray!

[Wanda rushes over and hugs Poof.]

  • Jorgen: And now we must join forces with the Chosen One and stop the Darkness once and for all! (holds up his hand, but here's no wand)
  • Wanda: We don't have wands.
  • Jorgen: Darn it!

[INT. DEATH POD - SAME It's quiet as Timmy and his rag-tag team of heroes sit and wait. Dark Laser's in the cockpit. Mark sits next to Vicky. Mark <YAWNS> and tries to get a tentacle around her.]

  • Mark: Oh I'm sooo tired from this long space travel and...
  • Vicky: Don't even think about it.
  • Mark: Right.
  • Timmy: And I'm hungry from this long space travel. Are there snacks on this flight?
  • Dark Laser: I serve death, not snacks. But there's a great cantina coming up on Frigidarium.
  • Mr. Crocker: Frigidarium? That's the coldest non- magical sector in the galaxy. And we don't have heat regulating dark suits like you.
  • Dark Laser: (opens a CLOSET, it's full of SUPPLIES. He pulls out some WHITE BLANKETS, a GARBAGE CAN WITH WHEELS, RED FUZZY EAR MUFFS and a FUR COAT) Hang on. I've got blankets, a thermal refuse barrel, some earmuffs and my ex- wife's fur coat.
  • Mr. Crocker: I call the fur coat!

[EXT. FRIGIDARIUM - LATER The planet looks like a giant snowman. The Death Pod enters frame and heads toward it. INT. FRIGIDARIUM CANTINA - LATER The door swings open and Timmy and his gang enter the cantina full of FREAKY SPACE ALIENS. Everyone in the cantina turns to look and the music stops.]

  • Mark: <BLEEPS> This thermal barrel is, like, on the fritz.
  • Mr. Crocker: (clears his throat, sounding like Chewbacca) RAAAAAARRERRR. (beat) And my sinuses are acting up.
  • Timmy: This seems weirdly familiar.
  • Dark Laser: I'll get us a table.

[Dark Laser walks up to a TABLE, uses the force and five aliens fly out the table <WAH!> They all sit at the table.]

  • Timmy: (impressed) Nice.
  • Mark: (in the barrel that is bleeping) Man, this thing won't shut up.
  • Vicky: (reaches for a MENU, but can't grab it) Pass me the menu. Help me, twerp, you're my only hope.
  • Mr. Crocker: RRRAAAEEERR. I think I'm allergic to this coat. RRRAAAE-EEREERR.

[A SPACEY WAITER arrives at the table.]

  • Vicky: What are your specials today?
  • Waiter: We have a lovely Chosen One soup.
  • Timmy: Oooh, what's in it?

[Suddenly, the waiter transforms into the Lead Eliminator!]

  • Eliminator Leader: Youuuuuuuu.

[ALL THE ALIENS in the cantina transform into Eliminators.]

  • Timmy: IT'S A TRAP!
  • Eliminator Leader: Get the Chosen One.

[OTHER PATRONS turn into Eliminators.]

  • Eliminators: (chants) Get the Chosen One! (Its Arm cannons are drawn! They fire! <BLAST! BLAST!)
  • All: Ahhhhhhh! They are hit with - weenies?
  • Timmy: Weenies? They blasted us with weenies?
  • Dark Laser: This battle is going to be easier than I thought. Catch! (tosses Timmy and Mark LIGHT STICKS)

[Meanwhile, Crocker pulls out a FAIRY FREEZER and fires it up.]

  • Vicky: Hey, what do I use for a weapon?
  • Dark Laser: (hands her TWO FORKS) Here, use the forks.

[Timmy and Mark light their light sticks. They are all in a pose and ready for battle.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Reeerearrrrrr.
  • Timmy: Okay, now I know I've seen this somewhere before.


Part 4[]

[INT. CANTINA - SAME SHOT OF TIMMY and HIS REBEL ARMY ready for battle. SHOT OF LEAD ELIMINATOR with 10 behind him ready to attack.]

  • Timmy: Um, are those roller skate feet?
  • Eliminator Leader: Yep, and check this out. (presses the boombox on his chest and plays SILLY HAPPY MUSIC.)
  • Dark Laser: Oooh great if we were fighting at a birthday party. (hits a button on his chest and it plays BATTLE MUSIC!) Now that's battle music! (Evil laughs and mumbles)
  • Timmy: SPLIT UP!

[They all leap in different directions. The Eliminators fire more WEENIES. Timmy ducks, dodges and jumps behind a TABLE.]

  • Mr. Crocker: (pops up from the table holding a FAIRY FREEZER) I think it's time you all "chill out" with my FAIRY FREEZER! (aims, but LE opens his vortex mouth and sucks the freezer out of Crocker's hand. LE swallows it, then glows, re-boots and then his hand suddenly transforms into a fairy freezer) Did I say my Fairy Freezer? I meant your Fairy Freezer, which looks fabulous on you and - GAH!

[Crocker is frozen in carbonite. Suddenly The Lead Eliminator's arm freezer is cut off. Dark Laser lands next to frozen Crocker wielding his light stick.]

  • Dark Laser: Ha! You are no match for the powers of my light stick. (DL's light stick is sucked into the mouth of Lead Eliminator. LE forms a light stick on his hand.) I mean your light stick, which also looks fabulous on you.

[LE holds up his broken fist and CLICK! The Freezer arm re- attaches. PZZAP. He freezes DL. Vicky lands on top of the frozen DL and Crocker and fans out two handfuls of forks.]

  • Vicky: May the forks be with... Gah!

[Vicky is frozen. Three Eliminators arrives and <SUCK> the frozen army into their vortex mouths. LE snap-turns to see Timmy in the middle of the Cantina.]

  • Timmy: <GULP> (nervous energy) Hey. Cool trick, how you sucked up a fairy freezer and a light stick and then your arms became fairy freezers and light sticks, and AHHHHH! (drops his light stick, dives over the bar, and lands next to a scared Mark)
  • Mark: I told you we needed a bigger army!
  • Timmy: What can I say? You where right.
  • Mark: Say you have a plan on how to crush the robo-freaks! (Beat) You're not SAYING ANYTHING!

[A light stick rips the bar in half. It falls.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Get the Chosen One.
  • Timmy: Exactly. "Get the Chosen One." But the Chosen One is not here. I'm "Timmy Turner", you want "Turbo Thunder." Me Timmy, not Turbo. So whaddya say we shake hands and call this thing a big mix up and we'll go back to Earth and forget the whole thing, okay? Okay. (shakes the Lead Eliminator's hand)

[Suddenly LE begins to shake and spark. CLOSE ON: the hand's shaking.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Get the Chosen - get - does not compute. Warm. Does not compu...

[LE shorts out then sends an electrical pulse that shuts down all the Eliminators. They all collapse, fall to the ground and spark sporadically. Happy Mark pops up.]

  • Mark: Dude! You did have a plan. You used your Chosen One death grip!
  • Timmy: All I did was shake his hand and be nice.
  • Mark: And that works tooooo - because - you are soooo the Chosen One!
  • Timmy: Maybe I am. I know before I said I wasn't but maybe I really am.

[EXT. CANTINA - CONTINUOUS The door bursts open. Timmy exits with Mark.]

  • Timmy: Yes! I am the Chosen One! (sees The Darkness appearing close in the sky) Is what I would say, if I was - but I'm not. Not the Chosen One.

[The Darkness begins eating the planet.]

  • Mark: It's eating the planet! What the heck does that thing want!?

[A <WHISPY SPACEY NOISE> comes out of the Darkness.]

  • The Darkness: Timmmmyturneerrrrr....
  • Timmy: (jumps into Mark's arms) Hold me.

[They stand as the Darkness is about to eat them.]

  • Timmy: Any last words ol' buddy.
  • Mark: Actually, just one comes to mind. "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

[A PINK STREAK zooms in and takes Timmy and Mark away. EXT. MYSTERIOUS PLANET - MOMENTS LATER Timmy and Mark plop down on a barren pink landscape?]

  • Timmy and Mark: Ahhhhhhhhh! OOF!

[THE MYSTERIOUS BOOTS enter frame. Timmy's eyes go wide.]

  • Timmy: It's you.

[INT. ABRACATRAZ - SAME <ALARMS GO OFF!> Eliminators run through the hall. They stop in front of a GUARD ELIMINATOR (#7).]

  • Eliminator #8: The fairy prisoners have escaped. We were sent to guard the magic sticks in case they go after them.
  • Eliminator #7: The magic sticks are stored in the vault on sector 3. Those fairy idiots will never find them.
  • Eliminator #8: You said it, [with Jorgen's voice] idiot. (knocks Eliminator #7 over the head)

[Then ELIMINATOR #8 turns a fake-i-fier on his hip It's Jorgen! The others unfake-ify, revealing the fairies and humans.]

  • Jorgen: Fakeifiers rock. Now TO SECTOR 3.
  • Mr. Turner: Wait! Could Timmy have wished Dinkelberg into a poop sandwich!
  • Jorgen: A triple decker - now let's go.

[They all dash out of frame. EXT. SECTOR 3 - SECONDS LATER ON: a Sector 3 vault sign and door. The gang arrives. Jorgen tries the door. <ALARMS STILL SOUND!>]

  • Jorgen: Gah. Even with the strength of a medium sized cat I can't open it.
  • Cosmo: (jumps into frame and does karate moves) Stand back! For I have the speed of a running shoe and the wisdom of a throw pillow, and the Red Ninja's in my hand! (holds up Poof) Chop it down Poof.

[Poof looks determined and spins out of frame and chops the vault door. It opens - spilling hundreds of WANDS into the hall.]

  • Jorgen: Yes! We have our wands back! Now to poof to Timmy's side and help him defeat the Darkness! (holds up a wand and is ready to heroically poof)
  • Chester: But we don't know where he is.
  • Jorgen: Darn it!

[EXT. THUNDER-WORLD - DAY ON THE BIG BOOTS. PAN UP to see - it's TURBO THUNDER! REVERSE ON: Timmy and Mark still on the ground.]

  • Timmy: Turbo Thunder! You saved me?
  • Turbo Thunder: (picks Timmy up and sets him down) Of course I saved you. I'm Turbo Thunder! I save everything from the Darkness and I know all. So where's that second wand?
  • Mark: Oh, now I get it. You saved us, so we'd tell you where the wand is?
  • Turbo Thunder: Hey, that's still "saving." And I would have gotten to the Cave of Destiny to find out for myself but I was a little biz-zay.
  • Timmy: Busy doing what?
  • Turbo Thunder: Building THUNDER WORLD!

[PAN a thunder wonderland (Las Vegas meets a kids theme park): PINK PALM TREES, PURPLE STREAMS and TWO "T" SHAPED HOTELS.]

  • Turbo Thunder: (V.O.) Where tourists will come and celebrate me and my victory over the Darkness!

[BACK ON TT: T-shaped KIOSKS rise from the ground. They are full of THUNDER DOLLS, T-SHIRTS, TOYS and BOBBLE HEADS!]

  • Turbo Thunder: And spend a ton of cash on official Thunder-wear and souvenirs! (tosses a Bobble Head to Timmy and Mark) Oh and that's $40 worth of bobble heads I just gave you FOR FREE. Now what did the "cave prophecy" say about the second wand? (mocking) "The wand is hidden in the rock and sealed with my butt?" And what is the Darkness after anyway? Right? (turns to the sky and The Darkness appears)
  • The Darkness: Timmmmyyytuuuurrrerrr.
  • Turbo Thunder: (scared as he grabs and picks Timmy up) Ahh-haaaahhhaaahh!!!! (to Timmy) Tell me where the second wand is so I can crush the Darkness, become a big hero and have my grand opening.

[The <WINDS KICK UP!> The Darkness is getting closer.]

  • Timmy: If I tell you where the wand is, then you have to take me and my sidekick with you.
  • Turbo Thunder: Yes of course, we will defeat the Darkness together as a team! Hurry! IT'S EATING THUNDER WORLD!

[The Darkness begins sucking up the planet! The wind kicks up.]

  • Timmy: The wand is on the dark side of the blue moon in the Vegon system! There's a star crater there and...
  • Turbo Thunder: Laters! (drops Timmy and CLAPS TWICE as A THUNDER-JET rises up and jumps in)
  • Timmy: You said we'd do this together!
  • Turbo Thunder: Yeah, I turbo lied.
  • Timmy: But you need our help! There will be galactic protectors guarding the wand and the Eliminators will be back.
  • Turbo Thunder: And I am the Chosen One. As in I go it alone and you are going in that! The Darkness is coming. (fires the <JET ENGINES)
  • Timmy: Noooooo!!!

[The jet rises. It takes off into space. Beat. <PZZAP!> The Darkness eats Thunderworld and zooms away. EXT. SPACE - SAME PAN through space and find A BLUE MOON (with a dark side <WHOOSH!> The Thunder-Jet shoots toward it. It comes out of a light speed portal. EXT. BLUE MOON - SECONDS LATER The terrain is like a lunar landscape. <BOOM!> The Thunder-Jet lands at the edge of the star crater. Turbo jumps out.]

  • Turbo Thunder: I turbo made it to the blue moon of Vegon. And there is the wand! (sees a high glowing wand sticking out on the ground and runs to it) Now to pluck the wand from it's rocky sheath and it won't budge! Why won't it budge? BUDGE FOR THE CHOSEN ONE! (tries to pull the wand out, but the wand won't budge)

[ON THE JET: MARK drops from the bottom and lands on the ground. (He stuck himself to the ship!) He then spits out Timmy. They bicker in whisper mode.

  • Timmy: (whispers to Mark) Don't ever do that again.
  • Mark: Oh, you mean save your life.
  • Turbo Thunder: (continues to struggle with the wand) Out of the rock, ya stupid wand! Oooh, ooh, it's moving.

[Suddenly, the wand rises up from the ground held by a giant ROCK HAND and a GIANT ARM.]

  • Turbo Thunder: (falls off the hand) AHHHHHHH!

[The mountain continues to rise up from the ground to reveal a giant, Rock Guardian. Timmy and Mark hide under the jet and watch.]

  • Timmy: That's the protector of the wand.
  • Mark: Phew. I thought it was a giant scary rock beast.
  • Rock Guardian: From rainbow bridges to outer suns, this wand belongs only to the Chosen One.
  • Turbo Thunder: Well I'm the Chosen One, Bub, and I need that wand pronto-nay.
  • Rock Guardian: Before this wand, you can possess, you must first pass the chosen test.
  • Turbo Thunder: A test? I don't have time for tests! So how's this? Perish rock warrior in the mighty spew of my thunder clap!

[TT claps and forms a lightning ball over his head. The Guardian then pinches his finger and flicks Turbo Thunder over the horizon.]

  • Mark: I don't think he's the Chosen One.
  • Rock Guardian: (turns and heard Mark) Who goes there?! (slaps the Thunder-Jet aside, revealing a scared Timmy and Mark)
  • Timmy: ...heeeeeyyy.
  • Rock Guardian: Before this wand, you can possess, you must first pass the chosen test.
  • Timmy: (gets up, pleads and walks toward the monster) Look. I don't want to fight you. But we need that wand to light the Darkness and save my friends and my sidekick's Planet. Please. I need your help.
  • Rock Guardian: The Chosen One never attacks unless attacked and always trusts before mistrusting. It is you. (makes a fist and smashes the ground next to Timmy. Then, A SPARKLY CRYSTAL SCABBARD rises from the star crater) Here is your wand - Chosen One. (gets down on his knee to give Timmy the wand)
  • Timmy: Cool! I really am the Chosen One.

[Timmy is about to grab it when suddenly The giant Guardian is sucked offscreen, but the wand falls to the ground. ABOVE THEM ALL: the swirling vortex of the DARKNESS floats in the sky <WIND BLOWS!> - the Darkness sucked up the Guardian.]

  • Eliminator Leader: (picks up the wand) Looking for this? (laughs)

[INT. ABRACATRAZ - SECTOR 3 - CONTINUOUS Frozen Crocker, DL and Vicky are rolled in by 3 Eliminators.]

  • Eliminator #4: Leave them here. They are of no threat to us.

[Eliminators turn and look in shock. They disappear. REVERSE ON: Jorgen, Cosmo, Wanda and the gang in formation.]

  • Jorgen: ...but let's hope they are of help to us. (unfreezes Crocker, DL and Vicky)
  • Vicky: Who-What-Where...?
  • Dark Laser: Flipsie!
  • Mr. Crocker: (looks around and sees fairies) Fairies! Fairies! Fairies! Ha! Ha! Fairies....I see fairies... Fairies - floating fairies - (getting tired) Magical fairies - seeing fairies...fairies many fairies... (calm) Heyyyyy.
  • Wanda: Where's Timmy?
  • Dark Laser: If he got away, he's on the Blue Moon in the Vegon System.
  • Jorgen: To the Blue Moon of Vegon! (heroically holds up the wand, but pauses) We're good this time, right? We have all the pieces we need?
  • Wanda: We're good.
  • Jorgen: I hope we are not too late!

[EXT. BLUE MOON - CONTINUOUS The Lead Eliminator aims the second wand at Timmy and Mark.]

  • Eliminator Leader: No magic wand can stop us, Chosen One. We'll just keep coming in greater numbers than before.

[AN ARMY OF ELIMINATORS (100) land behind the Lead Eliminator.]

  • Eliminator Leader: It's over. We have your wand.

[The Darkness begins to swirl closer]

  • Eliminator Leader: And it's time you finally met the Darkness.

[A DOZEN ELIMINATORS land behind Timmy. He's surrounded. They draw BLASTERS.]

  • Eliminator #8: Think again robot-punk.

[The 12 Eliminators morph into Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, Dad, Mom, Chester, AJ, Trixie, Vicky, Crocker, Dark Laser and Jorgen.]

  • Mr. Turner: Duck Timmy!
  • Mrs. Turner: But don't get your pants dirty!

[Timmy ducks. Jorgen's army shoots a magical blast at Lead Eliminator’s army and they are gone! The second wand falls.]

  • Timmy: Cosmo? Wanda? MOM AND DAD?! You saved me!
  • Mr. Turner: You bet we did! Up hi, C-Dawg!

[Dad and Cosmo hi five. Trixie, Chester and AJ hug Timmy.]

  • Timmy: And Trixie, Chester and AJ?
  • Trixie: To think all this time there was a heroic and magical side of you I never knew.
  • Timmy: You want a pony right?
  • Trixie: Unicorn.

[Timmy snaps his fingers. Wanda poofs up a UNICORN under Trixie. The WIND PICKS UP STRONGER!]

  • Chester: I don't mean to interrupt a greedy romantic moment, but there's a WHIRLPOOL OF DEATH COMING FOR US. (points to the Darkness getting closer)
  • Timmy: Stand back. For this looks like a job for the Chosen One. (picks up the second wand from the ground, flings it into the air and catches it) Now stand back and say goodbye to the Darkness - FOREVER! (shoves the wand into the crystal scabbard. Suddenly, the wand and scabbard glow - but nothing else happens.)
  • Mr. Crocker: Again, very anti-climatic.
  • Jorgen: This is not right. It should be shooting a magic laser that blasts back the Darkness or something. But it is not shooting the laser!
  • Mark: And we're about to be Darkness din din, man!

[The Darkness gets closer. The wind kicks up. Clinging to each other AJ, Chester, Trixie, Mom and Dad get sucked upward.]

  • All: Aaaaaaah!

[Mark grabs them with his tentacles but he loses his grip and flies up, too. Jorgen grabs Mark. He drives his wand like a stake into the ground. He holds his wand with one hand and the human ladder with his other.]

  • Jorgen: Turner! Say the word, and I will poof us all out of here!
  • Timmy: But no matter where I go, the Darkness will follow me!
  • Mrs. Turner: I can't hold on much longer!
  • Mr. Turner: What does it want?!
  • The Darkness: Timmmmmmyyyy... Turrrnnnerrrr...
  • Timmy: I think it wants... me. (climbs up the human ladder of his friends. Then, walks up Jorgen, followed by Mark and Cosmo)
  • Cosmo and Wanda: Timmy where are you going?!

[He passes Wanda who's holding on to Mom then Dad.]

  • Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner: Timmy, no!
  • Timmy: I've got to stop the Darkness before it takes you all. (gets to the top of the chain)
  • Trixie: Timmy! How's my hair?
  • Timmy: Perfect. (gives Trixie a big kiss) I always wanted to do that. (up to the Darkness) You want me, Darkness?! You got me. So long, Trixie. (lets go and is pulled into the Darkness) Aaaaaaaaah!

[ON THE The Darkness, Timmy flies into the swirling vortex. <LIGHTNING CRACKS> inside the vortex, then it twists, spins and then - it warps away spitting the planet back out and it leaves everyone safe.]

  • All: TIMMY!

[Suddenly everything is quiet. The human chain falls.]

  • Trixie: He saved us all.
  • Vicky: I'll never call him a twerp again!
  • Mark: There, there, Vicky. Let me hold you and comfort you and make out with you and... (puts his arm around Vicky. She elbows him in the gut.) I lack air.
  • Jorgen: The Chosen One saved us, now we must save him. (waves his wand! POOF: an AWESOME SPACESHIP appears.)
  • Dark Laser: That's big. Are you sure you can fly it?
  • Jorgen: Does this answer your question? (poofs up a remote control, presses a button. The <SHIP TAKES OFF!>)
  • Mr. Turner: Eh, we probably should have been on That.

[Everyone looks up. The screen pulls back faster and faster past planets, suns and moons until we see a giant star field. Then the Darkness appears and zooms toward the camera as the screen goes to black.]

Part 3: The Final Ending[]

Part 1[]

[FADE IN: A Star Wars-like title crawl heads to infinity: "Wishology: Episode III. When we last left Timmy Turner he jumped into the Darkness. Okay! Now let's move on with the story..." PAN DOWN from the star field as the sky turns to morning light and we settle on TIMMY'S HOUSE. INT. TIMMY'S BEDROOM - MORNING TIMMY is <SNORING> away and talking in his sleep.

  • Timmy: (snores) Chosen... Thunder... Weenies... DARKNESS! (wakes up with a <SNORT> and a jolt as FAIRIES poof in)
  • Wanda: Look Cosmo, Timmy's okay!
  • Cosmo: Let's celebrate!

[Cosmo wishes up a huge party. Big speakers, A DISCO BALL shines, a DJ spins, ABE LINCOLN dances (Britney Britney, Pink Elephants, etc.). Wanda covers Poof's ears.]

  • Cosmo: (shouting) TOO BUMPIN'? (poofs away the party)
  • Timmy: Cosmo, Wanda, Poof! I just had an awesome dream! I was on some blue moon with my friends, parents and you guys, and I kissed Trixie and jumped into the Darkness. And I kissed Trixie. Good dream.
  • Wanda: That wasn't a dream, Timmy! You did jump into the Darkness and defeated it once and for all.
  • Timmy: I defeated the Darkness? But I don't remember anything after kissing Trixie. I did kissed Trixie, didn't I?
  • Cosmo: I'll say! A big squishy one! It was kinda gross.
  • Wanda: Then you jumped into the Darkness and your Chosen One powers caused it to explode.
  • Cosmo: Or maybe it was your body odor. Here, I'll show you. (sniffs Timmy's pits and then <EXPLODES HIMSELF)
  • Wanda: Either way, you're a hero, Timmy! Jorgen erased everyone's memory, and the universe is back to normal.
  • Timmy: And that's how I want it. "Normal." No more magic. No more super action double danger super wishes.
  • Cosmo: Ha ha! I get it! A little Chosen One humor. Good one. But seriously - what is your next super action wish - king of your own ape island?! (poofs apes as his room turns into a jungle island. An ape <PUMMELS> Timmy into his bed.) Too bumpin'?

[Wanda poofs it all away.]

  • Timmy: No. I'm serious! Guys, after this whole adventure all I want is a typical normal day. Where evil robots don't try and eliminate me when someone shouts TIMMY TURNER! (jumps under the bed and peeks out).
  • Wanda: Your wish is our command!
  • Timmy: (jumps out from under the bed) I wish I had the most normal day ever!

["Normal" Poof to - INT. KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER Timmy busts in the door.]

  • Timmy: Now I'm looking forward to a nice normal breakfast from my Mom.
  • Mrs. Turner: ( turns from the stove - she looks horrifyingly tired) Ahhhle-larg-glog....
  • Timmy: Ahhhh!

[Cosmo, Wanda and Poof, as SALT/PEPPER/NAPKIN HOLDERS, all react. Mom shuffles to the MICROWAVE.]

  • Cosmo: Well, that's what your Mom "normally" looks like in the morning.
  • Wanda: You had an automatic 7AM "Maternal Make-Over Wish" wish because you're mom is not a morning person.
  • Mrs. Turner: (places a steaming pile of garbage trash) Slarbar, blobbin...

[Cosmo smells it and <EXPLODES]

  • Wanda: Want some eggs and sausage, Sweetie? Just say the word.
  • Timmy: Nope. I can do this. I love my "normal" day. (scoops up some of the bile and <EATS. Through gritted teeth) Mmm... normal.
  • Mr. Turner: (offscreen) Oh Timmy! (barges in and waves TWO GOLDEN TICKETS in the air) Guess what?! I just got two golden tickets for the Father/Son Crimson Chin convention!
  • Timmy: Awesome! (realizing, to Wanda) Wait a minute, this is normal Dad, right?
  • Mr. Turner: But you have school today, so your Mom and I are going to have a blast without you! (sees Mom; girlish scream) Ahhhhhh! (back to Timmy) Meanwhile you'll need somebody to watch you until the bus gets here.
  • Timmy: (scared) Oh no.

[He opens the door. VICKY arrives and Mom and Dad exit.]

  • Vicky: Ready to play dodgeball, Twerp! I couldn't find a ball, so we'll play with these flesh eating wolverines! (holds out TWO WOLVERINES and <LAUGHS)

[INT. SCHOOL - MOMENTS LATER Timmy is a scarred, chewed up mess with two wolverines still stuck to his butt and upper arm. KIDS point and <LAUGH!> Timmy opens his locker. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are a book, a ruler and a purple baseball.]

  • Wanda: Had enough "normal?"
  • Timmy: Nope. I'm loving it! 'Cuz nurturing two wolverines on my body and getting laughed at at school is still better than battling the Darkness. (closes his locker, sees an angry FRANCIS and spoke nervously) Francis... hey.

(punched by Francis offscreen and hits a LOCKER next to TRIXIE. Then, he flirts)Trixie, heeeeyy. You don't perchance remember a sweet lip lock with me on a Blue Moon in space, do you?

  • Trixie: Help! Police! (runs away)
  • Timmy: That would be a no. (turns and bumps into Francis, who punches him again. Then, lands in a chair in CROCKER’S CLASSROOM. It locks on his arms and ankles.)
  • Mr. Crocker: (turns to Timmy as he is holding a drill) Turner! I've completed my on-line tattoo diploma! Now I can give you F's that only LASER SURGERY CAN REMOVE! Ah-hahahaha!!!

(fires up his INK DRILL)

[INT. CAFETERIA - LATER Timmy sits alone, with "F's" tattooed all over him, and wolverines still growling and attached. PULL WIDE to see nobody is sitting next to himin. ON: Timmy's lunch - it poofs into Cosmo (jell-o), Poof (cookie) and Wanda (milk).].

  • Wanda: Eh-hem.
  • Timmy: No... still loving my non-Darkness filled normal day.

[Francis arrives and punches Timmy offscreen EXT. SCHOOLYARD - SAME <AAAAAHHH!> WHAM! Timmy hits a TREE upside down. POOF! Our fairy squirrels arrive.]

  • Timmy: I GIVE UP! Forget normal. I was wrong - waaaay wrong. I wanna start this day over. I don't want the most normal day ever. I wish I had the best day ever!
  • Wanda: Now that's more like it!

[Wanda and Cosmo raise their wands and POOF! SFX: REWIND - we run backwards at hyperspeed through much of what we've just seen and end up back in Timmy's bedroom. INT. TIMMY'S BEDROOM - MORNING We join the first scene already in progress.]

  • Timmy: (snores) Darkness... Francis... F-tats. Gah! (jumps out of bed and sees a WATER SLIDE in his room) Water slide! Cooool.
  • Wanda: Welcome Timmy to your best day ever!
  • Cosmo: I don't think you'll ever want to leave it! L... l... leave it...
  • Timmy: (jumps down the slide) Whoo-hooo!

[INT. KITCHEN - SECONDS LATER The water slide ends in the kitchen flinging Timmy into the air and into his chair. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof poof up as hair dryers and blow Timmy dry. Mom turns around and she's GORGEOUS.]

  • Mrs. Turner: Good morning, best son ever! (leans in, places a plate of TIMMY SHAPED WAFFLES, EGGS, BACON, a MILK SHAKE and CUPCAKES in front of him) And here's the best breakfast ever!

[POOF! Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are the CUPCAKES.]

  • Timmy: Oh, Timmy like!
  • Mr. Turner: (arriving offscreen and holds TWO GOLDEN TICKETS) Oh Timmy! I've got two tickets to the Father/Son Crimson Chin convention!
  • Timmy: And...?
  • Mr. Turner: And why go to the convention when you can have the convention come to you?! (pulls out a REMOTE, presses it and the kitchen becomes a COMIC BOOK CONVENTION with CHIN COMICS and GOODIES galore)
  • Timmy: Awesome! This is the best day ever!
  • Vicky: (kicks the door open and holds two wolverines) Not for long, 'cuz it's time to play

wolverine ball! (whips her wolverines at Timmy, but a TRAMPOLINE rises in front of him from the table and <BOING> the wolverines head back at her. They knock her out the door.) Ahhh! Flesh eating Wolverines hurt!

[INT. SCHOOL - SECONDS LATER Timmy walks to school and smiles. KIDS love him.]

  • Kid: Hey Timmy!/Looking good!
  • Timmy: (runs into Francis and spoke nervously) Francis... hey...

[Francis winds up to punch but <WHAPING!> A SAFE falls from the sky <CRUSHING HIM. Timmy opens his locker and Trixie pops out of it!]

  • Trixie: Hi best boyfriend ever! I moved in! I'll always be with you Timmy! (hugs Timmy and Timmy smiles)

[PUSH IN. MATCH DISSOLVE: PULL OUT as Crocker finishes tattoo'ing the same picture of Timmy on Trixie's arm.]

  • Mr. Crocker: Now get outta here you kooky love birds before something falls on me from the sky!

[WHAM! Francis falls from the sky and hits Crocker. Timmy looks at his FAIRY PENCILS in his pocket.]

  • Wanda: Wait. There's more.

[A GIANT CRATE OF "IMPORTED WOLVERINES" lands next to them. The door opens. The wolverines <GROWL!>]

  • Mr. Crocker: Wolverines - and THEY WANT TO EAT MY FLESH! AHHHHH!

[Crocker and Francis run away as the wolverines chase.]

  • Trixie: And now for the best musical number ever!

[INT. CAFETERIA - SECONDS LATER INSERT MUSICAL PRODUCTION NUMBER HERE. It's "Best Wish Ever" song that crescendoes like the Lion King's "Can't wait to be king" with Timmy and Trixie lifted high above the playground on top of an animal pyramid (happy wolverines in the last layer). Cosmo, Wanda and Poof doves flutter above them.]

  • Trixie: This is the part in the song when we kiss.
  • Timmy: I love this part!

[Trixie puckers up. Timmy puckers up. They move in for a kiss and Just before their lips meet, three ELIMINATOR WARRIORS crash the party on HOVER CHOPPERS! Trixie is startled and they fall off the animal pyramid.]

  • Timmy: AAAAHHHH!!! (hits the ground hard) OOF! ( looks at his bird fairies) Uh, guys? I never wished for ELIMINATORS!

[Cosmo, Wanda and Poof poof normal.]

  • Wanda: But Timmy. Neither did we!

[The Eliminators pull out BLASTERS and aim!]

  • Eliminator: Get the Chosen One.
*Timmy: (grabs Cosmo and Wanda as a lightsaber and flips in front of Eliminators) That's right, I'm the Chosen One, who is in the middle of his best day ever and already defeated the mighty Darkness twice and I'll do it again.
  • Eliminator: Timmy Turner, you did not defeat the Darkness... (takes off his HELMET to reveal IT'S JORGEN)
  • Jorgen: ...you're in the Darkness!

[The other two Eliminators take off their HELMETS. It's COSMO and WANDA. POOF pops up from behind Wanda. He's in a BACKPACK.]

  • Cosmo and Wanda: Hi, Timmy!!!
  • Poof: Poof!

[THE CAMERA pushes onto Timmy's face. He turns and looks at the other Cosmo, Wanda and Poof. PZZAP! They short out a little.]

  • Wanda: Don't believe them... d'd'don't believe them Timmy.

[Jorgen, Cosmo and Wanda blast the Cosmo, Wanda and Poof doves with a magic blast.]

  • Jorgen: Turner! This is all an illusion designed to keep you distracted so you won't fulfill your Chosen One duties and destroy the Darkness once and for all!
  • Timmy: No. It's not true. I've been in Dimmsdale having the best day ever. And I was about to kiss Trixie! (looks and sees Trixie morph into THE LEAD ELIMINATOR) Oh, I'm really glad I didn't kiss Trixie.
  • Eliminator Leader: Stop Timmy Turner.
  • Jorgen: C'MON! (grabs Timmy as Jorgen, Cosmo and Wanda zoom away)

[Francis and other kids transform into Eliminators.]

  • Eliminators: The Chosen One must not escape. (they transform into HOVER-CRAFTS and pursue)

[ON TIMMY AND JORGEN - speeding through the streets. The world around them suddenly flickers and the Dimmsdale background goes away and becomes A DARK RED PULSATING VORTEX.]

  • Timmy: What's going on? Where are we?!
  • Jorgen: You have been taken to the heart of the Darkness, and I'm getting you out! (revs the bike and they zoom upwards into the sky)

[The red background gradually becomes black. THE GROUP OF ELIMINATORS suddenly catches up with them.]

  • Eliminator Leader: Timmy Turner must stay!!

[ON THE SPINNING DARKNESS - its colors reversed from Hour 2 - it's light on the inside and dark on the outside. But now it starts to close.]

  • Cosmo: Hurry up! The portal is closing.

[The Eliminators all morph their arms into WEAPONS. The gang heads for the exit, but the Darkness starts closing. Here come the Eliminators.]

  • Jorgen: Hang on to your chosen butt as I hit warp speed!

[Jorgen, Cosmo and Wanda press buttons marked LIGHT SPEED and Their bikes zoom out of the tiniest of holes in the Darkness.]

  • Timmy: Ahhhhhhhh!!!

[REVERSE ANGLE ON REAL SPACE: WHOOOSH! The fairy hover bikes zoom out. Fire streaks through the sky and into infinity. The Darkness opens again and Lead Eliminator exits with his minions. LE stops as he sees the flickering trail of Timmy's escape.]

  • The Darkness: (whispery) Get Timmy Turner.
  • Eliminator Leader: Why? So you can keep him close to your heart and expose your one weakness?
  • The Darkness: Do not question your creator.
  • Eliminator Leader: The Chosen One is not to be played with. He is to be eliminated or he will destroy us all. And if you won't destroy him, I will.
  • The Darkness: Return to me now. Do as I say. (tries to suck Eliminator Leader as the wind starts whipping)
  • Eliminator Leader: You are being foolish. I will not return! You cannot make me! (forms mega blasters on his arms and blasts at the Darkness. The black hole <SCREECHES AND REACTS TO THE PAIN) Timmy Turner must be eliminated!

[Suddenly a PLASMA BLAST shoots out of the Darkness and The Lead Eliminator is blasted into A MILLION PIECES! They sparkle and float off into space. ON: Eliminator's #1 and #2.]

  • The Darkness: Timmy Turner is not to be Eliminated.
  • Eliminator #1: No, no - we're cool.
  • Eliminator #2: Totally clear.
  • The Darkness: Search every planet in the galaxy and find Timmy Turner. (opens up wider and releases dozens of ELIMINATORS)
  • Eliminators: (soars out from the it by scattering into space and chants) Find Timmy Turner. Find Timmy Turner. Find Timmy Turner...

[EXT. TURNER HOUSE - DAY Timmy and his fairies arrive through a portal. Timmy hops off. Everyone's faces are stretched from the warp speed.]

  • Timmy: I wish our faces were normal. (POOF! Everyone is normal. Timmy remains surprisingly calm.) So. I never destroyed the Darkness. I was inside it living a fantasy.
  • Wanda: Yep.
  • Timmy: And now that I'm out it's probably going to come back to get me.
  • Cosmo: I'd put money on that. (to Wanda) Can I borrow some money?
  • Timmy: And we're off to the Timmy cave, where my army is assembled and ready to battle the Darkness.
  • Jorgen: Shpingo! (pulls on the mailbox and they fall into a steep slide)

[INT. TIMMY CAVE - SAME The rest of Timmy's pals are there manning the WAR ROOM: CHESTER, AJ, TRIXIE, DARK LASER, VICKY, MARK, MOM, DAD and Crocker.]

  • All: Welcome back Timmy!
  • Chester: Thanks for saving us dude.
  • Dark Laser: We stand beside you in your quest to defeat the Darkness. Isn't that right Flipsie? (FLIPS - then laughs) WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?
  • Trixie: (arrives on her UNICORN) Timmy! I knew we'd be together again...

[Timmy puckers up and leans in for a kiss]

  • Mr. Turner: (offscreen) Timmy! (picks him up and takes the kiss)
  • Mrs. Turner: There's nothing wrong with giving your dad a man smooch, and we're glad to see you're safe, Chosen Son! (hugs and holds Timmy)
  • Timmy: Mom, If you could gimme a second... (gets out of the hug and goes to kiss Trixie, but Mark steps in) SMOOCH!
  • Mark: Nice man-smooch, but dude we have a lot of work to do - like you must help me get my planet back!
  • Jorgen: And help us free Fairy World from the Eliminators and oh, yeah, stop the Darkness!
  • Timmy: And that's what we're gonna do. Together. AJ, status report.
  • A.J.: (looks at a MONITOR OF SPACE) No sign of the Darkness in our galaxy yet. Just a harmless meteor shower.

[ON THE MONITOR: we see a METEOR SHOWER heading toward Earth.]

  • Timmy: Good. This will give us time to prepare, because nothing is going to stop us from stopping the Darkness.

[EXT. DIMMSDALE Lake - SAME LE is the meteor shower and the flaming meteor parts land in the water. They FIZZLE and release steam. The water bubbles and bubbles, and then LE rises from the water. He cracks his neck and walks toward the camera.]

Part 2[]

[The scene fades into FAIRY WORLD - DAY BARBED WIRE surrounds the area, and all the color has been removed from it. ELIMINATORS guards the area. CLOSE ON THE WHITE WAND GUITAR being held by the TIMMY STATUE. It's now gray and war-torn. PAN OVER to see FAIRIES, dressed in drab black and white striped outfits as they push the steering.]

  • All Fairies: (chants) Oh-wee-oh - yoh-oh....


  • Cupid: Boy this song is really depressing!
  • Binky: Everything's depressing since the Eliminators took over and shredded our wands.

[ON: Eliminators. They collect the last of the wands.]

  • Juandissmo: Yes, but there is one good thing to come out of all of this.
  • Cupid: That nothing can crush our fairy spirit?
  • Juandissmo: No. The fact that this poly-cotton blend cannot conceal my hotness. (his striped shirt rips open)

[EXT. HAWAII - SAME Two scanners lie discarded in the sand. PAN TO: Eliminator #1 and #2 sunning themselves under a palm tree sipping DRINKS.]

  • Eliminator #1: We have not located the Chosen One on Earth yet -
  • Eliminator #2: But we are looking hard.

[INT. TIMMY CAVE - SAME Timmy marches through the war room like a leader.]

  • Timmy: (marches) Okay, as Chosen One I'm open to all ideas on how to stop the Darkness. But first... (zips next to Trixie on her unicorn. Timmy closes his eyes and goes in for a kiss, but the unicorn lifts its head and Timmy kisses the unicorn) Okay. I'm gonna put getting that kiss on hold for a while. Now, we have to focus, get tough and get on our battle cry.
  • Everyone: (offscreen) Goochy-goochy-gooo..
  • Timmy: Not the best cry guys.

[ON: the gang. They are all watching Poof smile. He's in a CRIB looking up and smiling.]

  • Wanda: Oh, Timmy, Poof just woke up from his nap smiling.
  • Mr. Crocker: Ah, Is there anything more joyous than the sweet semi-circle located right below a child's nose.
  • Vicky: If I was baby sitting that kid, I would never sic flesh eating wolverines on it.
  • Timmy: Guys, we have to defeat the large spinning portal of death.
  • Jorgen: ONE MORE MINUTE!

[They turn and <AWWWWW.>]

  • Dark Laser:: That kid's smile is even cuter than Flipsie! (Flipsie flips) He is too. Look at that smile!

[AJ jumps in the COMMAND CHAIR. We see the locations of the first two wands. A Timmy Statue holds the first white wand, and the second wand stands lonely on the Blue Moon of Vegon.]

  • A.J.: Okay if you recall, the white wand blasted the Darkness with white fire but it came back, and the second wand just puffed a big wind and did nothing...
  • Timmy: And... That's all we got. (SLAPS his head) Then, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BEAT THE DARKNESS?!
  • Wanda: Easy Timmy because this time we're going to stay right by your side...
  • Cosmo: ...so you always have magic with you to help stop the Darkness!

[Cosmo, Wanda and Poof poof on Timmy as his pink Wanda HAT (only bigger), a Cosmo BACKPACK and a Poof PINWHEEL. Suddenly CRASH! Lead Eliminator drops into the Timmy cave.]

  • Eliminator Leader:: But it is I who will destroy the Darkness after I finally destroy you and your pathetic army, Timmy Turner.
  • Jorgen: Think again, Jerkinator! (raises his wand)
  • Timmy: (bummed) No, Jorgen don't because....

[Lead Eliminator uses his vortex mouth and sucks up the wand.]

  • Timmy: (bummed) ...they capture any weapon used against them...

[Suddenly the Lead Eliminator's hands transform into wands.]

  • Timmy: And use it against us.
  • Jorgen: Even with your new power, I am not afraid of you. (LE poofs a giant ICBM MISSILE onto Jorgen's back) Okay, maybe a little afraid. (blasts off and is gone)
  • Mr. Crocker: Oh this is bad 'cuz he's bad and now he has fairy powers, and this is not going to end well.

[Lead Eliminator magic blasts most of Timmy's army: Mom, Dad, Vicky, Crocker, DL, Chester, AJ, and Trixie are gone.]

  • All: GAH!
  • Eliminator Leader:: (turns to Timmy) Your army is eliminated. That just leaves you and the Darkness on my "things to Eliminate" list. (points the wand at Timmy, Cosmo and Wanda)
  • Timmy: I wish I was outta here!

[POOF! Timmy's gone!]

  • Eliminator Leader:: Man that kid's hard to destroy! (looks at wand hands) But, let's see what else these babies can do.

[EXT. TURNER HOUSE - SAME CRASH! LE blasts from the mailbox hole and lands with a SLAM on the ground. His arms transform into METAL DETECTORS that BEEP.]

  • Eliminator Leader:: Destroy Timmy Turner. (stomps down the road following the signal from his hands)

[INT. DIMMSDALE MALL - SAME Poof! Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof arrive at the mall. (They are still in disguise mode).]

  • Timmy: We're at the mall?
  • Cosmo: Well, you didn't say where you wanted go, and who doesn't love the mall? There's slacks, snacks, the TV Shack.

[In the window of "TV SHACK," we see footage of the Lead Eliminator walking through town, destroying it and blasting cars out of the way.]

  • Chet Ubetcha: This is Chet U. Bethca saying a magic alien space robot is attacking Dimmsdale! And even though the world is in a panic...

[QUICK CUT TO: Shot of PEOPLE screaming in a panic. Chyron reads:"World in a panic!"

  • People: Ahhhh! We're in a panic!


  • Chet Ubetcha: ...the Military Extraterrestrial Research facility assures us it's nothing to worry about.

[CUT TO - Talking heads of MERF AGENTS #1 AND #2.]

  • Agent 1: There's nothing to be worried about. The robot is just a...
  • Agent 2: ...street sweeper.

[Behind them PEOPLE <RUN AND SCREAM!> LE walks through frame. Blasting cars away.]

  • Agent 1: Ooh, good one.
  • Agent 2: Yes it's a new "hi-tech" street sweeper - But MERF is quickly assembling a task force to come up with better lies. Bye.

[They dash out of frame. BACK ON: Chet.]

  • Chet Ubetcha: Well whatever that thing is... this is Chet Ubetcha saying if you're near the mall, get ready to be street sweeped to your doom!

[BACK ON - Timmy with a nervous look on his face.]

  • Timmy: Did he say - mall?

[The mall disappears leaving Timmy feeling exposed. The Lead Eliminator lands. LE holds out his metal detector arms. They <beep super fast> - he's found his target.]

  • Eliminator Leader:: Guess who wished up a Timmy Turner Tracker? I love having magic. (His Timmy Trackers transform back into hands)
  • Timmy: Yeah, but I defeated you once before and I'll defeat you again with my mighty Chosen One hand shake of death! (jumps up and shakes his hand. Nothing. He shakes again.) I'm shaking your hand. It's the hand shake of death. And you're not exploding. WHY NO YOU GO BOOM?!

[The Eliminator flings Timmy off - <SPLAT!> Timmy lands hard on the ground knocking off Cosmo, Wanda and Poof who transform into their normal selves when they hit the floor.]

  • Eliminator Leader:: That may have worked when I was controlled by the Darkness, but now I control myself. With even more awesome power! (LE's hands transform into wands and aims them at Timmy)
  • Cosmo: That's it! You hurt my baby, my wife and my god-child and most importantly me! You have awakened a giant, my friend! So face my awesome powers! (poofs into a 20 FT BRIGHT GREEN GODZILLA) I can wish myself into Cos-zilla! Or... taste the destructive might of the mighty Cosmo-Bot! (smashes down the Lead Eliminator. He's crushed like a

tin can, except for the two wand hands sticking up)

  • Wanda: Is it me, or is that kinda hot?
  • Cosmo: And two wands? That's nothing! The mighty Cosmo-bot can wish up a million wands! (poofs many wands as he is covered in wands) And you make one mall disappear. Ha! I can make a million wands disappear.

[All the wands are gone. Cosmo shrinks back to normal, next to Wanda. Wanda's wand is gone too.]

  • Cosmo: Wow, that could be my biggest screw up ever.
  • Wanda: (SMASHES COSMO> like a tin can) WE DON'T HAVE ANY MAGIC!

[POOF! The Lead Eliminator rises again from his crushed state.]

  • Timmy: Man, I hate being the Chosen One.
  • Eliminator Leader:: I know I've said this before, and frankly I'm getting tired of saying it but - finally - I will eliminate the Chosen One. (His wands glow strong, but gets blasted

Backward and crashes into a building) Unbelievable.

[Timmy looks behind him. DOWN THE ROAD stands MERF with a complete MOBILE ARMY arsenal behind them (tons of Rockets, Mobile Missile Trucks, Tanks, etc.).]

  • Agent 2: (talks into a megaphone) Okay Alien street sweeper thing. Taste the destructive might of MERF!
  • Agent 1: Ready, Aim...
  • Timmy: (runs in) Stop!
  • Agent 2: (angry) Well, well if it isn't Timmy Turner. (not angry) Okay, now stand back. We have to destroy this thing.

[Lead Eliminator shakes off the rubble and rises.]

  • Timmy: But if you blast him, he'll just absorb the weapons and use them against you!
  • Agent 1: You're saying that thing is a sentient being that converts any negative stimuli it encounters into its own destructive conscription?
  • Timmy: Um, yes?
  • Agent 2: What do you know? You're just a stupid kid. We're totally cool top secret agents with a totally cool Escape Probe in case this goes horribly wrong. (holds up the KEYS to the Escape Probe. The ESCAPE PROBE is next to them)
  • Agent 1: But it won't 'cuz we're gonna launch every weapon, missile and kitchen sink we've built since 1952 and blast it back to wherever it came from.


  • Agent 2: We call it "Operation: Blow that thing up." It's gonna be awesome. (starts eating POPCORN)
  • Timmy: I'm telling you, you can't fire.
  • Agent 1: Fire!

[Agent #1 presses a BUTTON and the bombs and missiles fly at the Lead Eliminator. It's a blitz! Lead Eliminator opens his mouth wide and sucks in all the weapons. LE begins to shake. Electric sparks fly inside LE.]

  • Agent 1: Okay, here comes the blowy-uppy part.

[Then LE begins to morph and grow into a gigantic DESTRUCTONATOR! Missile legs, truck parts for arms and tanks for feet, etc. Agent #1 and #2 look up. Agent #2 drops his popcorn.]

  • Agent 2: Huh. The kid was right.
  • Agent 1: We should probably get to the Escape Probe - and where are the keys?

[They turn and Timmy is already inside the MERF escape probe. Timmy smiles and waves. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof are in it. Agents #1 and #2 bang on the glass.]

  • Agent 2: No fair! No fair!

[INT. MERF ESCAPE PROBE - COCKPIT - SAME Timmy's in the pilot seat.]

  • Wanda: Timmy what are you doing?

[ON: the Giant Eliminator. His hands transform into the Timmy Trackers. They BEEP and he turns. LE POV - Timmy is located in its Terminator-like eyesight.]

  • Destructinator Turner... (starts taking giant loud steps toward the escape probe)
  • Timmy: I call this "Operation: Save Our Butts!" (hits a LAUNCH BUTTON and zooms away, right between LE's legs
  • Destructinator: (turns) HA! The Chosen One has fled your world allowing it to become MY WORLD! (forms his wand hands, holds them up then shoves them into the ground)

[Suddenly, the ground starts turning metallic and robotic. It spreads out in a circle. The street and trees become shiny metal.]

  • Agent 1: Okay, time for "Operation: Run!"

[All the agents and soldiers run, but the metal virus catches them and turns them into robots too.]

  • Robo-Agent 2: We are at your command, oh great street sweeper of doom.
  • Destructinator: Call me the DESTRUCTINATOR!

[EXT. TIMMY'S HOUSE - SAME The metal virus sweeps down Timmy's street. AT HAWAII - SAME Eliminators #1 and #2 are still relaxing on the beach, but a giant metal wave is coming toward them.]

  • Eliminator #1: I hear Fairyworld is nice this time o' year.
  • Eliminator #2: Let's go.

[They take off and the metal wave splashes down. The beach is metal. SPLAT! Finally, Jorgen lands from his rocket excursion just missing the metal wave so he's not turned into a robot.]

  • Jorgen: That is what I call heavy metal. And where are you, Chosen One?

[The camera zooms out to space as the metal virus finishes covering the Earth, turning into a giant metal planet with Destructinator's face appearing on the planet and the scene fades out.]

Part 3[]

(Back with Timmy and the others)

Cosmo: -AAH! The Earth has been turned into metal with an Evil Face on it!

Wanda: And there's no magic left in the universe to stop him or the Darkness.

(Poof start cry, but Timmy huge him and he feel better)

Timmy: Don't worry, guys. We're still together, and there is still magic left in the universe.

Wanda: You mean the magic of a child's smile?

Timmy: Eh, no. I mean the magic of the wand on the Blue Moon of Vegon, which is just sitting there waiting for us to use it. Now, hang on.

(WHOOSH! The M.E.R.F. probe shoots across space and warps into a LIGHT SPEED PORTAL)

(At Blue Moon)

(They went too fast and they bump the wand and crashed)

Cosmo: Great Landing! Let's doing again!

Wanda: Okay, Chosen One, what the operation called this time?

Timmy: I call it Operation grab this wand, and figure out how it works, then drag it back to Earth, use it's magic to crush the Destructinator and then blast Darkness with it.

Cosmo: Good Plan!

???: Except it won't work.

All: Turbo Thunder?!

Cosmo: Wow, you really let yourself go.

Turbo Thunder: Yes, it is I, Turbo Thunder. Registered Trademark and original Chosen One. Thunderwear sold separately. And if you want to know how that wand works, we must work together.

Timmy: Well Forget it. You had your chance and you left me on Thunder World to get sucked up by the Darkness! So stand back - I'm taking this peppy meal to go!

(Timmy grabs the shaft of the wand and pulls - <HUMPH!)

Timmy: Peppy meal's not budging!

Turbo Thunder: It's not suppose to budge. It suppose to light our way.

Wanda: How did you know?

Turbo Thunder: Because after the Rock Guardian flick me over like a chosen booger. I realize how alone in the universe I was.

(Then his suit cracked and breaks into pieces, and then he cries and two tears land on a little rock)

Turbo Thunder: Then I've made a friend. Literary, I've made it. The I made a rock Lunch, which didn't really work out. But it was Rocky's smile that comforted my lonely nights here and made me understand what's important in life... Honor... Humility, and the most important thing of all.

Wanda: How the wand works?

Turbo Thunder: No, Lunch. Do you have anything to eat that's not Rock-Based?

Timmy: Show us how the wand works?

(He grabs Timmy, walks away from the wand and places him on two ""T"s" in front of the wand Suddenly the moon starts to turn, and the glowing beginnings of a sunrise appear on the rocky horizon. ON TIMMY: he stands next to Turbo Thunder. TT puts a hand on Timmy's shoulder as a yellow glow comes over Timmy. REVERSE ON: the crater lowers into an Oz type wonderland with fairy wand fields, LUSH FORESTS, VINES and a TRAINING DOME. Birds fly and streams gurgle. It's paradise.)

Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and Turbo Thunder: (Gasp)

Part 4[]

[EXT. METAL-EARTH - SAME The Destructonator holds Jorgen like a rag doll and plucks off his wings.]

DESTRUCTONATOR: The Fairy flies...the fairy flies not. (drops the unwinged Jorgen and lands on the metal ground)

JORGEN: What are you going to do to me now? Turn me into a robot?

[Suddenly the METAL around Jorgen morphs and forms into a CHAIR that locks him in with BRACKETS.]

DESTRUCTONATOR: No. I'm going to give you a front row seat as the Earth and the Chosen One are swallowed into the heart of the Darkness and then kabloey! No more Darkness and no more Chosen One.

[ROBOT-AGENTS #1 and #2 arrive. The last MOBILE ICBM TRUCK drives into the Earth hole. It crashes into other trucks piled up out of it. The Earth is filled with missile trucks.]

ROBO-AGENT #2: Earth is ready for detonation.

ROBO-AGENT #1: Here is your detonator, Destructonator. (gives the Destructonator the DETONATOR.)

ROBO-AGENT #2: Hey that rhymes - cool.

JORGEN: Yeah, but your plan has one small problem - the Darkness is not here!

[Suddenly, The Darkness appears on the horizon.]

JORGEN: Okay, but you are still without the Chosen One!

TIMMY: (arrives in his thunder suit) Hey Jorgen.

JORGEN: (turns to the Destructonator) Hey, what do you say we just go with the turning me into a robot thing?

DESTRUCTONATOR: Timmy Turner, I've been waiting for you! And so has the Darkness.

[EXT. SPACE - SAME The Darkness speaks.]

DARKNESS: Timmy Turner...

[Back on Jorgen - trapped in the chair.]

JORGEN: Turner! The Earth is filled with explosives, and he's going to use the planet to destroy the Darkness! Which I'm totally on board with, but the part I hate is that I'm strapped to this chair heading toward my own destruction.

TIMMY: The only thing getting destroyed today is you, Destructonator.

[Suddenly the METAL GROUND around Timmy GROWS ARMS and captures him. He's immobile and sits next to Jorgen.]

DESTRUCTONATOR: Think again - Chosen One.

JORGEN: Eh, I think you might have walked into a trap.

DESTRUCTONATOR: Now you both have front row seats to your doom.

TIMMY: Oh, don't worry. I can stop this.

DESTRUCTONATOR: Oh yeah, you and what army?

[Suddenly BLAST! A laser hits the ground and the metal begins to peel away! We see the green grass of Dimmsdale again. The Destructonator looks up. CIRCLING THE EARTH (like a ring of Saturn), the fairies blast magic down to Earth. ON THE FAIRIES: Cupid, Juandissimo and Binky are among them.]

CUPID: Blast it loud and proud, fairies! (To Juandissimo) And don't rip off that shirt.

JUANDISSIMO: You mean like this?! RRRRRRIP!

[ON THE EARTH - More Metal goes away, and Timmy and Jorgen's chairs go too. They are free! BOOM! The Destructonator lands next to Timmy.]

DESTRUCTONATOR: You are forgetting, Chosen One, that I have the power of magic too! (holds up his wand hands)

TIMMY: Yeah, but do you have Thunder Pits? (raises his hands. He forms TWO ENERGY BALLS).

JORGEN: Don't take this the wrong way, Turner, but I love you.

TIMMY: (looks up at the Destructonator) Y'know for a guy who was supposed to eliminate me, you stink.

DESTRUCTONATOR: I will eliminate you, Chosen One.

TIMMY: Well then, you have to catch me first.

[ROCKETS pop out of Timmy's Turbo Suit, and he takes off. The Destructonator shoots ROCKETS out of his feet and chases Timmy off into space. EXT. SPACE - SAME Turbo Thunder floats with the fairies. In the distance, we see the fiery streaks of Timmy and the Destructonator.]

TURBO THUNDER: The plan is working. Timmy has led the Destructonator off the planet.

WANDA: Now to find the final wand in the ice!

COSMO: Fairies! Dive!

[QUICK: ICE SEARCH MONTAGE - A HOCKEY GAME is playing. Wanda poofs over it. She waves her wand and POOF! The ice disappears.]

FANS/PLAYERS: Awwwwwwww.

WANDA: It's not at the ice hockey game!

[IN ICELAND - Juandissimo poofs away the ice, the country is now green. NATIVE ICELANDERS are stunned.

JUANDISSIMO: It's not in Iceland! (to the natives) And I don't know if you want to call it Iceland anymore. (rips off his shirt)


COSMO: It's not at the Ice Crem Sammich factory, but I'll keep looking.

[CITY STREET - Wanda reports.]

WANDA: Vanilla Ice doesn't have it.

Pull wide to see VANILLA ICE in coveralls holding an INDUSTRIAL CARPET CLEANER. We see his van with "N'Ice N'Ice Carpets" written on the side.

WANDA: Sooo, you run your own carpet cleaning business now. Cool.

[EXT. OUTER SPACE - SAME The Destructonator still chases Timmy.]

TIMMY: (to camera) Flying is fun. (back to Destructonator) And you can't catch me!

[Suddenly the Destructonator holds out his wand hands and poof he's gone. Then in front of Timmy he appears. Timmy stops.]

TIMMY: Heh, whadya know. You can catch me. Thunder Pits Activate! (blasts Thunder Pits)

DESTRUCTONATOR: ( opens his mouth and swallows the thunder balls) And whaddya know? Now I have thunder pits! (forms Thunder Pits and shoots at Timmy)

TIMMY: Oh, I shouldn't have done that.

[KAPOW! Timmy is nailed and sent back hurtling toward Earth. EXT. THE NORTH POLE - SAME <AHHHHH!> CRASH. Timmy lands on the ice hard. He's hurt. Boom! The Destructonator arrives.]

DESTRUCTONATOR: I cannot be stopped Chosen One. Thanks to you I have magic, I have Thunder Pits and I have all the power in the universe.

TIMMY: Not all the power. What about all the weapons you've stuffed in the Earth? You don't have those.

[The Destructonator poofs a hole in the ground and sucks up all the missiles. He begins to grow even larger, with missiles forming all over his body. He's now 100 FT TALL.]

DESTRUCTONATOR: And now I do. (aims them at Timmy) And now at last you will be eliminated. Any last words?

TIMMY: Yeah... (holds out the DETONATOR) You forgot to suck up the Detonator.

[The Destructonator's eyes go wide. Timmy presses the BUTTON. ZOOM IN ON: the Destructonator's doomed face. CUT TO OUTER SPACE - KABOOM! A big explosion is seen at the top of Earth. The fairies watch.]


[BACK AT THE NORTH POLE: All the ice is gone except a small chunk sticking out of the water, where Timmy lies, lifeless, as flaming pieces of the Destructonator land and float in the water. CLOSE ON: Timmy. He finally rolls over.

Timmy: Phew. One down, one to go.

Polar Bear: I have been waiting for you.

Timmy: A talking Polar Bear? You must be the Guardian of the Ice Wand. What do I have to do to prove I'm the chosen one?

Polar Bear: Are you the Chosen One?

Timmy: Yep.

Polar Bear: Oh, works for me, beaver boy. (clears throat) "From outer moons to distant suns, the Ice Wands grows for the Chosen One."

(Than Ice Wand just appear and Others just comes in)

Wanda: Timmy, you're okay.

Jorgen: And you guys found the final wand, which is really big, like my ears. I just heard a fly break wind in Africa.

(Jorgen now had small ears)

Turbo Thunder: Quick, Timmy, clap twice so the Ice Wand, can join the wands of fire and wind. and Destroy the Darkness.

Timmy: No.

Everyone: Uh?

Jorgen: "No!?" What do you mean "no"? You heard Turbo Thunder, unite the wands and truly, it'll be fun.

Timmy: But it's not attacking. Jorgen, in ancient times, did The Darkness ever attack Fairy World, or fairies so scared when they saw it, they'd panicked and attacked first?

Jorgen: Come on. That is crazy talk about something that happened a long time ago. But, yes, that's pretty much how it went down.

Timmy: And Turbo Thunder, what did The darkness do to Wonder World when it Arrived?

Turbo Thunder: Well, It was really scary-- And big. Yeah, it was really scary and big-- Real big-- Uh... Did I say it was scary?

Timmy: And?

Turbo Thunder: We panicked and blasted it with wonder rockets.

Wanda: But what about the prophecy? It's said you suppose to unite the wands and blast the magic into the Darkness.

Timmy: We are gonna unite the wands and blast the magic into The Darkness. We just have to add some extra wands and a little Poof magic.

Everyone: Aw...

Timmy: I wish there were Ice Wands on all the Planets in the Solar System.

(All the Fairies put The Ice Wands in the Solar system)

Cupid: Saturn wand, lovely by set!

Jorgen: Okay. The Planets are all Wanded up. So, what is your plan?!

Timmy: No rockets, or bombs, or anything vile, but to light the Darkness with a big celestial smile! (Does a Thunder Clap) I wish we were all back in Dimmsdale.

(All the wands come together to light the Darkness)

(Back on Earth)

Cosmo: Look! The Darkness is not so dark anymore its... The Yellowness!

Wanda: Now wonder the Darkness was always after you, Timmy. You were the only one who has blasted anything nice into it.

Jorgen: You did it, Turner! You've turned The Darkness into The Kindness!

Cupid: Yeah and WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!!?

(Then a object crashed and out came the Eliminator)

Wanda: It's the Eliminator!

Eliminator: Must-- Hug Timmy Turner!

(He give him a hug)

Cosmo: Nope. It's the Hug-inator.

Huginator: I have something else for you.

(The he gets A.J and Chester out of the vortex mouth)

A.J.: Timmy, you saved us.

Chester: Dude, you totally rock.

Dark Laser: Man, it was dark in there. And I'm Dark Laser.

Mark: Turner! You did it! Do not take this the wrong way, but-- I love You! How about now? Want to make out now?

(Vicky hits him, again)

Wanda: Okay, is that it?

(Then Trixie gets out)

Timmy: Trixie!

Trixie: Timmy!

(As he runs to kiss Trixie, his dad gets in front of him)

Mr. Turner: You save us! Oh-Oh-Oh! And excellent Man-smooch, Chosen Son.

Mrs. Turner: Hey! How about a Mom-smooch?

Wanda: Okay, that's got to be it.

(Then, Mark's parents came out)

Mark: Mother! Father!

King Gripullon Chang: Give us a squid-smooch, son.

Timmy: Turbo Thunder, are you okay?

Turbo Thunder: Oh, Timmy, I just wish I could once again Turbo-smooch-- my Parents?

(Then his parents came out as well)

Turbo Thunder: Mommy? Dad!

Both: Pippy!

Turbo's Dad: It's great to be a family again.

Wanda: Now we have everybody.

Timmy: The Darkness was never looking for trouble in the universe, it was just looking for friends!

Kindness: Friends!

Wanda: And Finally, the Universe is safe again.

(FLOWERS rain down out of the Darkness onto Earth. Suddenly we hear a big CRASH - two giant feet land)

Timmy: What are you guys doing here?

Timmy turns to see all the Wand Guardians together. The Huge Vegon Rock Beast, the talking polar bear, Kiss and Elders!

the Elders: We should, like, party.

(At Fairy World, the throw a biggest Party ever)

Jorgen: Here is to the Best chosen one ever!

Timmy: And Finally, the best kiss ever.

Jorgen: You do realize, after this Party, I'm erasing everyone's memory, and you'll go to being The Not-Chosen, Buck-Toothed Loser boy. Oh, and that was the best kiss ever.

Timmy: Yeah, that figures. But at least I don't have find any more Wands.

(At The cave of destiny)

(Burned in the wall of the cave is THE FINAL PROPHECY - it flames then settles into black writing. A picture of the chosen one with his arms out and the smiling Darkness above him. Then we pan over as the music gets ominous to a new drawing. It's the Destructonator - he's coming back! pull wide to see Cosmo with the chalk)

Cosmo: Just kidding. Ahh! Brain Freeze!

(Then Piles of Rocks land on Cosmo)
