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Fitxategi:Teodor Teodorov.jpg

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Teodor_Teodorov.jpg ((257 × 259 pixel, fitxategiaren tamaina: 8 KB, MIME mota: image/jpeg))

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Български: Теодор Теодоров, български политик
Deutsch: Teodor Teodorow, bulgarischer Politiker und Ministerpräsident.
English: Teodor Teodorov, Bulgarian politician
Jatorria transfer from the bulgarian wikipedia, originally from
Egilea originally uploaded by Emil
(Fitxategi hau berrerabiltzen)
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Beste bertsioak bulgarian wikipedia

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oraingoa13:03, 20 otsaila 201013:03, 20 otsaila 2010 bertsioaren iruditxoa257 × 259 (8 KB)Vammpi{{Information |Description= {{bg|Теодор Теодоров, български политик}} {{de|Teodor Teodorow, bulgarischer Politiker und Ministerpräsident.}} {{en|[[:en:Teodor Teod

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