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Archivo:Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue.jpg

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Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue, Jerusalem. c.1940.

Historically significant This is a photo of a famous destroyed building and therefore no opportunity now exists to create a free-license variant of this image
Fecha hacia 1940
date QS:P,+1940-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
Fuente Jerusalem Municipality Archives (through the English Wikipedia)
Autor DesconocidoUnknown author
(Reutilización de este archivo)
Public domain
This work or image is now in the public domain because its term of copyright has expired in Israel (details). According to Israel's copyright statute from 2007 (translation), a work is released to the public domain on 1 January of the 71st year after the author's death (paragraph 38 of the 2007 statute) with the following exceptions:
  • A photograph taken on 24 May 2008 or earlier — the old British Mandate act applies, i.e. on 1 January of the 51st year after the creation of the photograph (paragraph 78(i) of the 2007 statute, and paragraph 21 of the old British Mandate act).
  • If the copyrights are owned by the State, not acquired from a private person, and there is no special agreement between the State and the author — on 1 January of the 51st year after the creation of the work (paragraphs 36 and 42 in the 2007 statute).
Véase también la categoría: PD Israel & British Mandate.

También debes incluir una etiqueta de dominio público de los Estados Unidos para indicar por qué esta obra está en el dominio público en los Estados Unidos.

Historial del archivo

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Fecha y horaMiniaturaDimensionesUsuarioComentario
actual07:30 29 jun 2009Miniatura de la versión del 07:30 29 jun 20092110 × 1354 (667 kB)FLLL{{Information |Description= Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue, Jerusalem. c.1940. '''Historically significant''' This is a photo of a famous destroyed building and therefore no opportunity now exists to create a free-license variant of this image |Source= Jerusal

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