Anexo:Doctores honoris causa por el Bates College
(Redirigido desde «Anexo:Doctores honorarios de Bates College»)
Desde 1944, se han otorgado doctorados honorarios en el Bates College.[1]
Año Doctor Doctorado 2015 Mark Barry Abelson Doctor of Science 2015 Manjul Bhargava Doctor of Science 2015 Thomas F. Moser Doctor of Humane Letters 2015 Joan Benoit Samuelson Doctor of Humane Letters 2014 John Seely Brown Doctor of Science 2014 Glenn Close Doctor of Fine Arts 2014 David Evans Shaw Doctor of Humane Letters 2014 Isabel Alexis Wilkerson Doctor of Letters 2013 William Cronon Doctor of Letters 2013 Elaine Tuttle Hansen Doctor of Letters 2013 Vivian W. Pinn Doctor of Science 2013 Gary Hirshberg Doctor of Humane Letters 2012 Gwen Ifill Doctor of Letters 2012 Bonnie Bassler Doctor of Science 2012 Robert De Niro Doctor of Fine Arts 2011 Frank Glazer Doctor of Fine Arts 2011 Evelynn Hammonds Doctor of Humane Letters 2011 Robert Langer Doctor of Science 2010 Rennie Harris Doctor of Fine Arts 2010 James J. McCarthy Doctor of Science 2010 Jane Pauley Doctor of Humane Letters 2010 Elizabeth Strout Doctor of Letters 2010 Teresa K. Woodruff Doctor of Science 2009 Geena Davis Doctor of Fine Arts 2009 Robert M. Franklin Jr. Doctor of Humane Letters 2009 Mimi A.R. Koehl Doctor of Science 2009 Ralph T. Perry Doctor of Humane Letters 2009 Fareed Zakaria Doctor of Humane Letters 2008 Susan Berresford Doctor of Humane Letters 2008 Philip A. Sharp Doctor of Science 2008 Warren M. Washington Doctor of Science 2008 Pauline Yu Doctor of Letters 2007 Eric Carle Doctor of Letters 2007 Corey Harris Doctor of Music 2007 Dean Kamen Doctor of Science 2007 Anna Devere Smith Doctor of Fine Arts 2006 David McCullough Doctor of Humane Letters 2006 Marjorie Garber Doctor of Humane Letters 2006 David Ho Doctor of Science 2006 Mark Morris Doctor of Fine Arts 2005 Thomas Jefferson Anderson, Jr. Doctor of Music 2005 Lynn Margulis Doctor of Science 2005 Paul and Daisy Soros Doctor of Laws 2005 Brian Williams Doctor of Humane Letters 2004 Rita R. Colwell Doctor of Science 2004 David Levering Lewis Doctor of Humane Letters 2004 Milton L. Lindholm Doctor of Humane Letters 2004 John C. Whitehead Doctor of Laws 2003 Stephen L. Carter Doctor of Laws 2003 Donald W. Harward Doctor of Humane Letters 2003 Carol Bellamy Doctor of Humane Letters 2003 Eugene Braunwald Doctor of Science 2002 Steven Weinberg Doctor of Science 2002 Wendy Wasserstein Doctor of Fine Arts 2002 Ken Burns Doctor of Humane Letters 2002 M. Jocelyn Elders Doctor of Science 2001 Robert B. Reich Doctor of Laws 2001 Bruce M. Alberts Doctor of Science 2001 Mary Frances Berry Doctor of Laws 2001 James L. Moody, Jr. Doctor of Humane Letters 2001 Anna Quindlen Doctor of Humane Letters 2000 Desmond Tutu Doctor of Humane Letters 2000 Robert L. Berstein Doctor of Humane Letters 2000 Trisha Brown Doctor of Fine Arts 2000 Shirley Mahaley Malcolm Doctor of Science 2000 Beverly Daniel Tatum Doctor of Humane Letters 1999 Robert E. Dunn Doctor of Humane Letters 1999 Richard C. Holbrooke Doctor of Laws 1999 Leroy E. Hood Doctor of Science 1999 William Julius Wilson Doctor of Laws 1999 Julian Bond Doctor of Laws 1998 Doris Kearns Goodwin Doctor of Humane Letters 1998 Walter E. Massey Doctor of Science 1998 Daniel L. Schorr Doctor of Letters 1998 Olympia J. Snowe Doctor of Laws 1998 John Hoyer Updike Doctor of Letters 1997 Oscar Arias Doctor of Laws 1997 Derrick A. Bell Doctor of Laws 1997 Philip M. Isaacson Doctor of Humane Letters 1997 Kathleen Hall Jamieson Doctor of Letters 1997 Jane Lubchenco Doctor of Science 1997 Helen A. Papaioanou Doctor of Science 1996 Chinua Achebe Doctor of Letters 1996 Peter J. Gomes Doctor of Divinity 1996 Natalie Webber Gulbrandsen Doctor of Laws 1996 Edward 0. Wilson Doctor of Science 1996 Mstislav Rostropovich Doctor of Humane Letters 1995 Garry Wills Doctor of Humane Letters 1995 Robert E. McAfee Doctor of Science 1995 Byllye Y. Avery Doctor of Laws 1995 Elie Wiesel Doctor of Laws 1994 William H. Gray III Doctor of Laws 1994 Judith Magyar Isaacson Doctor of Laws 1994 Faye Wattleton Doctor of Humane Letters 1994 Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Doctor of Humane Letters 1994 Isabel Allende Doctor of Humane Letters 1993 James H. Billington Doctor of Humane Letters 1993 Anthony S. Fauci Doctor of Science 1993 Geneva A. Kirk Doctor of Laws 1993 Paule B. Marshall Doctor of Humane Letters 1993 Lester C. Thurow Doctor of Laws 1992 David S. Broder Doctor of Humane Letters 1992 Maria Irene Fornes Doctor of Letters 1992 John Hope Franklin Doctor of Humane Letters 1992 Helen Vendler Doctor of Letters 1991 Arthur C. Agnos Doctor of Laws 1991 Freeman John Dyson Doctor of Science 1991 Leon A. Gorman Doctor of Laws 1991 Donald Hall Doctor of Letters 1991 Dahlov Ipcar Doctor of Fine Arts 1991 Roger Tory Peterson Doctor of Science 1991 Bernice Johnson Reagon Doctor of Laws 1990 Arthur LeRoy Greason Doctor of Letters 1990 Gerard Vincent La Forest Doctor of Laws 1990 Thomas Hedley Reynolds Doctor of Humane Letters 1990 Nathan A. Scott, Jr. Doctor of Divinity 1990 Joan Argetsinger Steitz Doctor of Science 1990 Catharine R. Stimpson Doctor of Laws 1989 Howard Mayer Brown Doctor of Music 1989 Johnnetta Betsch Cole Doctor of Laws 1989 William S. Cohen Doctor of Laws 1989 Victor Almon McKusick Doctor of Science 1989 Marian McPartland Doctor of Music 1989 Paul A. Volcker Doctor of Laws 1988 Kazushige Hirasawa Doctor of Humane Letters 1988 John Andrew Kenney, Jr. Doctor of Science 1988 R. W. B. Lewis Doctor of Letters 1988 Thomas F. Malone Doctor of Science 1988 Marian Goddard Mullet Doctor of Laws 1988 Roswell B. Perkins Doctor of Laws 1988 Donald M. Stewart Doctor of Laws 1987 Zanvil A. Cohen Doctor of Science 1987 William R. Dill Doctor of Laws 1987 Stephen Jay Gould Doctor of Science 1987 Flora Lewis Doctor of Humane Letters 1987 Ellen Ash Peters Doctor of Laws 1987 Andrew Wyeth Doctor of Fine Arts 1986 Marian Wright Edelman Doctor of Laws 1986 Bryant C. Gumbel Doctor of Laws 1986 Seamus Heaney Doctor of Letters 1986 Max M. Kampelman Doctor of Laws 1986 Caroline Clendening Laise Doctor of Laws 1986 Donald F. McHenry Doctor of Humane Letters 1986 David Martyn Smith Doctor of Science 1985 Jimmy Carter Doctor of Laws 1985 Eleanor J. Gibson Doctor of Science 1985 E. Robert Kinney Doctor of Laws 1985 George Mitchell Doctor of Laws 1985 George Putnam Doctor of Laws 1985 Barbara Hendrick Sanford Doctor of Science 1985 Neil Welliver Doctor of Fine Arts 1984 Ernest L. Boyer Doctor of Humane Letters 1984 Alice Swanson Esty Doctor of Humane Letters 1984 Robert S. Fitzgerald Doctor of Letters 1984 Theodore S. Hauschka Doctor of Science 1984 Denise Levertov Doctor of Letters 1983 John Wesley Chandler Doctor of Humane Letters 1983 Julia Child Doctor of Fine Arts 1983 Martin Friedman Doctor of Humane Letters 1983 Bernard Lown Doctor of Laws 1983 Bodil Mimi Schmidt-Nielsen Doctor of Science 1983 William H. Sutherland Doctor of Laws 1983 Emily Dickinson Townsend Vermeule Doctor of Letters 1982 Lucy Wilson Benson Doctor of Humane Letters 1982 Charlayne Hunter-Gault Doctor of Humane Letters 1982 Adelbert Morrow Jakeman Doctor of Letters 1982 Geri M. Joseph Doctor of Laws 1982 George Davis Snell Doctor of Science 1982 James Tobin Doctor of Humane Letters 1981 Rudolf Amheim Doctor of Letters 1981 Warren Christopher Doctor of Humane Letters 1981 Kenneth M. Curtis Doctor of Laws 1981 Charles Merrill Doctor of Humane Letters 1981 Nancy Hays Teeters Doctor of Laws 1980 Betsy Ancker-Johnson Doctor of Laws 1980 John W. Blassingame Doctor of Humane Letters 1980 Clifford Geertz Doctor of Humane Letters 1980 Jean Gannett Hawley Doctor of Laws 1980 George Ignatius Lythcott Doctor of Laws 1980 Elliot L. Richardson Doctor of Humane Letters 1979 Isabel Bishop Doctor of Fine Arts 1979 Gerald Holton Doctor of Science 1979 Dorris A. Isaacson Master of Arts 1979 Amory Bloch Lovins Doctor of Science 1979 Vincent L. McKusick Doctor of Laws 1979 Robert B. MacNeil Doctor of Humane Letters 1978 Gwendolyn Brooks Doctor of Letters 1978 Jacques d’Amboise Doctor of Fine Arts 1978 Madeleine Richard Freeman Doctor of Laws 1978 Northrop Frye Doctor of Humane Letters 1978 Ian Lennox McHarg Doctor of Humane Letters 1978 John McPhee Doctor of Letters 1977 Berenice Abbott Doctor of Fine Arts 1977 Charlotte Curtis Doctor of Humane Letters 1977 Edward Thaxter Gignoux Doctor of Laws 1977 George Edgar Ladd, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1977 Isidor Isaac Rabi Doctor of Science 1977 Horton Guyford Stever Doctor of Laws 1976 Elma Ina Lewis Doctor of Fine Arts 1976 Paul Webster McAvoy Doctor of Laws 1976 May Sarton Doctor of Letters 1976 Mary Lou Williams Doctor of Fine Arts 1976 Robert Byron Williamson Doctor of Laws 1975 George Wildman Ball Doctor of Laws 1975 Daniel J. Boorstin Doctor of Humane Letters 1975 William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1975 Andrew Jackson Young, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1974 Thomas Allsopp Doctor of Laws 1974 Sarah Pillsbury Harkness Doctor of Fine Arts 1974 Paul Henry Lang Doctor of Music 1974 Gerard Piel Doctor of Letters 1973 Albert Craig Baird Doctor of Laws 1973 Evelyn Mae Copeland Doctor of Humane Letters 1973 Paul Abraham Freund Doctor of Letters 1973 George Simms Hammond Doctor of Science 1972 Claude LeRoy Allen, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1972 Sylvester Jefferson Carter Doctor of Science 1972 Robert Coles Doctor of Letters 1972 Charles Roy Keller Doctor of Laws 1972 Constance Ernestine Berry Newman Doctor of Laws 1971 William L. Parsons Doctor of Laws 1971 Coretta Scott King Doctor of Letters 1971 Alfred A. Knopf Doctor of Humane Letters 1971 Robert Hayden Kroepsch Doctor of Laws 1971 Nancy Grace Roman Doctor of Science 1971 Marc Redans Shedd Doctor of Laws 1970 Edwin Wentworth Adams Doctor of Laws 1970 Winthrop Charles Libby Doctor of Laws 1970 Russell Errol Train Doctor of Laws 1970 Ruth Marie Adams Doctor of Humane Letters 1970 King Virgil Cheek, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1970 John Ciardi Doctor of Letters 1970 Eli Goldston Doctor of Laws 1970 Archbishop Iakovos Doctor of Divinity 1969 Emery Harry Boothby Doctor of Laws 1969 Richard Buckminster Fuller Doctor of Science 1969 Stephen Morgan Etnier Doctor of Fine Arts 1969 Peter Fuller Doctor of Laws 1969 Pauline Frederick Robbins Doctor of Letters 1969 Alan Reed Sawyer Doctor of Fine Arts 1969 William Stringfellow Doctor of Humane Letters 1969 James Russell Wiggins Doctor of Laws 1968 Norman E. Ross Master of Arts 1968 Stewart L. Udall Doctor of Laws 1968 George Hathaway Ellis Doctor of Laws 1968 John Melvin Googin Doctor of Science 1968 Robert Edward Lee Strider I Doctor of Humane Letters 1968 Margaret Joy Tibbetts Doctor of Laws 1968 Nils Yngve Wessell Doctor of Laws 1967 James I. Armstrong Doctor of Humane Letters 1967 Francis Keppel Doctor of Laws 1967 Charles Anderson Dana Doctor of Humane Letters 1967 Owen Vincent Dodson Doctor of Letters 1967 Bernard MacDougall Loomer Doctor of Divinity 1967 Charles Franklin Phillips Doctor of Laws 1967 Margaret Chase Smith Doctor of Laws 1966 Samuel Matthews Graves Doctor of Humane Letters 1966 William Henry Hastie Doctor of Humane Letters 1966 Evelyn Minard Phillips Doctor of Humane Letters 1966 Priscilla Frew Pollister Doctor of Science 1966 William Howard Schuman Doctor of Laws 1965 Edward Russell Stanley Master of Arts 1965 Georgiana Farr Sibley Doctor of Humane Letters 1965 Charles Austin Schmutz Master of Arts 1965 Eugenio Mendoza Doctor of Laws 1965 Hudson Hoagland Doctor of Science 1965 John Burkhart Doctor of Humane Letters 1964 Richard Steele Buker Doctor of Humane Letters 1964 Grayson Louis Kirk Doctor of Laws 1964 Henry Wilson Littlefield Doctor of Laws 1964 Pierre Luboshutz Doctor of Music 1964 Perry Townsend Rathborne Doctor of Fine Arts 1964 Almus Morse Thorp Doctor of Humane Letters 1964 Minoru Yamasaki Doctor of Fine Arts 1964 Willaim Zorach Doctor of Fine Arts 1964 Marguerite Thompson Zorach Doctor of Fine Arts 1964 Genia Nemenoff-Luboshutz Doctor of Music 1963 Frank H. Bowles Doctor of Humane Letters 1963 Philip A. Hofer Doctor of Fine Arts 1963 Alfred C. Fuller Doctor of Laws 1963 Fred M. Hechinger Doctor of Laws 1963 Eugene F. O’Neill Doctor of Science 1963 William S. Paley Doctor of Laws 1963 Barbara W. Tuchman Doctor of Letters 1963 Marcolino Gomes Candau Doctor of Science 1963 Clifford N. Carver Doctor of Laws 1963 Margaret Hutchinson Compton Doctor of Humane Letters 1963 Arthur W. Easton Doctor of Science 1963 Russell H. Fifield Doctor of Laws 1963 James M. Nabrit, Jr. Doctor of Humane Letters 1962 Chester Scott Keefer Doctor of Science 1962 George Olmstead Jr. Doctor of Laws 1962 Helen Hill Stuber Doctor of Humane Letters 1962 Randolph Adams Wheaterbee Doctor of Laws 1962 Donald Wedgwood Webber Doctor of Humane Letters 1961 Alonzo Jesse Harriman Doctor of Fine Arts 1961 Kazushige Hirasawa Doctor of Letters 1961 Edith Mary Lerrigo Doctor of Humane Letters 1961 Edward Freeman Roberts Doctor of Science 1960 Charles Francis Adams Doctor of Laws 1960 Meredith Frederic Burrill Doctor of Science 1960 Sidney Wetmore Davidson Doctor of Humane Letters 1960 Frederick Dennis Hayes Doctor of Divinity 1960 Karl Lott Rankin Doctor of Laws 1960 Santha Rama Rau Bowers Doctor of Letters 1959 Frank Morey Coffin Doctor of Laws 1959 Sylvia Porter Collins Doctor of Letters 1959 Alan Hovhaness Doctor of Music 1959 Thayer Lindsley Doctor of Laws 1959 Henry Pitney van Dusen Doctor of Humane Letters 1958 Julius Seelye Bixler Doctor of Humane Letters 1958 Alfred Maximillian Gruenther Doctor of Laws 1958 Arthur Wagg Pollister Doctor of Science 1958 Miriam Van Waters Doctor of Humane Letters 1957 Samuel Brookner Gould Doctor of Laws 1957 Lay Wesley Henderson Doctor of Laws 1957 George Washington Lane, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1957 William Thon Doctor of Fine Arts 1957 Valentine Haining Wilson Doctor of Laws 1957 Anne Helen Martikainen Doctor of Science 1957 Milton David Proctor Doctor of Humane Letters 1957 Robert Burnham Watts Doctor of Laws 1957 Luis Munoz-Marin Doctor of Laws 1956 Dorothy Fosdick Doctor of Humane Letters 1956 Boris Goldovsky Doctor of Music 1956 George Magoffin Humphrey Doctor of Laws 1956 Harold Wellington Richardson Doctor of Humane Letters 1956 Hazel Hutchins Wilson Master of Arts 1955 Malvina Hoffman Doctor of Fine Arts 1955 Ralph Lowell Doctor of Laws 1955 Edmund Sixtus Muskie Doctor of Laws 1955 Charles Laurence Stevens Doctor of Education 1955 Dorothy Constance Stratton Doctor of Humane Letters 1954 John Phillips Marquand Doctor of Humane Letters 1954 William Grant Still Doctor of Letters 1954 Clarence Paul Quimby Doctor of Education 1954 Richard Lyon Bowditch Doctor of Laws 1954 Millicnet Carey McIntosh Doctor of Humane Letters 1954 Sherman Adams Doctor of Laws 1953 George Elbert Judd Doctor of Humane Letters 1953 Edwin Herbert Land Doctor of Laws 1953 Clarence Irving Chatto Doctor of Education 1953 N. Myra Galzier kenney Doctor of Laws 1953 Lester Markel Doctor of Humane Letters 1952 Ada Holding Miller Master of Arts 1952 Louis Clark de Rochemont Doctor of Humane Letters 1952 Louis Bartlett Costello Doctor of Laws 1952 Frank Altschul Doctor of Laws 1952 John William Ashton Doctor of Laws 1952 Daniel Alfred Poling Doctor of Humane Letters 1952 Alfred Eastlack Driscoll Doctor of Laws 1951 John Lewis Miller Doctor of Laws 1951 Ben Ames Williams Doctor of Letters 1951 Helen Rogers Reid Doctor of Letters 1951 Robert James McCracken Doctor of Humane Letters 1951 Lester Bowles Pearson Doctor of Laws 1950 Everett Clifton Higgins Master of Arts 1950 James Rhyne Killian, Jr. Doctor of Science 1950 Harold Raymond Medina Doctor of Laws 1950 William Webster Doctor of Laws 1950 Clifton Todd Perkins Doctor of Science 1950 Arthur Andrew Hauck Doctor of Humane Letters 1950 Abraham Lincoln Filene Doctor of Laws 1950 Paul Howard Douglas Doctor of Laws 1949 Lucius DuBignon Clay Doctor of Laws 1949 Vining Campbell Dunlap Doctor of Science 1949 Frank Wendall Rounds Doctor of Science 1949 Dorothy Shaver Doctor of Laws 1948 Luther Isaac Bonney Master of Arts 1948 Sevellon Ledyard Brown Doctor of Letters 1948 Christian Archibald Herter Doctor of Laws 1948 Phillips Merrill Payson Doctor of Laws 1948 Venila Lovina Shores Doctor of Letters 1947 Warren Robinson Austin Doctor of Laws 1947 William Thomas Grant Doctor of Laws 1947 Clifton Daggett Gray Doctor of Divinity 1947 Helen Hall Kellogg Doctor of Laws 1947 Benjamin Elijah Mays Doctor of Divinity 1947 Dorothy Clarke Wilson Doctor of Letters 1946 Erwin Dain Canham Doctor of Letters 1946 Anne Macomber Gannett Master of Arts 1946 Herman David Ruhm, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1946 Harold Edward Stassen Doctor of Laws 1945 Gladys Hasty Carroll Doctor of Letters 1945 Elizabeth Anthony Dexter Doctor of Laws 1945 Robert Moses Doctor of Laws 1945 Sumner Tucker Pike Doctor of Laws 1945 Charles Eldridge Spencer, Jr. Doctor of Laws 1945 Thomas Spooner Doctor of Science 1944 Harrison C. Lyseth 1944 Wilbur K. Jordan