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Create the page "Pitch Lake" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- On the Pitch-lake of the Island of Trinidad (1811) by Nicholas Nugent 501384On the Pitch-lake of the Island of Trinidad1811Nicholas Nugent IV. Account...416 bytes (4,631 words) - 13:26, 27 November 2022
- attracted world wide attention, the so-called Trinidad Pitch Lake and the Bermudez Pitch Lake, the name lake being applied to them very naturally, as they consist...1 KB (3,692 words) - 05:00, 29 September 2018
- an air line from the coast the asphalt deposit, known as the Bermudez pitch lake, is found at the point where a northern range of foothills comes down...1 KB (3,187 words) - 04:58, 29 September 2018
- argillaceous, added as required. The so-called Trinidad pitch, as it is found in and around the lake, on the island of Trinidad, is a mixture of bitumen,...893 bytes (4,300 words) - 12:56, 29 September 2018
- liquid petroleum which has escaped from outcropping strata. The celebrated Pitch Lake of Trinidad was long regarded as the largest deposit of asphalt in existence...283 bytes (822 words) - 23:54, 11 November 2013
- gallant style by the 76th foot. On 11 Sept. Lake reached Delhi, and the same day his toil-worn troops, in a pitched battle, defeated the bulk of Perron's battalions...309 bytes (3,661 words) - 08:47, 30 December 2020
- 502733Q19407966Nicholas NugentNicholasNugentDr Nicholas Nugent of Antigua On the Pitch-lake of the Island of Trinidad (1811) On the Soufrière of Montserrat (1811)...634 bytes (85 words) - 00:01, 5 March 2023
- the two most striking natural features are the Maracas Falls, and the Pitch Lake. The Maracas Falls are situated at the head of a valley of the same name...314 bytes (1,907 words) - 01:34, 5 December 2019
- Firefly Lake," said Snap, and he was right. It was cloudy too, and a stiff breeze from the east had begun to blow. "We'll have to take care how we pitch our...286 bytes (1,604 words) - 12:04, 28 January 2013
- Edwin Morris; or, the Lake by Alfred Tennyson 612951Edwin Morris; or, the LakeAlfred Tennyson O Me, my pleasant rambles by the lake, My sweet, wild, fresh...7 KB (1,216 words) - 10:16, 14 November 2013
- it was sure, and they were content. It was pitch dark when the rude raft struck the opposite shore of Lake Narsac. They came in among some brushwood and...286 bytes (1,527 words) - 12:06, 28 January 2013
- climbing a rock ledge and looking down the lake, Corte could see the new white tent pitched at the foot of the lake. The tent was on a rocky point, and there...29 KB (5,327 words) - 16:59, 30 December 2020
- Blackwood Skeleton Lake: An Episode in Camp 261262The Empty House — Skeleton Lake: An Episode in CampAlgernon Blackwood SKELETON LAKE: AN EPISODE IN CAMP...387 bytes (3,637 words) - 12:05, 24 January 2023
- reached the end of the lake, where a small, rocky watercourse joined that body of water to Firefly Lake. Here they went into camp, pitching their tent in a convenient...281 bytes (1,530 words) - 12:09, 28 January 2013
- Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement, Volume 2 Harris, Thomas Lake by Alexander Gordon 1525500Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement...360 bytes (1,510 words) - 22:34, 3 February 2025
- on the borders of a tropical lake, were wafted on the breeze. Whether my expectations had been raised to too high a pitch, or that the grandeur of this...291 bytes (3,646 words) - 04:14, 8 April 2016
- Apostolic Fathers I (1912) translated by Kirsopp Lake 4363824L024: Apostolic Fathers I1912Kirsopp Lake THE Church of God which sojourns in Rome to the...103 KB (14,154 words) - 16:29, 31 March 2024
- island has several tolerably large rivers. A remarkable phenomenon is a pitch lake near the village of La Brea, composed of bituminous matter which forms...243 bytes (333 words) - 03:26, 27 September 2024
- The Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake by Laura Lee Hope Chapter 21 3010597The Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake — Chapter 21Laura Lee Hope "Girls, there are...267 bytes (807 words) - 07:09, 4 January 2020
- reach a height of two feet. The Pitch Lake of Trinidad.—Some romances and exaggerations of which the pitch lake of Trinidad has been the subject are...569 bytes (4,211 words) - 10:16, 30 September 2018