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Did you mean: ellison ensemble
Create the page "ELISION Ensemble" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- for sudden and far-fetched modulations, enharmonic changes, rhythmical elisions (as when a beat or a chord is dropped, the phrase being intelligible though...362 bytes (30,620 words) - 03:16, 16 April 2022
- vowel, and that all harsh conjunctions are softened down by assimilation, elision, or crasis, while on the other hand both lend themselves easily to the...528 KB (82,716 words) - 01:32, 26 February 2024
- fact the popular Mongol pronunciation of Baghatur. In Turki also this elision of the guttural extends to the spelling, and the word becomes Bātur, as...486 KB (75,619 words) - 01:29, 26 February 2024