A. D. England France Prussia and Germany Various Countries
1600 3. Jam«s I. House of Stuart.
11. Translation of Bible. 16. Shakespeare died. 25. Charles I. 26. Sir Francis Bacon died. 49. Oliver Cromwell. The Commonwealth, 60. Stuarts restored. Charles II. 79. Habeas Corpus Act 85. James II. 88. William Prince of Orange Milton. Locke.
10. Henry IV. murdered. 10. Louis XIII. 20. Navarre annexed. 29. Cardinal Richelieu. 43. Louis XIV. 48. Wars of the Fronde. 50. Des Cartes died. 85. Edict of Nantes revoked. 97. Peace of Hyswick. 18. Thirty Years' War begins. 20. Battle of Prague. 30. Kepler died. 82. Battle of Lutzen. 40. Frederick William the Great. 48. Peace of Westphalia. 78. Peace of Nimuegen. 9. Arminius, divine, died. 11. Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. 42. Galileo died.— Baly. 44. Christina crowned. 62. Catherine I. of Russia-89. Peter the Great of Russia. 117. Charles XII. of Sweden.
1700 2. War with France. 18. Peace of Utrecht. 14. George I.
House of Hanover. 27. George II. 27. Sir Isaac Newton died. 29. Rise of Methodists. Wesley and Whitfield. 39. War with Spain. ! 48. Charles, son of Pretender,! defeated at Culloden. §6. War with France. 56. Chatham, Prime Minister. 60. George III. 75. War with United States. 93. War with France. 04. Gibbon, historian, died. 06. Robert Burns died. 97. Edmund Burke died.
15. Louis XV. 38. Peace of Vienna. 48. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle. 56. War with England. 63. Peace of Paris. 74. Louis XVI. 78. Voltaire died. 83. Peace of Versailles. 89. Statea General.
The Revolution. 93. Republic declared. Reign of Terror. 95. The Directory. 97. The Consulate.
4. Battle of Blenheim. 18. Peace of Utrecht. 14. Peace of Rastadt. 22. Pragmatic Sanction. 40-48. War of the Austrian Succession. 40. Frederic II., the Great. 41. Charles VII. 45. Francis I. 56. Seven Years' War begins. 65. Joseph II. 92. Francis II. 97. Frederic William III. 12. St. Petersburg founded. 26. Catherine IL^-Russia. 27. Elizabeth.— Bussia. 88- War between France and Poland. 69. ClemeafcXIV. 96. Napoleon invaded Italy. 97. Peace of Campo Formio. 98. Pius IV. deposed by Napoleon.
1800 Ireland united to Great Britain. 5. Battle of Trafalgar. 7. Slave Trade abolished. 8. Peninsular War. 12. War with United States. 14, Peace with France. 15. War with Napoleon renewed. 20. George IV. 29. William IV. 82. Sir Walter Scott died. 37. Victoria crowned. 54. Crimean War. 56. War with Persif and China. 57. MuUny in India. 66. Atlantic Cable laid. 67. Fenian troubles. 67. War with Abyssinia. 72. Conference of Geneva. 78. Afghanistan War. 82. War in Egypt. 97. Queen's Diamond Jubilee. 98. Gladstone died. 99. Boer War. 4. Bonaparte Emperor. 12. Invades Russia. 13. Battle of Leipsic. 14. Louis XVIII. 15. Waterloo. Napoleon overthrown. 80. Louis Philippe. 35. Death of Lafayette. 47. Revolution. Louis Philippe abdicates. 48. Repuhlic. 52. Napoleon III., Emperor. 70. War with Prussia. Napoleon surrendered at Sedan. 71. The Republic. Thiers, President. 73. Napoleon III. died. §4. President Carnot assassinated. 6. Battle of Jena 1. Alexander. — Russia. 4. Francis II. of Austria assumed title of Emperor. 5. Battle of Auisteriitz-12. War with Rjussia. 13. War with France.
16. Germanic Confederation. 40. Frederic Wi lliam IV.
15 Netherlands united. 26. Nicholas-— Russia. 30. Belgium independent.
61. William I.
66. North German Confederation.
48. Hungarian War. Francis Joseph. 49. Victor Emanuel II. — Italy. 55. Alexander II.— Russia. 59. War with Italy and France. 61. Russian serfs emanci-66. War with pated. Prussia. 77. War between Russia and Turkey.
70. War with France. 71. King Willi am proclaimed Emperor of Germany. 72. Jesuits expelled from em-
88. William I. d ied March 9. 88. Frederick III. died July 15. 88. William II. becomes Emperor. 98. Bismarck died.
SI. Alexander 11- assassinated. 81. Alexander HI.— Russia. 91. Famine in Russia. Jews expelled. 94, China-Japan War. 96, Nicholas I!.— Russia. 98. Spanish- American War.
1900 01. Victoria died. 01. Edward VII. 02. Boer War concluded. 10. George V. 00. Pads Exposition. 06. Fallieres, President 13. Poincare. President. 00-10. Great commercial development and industrial expansion. 00. Partition of Samoa. 00. Boxer rising in China. 00. King Humbert, Italy, assassinated. 01. Australian federation. 04. Russo-Japanese War. 08. Messina destroyed fc? earthquake.