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B.C Judah Israel Assyrian Empire Greece Rome

Uzziah. Jonah the prophet.


Joel the prophet. 84. Anarchy.

Amos the prophet. 69. Jotham. 47. Invasion of Tig- 47> Tiglath-Pileser. lath-Pileser.

42 Aliaz; made tribute toTiglath-Pileser. 80. Hosea; pays trib- 28- Shalmanezar. ute to Shalman- 7f». Epoch of the Olympiads from which the 5.1. Rome founded by Komulus. '

ezar. Greeks reckoned time.

26. Hezekiah.

15. Numa Pompilius.

Isaiah the prophet. 21. The Ten Tribes carried captive to Assyria. 46. Austomenes, last king of Corinth. I H. Tarentum founded. .;

Nahum the prophet 1 1

10 Sennacherib de- 9. Esarhaddun.  ; j

stroyed, !

700 97. Manasseh. 42. Amon. Babylonian Empire

41. Josiah.


Jeremiah the


Esarhaddon reigns at Babylon. 85. Second Messenian War. 72. Tullus Hostilius.

Zephaniah the prophel. Habakkuk the prophet. He plants colonies in Samaria whose descendants are called Samaritans.

6. Nebuchadnezzar; he defeats Necho of

21. Bloody code of Draco. Sappho, poetess. Ascendency of Sparta. 40. Ancus Martius; he subdues the Latins.

16. Tarquin the Elder.

6. Jerusalem taken by Egypt, and takes Jerusalem.



600 98. Jehoiachin.

--*•' i

96. Zedekiah.

88. Jerusalem destroyed. Nineveh destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. 94. Solon, the Athenian 78. Servius Tullius. j

Ezekiel the

giv .


62. Comedies first exhibited at Athens. |

Jews carried captive to Babylon. 61. Evilmerodach. (JO. Pisistratus.

60. Neriglissar. Thales, founder of Ionic i

55. Belshazzar. philosophy. i


88. Babylon taken by Cyrus the Mede, who establishes the GO. Temples built. 1 84. Tarquin the Proud. j

Medo-Persian Empire 34. Thespis exhibits tragedies first at Athens. 9. The Republic.

36. Cyrus' decree restoring the Jews. Pythagoras.philosopher. Consuls chosen.

21. Darius. Zechariah the prophet. 10. Hippias expelled. 1. Dictatorship created.

Haggai the prophet.

15. Second temple dedicated.

Anacreon, poet. ......

500 94. Darius invades Greece. 91. Death of Thucydides,

90. His army defeated at Marathon. historian. 90. Miltiades defeats the Per- 98. Tribunes chosen.


85. Xerxes the Great. sians at Marathon. • 80. Xerxes defeated at Ther- 82. Coriolanus. j

81. He invades Greece. mopylae. 56. Cincinnatus.dictator.

80. He returns defeated. 79. Persians defeated at Platea. 51. kaws of the Twelve

67. Ezra returns to Jerusalem. v^schylus, poet. 64. Third Messenian War. Tables.

64. Artaxerxes I. or Ahasneras. )6. He makes Esther Queen. 15. Nehemiah rebuilds Jerusalem. 45. Herodotus, historian. 31. Peloponnesian War. 29. Death of Pericles. Euripides, poet. Sophocles, poet. Decemvirs appointed.

45. Military Tribunes created.

Malachi, last of Old Tegtameat writers. Socrates, the great


