From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Icons  | This user has been on Wikipedia for 19 years, 7 months and 1 day. |
 | This user contributes using Mozilla. |
I'm John Drinkwater, 28, and live in Great Britain. I need to fill this in a bit more, but i’m such a lazy bobblipop.
I usually go by the handle of [Beta], but I've recently been moving to use my actual name at sites; If youʼre ever on efnet, AfterNET, or Freenode irc servers, youʼll find me there, hovering under this persona.
I'm interested in the Haiku (operating system) mostly, but i'll contribute where I can.
I'm dead set on making information as free as possible, as such I contribute to and have added a small chunk of the Cotswolds, UK to the map.