English: Marhatta Arms. Figs. 1 and 2.—A quilted helmet covered with red velvet and lined with figured silk.
Fig. 3.—A shield of buffalo’s hide, ornamented with raised concentric circles with escalloped edges red and gold.
Fig. 4.—A saddle of crimson quilted velvet richly embroidered with gold.
Figs. 5 and 6.—Outside and inside of a cavalry gauntlet-sword.
Fig. 7.—Another specimen, the gauntlet beautifully perforated; presented by Francis Douce, Esq.
Fig. 8.—A sword of state.
Fig. 9.—A spear with an inscription near the insertion of the shaft.
Fig. 10. —The inscription of its full size.
Fig. 11.—A match-lock gun.
Fig. 12,—A mace.
Fig, 13. —One with a wooden handle, Asiatic, but the locality uncertain.
Fig. 14.—A Goorka cookree with its sheath to contain two knives and a little pouch in which was placed the tinder, and generally a portion of the Koran written out as a charm; presented by J. B, Fraser, Esq.
Fig. 15.—The cookree.
Fig. 16. —One of the knives.
Fig. 17 —Sword of Tippoo Saib, the mark on the blade of which and the chape of the scabbard are given of their full size in PI, CXLIII, Figs. 2 and 3.
Engraved illustrations of ancient arms and armour : from the collection at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire, after the drawings, and with the descriptions of Samuel Rush Meyrick; Vol. II, 1854
Samuel Rush Meyrick
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