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Winter 2024 issue
CategoriesLiterary magazine
PublisherHaiku Society of America
First issue1978
CountryUnited States

Frogpond is a haiku magazine published by the Haiku Society of America. It is published electronically three times per year and consists of English-language haiku and senryu, linked forms including sequences, renku, rengay, and haibun, essays and articles on these forms, and book reviews. Submissions may come from members and nonmembers. The first issue was published in February 1978.

Each issue of Frogpond features a $100 Best of Issue Frogpond Award sponsored by the Museum of Haiku Literature.[1]

Past presidents

Past editors


  1. ^ "Frogpond Museum of Haiku LIterature Award". www.hsa-haiku.org. Retrieved 17 March 2024.