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Caineach inion Urchadh

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Caineach inion Urchadh Princess of the Uí Briúin Seóla and Queen of Connacht, fl. early 10th century.

Caineach was one of three daughters of King Urchadh mac Murchadh of Maigh Seóla (died 943). She became the wife of a prince of the Síol Muiredaig.

She was an aunt of three notable Irish rulers:

See also


  • West or H-Iar Connaught Ruaidhrí Ó Flaithbheartaigh, 1684 (published 1846, ed. James Hardiman).
  • Origin of the Surname O'Flaherty, Anthony Matthews, Dublin, 1968, p. 40.
  • Early Irish Kingship and Succession, Bart Jaski, Four Courts Press, 2000.
  • Irish Kings and High-Kings, Francis John Byrne (2001), Dublin: Four Courts Press, ISBN 978-1-85182-196-9
  • The Great Book of Irish Genealogies, Dubhaltach MacFhirbhisigh: Edited by Nollaig Ó Muraíle, five volumes, Dublin, DeBurca Books, 2003-2004. ISBN 0 946130 36 1.