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EVTEK University of Applied Science (formerly EVTEK Insititute of Technology) (abbr. EVTEK) is one of Finland's applied science polytechnics. EVTEK offers four-year Bachelor Programmes, of which many has language of instruction completely in English.


The premises of Institute of Technology are located in the cities of Espoo and Vantaa, within the Helsinki metropolitan region and near the major high-tech industries.


EVTEK were established as technical institute in year 1985 ja vakinaistettiin ammattikorkeakouluksi ensimmäisten joukossa 1996. EVTEKin tekniikan koulutusalalla on 12 tekniikan koulutusohjelmaa, joista valmistuu insinööriksi (AMK) tai Bachelor of Engineeringiksi (B.Eng). Tekniikan alan yksiköt sijaitsevat Leppävaarassa Espoossa ja Myyrmäessä Vantaalla. Myös liiketalouden yksikkö, jossa koulutetaan tradenomeja on Myyrmäessä. EVTEKin Muotoiluinstituutti sijaitsee Vantaalla Tikkurilassa. Koulutukset kestävät keskimäärin 3,5-4 vuotta.

Degree Programmes

The extent of studies is measured in ECTS. Each ECTS credit equals to about 30 hours of student's work. The Bachelor of Engineering degree programme totals 240 ECTS credits and takes four years to complete. Classes take place either full-time day school, or part-time evening-school for adult students who are usually in full-time employment.

Institute of Technology

Tecnology Institute facility in Espoo offers degree in four-year [[Bachelor of Applied Science] studies.

In the Professional studies a student chooses one specialisation option, which relates to his/her specialisation option in the Bachelor’s degree.

Master of Engineering (60 ECTS) (ENG)

Information Technology (ENG)

Media Engineering (ENG)

Information Technology (FIN)

Media Engineering (FIN)

Building HVAC Engineering (FIN)

Production Engineering (FIN)

School of Business Administration

EVTEK offers two full-time double degree programmes in English in conjunction with partner institutions in the UK and the Netherlands. Both programmes are 4 years in length (210 ECTS credits), and award two recognised degrees.

European Business Administration (ENG)

European Business Management (ENG)

Institute of Art and Design

EVTEK Institute of Art and Design offers study programmes under three primary headings. The degree programmes, Bachelor of Arts in all areas consist of 240 ECTS and take four years to complete. The degree is equivalent to the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in the UK, the French Licence, the German Diplom Fachhochschule and the Dutch HBO Diploma.

Internships play an integral part in the education programmes and each degree programme has an obligatory internship period of twenty credits or twenty weeks and is included in the regular study plan. The internship period is usually divided into two periods of ten weeks each.

Conservation (ENG)

  • conservation of easel paintings,
  • conservation of paper,
  • conservation of textiles,
  • conservation of furniture,
  • conservation of cultural historic objects and
  • conservation of cultural historic interiors


  • Interior Oriented Textile Design and
  • Fashion Design.


  • Graphic Design and
  • 3D Visualisation