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- “Travel notes” (in ru: «Путёвые заметки», untranslatable pun, where replacing the "е" with an "ё" changes the meaning) is a title of heading in the youth...1 KB (120 words) - 22:19, 24 October 2024
- of non-standard travel around the planet, which is partly intersected with hobo tourism. Recommended for reading by all. Cultural travel — the term is almost...12 KB (1,393 words) - 14:00, 23 April 2023
- Travel Time Index (TTI) - The ratio of a measured travel time during congestion to the time required to make the same trip at free-flow speeds. For example...4 KB (680 words) - 19:30, 22 May 2019
- Travel Time Reliability Reference Manual About the Travel Time Reliability Reference Manual Travel Time Reliability Indices About NPMRDS Accessing the...1 KB (92 words) - 23:26, 25 September 2021
- People and things To be Description Family Recreation The house Weather Travel Art Science French Lessons · Vocabulary · Grammar · Appendices · Texts The...14 KB (375 words) - 18:09, 2 October 2023
- Travel Time Reliability Reference Manual The current, editable version of this book is available in Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection, at...13 bytes (6,494 words) - 23:24, 25 September 2021
- Calculating speeds or travel times along a corridor is straightforward given that one has constructed the TMC segments which make up the corridor and that...2 KB (244 words) - 17:50, 28 May 2014
- displaying travel time on the plots, TTRMS analysis tool uses travel time index (TTI). The travel time index is the ratio of the observed travel time divided...2 KB (317 words) - 15:03, 29 May 2014
- transportation. Increasing the number of individuals engaging in active travel is important as it can have a positive impact on not just the health of...8 KB (1,184 words) - 05:01, 18 September 2018
- Hobo travel journalism The current, editable version of this book is available in Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection, at https://en.wikibooks...13 bytes (3,457 words) - 17:46, 14 April 2023
- miles) Free flow travel time is based on the 70th percentile travel time 4-lane interregional freeway (20.18 miles) Free flow travel time is based on...2 KB (155 words) - 17:52, 28 May 2014
- Cocos Malay travel phrasebook The Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Pulu Kokos (Keeling)) are a group of islands in the Indian Ocean administered by Australia....429 bytes (120 words) - 15:03, 25 December 2024
- Cocos Malay travel phrasebook The current, editable version of this book is available in Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection, at https://en...13 bytes (461 words) - 06:20, 25 August 2022
- Hobo travel journalism Methodical manual for informal travelers who are able to think creatively and portray what they see in a literary way The concept...3 KB (285 words) - 17:40, 14 April 2023
- calculate this, the average delay for each time period (observed travel time minus free-flow travel time) is multiplied by the number of users during that time...4 KB (572 words) - 16:54, 29 May 2014
- The Travel Time Reliability Reference Manual is authored and maintained by the Upper Midwest Reliability Resource Center. The main page acts as a table...361 bytes (35 words) - 14:58, 27 May 2014
- round-the-world travel route, but the following sets of general and route-specific characteristics can help distinguish the three main type of travel routes:...5 KB (720 words) - 19:10, 7 February 2024
- intended to address travel time variability in one of three ways: 1) Establish monitoring systems to identify sources of unreliable travel times; 2) Identify...6 KB (933 words) - 13:46, 29 May 2014
- time to time, but is typically static. The remaining files contain the travel time information for each state in the form of comma separated files (CSV)...5 KB (132 words) - 19:17, 28 May 2014
- roadway, often between interchanges or major intersections on arterials. The travel time data is reported at the TMC level. These segments range in length from...3 KB (330 words) - 23:40, 7 December 2021