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For mission safety, weeks before the manned mission on [[LK (spacecraft)|LK lander]], an LK-R lander in unmanned L3 lunar expedition complex and two Lunokhod automated rovers would be sent to the Moon for preliminary study of surface around LK-R and LK sites, for work as radio beacons for precision landings of LK-R and LK, and for visual estimate of status of them. LK-R used as a reserve escape craft in case of disability to start from Moon of LK and Lunokhods used by cosmonaut for transfer to LK-R in necessity and for regular research. This manned version of Lunokhod were additionally equipped with oxygen stock with hose socket, standing pads and manual control for the cosmonaut in front part.
In mid-1968, at the facility KIP-10 or NIP-10 (КИП-10 or НИП-10)<ref>[ Луноходы (History of Lunokhods in NIP-10)]</ref> in the secret [[Urban-type settlement|village]] Shkolnoye ([[:ru:Школьное (Крым)]] - [[Closed city|closed town]] Simferopol-28), near [[Simferopol]], a lunodrom (лунодром - moondrome) was built. It covered an area of one hectare (120 meters by 70 meters) and was very similar to some parts of the lunar surface. It was constructed using more than 3,000 cubic meters of soil, and included 54 craters up to 16 m in diameter and around about 160 rocks of various sizes.<ref>[ Photo of crater on an old soviet moondrome.]</ref> The whole area was surrounded with bricks, painted in gray and black. It was used to analyze problems with the Lunokhod chassis and to cosmonaut's skill of control the one.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|script-title=ru:Космическая энциклопедия|language=Russian|date=September 18, 2008}}</ref><ref></ref> Closed town Simferopol-28 - the facility was the most significant tracking facility in the Soviet Union, contains the largest number of antennas, the largest area, and the most personnel of any of the Soviet tracking facilities. The facility was one of a network of ten facilities which contain earth satellite vehicle tracking equipment and provide command/control for Soviet near-space civil and military events. Additionally, this facility was support [[Exploration of the Moon|all lunar programs]] of Soviet Union in association with the [[Pluton (complex)|Evpatoria Deep Space Tracking Facility]].<ref>NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER June 1969 [ SIMFEROPOL SPACEFLIGHT CENTER]</ref><ref>[,677015.aspx?skuid=25752 Infinity Beckoned by Jay Gallentine]</ref>
At least four complete vehicles were constructed, with the serial numbers 201, 203, 204 and 205.