Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church: Difference between revisions

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Klamber (talk | contribs)
Yuriev-related recorded events in 1030, 1061
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Orthodox missionaries from [[Novgorod]] and [[Pskov]] were active among the Estonians in the southeast regions of the area, closest to [[Pskov]], in the 10th through 12th centuries. The first mention of an Orthodox congregation in Estonia was in 1030 in what is now [[Tartu]]. In 1030 the Kievan prince, [[Yaroslav I the Wise|Yaroslav the Wise]], raided Estonia and built the Russian fort of Yuriev as well as (allegedly) the congregation in a cathedral dedicated to his patron saint, [[St. George]].
As a result of the [[Northern Crusades]] in the beginning of the 13th century, Estonia was conquered by [[Denmark]] and the [[Teutonic Order]], and thus fell under the control of [[Western Christianity]]. However, Russian merchants were later able to set up small Orthodox congregations in several Estonian towns. One such congregation was expelled from the town of Dorpat (Tartu) by the Germans in 1472, who martyred their [[priest]], Isidor, along with a number of Orthodox faithful (the group is commemorated on [[January 8]]).