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Dear [[User:Enric Naval]] and other Editors/Wikipedians, the information that you cite is quite true in as much as a number of Pakhtun/Pushtun tribes in what are now Pakistan and Afghanistan, are concerned. Ritual torture and mutilation of prisoners by womenfolk was certainly prevalent amongst the Afridi, Mahsud, Wazir and several other tribes. However, rather than heredity, one would say that a primitive tribal culture encouraged such an attitude, wouldnt you say? In Anthropology, we see that such rituals also existed recently amongst (a) Native American tribes like the Apache, the Sioux, Cheyenne, Comanche and others (b) several African tribes, including the Zulu and Ashanti (c) amongst various Turkic/Mongol tribes in Central Asia and (d) various other tribes and peoples around the world, although Im sorry I dont have immediate refs available. In earlier times, such customs/rituals also prevailed amongst the Celts, Picts and Germanic tribes in Europe. Couldnt we please somehow reflect this sort of argument/discussion in the text of this article, to show genuine scholarly content? The 'heredity' argument has always been a rather dangerous one and invariably led to facile labelling of human beings in narrow perspectives. Thanks.
[[User:Khani100|Khani100]] ([[User talk:Khani100|talk]]) 07:40, 4 April 2012 (UTC)Khani100
Also, I think that there are a number of very famous Afridis who deserve to have some notice herein, and I hope to be able to create relevant pages for at least 2-3 in due course. Best regs,