Elden Ring Wiki
Elden Ring Wiki

Your resistance to death. The higher the number, the lower your susceptibility to instant death. Governed by your attributes, as well as defensive gear and any additional effects.Elden Ring explanation.

Vitality is a resistance stat in Elden Ring.

Vitality governs the Tarnished's ability to resist the build-up of Death Blight.

The Tarnished's base Focus is the sum total of two different parts, with each part determined by their Level and Arcane attribute. The first part is calculated based on the Tarnished's level. Their Vitality will increase as they level up, with soft caps at level 71, 111 and 161. The second part is calculated based off of the Tarnished's Arcane stat. The total of these two parts is what is displayed on the status screen.

Raising Arcane to increase Vitality has soft caps at 15, 40 and 60.

  • From 1-15 Arcane: +1 Vitality each level
  • From 16-40 Arcane: +0.6 Vitality each level
  • From 41-60 Arcane: +0.5 Vitality each level
  • From 61-99 Arcane: +0.25 Vitality each level

Vitality is further increased by equipping armor, which will display in the righthand column of the Status screen.

Items that increase Vitality[]
