Ash of War: Sacred Order is an Ash of War of Holy Affinity in Elden Ring.
This Ash of War grants an armament the Sacred affinity and the following skill:
"Sacred Order: Skill of the Golden Order fundamentalist knights. Perform a salute and grant the armament holy essence. Highly effective against Those Who Live in Death."
Usable on all melee armaments.
武器に戦技と属性を付与できる戦灰 付与戦技は以下、付与属性は「神聖」
戦技「聖律」 黄金律原理主義の騎士たちの戦技 敬礼と共に、武器に聖性を付与する 特に、死に生きる者たちに効果が高い
Applies the skill, Sacred Order to all types of Melee Armaments.
Guaranteed Drop: Altus Plateau
- Drops from a Scarab found on the western shore of the lake north of the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace.
Once this item has been obtained, it can be duplicated by trading in Lost Ashes of War to Smithing Master Hewg.