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The Lords of Dust is a secret cabal of rakshasa and other fiends who manipulate the world of Eberron in order to release the Overlords from the Age of Demons and achieve personal power.[1][2][3][4]


The Overlords[]

Main article: Overlords
Lords of Dust symbol

A symbol of the Lords of Dust.

Lords of Dust2

Another symbol of the Lords of Dust.

The Bleak Council[]

See also: Prakhutu

The Lords of Dust are led by the Bleak Council. Most of the Bleak Council directly speak with the thirty or so Overlords that are still bound. There are approximately 90 members operating across the world.[3][4]

The Claws of Khyber[]

Below the Bleak Council are the Claws of Khyber or Fangs of Khyber, those fiends and their allies that act as the arms, and swords, of the council. There are hundreds of Claws out in the world, acting as spies within most of the organizations of Eberron.[3][4]

The Pawns[]

In addition, the Lords of Dust use a lot of pawns to move their schemes forward. These pawns could be kings of nations, or an adventuring party. None of them know that they are working for the Lords of Dust, or even that the Lords of Dust even exist.[3][4]


The Great War[]

During the Age of Dragons, the great dragon Eberron trapped the evil dragon Khyber within itself, after Khyber slew their brother Siberys. Khyber's last act of defiance was to give birth to a host of fiends. It was Khyber's last hope that these fiends would destroy the descendants of Siberys and Eberron. Some 10,000,000 years ago, the fiends succeeded, and overran the world of Eberron. Led by the rakshasa and the night hags, the Age of Demons began.[3]

Not completely obliterated, the dragons hid from their demon rulers, living in a primitive state. However, 1,500,000 years ago, the dragons discovered what would be called the Draconic Prophecy. They began to build upon this knowledge, and began to fight against the fiends. They found other allies that had also survived, most importantly, the couatl. Once they became powerful enough, the dragons and couatl joined forces and attacked the fiends that inhabited Eberron.[3]

The couatl sacrificed themselves to send the Overlords and the majority of the fiends back into Khyber, where they are trapped by the Silver Flame.[3]

When the great war ended, the fiends that were not imprisoned in Khyber retreated back to a land they called Fah'lrrg in the Infernal tongue; the land now known as Demon Wastes. From behind the Shadowcrag and Icehorn Mountains, the fiends continue to live within their ruined fortresses and amongst the various pits that still lead into Khyber.[3]

Rakshasa ECG

A rakshasa Lord of Dust.

Within the Demon Wastes, the remaining rakshasa made plans to free their trapped masters. They formed a secret society that they called the Lords of Dust. Led by the Bleak Council, the rakshasas of the Lords of Dust organized their other Khyber-spawned brethren and led them to infiltrate the rest of the world. The goals of most of the Lords of Dust are to gain revenge on their age-old enemies: the dragons and the couatls, and their descendants, especially the Church of the Silver Flame. However, some members' only goals are to gain power for themselves.[3]


Over the last hundred-thousand years, the Lords of Dust have infiltrated the various organizations of Eberron. Their primary goal is to manipulate events to two ends: release their Overlord masters from their bonds, and gain revenge against their ancient enemies, the dragons and the couatl.[3][4][5]

Most of the Lords of Dust also seek to free the imprisoned Overlords, the rakshasa rajahs, from their bonds. They use prakhutus, or speakers, that can communicate with their masters. The prakhutus then carry their rulers' wishes to the rest of the Lords of Dust.[4]

The rakshasas amongst the Lords of Dust use their telepathy and shape-changing abilities to infiltrate every organization on Eberron. No one is entirely sure what their schemes are. Since the rakshasas are immortal, their true end goals are hard to decipher. A rakshasa agent might wait an entire human lifetime before making a move to further its schemes. It is thought that the Lords of Dust have managed to infiltrate most organizations, including the Aurum, the Cults of the Dragon Below, the elves of Aerenal, and even House Phiarlan.[3][4]

The Lords of Dust also prefer to use the Draconic Prophecy against the dragons.[6] They will manipulate events to resemble events foretold by the Draconic Prophecy, then manipulate the dragons to perform acts they think are part of the prophecy, but are actually detrimental to future events.[5]

The Lords of Dust and Talons of Tiamat rarely coordinate their activities. The Talons believe that Tiamat is the only valid child of Khyber, and considers the overlords of the rakshasa to be usurpers.[6]

Bases of Operation[]

The Lords of Dust ostensibly operate out of the ancient city of Ashtakala, the "capital" of the Demon Wastes. There, they are members of the Council of Ashtakala, the rulers of the Demon Wastes.[3]

Numerous rakshasa of the Lords of Dust dwell in the city of Icerazer in the Frostfell.[7][8]

Notable Members[]

While the names of the majority of the Lords of Dust are kept secret, some have surfaced in rumors. Most of the Lords of Dust are rakshasas, but other fiends also make up their numbers.[3][4]

  • The most famous of the Lords of Dust is the rakshasa Durastoran the Wyrmbreaker, a powerful ak'chasar loremaster. Durastoran is leading a more active campaign against the dragons, especially against the Chamber. He is said to have a large force of lesser fiends and humans at his disposal. He enjoys destabilizing the relationship between the dragons and the elves. Durastoran worships one of the Overlords directly, Bel Shalor, the Shadow in the Flame, and seeks a way to free this shadowy demon from his prison. Durastoran sits on the Bleak Council.[3][4][5]
  • The greatest of the prakhutu is Hektula, the Bloody Scribe. Hektula is the prakhutu of the Overlord Sul Khatesh, and serves the Council of Ashtakala as their librarian. She is one of the most knowledgeable arcanists on Eberron, and sits on the Bleak Council.[4]
  • Cyl-Maaldrake is a tiger-headed balor, a fiend of Khyber and former favored servant of the Lords of Dust. He is bound to a maze of Khyber dragonshards in the Darkfire Crater, which is located somewhere in Xen'drik's volcanic interior.[9]
  • Kashtarhak, known as the Voice of Chaos, serves the trapped rajah Eldrantulku. It is said that Kashtarhak helped manipulate the fall of the giants of Xen'drik, the destruction of the Dhakaani Empire, and the fall of the Kingdom of Galifar. He sits on the Bleak Council.[4]
  • The most powerful of all the zakya rakshasa is Mordakhesh, the Shadowsword. Mordakhesh has fought dragons in melee combat, and was one of the fiercest fighters for the Overlords. Mordakhesh prefers manipulating armies, and has spies amongst most armies of Khorvaire. He is a servant of Overlord Rak Tulkhesh, and has a legion of lesser fiends and barbarians at his disposal. He sits on the Bleak Council.[4]
  • Korliac of the Gray Flame is a pit fiend in league with the Lords of Dust. Madness drove him from the plane of Fernia, and he joined the leagues of Overlord Tul Oreshka. He serves the Lords of Dust in the land of Xen'drik. Korliac is a member of the Bleak Council.[4]
  • Beside Korliac, the only other known non-rakshasa on the Bleak Council is Thelestes, the Velvet Blade. A succubus, Thelestes fled Mabar to join the Lords of Dust. She has multiple aliases across Khorvaire, including within House Thuranni and House Phiarlan. She takes pleasure in watching corruption and death.[4]
  • Ethon Panjilcuttra is the artificer of the Lords of Dust, who maintains the Drain Works of Ashtakala.[10]
  • Kashurashan is a rakshasa sorcerer who has been watching the city of Stormreach in Xen'drik since before the fall of the giants.[11]
  • Kkressd is a rakshasa disguised as a House Orien scion, Kkressd d'Orien, the youngest son of Baron Kwanti d'Orien. He is the leader of the Dust Motes, a subgroup of the Lords of Dust, and has been courting Jorlanna d'Cannith.[12]
  • Lorishto is an active ak'chazar rakshasa who seeks to ascend to be the prakhutu of Sakinnirot, the Scar that Abides.[13]
  • Marishantar is a rakshasa sorcerer who masquerades as Dekker d'Orien, a supposed heir of Siberys who bears a mighty mark of Passage and serves in the Transporation Guild, which allows him to teleport from Khorvaire to Stormreach in Xen'drik. He is a servant of Sul Khatesh and looks to advance her interests.[14]
  • Yeenoghu, the demon lord of the gnolls, is a member of the Lords of Dust. He is worshiped as a god by the gnolls of the Demon Wastes.[15]
  • A rakshasa named Zathara and his zakya assistant Nethatar act as the Lords of Dust's agents in Sharn, the City of Towers. They make their base of operations within a wizard's keep in Khyber's Gate.[16]


See Also[]


  1. Given the majority of the members of the Lords of Dust are rakshasa, which are Lawful evil, this is seemingly a mistake.

Further reading[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, & James Wyatt (2004). Eberron Campaign Setting. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 242–243. ISBN 0-7869-3274-0.
  2. 2.0 2.1 James Wyatt, Keith Baker, Luke Johnson, Steven Brown (2006). Player's Guide to Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 147. ISBN 0-7869-3912-5.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 James Wyatt and Keith Baker (2009). Eberron Campaign Guide. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 28–31. ISBN 0-7869-5099-4.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 Keith Baker (November 2005). “Eternal Evil: The Lords of Dust”. In Erik Mona ed. Dragon #337 (Paizo Publishing), pp. 57–58.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Keith Baker, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Nicolas Logue, & Amber Scott (2007). Dragons of Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 20. ISBN 0-7869-4154-5.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Keith Baker, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Nicolas Logue, & Amber Scott (2007). Dragons of Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 20–21. ISBN 0-7869-4154-5.
  7. James Wyatt, Keith Baker, Luke Johnson, Steven Brown (2006). Player's Guide to Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 66–67. ISBN 0-7869-3912-5.
  8. James Wyatt, Keith Baker, Luke Johnson, Steven Brown (2006). Player's Guide to Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 35. ISBN 0-7869-3912-5.
  9. Keith Baker, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Nicolas Logue, & Amber Scott (2007). Dragons of Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 140, 157–158. ISBN 0-7869-4154-5.
  10. David Noonan, Rich Burlew, & Frank Brunner (2005). Explorer's Handbook. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 113–115. ISBN 0-7869-3691-6.
  11. Keith Baker, Nicolas Logue, James Desborough, C.A. Suleiman (2008). City of Stormreach. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 58, 89. ISBN 0-7869-4803-5.
  12. Bill Slavicsek, David Noonan, and Christopher Perkins (2005). Five Nations. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 20. ISBN 0-7869-3690-8.
  13. Keith Baker, Nicolas Logue, James Desborough, C.A. Suleiman (2008). City of Stormreach. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 89, 156–159. ISBN 0-7869-4803-5.
  14. Keith Baker, Nicolas Logue, James Desborough, C.A. Suleiman (2008). City of Stormreach. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 67, 89. ISBN 0-7869-4803-5.
  15.  (July 2006). Monster Manual IV. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 70. ISBN 0-7869-3920-6.
  16. Keith Baker & James Wyatt (2004). Sharn: City of Towers. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 46, 101, 102, 115, 175. ISBN 0-7869-3434-4.
  17. Keith Baker (November 2008). The Queen of Stone. (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 978-0-7869-5009-6.
  18. Keith Baker (November 2009). Son of Khyber. (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 0-7869-5234-2.