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Inevitables are clockwork constructs designed to enforce the fundamental laws of the universe and punish those who violate them. Each inevitable is designed with a single purpose, and they do not stop until that purpose is completed. There are three known types of inevitables, each with their own purpose and design: the kolyaruts, punishers of those who break oaths and contracts; the marut, punishers of those who cheat death; and the zelekhut, punishers of those who would otherwise escape justice.[1][2]


Inevitables vary in form according to their purpose, yet one feature they have in common is a clockwork nature, with gears and pistons in place of muscles. Their bodies and armor are gold and silver and their eyes shine with a golden light.[1][2]


In contrast to the majority of constructs, inevitables are intelligent beings capable of thought, memory, and learning. But not a lot—their sole purpose is to enforce whatever fundamental law of nature for which they are programmed and they have a one-track mind in its pursuit and are oblivious to other matters. They are resolute and patient in the extreme. Despite this, individual inevitables can have or develop certain idiosyncrasies in their programming, producing slight variations in their behavior and responses. For this reason, they are regularly recalled for reprogramming, no matter how effective they are.[1][2]


They seek out and punish those who break fundamental laws of nature, such as "Bargains should be kept", "The guilty should be punished", or "Everyone dies eventually". Each type of inevitable will target specific infringements, but all will act without emotion, punishing those found guilty in the proper manner.[1][2]

Upon creation, an inevitable is given its first mission and programmed with the native language of the transgressor. From then on, it is dedicated entirely to its mission and tracking down the transgressor. It will seek them out, no matter how long and how far it must go, no matter how much time has passed or impossible the quest. Accounts tell of inevitables who, unable to cross an ocean, simply walked into the sea and across the ocean floor, emerging months later on the opposite shore.[1][2]

When the inevitable catches the transgressor, it will mete out whatever punishment has been deemed appropriate, but this is typically execution. On some occasions, however, it chooses some form of compensation to whomever the transgressor had wronged and uses their geas or mark of justice powers to guarantee the transgressor carries out the necessary actions.[1][2]

Afterward, however, the inevitable wanders the land, quietly watching whatever transpires around it while being heedless of all the attention it attracts. But as soon as it witnesses a transgression of its fundamental law, it takes on a new mission. Some people might learn of the idle inevitable, track it down, and alert it to some crime and argue for it to take it on as a new mission, but whether it accepts or not depends on its personal programming.[1][2]


Kolyaruts and zelekhuts are found on the plane of Daanvi, the Perfect Order,[3] and maruts are found on the plane of Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead.[4]

However, they can appear anywhere when in pursuit of their quarry.[1] They can emerge from manifest zones to Daanvi and Dolurrh, such as the aukarak reality storms of Sarlona's Tashana Tundra.[5]


If necessary, inevitables may gather allies to help them against challenging foes. However, such alliances fall apart before too long, as their allies quickly realize the inevitable will not hesitate to sacrifice them to achieve its goal. Otherwise, inevitables operate alone, without others of their kind.[1][2]


In battle, an inevitable focuses entirely on the target transgressor and completely ignores others. They are programmed to avoid innocent beings, but not their accomplices and agents, which can occasionally cause conflicts in their programming. It might attack a creature that gets in its way, but will delay no longer than necessary before it engages with the transgressor again. Despite this, it does not neglect self-defense at all: if an inevitable is attacked with what it views as deadly force, it will respond in kind, and an inevitable will act to preserve its existence. It will only willingly sacrifice itself if it will achieve its mission in the process. If defeat and failure are certain, it will withdraw to find a different approach.[1][2]


While inevitables vary in their design and powers, all can regenerate to repair damage sustained, provided they are still functional. However, chaotic weapons and the natural attacks of beings of chaos overcome their natural resilience and cannot be regenerated.[1][2]

Similarly, as beings of law, inevitables' weapons and natural attacks overcome the natural resilience of beings of chaos.[1][2]


Behind the Scenes[]

The placement of other inevitables, namely the anhydrut, the quarut, and the varakhut (from Sandstorm and Fiend Folio), in the Eberron setting has not been stated.



Player's Handbook Races: Aasimar | Dragonborn | Drow | Dwarf | Elf | Goliath | Gnome | Half-Elf | Half-Orc | Halfling | Human | Orc | Tiefling
Eberron Races: Bugbear | Changeling | Goblin | Hobgoblin | Kalashtar | Shifter | Warforged
Other Races: Armand | Asherati | Bhuka | Doppelganger | Dragon | Gnoll | Kobold | Lizardfolk | Medusa | Sahuagin | Shulassakar | Thri-kreen | Yuan-Ti
Outsiders: Angel | Archon | Daelkyr | Demon | Devil | Elemental | Genie | Githyanki | Githzerai | Inevitable | Mephit | Quori | Slaad