Slows creatures in an area.
Original D&D[]
Debuted in Men & Magic, for the magic-user.
- Spell Level 3
- Duration 3 turns
- Range 24"
No explicit effect is given, though it presumably slows creatures. It is noted that the spell affects up to 24 creatures in a 6" by 12" area, and that it will counter a haste spell (and vice-versa).
Debuted in the Player's Handbook as a magic-user spell.
Level: 3 | School: Alteration |
Components: V, S, M (a drop of treacle) | |
Range: 9" + 1"/level | Casting Time: 3 segments |
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level | Saving Throw: None |
Targets: 1 creature/level in a 4" by 4" area |
Reduces each target's movement and attack rate by half. It thus undoes a haste spell. It will also stack with itself, slowing creatures already slowed even further.