Dubbing Wikia
Dubbing Wikia

Rick and Morty: The Anime is a 2024 animated science fiction sitcom series created and developed by Takashi Sano and produced by Studio Deen, Sola Entertainment and Telecom Animation Film for Adult Swim. The third series in the franchise, based on the animated series of the same name by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, it stars Yōhei Tadano as Rick Sanchez and Keisuke Chiba as Morty Smith, reprising their roles from the Japanese dub of the original series, although none of the cast of the English version of the original series reprise their roles.

It premiered on Adult Swim on Thursday August 15, 2024, then a day later on Max in English. The subbed version later premiered on Adult Swim's Toonami block on Saturday August 17, 2024.


Rick and Morty anime spin-off adapting themes and events of the main series while also standing on its own as an original work.


Image Character Seiyū Dub Actor
Main Characters
Rick Sanchez (R&M Anime) Rick Sanchez Yōhei Tadano Joe Daniels
Rick Alternate (R&M Anime) Rick (Alternate)
Morty Smith (R&M Anime) Morty Smith Keisuke Chiba Gabriel Regojo
Space Morty (R&M Anime) Space Morty
Secondary Characters
Jerry Smith (R&M Anime) Jerry Smith Manabu Muraji Joe Daniels
Jerry Prime (R&M Anime) Jerry Prime
Summer Smith (R&M Anime) Summer Smith Akiha Matsui Donna Bella Litton
Beth Smith (R&M Anime) Beth Smith Takako Fuji Patricia Duran
Space Beth (R&M Anime) Space Beth
Elle (R&M Anime)
Elle true form (R&M Anime)
Elle Hitomi Sasaki Luci Christian
Recurring Characters
Mr. Nimbus (R&M Anime) Mr. Nimbus Fuminori Komatsu Brandon Hearnsberger
Mr. President (R&M Anime) Mr. President Shawn Hamilton
Tammy (R&M Anime)
Cyborg Tammy (R&M Anime)
Tammy Arisa Sakuraba Katelyn Barr
Birdperson (R&M Anime) Birdperson Masashi Hashimoto Andrew Love
Federation Commander (R&M Anime) Federation Commander Takeshi Hayakawa ¿?
Vice Commander (R&M Anime) Vice Commander Fuminori Komatsu ¿?
Mr. Goldenfold (R&M Anime) Mr. Goldenfold Shawn Hamilton

Episodic Characters[]

Image Character Seiyū Dub Actor Ep(s).
Interrogator (R&M Anime) Interrogator Tatsuhiro Kikuchi ¿? 1
Soldier 1 (R&M Anime) Galactic Federation Soldiers ¿?
Soldier 2 (R&M Anime) ¿?
Arms Dealer (R&M Anime) Arms Dealer ¿?
Chancellor (R&MTA) Servants Masashi Hashimoto Sean Patrick Judge
Servant 2 (R&M Anime) ¿?
Title (R&M Anime) Commercial Voice Chika Anzai ¿?
Title (R&M Anime) Baby Natsumi Wakaba ¿?
Emperor (R&M Anime) Emperor Yūsuke Hoshino ¿? 1, 5
Alien Soldier Duo 1 (R&M Anime) Alien Federation Soldiers
(Alien Soldier Duo)
Ren Yazawa Adam Gibbs 1, 7
Alien Soldier Duo 2 (R&M Anime) Yū Okano Blake Weir
Frank (R&M Anime) Frank Toshinari Fukamachi Ty Mahany 1, 10
Rebel Leader (R&M Anime) Rebel Leader ¿? 3, 7, 9
Amphibious Villain (R&M Anime) Amphibious Villain Masaki Kobori ¿? 5
Yakuza Boss (R&M Anime) Yakuza Boss ¿?
Other Yakuza Boss (R&M Anime) Other Yakuza Boss ¿?
Female Yakuza Boss (R&M Anime) Female Yakuza Boss Kanata Tanaka ¿?
Toby (R&M Anime) Toby Hiroki Ichinomiya Greg Cote 6, 10
Story Lord (R&M Anime) Story Lord Takeshi Hayakawa Andrew Love 7
Dr. Wong (R&M Anime) Dr. Wong Kaori Nakamura Annie Mai
Birdperson's Daughter (R&M Anime) Birdperson's Daughter Natsumi Wakasa 9
Maria (R&M Anime)
Maria (Older) (R&M Anime)
Maria Saki Kobari Brittney Karbowski 10

Additional Voices[]





  • Unlike the original series, which had its voice acting recorded with talent from Burbank, California at Bang Zoom! Entertainment, the dubbing for this anime iteration was recorded with talent from Houston, Texas at Sentai Studios. This change was made because, globally, there was a recast for all international dubs for this version.
    • It's unclear why there was a recast globally, though chances are this was to differentiate it from the original series to some extent.
    • Consequently, the recast makes this the first and so-far only piece of Rick & Morty media to use non-union voice acting, unlike the original series which was unionized.
  • This is Shawn Hamilton and Jasmine Renee Thomas's second anime role.
  • This is Keegan Daleo's debut anime role.
  • Gary Anthony Williams was often miscredited as Mr. President when it was actually Shawn Hamilton who voiced Mr. President. This is a rather strange misconception, as Williams is based out of Los Angeles rather than Houston. This is similar to Lori Petty being miscredited as Tamae Hojo from When They Cry despite the English dub's non-union status.


Date(s) Channel Country
August 15, 2024 Adult Swim logo United States United States
Canada Canada

Transmission via Streaming[]

Company Date Category Format Classification Content Country
Max Logo August 16, 2024 Anime Digital TV-14 10 Eps. United States United States

External Links[]
