Remake Our Life! is a 2021 anime series based on the light novel series written by Nachi Kio and illustrated by Eretto. It is produced by Studio Feel and aired in Japan from July 3 to September 25, 2021, consisting of twelve episodes. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on August 3, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Kyōya Hashiba | Masahiro Itō | Jerry Jewell | |
Aki Shino | Aoi Koga | Lindsay Seidel | |
Tsurayuki Rokuonji | Haruki Ishiya | Kamen Casey | |
Nanako Kogure | Aimi | Macy Anne Johnson | |
Eiko Kawasegawa | Nao Tōyama | Marisa Duran | |
Keiko Tomioka | ? | Rachel Thompson |
Minor Cast[]
- Ben Phillips - Mikio Sugimoto
- Caitlin Glass - Misaki Kanō
- Emily Fajardo - Miyoko Hashiba
- James Marler - Sasuke
- Jennifer Alyx - Miki Morishita (eps9-11)
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Genkirō Hikawa
- Kelly Greenshield - Sayuri Jishouji (eps6-7)
- Kristen McGuire - Ayaka Minori (eps9-12)
- Lisette Monique Diaz - Maki Hashiba (eps8-10, 12)
- Mark Allen Jr. - Takashi Kiryū
- Ryan Seale - The Manager (eps9-10)
- Travis Mullenix - Shō Kakihara