Karin (かりん), also known as Chibi Vampire, is a Japanese anime series based on the manga written and illustrated by Yuna Kagesaki. Consisting of 24 episodes, the series aired in Japan on WOWOW from November 4, 2005 to May 12, 2006. It was licensed in the United States by Geneon Entertainment.
Dubbing History[]
When Geneon dubbed the series, they outsourced the English dubbing to Odex in Singapore, who recorded the dubbing at Voiceovers Unlimited. The dub was criticized by fans for its poor voice acting and low production values.
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Karin Maaka | Sayuri Yahagi | Chelsea Curto | |
Kenta Usui | Katsuyuki Konishi | Yahav Rom | |
Anju Maaka | Yuka Inokuchi | Marian Elizabeth Spencer | |
Ren Maaka | Junichi Suwabe | Jerry Szombathy | |
Henry Maaka | Hiroshi Matsumoto | Paul J. Pistore | |
Carrera Maaka | Emi Shinohara | Chio Su-Ping | |
Elda Maaka | Yuri Shiratori | Denise Tan | |
Fumio Usui | Aya Hisakawa | Meriem Bekka | |
Maki Tokito | Mikako Takahashi | Hillary Blazer-Doyle | |
Victor Sinclair | Katsumi Chō | George N. Cahill III | |
Winner Sinclair | Kōki Miyata | James Shubert | |
Boogie | Hirofumi Nojima | Paul J. Pistore | |
Narration | Junpei Takiguchi | Jerry Szombathy |
Additional Voices[]
- George N. Cahill III
- George N. Cahill IV
- Edward Choy Keng Choong
- William Gary Ladick
- Marian Elizabeth Spencer
- Chio Su-Ping
- Jerry Szombathy
- Dwayne Tan
- Coral Tong
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Contents | Region | Country | |
Geneon Entertainment | 2007-2008 | The Complete Series | 1 NTSC |
United States | ||
6 Volumes | ||||||
FUNimation Entertainment | 2009 | The Complete Series | ||||
6 Discs | ||||||
2010 | The Complete Series | |||||
6 Discs |