Decivilizing, civilizing or informalizing? The international development of Mixed Martial Arts
journal contribution
posted on 2014-07-24, 08:47 authored by Raul Sanchez Garcia, Dominic MalcolmDominic MalcolmThis article contributes to ongoing debates about trends in violence in sport through an
examination of the emergence of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). The article counters suggestions that
the rise of MMA is indicative of a decivilizing and/or de-sportizing process, arguing instead that
the development of MMA can best be explained with reference to the concepts of informalization
and the ‘quest for excitement’. More particularly, the article argues that MMA emerged as a
global sport as a consequence of the ascendancy of professionalism over amateurism, through a
hybridization of Eastern and Western combat styles, and due to participants’ desires to generate
increased levels of excitement. The article argues that despite academic and public portrayals
to the contrary, considerable self-restraint characterizes the violence in MMA. The sport has,
however, oscillated between more and less violent forms as relatively ‘de-sensitized’ participants
and wider public lobbies have contested the definition of socially tolerable violence. In order to
maintain spectator appeal under increasingly stringent regulation promoters have sought to make
‘cosmetic’ changes to MMA to increase the appearance of de-controlled violence. The article
concludes by arguing that combat sports are inherently contentious as they necessarily exist
close to the boundary between ‘real’ and ‘mock’ fighting and thus on the margins of modern sport.
- Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
39 - 58 (20)Citation
SANCHEZ GARCIA, R. and MALCOLM, D., 2010. Decivilizing, civilizing or informalizing? The international development of Mixed Martial Arts. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 45 (1), pp. 39 - 58.Publisher
SAGE © The Author(s)Version
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publication date
This article was published in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport [SAGE © The author(s)] and the definitive version is available at:
1012-6902Publisher version
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