Dresden Files

John Stallings is a human male, member of the Chicago Police Department. He first appears in Grave Peril.


John Stallings is Karrin Murphy's second partner in Special Investigations, after her first, Ron Carmichael, was killed by a loup-garou.[1]

He became head of S.I. after Karrin Murphy's demotion. He is somewhat skeptical about the supernatural in Grave Peril, he appears more open to it in Proven Guilty.[2]

In the series[]

Grave Peril[]

In Grave Peril, he is described as having a bad haircut and intelligent dark eyes.[3]

Blood Rites[]

In Blood Rites,

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Proven Guilty[]

In Proven Guilty,

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White Night[]

In White Night,

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Small Favor[]

In Small Favor,

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Turn Coat[]

In Turn Coat,

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In Changes,

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In Aftermath, he manages to get Karrin Murphy, who's suspended from the force, from the crime scene at the Water Beetle. Though she hopes that Harry Dresden is still alive, they both know the chances are slight.[4]

