Fink is an intelligent and clever red fox, who leads a solitary life on the island, but his lonely existence has earned him a less-than-stellar reputation among the other animals. Still, after failing to steal the egg containing Roz's adopted gosling son, Fink strikes up a genial relationship with the titular mechanoid, teaching her invaluable lessons of survival.[1]
Fink is the first animated role for his voice actor, Pedro Pascal.
In the novel series, Fink is a supporting character like the rest of the forest animals, but in the film he becomes a main character and Roz's closest companion besides Brightbill.
Fink was the only forest animal whose name was not changed in the foreign dubs of the film.
His appearance, personality and development are very similar to those of Nick Wilde from the Disney film Zootopia, though Fink is an ordinary forest fox while Nick is an anthropomorphic fox.