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The wyvern is cornered is a limited event card in Dragon Age: The Last Court. It occurs after achieving 20 Closing In with A wyvern as the chosen quarry.


It turns, its crest flared. Its teeth are sharp as knives and slick with venom.

Available actions[]


Have your companions distract it
While you strike.
Difficulty: Derring-Do*6/5 (uses 1 action)

Success: Victory
They call to the beast, darting forward then back. The wyvern whirls to keep them in view. You spring past the lashing tail and onto its back. It bucks. You grip its crest. Reversing your sword, you drive the point between the scales of its back. Blood gushes out, steaming like water from a hot spring. You cling on as the wyvern's death throes try to hurl you to your death.
Your men have to prise you free from the corpse. To release your tension you cut the beast's head - and venom sacs - from its neck.
+3 Trophies, →The Antidote, The Dowager is gravely ill

Failure: Lord of the forest
The wyvern holds its ground, emerald eyes watching first one hunter, then another. Shrieking, it springs. One of your companions is pinned to the ground. The others scatter into the trees. The wyvern's teeth snap. A scream, rising as the poison works.
The beast lifts its head. Its eyes fix on yours. You are alone.
You are alone


Distract it yourself
While your companions finish it.
Difficulty: Cunning*2 (uses 1 action)

Success: A language it can understand
You hiss at the beast and flick your sword at its yellow eyes. When it turns to keep the circling hunters in sight, you dart forward and give it another sword-kiss.
Three times you strike, enraging it until it claws the ground and charges you. You raise your sword in a feeble defence... and your companions fall on it like wolves.
The beast goes down under butchers' blows. Its wings twitch, then come to a slow rest like a sheet flung over a bed. You claim the honor of severing the creature's head, complete with its precious venom sacs.
+3 Trophies, →The Antidote, The Dowager is gravely ill

Failure: The worst jobs
You lunge forward to distract the wyvern from your fellows. Quick as a serpent, it lashes at you and sends you sprawling into a bramble. Your sword falls from your hand.
As you scrabble to get it back, the wyvern throws itself among your companions, snapping, lashing, driving them into the woods.
Your hand closes on the familiar hilt of your sword. The creature turns its attention back to you...
You are alone


Slay it alone
You'll only get one shot at this...
If you fail, your Health will be reduced to zero.

Success: All it takes
It lunges, its teeth snapping on nothing as you roll under its extended neck. Your sword hacks. Scales split. Flesh parts. Blood spills. The beast dies loudly and slowly as you scramble from under its thrashing bulk.
When it's still, you sever the head, making sure the venom sacs are intact.
+3 Trophies, The Dowager is gravely ill

Failure: Trading blows
It's so fast. The head lashes out, jaws gaping. Your sword is slow as syrup. You feel the pain of its teeth dig into your arm, and then the coursing cold of its poison. Your senses flee before the pain...
The tardy arrival of your companions scares the beast away. They carry you back to the château. Only your vigour saves you from the wyvern's venom.
Your 'Health' Quality has gone!


Go back to gather your companions
It would be madness to fight the beast alone.
You will lose some ground, but will no longer be Alone. (needs Alone 1)

Result: The better part of valor
You back carefully away. The wyvern watches you, unblinking. When you're out of its sight you break and race in search of your party. They come to your call, and you lead them back on the wyvern's trail.
You have rejoined your party, - Hour Remaining, + Closing In, no longer Alone
