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“Mythal, all-mother, protector of the People, watch over us, for the path we tread is perilous.
Save us from the darkness, as you did before, and we will sing your name to the heavens.[1]

“Let fly your voice to Mythal. Deliverer of justice. Protector of sun and earth alike.
Pray to Mythal and she would smite your enemies, leaving them in agony.[2]

Mythal the Protector, All-Mother, and goddess of love,[3] is the patron of motherhood and justice (the flip side of vengeance).[4] She leads the pantheon with her male counterpart, Elgar'nan.

Dalish legends[]

It was at this moment that Mythal walked out of the sea of the Earth's tears and onto the land. She placed her hand on Elgar'nan's brow, and at her touch he grew calm and knew that his anger had led him astray.

From Codex entry: Mythal: the Great Protector

The Dalish believe that Mythal was born of the sea.[5][6] They tell that when Elgar'nan threw the sun out of the sky in vengeance for burning the earth to ashes, Mythal calmed him and helped him see how his anger had betrayed him. Elgar'nan was convinced to free the sun. On the first night after the sun was released Mythal created the moon, from the glowing earth round its bed, to be placed in the sky as a pale reflection of the sun's true glory.[5][6]

In most legends, Mythal and Elgar'nan had at least four children, possibly five: Falon'Din, Dirthamen, Andruil, Sylaise and June.[7] However, June is oftentimes depicted as Sylaise’s husband, thus potentially excluding him from being considered one of the children.

In most stories, Mythal rights wrongs while exercising motherly kindness.[2] Other paint her as dark, vengeful.[5][2][8][9] Yet all accounts end the same: Mythal was exiled to the Beyond with other gods.[2]

The Dalish invoke Mythal's name when they require protection.[5][6]

In Elvhenan[]

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Mosaic depicting Mythal's dragon form found in the Temple of Mythal.

Mythal was one of the Evanuris, powerful elvhen mages who often warred with each other, and branded their enslaved kin with their vallaslin.[10] She was a voice of reason and, unlike the other pretender gods, genuinely cared for her people.[11]

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Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Mythal was truly the Mother, protective and fierce.[12]

The ancient priests who toiled in Mythal's favor passed their knowledge on through the Well of Sorrows. Their collective will would put anyone who drank from it under a compulsion and bind them forever to Mythal's service.[13]

Elves petitioned Mythal on matters of justice and it is said that those who came to her with clear minds and open hearts were granted judgment and protection; Mythal harried their enemies until the end of their days. Those who tried to manipulate her wrath against those they envied or were being petty over imagined slights were swiftly struck down.[14]

Thus, Mythal did not show favor to the sinner who dared to fly in the shape of the divine. She let Elgar'nan judge him.[15]

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On another occasion, when Falon'Din and Elgar'nan found themselves in an argument, Mythal defused the situation by suggesting that they appoint their knights to battle in their stead, thus avoiding a civil war among the gods.[16]

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Dragon Age: Inquisition.

When Falon'Din began wars to amass more worshipers, Mythal rallied the gods against him. Falon'Din only surrendered when they bloodied him in his own temple.[12]

When Andruil had gone mad after hunting in the Void, Mythal took the form of a great serpent and waited for Andruil at the base of a mountain. They fought for three days and nights, until Mythal sapped Andruil's strength with her magic and stole Andruil's knowledge of how to find the Void.[17]

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Mythal has struck down the titans and rendered the earth, their demesne, unto the elves.[18] Her statues are found deep underground, often accompanied by statues of Fen'Harel.[19] One statue is overlooking an ancient dwarven tomb.[20] She is described as giving dreams to someone empty and thus filling them up.[21]

Mythal's Well of Sorrows knows the secret greeting from those Fen'Harel trusted, which suggests that Fen'Harel and Mythal were close.[22]


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Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Mythal was murdered, but not, as later stories suggested, by Fen'Harel. She was betrayed by those who destroyed her temple.[13]

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Mythal's fellow elven gods killed her in their lust for power. This act was the final straw that led the Dread Wolf to banish them. However, the first of his people do not die so easily.[11]

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Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Mythal was reduced to a wisp of what she was, and came to Flemeth in her time of need. Thus the famed Witch of the Wilds, who is in fact the possessed form of Mythal, came to be. She seeks justice for what was lost.[23]

In the aftermath of Corypheus' defeat, Solas confronts Flemeth at an eluvian just as Flemeth is seen passing some form of energy through the mirror. After a brief exchange Solas/Fen'Harel appears to absorb Flemeth's power.

Mythal continues to appear in people's dreams.[24]

Symbols and shrines[]


The constellation Silentir

Mythal is often depicted as a dragon or a female humanoid figure with dragon head and wings. Some scholars have speculated that the constellation Silentir, which is depicted as either a dragon in flight or a man carrying a horn and wand, may have originally been a representation of Mythal.[25]

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Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Flemeth can turn into a high dragon. One of her daughters, Yavana, was tasked with watching over dragons sleeping in the Silent Grove, including the Great ones. After drinking from the Well of Sorrows and meeting Flemeth, the Inquisitor gains a dragon ally: either a shape-shifted Morrigan, if she drank from the well, or the Guardian of Mythal, subdued by the Inquisitor.

An altar to Mythal is found atop Sundermount, outside of Kirkwall. A majestic Temple of Mythal guarded by Sentinel elves is located deep in the Arbor Wilds. It was once the center of a temple complex with an entire city around it,[26] and there were multiple such cities.[27] Another Altar of Mythal stands nearby.

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Mythal: the Great Protector Codex entry: Mythal: the Great Protector
Codex entry: The Judgment of Mythal Codex entry: The Judgment of Mythal
Codex entry: Constellation: Silentir Codex entry: Constellation: Silentir
Codex entry: Veilfire Runes in the Deep Roads Codex entry: Veilfire Runes in the Deep Roads
Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 3 Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 3

See also[]

Mythal's Blessing Mythal's Blessing
Mythal's Favor Mythal's Favor



  1. Merrill's prayer at the altar during A New Path.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Recited/explained by Morrigan during What Pride Had Wrought.
  3. Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, p. 183
  4. Dragon Age: Origins: Prima Official Game Guide#Collector's Edition
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Codex entry: Mythal: the Great Protector
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Dragon Age (tabletop RPG), Player's Guide, set 2, p. 23
  7. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 120
  8. Mythal's Blessing
  9. Dragon Age (tabletop RPG), Game Master's Guide, set 1, p. 45
  10. Note: Ancient Mosaics
  11. 11.0 11.1 According to Solas in Trespasser.
  12. 12.0 12.1 According to Solas during What Pride Had Wrought.
  13. 13.0 13.1 According to Abelas at the Well during What Pride Had Wrought.
  14. Codex entry: The Judgment of Mythal
  15. Codex entry: Ancient Elven Writing
  16. Codex entry: Vir Dirthara: Duel of a Hundred Years
  17. Codex entry: Elven God Andruil
  18. Codex entry: Veilfire Runes in the Deep Roads
  19. See Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 1, Deep Roads (Trespasser) and Bastion of the Pure.
  20. See The Tomb of Fairel#Gallery.
  21. Codex entry: Torn Notebook in the Deep Roads, Section 3
  22. According to the Inquisitor in Elven Mountain Ruins, if they were chosen at the Temple of Mythal.
  23. According to Flemeth during the Final Piece.
  24. According to the ambient dialogue in Val Royeaux, an elven servant has been experiencing dreams of Mythal: "A woman comes to me in my dreams, and she whispers things… [...] She says her name is Mythal, but… I will be quiet, I promise."
  25. Codex entry: Constellation: Silentir
  26. Codex entry: The Temple of Mythal
  27. Codex entry: Song to Sylaise