In category: humans we have subcategories of magisters, human lore and slaves/slavers. Now, if the category is to be utilised this way, i.e. adding the category to all groups that are human - we should either do it with all or with none at all. Also, Varania is to be an apprentice with her master (or so he claims), so it is possible there is at least one elven magister out there - which rules out the magisters being as human-only. Henio0 (talk) 06:54, September 18, 2013 (UTC)
- The reason for this extra categorization is that these group categories are race-specific. For example, as far as we know dwarves are not enslaved. However feel free to suggest on how to utilize the Category:Humans in a more effective way. As for the second part, I didn't understand your line of thought. Varania seeks to gain apprenticeship, but how does that make elves as magisters? 09:06, September 18, 2013 (UTC)
- now, it's been a while since I played Legacy, but doesn't Cory suggest Hawke and companions are dwarves' slaves? it is possible dwarves were slavers too. as per verania, what I meant is that if a magister like Danarius would make an elf his apprentice (apprentice to become a a magister) it is not unthinkable to imagine there already is a proper elven magister somewhere, and if so this discovery will make magisters not human-only, but nevermind, that's for then to worry. I just found it weird that slaves and slavers are the only groups in this category. Henio0 (talk) 09:40, September 18, 2013 (UTC)