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Dragon Age Wiki

Bears are wild animals common to the forests of Thedas. They are rarely seen during the day and don't attack travellers, unless provoked. Enraged bears are remarkably dangerous and can strike massive blows, capable of knocking a person off their feet.[1] Some rangers are known to summon bears to fight on their side.


Normally, bears are so shy and so inactive during the day that most people never encounter one at all. However, should a bear be provoked, they are remarkably dangerous. The normally placid-seeming creatures become enraged, and can strike massive blows with their paws.[1]

Elven Pantheon[]

"No beast is more beloved by Dirthamen than the bear. When the world was new, Dirthamen gave one secret to each creature to keep. The foxes traded their secrets to Andruil for wings. The hares shouted theirs to the treetops. The birds sold theirs for gold and silver. Only the bears kept Dirthamen's gift, deep within their dens, they slept the months away in the company of their secrets and nothing else. When Dirthamen discovered what had been done with his gifts, he snatched the wings from the foxes, silenced the voices of the hares, and turned the birds into paupers. but the bears he honored for their steadfastness."

—Transcribed from a Dalish tale, 9:8 Dragon.[1]


Black bear

A summoned black bear

Dragon Age: Origins[]

Bears are encountered mainly in the forested areas of Ferelden. Black bears are the most common type of bears. They can be summoned by a Ranger and Shapeshifters can transform into them. The Ranger's bear levels up with the character and thus makes for a great tanking ally, with high health and damage output. While the same applies to the bear form, its use prevents spellcasting and thus it should only be used as a last resort.

Great bears are far larger and more powerful than black bears. A Master Ranger can summon a great bear, marginally increasing its power and allowing for it to use overwhelm.

Dragon Age: Inquisition[]

Bears can be found throughout Ferelden and Orlais. Large bears appear in the Hinterlands only during the side quest Bergrit's Claws. The great bear, a bigger and powerful bear, is less common than a regular bear, but can still be found in great numbers across the Dales of Orlais. An even larger and more powerful version of the great bear, named Old Scarred Paw, appears with its cubs during the side quest A Bear to Cross.

Notable bears[]

Chauncey - a miniature "large bear" found at the Black Emporium
Old Scarred Paw - a unique great bear found in the Emerald Graves
Storvacker - a great bear that became Stone-Bear Hold's "Hold-Beast"


Dragon Age: Origins[]

When Bears Attack When Bears Attack (black bears)

Dragon Age: Inquisition[]

Bergrit's Claws Bergrit's Claws (large bears)
A Well-Stocked Camp A Well-Stocked Camp (great bears)
A Bear to Cross A Bear to Cross (Old Scarred Paw)


Dragon Age: Origins[]

Lothering Lothering (black bears)
The Fade The Fade (black bears)
East Brecilian Forest East Brecilian Forest (great bears)
West Brecilian Forest West Brecilian Forest (great bears)
Battlefield Battlefield (great bears)

Dragon Age: Awakening[]

Forest Path Forest Path (black bears and great bears)

Dragon Age: Inquisition[]

Emerald Graves Emerald Graves (great bears)
Emprise du Lion Emprise du Lion (great bears)
Fallow Mire Fallow Mire (a single bear at Granite Point)
Hinterlands Hinterlands (bears and large bears)
Storm Coast Storm Coast (bears)

Abilities & Skills[]

Slam Slam
Rage Rage (summoned black bears and great bears)
Overwhelm Overwhelm (summoned great bears)

Notable loot[]

Bear Claws Bear Claws
Bear Hide Bear Hide
Fade-Touched Bear Hide (Max Stamina) Fade-Touched Bear Hide (Max Stamina)
Fade-Touched Bear Hide (Stamina) Fade-Touched Bear Hide (Stamina)
Great Bear Claws Great Bear Claws
Great Bear Hide Great Bear Hide
Great Bear Teeth Great Bear Teeth
Fade-Touched Great Bear Hide (Max Stamina) Fade-Touched Great Bear Hide (Max Stamina)
Fade-Touched Great Bear Hide (Stamina) Fade-Touched Great Bear Hide (Stamina)


Black bear
Large bear
Great bear

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Bear Codex entry: Bear
Codex entry: Bear Codex entry: Bear
Codex entry: Great Bear Codex entry: Great Bear
Codex entry: Ghoul Codex entry: Ghoul
Codex entry: Ghoul Codex entry: Ghoul

Note texts[]

A Note Found on a Corpse A Note Found on a Corpse


  • ps3ps3 (Origins) When summoned, the great bear will often get stuck in normal-sized doorways. This is noticeable, for example, during the Warden's Keep DLC.

See also[]

Fauna and flora
Master Ranger
Master Shapeshifter


