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Anaris is one of the Forgotten Ones of the Elven pantheon.



Dragon Age: The Veilguard[]


The Demon's Bargain The Demon's Bargain
Hummingbird's Lament Hummingbird's Lament
Through the Shadows Through the Shadows


Fen'Harel and the Tree[]

"In the story, Fen'Harel was captured by the hunting goddess, Andruil. He had angered her by hunting the halla without her blessing, and she tied him to a tree and declared that he would have to serve in her bed for a year and a day to pay her back. But as she made camp that night, the dark god Anaris found them, and Anaris swore that he would kill Fen'Harel for crimes against the Forgotten Ones. Andruil and Anaris decided that they would duel for the right to claim Fen'Harel.
He called out to Anaris during the fight and told him of a flaw in Andruil's armor just above the hip, and Anaris stabbed Andruil in the side, and she fell. Then Fen'Harel told Anaris that he owed the Dread Wolf for the victory and ought to get his freedom. Anaris was so affronted by Fen'Harel's audacity that he turned and shouted insults at the prisoner, and so he did not see Andruil, injured but alive, rise behind him and attack with her great bow. Anaris fell with a golden arrow in his back, badly injured, and while both gods slumbered to heal their wounds, Fen'Harel chewed through his ropes and escaped."
—Felassan, to Briala[1]

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Fen'Harel: The Dread Wolf Codex entry: Fen'Harel: The Dread Wolf
Codex entry: Cyrian's Farewell Note Codex entry: Cyrian's Farewell Note
Codex entry: Final Notes on a Mystery Substance Codex entry: Final Notes on a Mystery Substance
Codex entry: A Letter from Strife Codex entry: A Letter from Strife
Codex entry: Tales of the Forgotten Ones Codex entry: Tales of the Forgotten Ones
Codex entry: An Unsent Letter to Cyrian Codex entry: An Unsent Letter to Cyrian

Note texts[]

