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“Morality is not static. Right and wrong are a matter of perspective.”

Ambrose Forfex is Tevinter's premier wigmaker and a Venatori blood mage. He is described as a man of average height and build, bald and clean-shaven, with hawkish gold eyes and sculpted black brows.


Ambrose was introduced to the Venatori by Magister Livius Erimond and has since become a high-ranking member of the organization.


Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights[]

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Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights.

BioWare canon
The plot follows BioWare's own canon, meaning it may not follow some of the player's choices in the games.

The Wigmaker Job
Just before the beginning of one of his seasonal wig shows, Ambrose Forfex is informed by his fellow Venatori, Crispin Kavlo and Felicia Erimond, that Lucanis Dellamorte of the Antivan Crows has accepted a contract for his assassination. Though he is concerned given Lucanis' reputation and past record killing members of the Venatori, Ambrose refuses to cancel his show. Instead, he sends an assassin of his own against Lucanis and hires significant security for his party. However, Ambrose's Venatori assassin fails to eliminate Lucanis and his associate and cousin, Illario Dellamorte.

When the two Crows infiltrate Ambrose's party and workshop, they find rows of emaciated and legless slaves chained to the ceiling, their mouths sewn shut and their skin spotted with crystalized sores. They also discover that Ambrose feeds his slaves red lyrium to create the wigs he's been exhibiting during his shows. Lucanis decides that a quick death is more than Forfex deserves and resolves to make him pay by turning his creations against him. Lucanis destroys the artifact strengthening the Veil while Illario frees the slaves that can still be saved.

With the artifact destroyed, the models turn into abominations, the red lyrium wigs on their heads becoming living blades that strike out at anyone coming close. Lucanis makes his entrance as Ambrose is trying to retrieve his creations by cutting the wigs off the abominations. He uses blood magic against Lucanis, but the Crow dodges his attack and counters by cutting four of his fingers. In desperation, Ambrose starts eating locks of red lyrium-infused hair and quickly transforms into a monstrous abomination, eight segments of spiky hair forming legs while the rest of Ambrose's twisted body forms the creature's abdomen. Lucanis is helped in his fight against Ambrose by the slave abominations, possessed by spirits of vengeance. When Ambrose is killed, the other abominations turn to ash as well, their vengeance satisfied.

The final death toll of Ambrose's party stands at over forty. When informed of the incident, Magister Zara Renata, one of Forfex's Venatori associates, resolves to lay low and observe Lucanis to discover and exploit his weaknesses.


  • The front of the Forfex estate is a collection of beige and red brick rotundas. He hosts his shows in a grand circular courtyard surrounded by a two-tiered arcade at the back of the estate proper.