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Aiding Kirkwall is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition.


Available after completing war table operation An Ally from Starkhaven and both main quests Here Lies the Abyss and Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, if Sebastian Vael was recruited in Dragon Age II and Anders was killed by Hawke (established via the Dragon Age Keep).

Operation text[]

The tumult of the mage rebellion has been quelled. However, the city where it all began, Kirkwall, still suffers from the consequences of the fanatic Anders' actions. Kirkwall was once my home; it was the home of Grand Cleric Elthina, who was a mother to me and so many others. I will not watch it languish. Starkhaven will soon embark on a mission of aid. We will send troops and workers to assist in the rebuilding and restoration of the city. I humbly entreat the Inquisition for help in this endeavour.

Sebastian Vael

Advisor suggestions[]

Note: The time listed is the time it takes with no agents.

Josephine - 1:00:00[]

I will plead for assistance from our supporters around Thedas. Restoring Kirkwall, a symbol of all that's happened, could be a significant act that cements our alliances.

Leliana - 0:48:00[]

Corypheus is still threatening Thedas. Kirkwall has survived this long; it can do so for a while longer.

Cullen - 1:00:00[]

Red lyrium may present an obstacle to rebuilding the city. Our soldiers can assist in its removal.



Our plea for aid has earned us great praise. Many see our willingness to commit to Kirkwall’s restoration as reinforcement of our commitment to restoring order to all of the world. First Kirkwall and then all of Thedas.


The prince is undeterred. Let him amuse himself with his pet project.


Rebuilding efforts are progressing well, but there is little we can do about the red lyrium. It seems impossible to destroy. The Gallows, where it is most concentrated, must be placed under quarantine. Our soldiers are handling it as we speak.




  • 30 Influence



  • 30 Influence


  • 60 Influence


