Unreleased Content
- Impact sounds play when the attack successfully hits a target.
- Play on each step while moving. Consists of one footstep and one foley sound per step.
- ▶️ Footstep 1 (30%-60% vol)
- ▶️ Footstep 2 (30%-60% vol)
- ▶️ Footstep 3 (30%-60% vol)
- ▶️ Footstep 4 (30%-60% vol)
- ▶️ Footstep 5 (30%-60% vol)
- ▶️ Footstep 6 (30%-60% vol)
- ▶️ Footstep 7 (30%-60% vol)
- ▶️ foley 1 (20%-60% vol)
- ▶️ foley 2 (20%-60% vol)
- ▶️ foley 3 (20%-60% vol)
- ▶️ foley 4 (20%-60% vol)
- ▶️ foley 5 (20%-60% vol)
- ▶️ foley 6 (20%-60% vol)
- ▶️ foley 7 (20%-60% vol)
Ice Shards[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Tusk upon cast (70% vol).
- ▶️ Projectile sound plays on the projectile while it travels.
- ▶️ Impact sound plays when the shards are released.
- ▶️ Full sound example.
- One of these play together with the default sound as an overlay (70% vol).
- ▶️ Full sound example.
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Tusk upon cast (70% vol).
- Loop sound plays on the Snowball, starting at the moment it is created and lasting until it crumbles.
- ▶️ Ally sound plays on allies whenever they enter the Snowball.
- ▶️ Impact sound plays on each enemy unit stunned by the Snowball
- Hit sounds play on each enemy unit stunned by the Snowball (100% vol when hitting heroes, 50% vol when hitting non-heroes).
- Has no sound effect for launching the Snowball.
- Full sound example with no secondary enemies hit.
Frozen Sigil[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Tusk upon cast.
- ▶️ Loop sound plays and follows the sigil the moment it was created, until expiring or destroyed (60% vol).
- ▶️ Full sound example.
Walrus Punch[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Tusk during the attack animation when the buff is placed, together with his regular preattack sounds (70% vol).
- ▶️ Hit sound plays as an extra attack impact layer on Tusk upon successfully punching a unit.
- ▶️ Land sound plays when the punched units hits the ground.
- ▶️ Full sound example.