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The shotgun is one of the most versatile and useful weapons in the Doom player's arsenal, equipped in all classic Doom games. It's a single-barreled, pump-action shotgun with a wooden stock.


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The Doom 64 shotgun pickup sprite, as seen in MAP01: Staging Area

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Doom 64's shotgun from first person view.

  • The real-e gun digitized for Doom's player model was actually a children's cap gun called the "TootsieToy Dakota", manufactured by the Strombecker Corporation of America.
  • The shotgun was the earliest weapon to appear in Doom, dating from the February 1993 pre-release alpha of the game (Doom 0.2). The shotgun model and animation were present, although the gun graphic had a muzzle brake. The alpha version of the player's in-vision display screens attributed it with 'DAM 30, RPS 20, MAX 99, RNG 50'.
  • Most renditions of the shotgun show it with the standard-length stock, such as in-game, the original Doom intro screen, cover art for Doom II, and the Doom Legacy intro screen. The end cutscene in Thy Flesh Consumed, however, shows the marine carrying a shotgun with a pistol grip and no stock.
  • A similar pump-action shotgun appears in the popular Doom-inspiring 1986 film Aliens, where it's wielded by Corporal Dwayne Hicks of the Colonial Marines. The film used a shortened version of a real-life shotgun, the Ithaca 37.
  • In the Super NES version, due to limitations, the shotgun was changed into a rifle-type weapon that was very accurate with about the same strength as the original shotgun (which could be fictionally explained by the usage of slugs rather than buckshot).
  • In the Saturn port, the shotgun fires much faster than in other ports.
  • The shotgun from Doom 64 has a slightly different appearance and a more simplistic cocking sequence (the shotgun only tilts backwards slightly after firing, instead of it being turned vertically and pumped). Observing the weapon's pickup sprite, it is possible that it is a lever-action shotgun instead: this would explain the simplified animation, as the action is outside the player's view. This is further supported by its in-game sound effect, which is composed of the exact same two stock SFX as those used for the sawed-off shotgun which Arnold Schwarzenegger made use of in Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
  • In the Game Boy Advance port of Doom II, the shotgun has a cone-shaped spread.

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