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Hell Outpost is the eighth and final level of The Lost Mission. The marine must find his way to the functional teleporter, and activate it so Dr. Richard Meyers can send a surge to destroy it. In this level, the player must fight an altered version of the Guardian as a final boss. This level also features a hidden RAGE easter egg containing hidden items; similar to the id easter egg in the final level of Doom 3.


  • Unidentified
  • Exis Teleporter Staging Area


This level is very short, and isn’t very hard for being the final level of The Lost Mission. The level starts on the boat you ended Hell in, and you arrive at some architecture that resembles what you saw on Mars in Caverns Area 2. You’re in an open area with some pillars of lava, with Pinkies spawning in. Once they’re dead, the final Arch-Vile of the whole game will teleport in, spawning, Imps? Kind of weird to not spawn, say, Hell Knights or Revenants.

After this, you enter another temple, and are now in a bridge section, where you will fight Imps, Forgotten Ones, Cacodemons, and Hell Knights. There are three areas in the middle with resources, that have teleporters coming down, teleporting you to a previous area if you don’t time it right. You go to another temple and are before the level’s namesake, the Teleporter Outpost. Click the Rage brick, and go and turn on the teleporter.

Imps, Maggots and Pinkies will spawn, kill them and you will be teleported back to the Exis Labs. You are at the teleporter you entered Hell with. Kill three Imps and the final Hell Knight and go back to Hell, where a modified Guardian will spawn. This fight is easy, and he can be killed in just a few BFG hits. After this, the ending cutscene plays, where the Guardian dies, and the marine is sent back to Mars.

In-Game Information[]


Weapons / Items[]

  • Grenades
  • Clips (large)
  • Shells (large)
  • Cells (small)
  • BFG Cells
  • Medkit (large)
  • Armor Shards
  • Security Armor

