"To kill a Tyrant, shoot at it until it dies" - Doom Eternal loading screen tip
Codex Description:
Demon Lords to the black soul pits of Babel, the Tyrants have long served as wardens and slavers of the infernal pits. Weaponized and cybernetically altered by the UAC, the Tyrants are tasked with overseeing the collection and extraction of sin-branded souls from the mortal world, their role in Hell ordained by the unholy sigil of the Elder Hell-gods. A sadistic master of lesser demons, the Tyrants are feared for their cruelty and malice.
Physical Appearance[]
The Tyrant is a recreation of the original Doom Cyberdemon rather than the more bulky and heavy-set variant encountered in the previous game. It's tan in color, with long curving black horns and two small, beady golden eyes set very far apart from each other. The Tyrant has a flat face with flush nostrils and sharp teeth with two large upward-facing tusks as the lower canines. It lacks the split jaw found on the 2016 version of the monster.
The Synthetic Creature's pelvis and entire right leg are cybernetic replacements, while the left leg has a cybernetic upper section but is mostly organic. Its left arm has been replaced with a weapon, which is very similar in design to the 2016 Cyberdemon's weapon. The abdomen of the Tyrant is exposed, revealing a mixture of wires and gore inside the body. It has some kind of port on the left side of its chest similar to the Argent Accumulator port of its predecessor. When superficial damage is sustained, it's revealed that their skeleton is made of metal. This is probably to further reinforce its already impressive armor.
Combat Characteristics[]
A Tyrant is a slow-moving powerhouse, extremely tough and able to dish out high damage, with its main weaknesses being slow turning speed and a large body that makes it an easy target. It shares some attacks of the 2016 Cyberdemon, though some are pared down in respect to its status as a regular enemy rather than a boss fought on its own.
Its primary attack is to use its arm cannon to fire a barrage of missiles, similar to both the Cyberdemon from the classic games and the 2016 version. It is also able to use a lock-on laser attack like the 2016 Cyberdemon, where it fires powerful aimed lasers preceded by a tracking beam. This attack leads the player's movement, but will stop tracking for a split second before it actually fires.
Less commonly, typically if it has no line of sight, a Tyrant will point its gun at the sky, producing a series of warning circles on the ground before firing off a barrage of missiles that hit the marked points. This attack is significantly toned down from the version used by the 2016 Cyberdemon, only hitting a relatively small area rather than saturating most of an arena.
At close range, a Tyrant will form an energy sword resembling the Crucible blade from its right forearm and swing it at the player, dealing high damage if it connects. The swing will also fire a flaming shockwave, giving it use as a ranged attack. They can also stomp the ground to create a flaming explosion to drive off the player should he approach them at melee range.
Damage Statistics[]
Difficulty | Blade/Stomp | Rocket | Laser |
I'm Too Young
To Die |
TBD | ||
Hurt Me Plenty | TBD | ||
Ultra Violence | TBD | ||
Nightmare | 100 | 20-40 | 76 |
Tyrants are one of the bigger threats in the late game, and it is vital to never lose track of where they are and what they are doing. Their high HP warrants the use of the most powerful weapons the player has to put them out of commission as soon as possible. Late on they are often encountered in pairs, and the Master Levels are particularly fond of featuring them.
Use the player's dash to break rocket lock-on whenever the warning message appears. Otherwise, Tyrants are not the highest priority offensive threat and the player may strafe them multiple times while moving around the arena and fighting faster demons. Pumping the Tyrant with lock-on rockets or a chaingun ammo dump then moving away to replenish ammo and clear other demons with shotgun/plasma ammo is a good strategy.
As noted above, their Achilles' heel is their slow turn speed: this allows the player to get in close and stay behind them quite effectively, and at very short range they go down quickly to hits from the Super Shotgun, Blood Punch, and Ballista combo. If it is fully leveled-up, repeatedly using the Meat Hook to swing behind a Tyrant and deliver a point-blank shot will both deal enormous damage and top up a significant amount of armor. The Rocket Launcher is also a good weapon at dealing damage to it. However, the easiest way of putting a Tyrant down is to fire both shots from the BFG. A fully loaded Unmaykr is an even better weapon at dealing with it as it still maintains ammo even after the target is killed. Players can take advantage of the blood fueled rune by glory killing weaker demons and using the subsequent speed boost to strafe around and deal damage.
Other than that, just shoot it until it dies.
Unlike the Cyberdemon of 2016, the Tyrant is not classified as a boss enemy and will die in a single swing of the Crucible or a single Berserk hit like any other normal demon. They are likewise vulnerable to the Ice Bomb.
Tyrants are surprisingly prone to infighting, and since demons in Doom Eternal cannot actually kill each other with infighting they sometimes start off fights distracted by low-level enemies until the player intervenes.
Auxiliary Tips[]
Tyrants move at a linear path and will hardly ever turn in natural circumstances. They will only turn around if they know for certain that the player is behind them. The speed at which they turn is quite slow. The best possible way of dispatching a Tyrant is to sneak up right behind it and "Hot Swap", rapidly switching back and forth and firing the Super Shotgun and Ballista. The Tyrant can theoretically be killed in a single, albeit long cycle of Hot Swapping before it even turns around.
See Also[]
- Harbinger of Doom (Tyrant's Original Type)
- While appearing to have an entirely organic head at first, damage to the left side of a Tyrant's face will reveal a metal plate underneath the skin with a red robotic eye. This is most likely a reference to the Terminator franchise, in which the titular android is revealed to be as such in a similar manner.
- A loading screen tip advises that the best way to defeat a Tyrant is to "shoot it until it dies", a clear reference to the infamous faked GamePro "protip" for the original Cyberdemon battle in the Tower of Babel instructing to do the same.
- The codex entry for the Tyrant notes that it's slow to turn and that the player should use this to their advantage. This may be another reference to the classic Cyberdemon, who was similarly slow to turn and easily bested through the use of circle-strafing.
- In the Super Gore Nest, after using the three keys, this will cause three balloons to spawn hidden through the arena. Shooting them all will cause a cake with a soul sphere to spawn in the middle of the arena. Collecting the sphere will cause two Tyrants to spawn above the player. This does not count as a secret encounter, and is purely here as an easter egg.
- Much like the 2016 Cyberdemon, the Tyrant is one of the few demons in Doom Eternal (aside from the Marauder, Doom Hunter, and the Archvile) not to fear the Slayer. During Glory Kills, it tends to express rage instead of fear.
- The Tyrant’s front and back glory kills could be a potential callback to the Cyberdemon's death in Doom 3, where one of its legs was severed by the Soul Cube before having its neck slashed.